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The Demon Lord

Page 20

by Nikki Frank

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “I thought you’d like the view.” He inched in behind me and put his arms around my waist. “We’ll do more of this kind of stuff now that we aren’t running for our lives.” He ran his nose along my neck, brushing with his lips as he went.

  “You’re distracting from the scenery,” I whispered, chest burning.

  “I’m admiring other things.” He lifted my hair and kissed the back of my neck.

  I leaned back into his chest, despite desperately trying to find an excuse to put distance between us. I couldn’t think of any which made sense to me. Tipping my head back onto his shoulder I gave up. No point trying to kid myself, I wanted this. A romantic relationship was new and a bit frightening, but I trusted Talon. Besides, if I wanted to keep him in the capacity of being a couple, I probably shouldn’t run every time he tried acting romantic.

  Talon squeezed until he’d smooshed me against his body and began tracing the neckline of my dress with delicate strokes of his fingers. I should have been embarrassed at the way I pressed back asking him to go a little lower . . . to do a little more. He ran one hand up my neck tilting my head so he could find my lips. I’d largely let him lead with kissing up to this point, but this time I let my feelings go and kissed him hard enough to show him how I felt. He gave a happy sigh.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t find out what came next. His phone chirped, and Talon stepped back with an entirely different sort of sigh.

  “That’s Elita’s ringtone. She needs me. I’ve gotta go. Work.” He pecked a last kiss on my cheek and disappeared through the door.

  I stood, giving myself a moment to catch my breath. Once I had control of myself, I turned to go back to the door, but a mellifluous voice caught my attention. I recognized the voice. Lynx. But if Talon had been called, why hadn’t Lynx? I followed the sound of his voice. Spying on him meant I had to leave the safety of the path and shimmy down the tiled roof to a dormer below where Talon and I had been. From my new perch, I spotted Lynx on a balcony below me. I couldn’t imagine how he’d squeezed out there. I wasn’t sure I would have been able to stand next to him. He pressed a finger to his ear and spoke, almost like using a headset.

  “No. You’re going to have to trust me on this.” He paused for a few moments. “It’s what you’re paying me for. Am I or am I not a professional?” He let out a low growl. “I’ll see she’s safe.” He paused again as the other person spoke. “Best laid plans . . . Everything else went so well for you. So, trust me this time. I promise I’ll earn your faith in me for giving me the job and my payment for seeing everyone safely through to the other side.”

  He stalked off the balcony and a glass door got slammed hard enough to break the window, but somehow didn’t. What had I heard? I couldn’t imagine anyone talking to the Lord High Governor that way. But the conversation had to be with his employer who was the Lord High Governor. Nothing about his phone call made sense. Not to mention the sick feeling in my stomach he always left came roaring back. His conversation hadn’t come across as threatening, so why did I mistrust him so badly? Was the sour taste he left only because of the way he treated me?

  Looking back up the roof, I knew I couldn’t go up the way I came. Going down wasn’t an option either. Below me opened a good twenty-foot drop to Lynx’s balcony. A drop from this high would break something if I tried jumping. My palms had started to sweat with building panic. A soft swooshing noise caught my attention and Omri landed gently on the roof next to me.

  “You are in a heap of trouble,” he scolded. “You wandered off without telling Ferika and I. We―”

  “―were too busy last night to help when Lynx accosted me in my own bed.” Omri looked suitably appalled so I blazed on. “I had to take refuge in Talon’s room to get him to leave me alone.”

  Omri snickered. “That must have been rough.”

  “Stop it.” I slugged his shoulder. “This is serious. We didn’t do anything. I didn’t want to be touched at all after Lynx took liberties. He’s slimy and I don’t trust him. That’s what I’m doing stuck out here on a ledge. After Talon left when Elita called him, I was surprised to hear Lynx out here on the phone. He ignored her call. He seemed to be on a headset call with someone else. The conversation had to be with his employer, but I can’t imagine anyone snapping at the Lord High Governor the way he snapped at the caller. Something’s fishy. I don’t like him.”

