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The Demon Lord

Page 12

by Nikki Frank

  Emmett hung back, looking uncomfortable.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  A fat tear dripped down his cheek. “I thought I could handle coming to the Borderlands. Even though everyone looks like they popped straight out of a movie. But even you . . . Livy.” He burst into tears.

  I rushed over and hugged him. “I’m still me, Emmett.”

  “But you’ve looked like this your whole life and I never knew. You’ve hidden so much from me.”

  “If it helps any, I didn’t know I’m really the color of a buttercup,” I said, trying to lighten things up.

  He gave a watery chuckle, dried his face in his T-shirt, and heaved a sigh. “Sorry. You know I’m not usually so overemotional.”

  I snuggled into his chest, still hugging him. “I know. My looks are shocking enough for me. I’ve never been here either, but at least I knew I was a part of this world. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.”

  The door opened and Elita came in followed by Yumiko. Elita looked at Emmett and I and made a slightly irritated noise.

  “He’s having trouble adjusting to leaving Earth.” I gave her a stern look.

  She mellowed and nodded. “Emmett, is there anything you need, to help?”

  Emmett patted my back and I let go. He went over and took one of Elita’s hands. “Just time. Be patient with me.”

  A lot must have happened between those two when the rest of us were unconscious. They appeared to have come out this side in a state of tentative friendship. For the first time, I felt a different sort of pang. When Emmett and I had both hated her, we had an extra bond. Now that we were giving her a chance he’d gotten way closer to her. I wasn’t ready to let go.

  Talon suddenly appeared at my side. He slipped his fingers through mine and gave me a sympathetic look. How could he flip-flop so fast? From the pervert, teasing me in the hall a few minutes ago, to this. His grip was soft, and when had his presence become reassuring?

  Now that he had everyone in the same room, Omri explained a plan, utilizing a labyrinth of tunnels from centuries past which ran below the hotel. We’d use these to sneak out as soon as he finished talking. No one would notice us missing until we were long gone. Thankfully, we hadn’t even unpacked. All the magically shrunken bags were in a backpack Talon offered to carry, since Omri’s wings were in the way.

  Talon and I were the forerunners. We left the room and slunk down the hall first. When we’d made sure the way was clear, Talon made a chirping noise with his teeth. The rest followed. We caught the service elevator down to the basement. We’d left late enough in the day we missed the dinner rush and only a few staff remained to clean. Light from the rooms they occupied cut bright rectangles across the otherwise dark hallway. We tiptoed past those doors down the cement hall to the service shafts.

  According to Omri the shafts were simply part of an old tunnel system which had been repurposed for hotel storage. I blinked against the harsh orange fluorescent lighting as I stepped into the first passage. Our group stayed silent, following Omri along the tiled length of the shaft.

  After walking forever, Omri opened an access door. He pointed us through, holding a finger to his lips. On the other side, the tunnel changed significantly and reminded me of pictures I’d seen of the London underground. These tunnels were made of a dark gray brick and the floor was slick with dampness. The air smelled musty and old. I shivered. I didn’t like this place.

  Once we all went through the door Omri let out a sigh and whispered, “We should be safe from here on out if you need to speak. Though prepare yourself, it’s going to get very dark.”

  Before I could ask what he was talking about, the door closed with a bang and total darkness engulfed us. “Why?” I squeaked.

  Omri ignored my whining. “I know some of you are unable to see. Talon, Yumiko, I assume you can see well enough?”

  “Yes.” Talon’s voice rang hollow in the darkness.

  Yumiko must have touched Omri to affirm, because he moved on. “Each of us will take one of the others and lead them out. We have a little over two miles of tunnel, but the bright side is this tunnel dumps us out at the edge of Setmyth Forest. From there I know at least one unicorn calls the far side home. With no hiccups, we’re about a three-day journey from there.”

  “Omri.” Elita whimpered.

  “Yes, Mistress. You may come with me.”

  Feet shuffled in the dark as they found each other. A warm hand grabbed mine.

  “I’ve got Livy,” Talon announced.

  “Yumiko’s got me,” Emmett added.

  We began moving slowly down the tunnel. Talon put his hands on my waist, guiding me. “Stay in the center. There’s low pipes along the outsides.”

  For some reason, my hips grew hot under his hands. He’d also left very little space between us.

  “I’m gonna trip over you like this.”

  He pressed along my body. “I won’t let you fall.”

  His whisper came so close to my ear his breath moved my hair. Why was it so hot in this tunnel? Something brushed along my ear. Were those his lips? Oh my God. I couldn’t do anything to escape. He was my eyes right now. And why the hell did I have a fluttery feeling under my ribs? So unfair.

  What I assumed were lips began to slide down my neck. I stopped walking. This was getting ridiculous. I swear, he only took my hand for the chance to take advantage of me. His arms were halfway around me when he froze. I went rigid, too. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. An evil aura had filled the tunnel.

  Chapter 11

  “We’re not alone.” Talon’s voice held sharp fear.

  “Yumiko, take the others,” Omri ordered. “Talon and I will fight them.”

  “Them?” My voice came out slightly hysterical.

  “You wouldn’t know the aura,” Omri explained, “since they never leave the Borderlands. They’re sigbin and they hunt children. Unfortunately, we’re probably all young enough for them to attack. They’re evil enough for us to feel even if they’re way back at the start of the hotel’s tunnel. But even if they’re way back we don’t have long. They travel fast.”

  Ice invaded my blood. “I’ll fight.”

  “You can’t,” Talon snapped. “You’re blind.”

  “You two can’t take on these things by yourselves. If I fight, you have extra hands and Yumiko only has two to worry about.”

  I got caught in strong arms and a firm hand tipped my face up. I could smell Talon, close to my face. Now what?

  “You’re putting your life in my hands to fight blind with me. Are you ready to trust me?”


  “Livy, I’m serious.” His voice trilled with fear. “You have to trust me completely and you have to do what I tell you.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  “You’re not going into the thick. Hang back at my left shoulder and do exactly as you’re told.”


  He let me go and shifted his stance. I felt around in the darkness until I got his shoulder and took my place beside him. Suddenly I remembered something. I fumbled in my ponytail and pulled a vial of poison out of its usual hiding spot. I ran my hand along his arm until I found his hand.

  “Here, take this.”

  “What is it?” His hand closed around the small vial, and I slid my hand back up to his shoulder to keep track of him.

  “Concentrated naga venom.”

  “Ah, the more you hang around the more I like you. That’s perfect.”

  “Got any more?” Omri asked.

  “Just the one vial.”

  “Talon, let me have the poison,” Omri said.

  Talon gave a little purr and leaned away from me, throwing me off balance. He helped steady me as he took an upright
stance once more.

  “Omri made himself a bow.” He filled me in. “He’s poisoning his arrows.”

  I drew my knife in my free hand and Talon armed himself with his blades as well. Then we waited. I wanted to scream as the dark and oppressive atmosphere engulfed me. The tapping of hooves ricocheted off the walls. At the same time the tunnel filled with an overwhelming stench.

  A moment later Talon tensed. “They’re coming.”

  A twang of bow string, followed by a yelp, a thud. Omri must have fired an arrow. Judging by Talon’s calm, the thud had been one of theirs.

  “I count eight.” Omri’s yell coincided with another twang.

  I counted three more twangs and thuds, before Talon moved.

  “Knife under my left hip,” he barked at me.

  Keeping my free hand on his body for a guide, I did as I was told. Something with short, wiry fur jerked the knife from my hand and screamed. Talon twisted too fast for me to keep up with and I got knocked to the side by the beast as Talon fought with it. The sigbin landed against me. I slid my other dagger off my hip and rammed it between the creature’s ribs, twisting as I went. The beast screamed again and shuddered, but fell. I managed to keep my blade.

  “Thanks.” Talon helped me back to my spot beside him in time for the next attack.