  Omri sighed and put a hand on my head. “Okay, I get your dislike in reference to yourself and I don’t blame you. But overall I think you’re letting your emotions and all your previous traumas cloud your perception.”

  I grabbed his hand and stared into his eyes. “Omri, you’re a sphinx. If you tell me his heart is clear and you trust him, I’ll let everything go.”

  Omri blushed and glanced the opposite direction. “I can’t read makhai. Their ability to influence others to their own ends clouds my vision of their hearts. I’ve got nothing on him except what he wants me to see. All I know is he’s not as spotless as he presents himself to me. But I only know so much because of his treatment of you. If I hadn’t seen some of his shameless behavior and had you tell me the rest, I’d think the same as everyone else.”

  “Okay, then I hold to my original protest. I don’t trust him. And I don’t think you guys should either.”

  “Noted.” Omri sighed. “I’m sorry about last night. How can we help?”

  “Obviously he can get past locks because my room was locked.” I hesitated and gave him a desperate look. “Can I borrow Ferika?”

  Omri wilted in disappointment. “Yes. If she’s willing.”

  “Oh, don’t look like that.” I poked his waist making him chuckle. “You guys are only a week from being pair-bonded. Aren’t you supposed to wait for the big night or something?”

  “Human custom. But our neglect of you caused this so we will fix the situation. However, I’m sending you to Talon on our wedding night.”

  “Deal.” I gave him a hug and happened to brush the fur at his waist as I did. Fascinated I stopped and pet his hip like a cat. “You’re way softer than I thought you would be. You know at home, cats lick themselves to keep their fur clean. Do you?”

  He shot me a look with one eyebrow raised. “I should think not. I’m not the only creature with fur. We have special hair driers for such things here.”

  Omri stood and picked me up by the waist, hanging me over his hip like a naughty child. “Your parents dropped off a stack of homework for you this morning. I saw enough work to keep you busy for quite a while. They said you are now nearly six weeks behind.”

  “Crap. They brought six weeks’ worth of work? On second thought leave me on the roof. I’ll be fine here.”

  “Nope. You are already displeased with me for slipping in my duties with you. I won’t fail again.” He gave me a wicked grin. “Since you are so anxious to start, how about we go down the fast way.”

  He tightened his grip and leapt off the roof, spreading his wings to catch us as we fell. I couldn’t help screaming like a little girl. Omri simply laughed and took us down to a large terrace off the third floor.

  “This leads to Elita’s room. You’ll find Emmett there, already working on his homework.”

  “You’re mean and . . . and you have a sick sense of humor and . . . and . . .” I stuck my tongue out at him and stalked into the house.

  Chapter 20

  For the two days after the incident with Lynx’s phone call he’d been so good I found him more suspicious than when things were obviously fishy. I kept myself braced for continued attempts at me but received nothing more than brilliant smiles. I’d almost reached the decision to set my apprehensions aside when I happened to be walking past the doors to the grand ballroom. Strangely, the door was cracked. I peeked inside.

  Lynx slowly wandered the perimeter of t
he room, his finger pressed to his ear in conversation again. I watched as he examined windows and doorways, running his hands over pillars and running his eyes across the ceiling. When he came toward the exit I ducked away and down a side corridor. The ballroom would be where the bonding took place. What did he need in there, alone?

  I got so lost in thought, mulling over his motives, I never noticed the Lord High Governor, until a hand grabbed me, pulling me to the side. A bodyguard had stopped me from running into him. He gave me a short nod and kept walking. Wait. The Lord High Governor hadn’t even been holding his phone.

  I couldn’t catch Lynx to verify my suspicion he was still talking, so instead I wandered aimlessly, thinking. I supposed Lynx could be on the phone to anyone. I tried not to let my imagination run away with me, but the strangeness of the phone calls kept nagging at me. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I found Elita and told her about what I’d seen.

  She smiled at me. “Yes, he told me he intended on doing that.” She flipped back a lavender curl.

  “He did?” I deflated. “What he was doing looked so . . . sneaky.”

  “Lynx told me he wanted to confirm the safety modifications. I guess Daddy agreed to one last check.”