  Breath, hot and stinking washed over my neck as teeth snapped inches from my face.

  “No,” Talon screamed, and bodies collided.

  Everything went crazy from there. Omri let out a blood-curdling scream. Followed by a gunshot and whimpering which didn’t come from a sigbin. This couldn’t be happening.

  “Talon?” I got no answer.

  I used my reserves of magic and threw them into creating light. Focusing the power in my blade, the scene in the tunnel blazed to horrifying life. I took in the goat-like sigbin with his jaws around Talon’s neck and blind fury drove me forward. Using my Hermes shoes, I launched myself at the beast. I went fast enough to startle the creature and the tunnel went dark as I sunk the blade into its eye socket. I felt the beast fall and realized it landed on top of Talon.

  “No, no, no.” I pushed at the beast to get it off. “Talon? Talon?”

  The world spun, and my legs faltered. Small hands were pulling me back.

  “Talon,” I screamed, but my voice echoed strangely in my ears.

  Suddenly I was being kissed. My body filled with Emmett’s irresistible scent of fresh magic. I drank in desperation, trying to fill a void in myself. Though lack of power wasn’t really the cause.

  Emmett broke the kiss. “Save some for the others.”

  “Talon? Omri?” I shook my head but the blackness in my eyes stayed.

  The small hands which had pulled me away from Talon were now smoothing my cheeks.


  Gentle pressure followed my question.

  “Are you helping them?”

  Again, came the gentle pressure. She took me and led me a few steps, placing my hand in a familiar one. I jammed my face into Emmett’s chest and sobbed. He cried, too.

  “Yumiko.” Elita’s voice echoed through the dark tunnel. “Take me to Talon.”

  I gulped. Why were they only getting to Talon now? He’d had one of those goat-fiends on his neck. Once again silence settled over the tunnel like a black woolen blanket. I was going to suffocate. My panic got worse when Emmett left me for a moment. Yumiko must have taken him to give Omri magic. When he came back I clenched his hand, not wanting to be left alone, desperately waiting for any word on Talon.

  After an excruciating delay, Elita sighed. “Emmett?” Her voice was hoarse.

  Emmett left again. I waited anxiously in the darkness, but didn’t try to keep him with me. I couldn’t be selfish when everyone needed him.

  Elita finally spoke, her voice hollow in the darkness. “Yumiko wants to know if we can move away from the gore. Omri and Talon are still unconscious, so we’ll have to carry them.”

  “I’ll take one,” I offered. “But I want out of here. We must have gone most of the way before the attack. Can we finish?”

  “Can you carry someone that far?” Elita asked from the darkness.

  “I’d like to try.”

  “Emmett?” Elita asked. “I know you’re drained but can you carry the other?”

  Emmett sighed. “I’ll take Talon. He’s lighter. I’m sorry, Livy. I can’t manage any more after powering four people.”

  “I’ll take Omri then.” I stood. “Yumiko, put him on my back, please.”

  I got a heavy, furry body draped over my shoulders and my knees wanted to buckle. I clenched my teeth and forced myself to stand. I couldn’t give up. If the others could manage, so could I. The others scuffled, presumably loading Talon onto Emmett’s shoulders. Emmett grunted but said nothing. Yumiko scooted past us in order to take the lead. Elita called out where the kamaitachi directed her to go.

  We moved through the tunnel in inch long increments. Omri’s lion fur baked my back and every muscle in my body screamed for me to quit. But I swore the air had gotten lighter, so I pushed on clinging to slivers of hope. Emmett staggered behind me. I knew he would push himself to keep up with me. Hopefully I didn’t hurt him in the process but we’d all do better outside where we could see. At least then I wouldn’t be so helpless.

  A scream echoed through the tunnel and my heart nearly stopped. My stomach dropped. We couldn’t handle another problem, being completely defenseless at this point. But instead of trouble, another wild shriek followed. As did a rectangle of purple light and a rush of cool air. We’d gotten out.

  I made my way to the grass and dropped to my knees, Omri rolling off to the side. Tears streamed down my face. I’d never seen anything as beautiful as the night sky. Emmett and Talon tumbled to the ground beside me. The next thing I saw was the indigo grass on its way to meet my face.

  ~ ~ ~

  Horrifying dreams of beasts and darkness plagued my sleep. I couldn’t stand another second. I bolted upright with a scream. Immediately a cool cloth pressed against my head and my eyes met the kind, almond eyes of Yumiko. Her furry ears twitched with obvious irritation. Holding up one finger she scrambled off and came back with her writing pad.

  The others are sleeping. You are the first to wake today. How do you feel?

  “Like hell.” I rubbed my head. “I don’t think I have anything which doesn’t hurt.”

  That’s not surprising. You were scratched by one of the sigbin. Why did you not tell us you were wounded before you carried Omri back? You lost a good deal of blood. Much more and you would have been past what Lady Elita could fix.

  I chuckled. “I’ve never heard you say so much, Yumiko.”

  She looked at the pad and rocked with silent laughter.

  I took her hand. “Seriously, though, how are the others?”

  Everyone will live.

  “I couldn’t see the fight. What exactly happened?”

  Be glad you couldn’t see. Emmett has been plagued with nightmares. He wasn’t fighting when you lit your blade and had time to see all the carnage. You saved us all. Lady Elita is anxious to repay you in some way.

  “I didn’t do much. I couldn’t see a thing. Besides, it sounds like nearly everyone needed everyone else. If anyone hadn’t been there we’d have been screwed. Who knew such an odd little band would make such perfect partners.”

  I got a genuine smile and a hug from her. Yes. That’s true. But I was referring to your quick thinking with the poison. Without your poison on those arrows and your willingness to fight despite not being able to see, Omri and Talon could not have won. We would all be dead.

  I blushed and focused on my sleeping bag for a diversion. “Thanks. But you’re dodging the question I want answered the most. What happened to Omri and Talon?�

  Her eyes filled with tears. Omri has a punctured lung. One of the sigbin got a bite around his chest.

  “They must have been far bigger than I thought.”

  About the size of a large buck, minus the antlers. But thanks to your parents for giving Emmett the gun. He gave it to me and I took the shot. I hesitated. You guys were moving so much, and I had no way to warn you. I waited too long, and people got hurt. I also meant to shoot the beast who had Talon, but you flipped out and did the job for me. She smiled at me.

  “Yumiko, what happened to Talon?” My worry had come roaring back to the front of my mind.

  He . . . he was badly ravaged. Elita didn’t go to him right away because . . . Because I told her he’d gone. He looked dead. Fairy magic is wonderful, but it can only do so much. He’s got scars on his neck and he lost half an ear. But he’ll live. And unlike me he’ll be able to fight as long as his hearing wasn’t damaged.

  The tears started to slide. “If only I’d been able to see. Why don’t imps get night vision? We hunt at night, right?”

  On Earth. But this is not Earth. You are not the same here. And please stop. This is not your fault.

  I shrugged off her friendly hand on my shoulder. “Where is he?”

  Yumiko pointed to a pile of blankets near a fire. I went over and sat beside him. He looked younger asleep than he did awake. The dark purple of night which had hidden us when we’d staggered out of the tunnel still blanketed the sky and in this light his skin shone pale and an almost glow-in-the-dark green. The scars where his neck had been ripped apart tore darkly across the lighter, healthy skin. And sure enough, the top half of his ear, with the point which identified him as my kind, was gone.

  I curled beside him and took a limp hand in my own. “I’m sorry.” My voice caught on a sob. “I let you down. I wasn’t enough for backup and look where it got you. You took on the beast who tried to eat me.” I smoothed my fingers across the scars. “Those were meant to be mine.” I pulled his hand up and kissed the palm. “I promise things will be different when you wake up. I trust you now. No holding back. I will try my best to be a partner worthy of your sacrifice, assuming you still want me after what I did.”


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