  I frowned. “Did you confirm with your father?”

  Elita put a hand on my back, pushing me toward the door. “Don’t worry so much. You’re afraid of shadows at this point. Daddy has plenty of security. You’re safe. Let yourself relax.”

  I nodded and left her room, but didn’t go back to mine. Instead I chose to wander and brood. I couldn’t relax or let my suspicions go. Once again, I wasn’t watching in front of me and I ran straight into a fluted pillar. I rubbed my nose after connecting with the pink marble. Suddenly, Lynx had me in his arms. I opened my mouth to protest but he swung me off to the side. He yelped, falling flat as a massive statue of pink marble hit his shoulder on its way to shatter on the floor.

  I kicked pieces of marble out of the way and turned him face up. Lynx grimaced in obvious pain.

  “You saved me?” I sounded as flabbergasted as I felt.

  “Uh . . . Can we discuss this after you help me to the hospital?”

  “Oh, my goodness, yes.” I helped him to his feet. “I mean, if I knew which way.”

  “The right-hand corridor,” he gritted out.

  “Why would you save me?” I helped him down the hall he’d indicated.

  “That’s the kind of stuff they hired me to do, remember?”

  “I know. But you’ve been so . . . aggressive with me. I have to admit, you made me doubt you.”

  He gasped at the pain as I readjusted my grip on him. “I know you don’t like my style, but your dislike of me doesn’t change the fact I’m interested in you. I’m lost as to why you are so hostile toward me. And I have no idea where you came up with the idea I wouldn’t save you. That should be a given.”

  “I guess you’re right. Sorry.”

  I pushed open the swinging doors to the admitting room. Despite having a dislocated shoulder and cracked ribs the nurses had him healed and discharged two hours later. Why couldn’t I have healed so quickly?

  “We’re an extra hardy breed,” Lynx explained on our way back to our wing.

  I had no idea why I’d stuck around, probably guilt. I felt horrible about suspecting him now. He still raised my fur, so to speak, but he had saved my life. How embarrassing would that have been, to survive a battle with a dragon only to get squashed by my own klutziness?

  Lynx stopped and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “You’re on your own from here.” He flashed me a text. “Elita calls.” He dashed off in the opposite direction, leaving my head spinning.

  ~ ~ ~

  I kept Ferika close. I still didn’t want to be alone with Lynx, but her company meant more than just protection. I’d come to need my female friends: Yumiko, Ferika, and on occasion, when her schedule allowed, Elita. We could talk about things I might not have even shared with Emmett. They schooled me in clothing. My appreciation came slowly. We talked about boys. Those discussions made me blush. I was surprised to find myself by far the most innocent. Even Yumiko, who I would never have expected it of, had dated a couple of the palace guards and one of the gardeners.

  Ferika and I got very close as we now shared my room and we stayed up far too late giggling and talking in my bed. Elita’s station kept her slightly apart from all of us, despite her desire to be a part of the group. She had difficulties fitting us in as she bustled to and from obligations and duties. I was coming to love her, too. But she wasn’t part of my world in the same way. And no matter how great my newly found fame, I would never be a part of hers. I actually wished we could go back to Earth. We’d been equals there. I knew the distance hurt her more than she let on.

  In a blur, we found ourselves the day before the wedding. After lunch, a gleeful looking Elita kicked all the boys out of her room and told Ferika she’d arranged for a surprise for us. She bolted for the door at the first knock and opened it to the centaur from the spa and three others. The room filled with tapping hooves and swishing tails. Excitement thrilled through me as the centaurs set up portable massage tables.

  Elita grinned until her face might split. “I booked us a private spa session for a bachelorette party,” she trilled.

  My centaur, a palomino whose human hair gleamed sunny blond, ran a gentle hand across my scar. I flinched as he reached the front of the scar beneath my breast.

  “Would you like me to take care of your disfigurement for you?” he asked in a deep, rich voice which reminded me of dark caramel.

  “Yes, she would,” Elita answered without lifting her head. “Don’t worry, Livy. Centaurs have magic perfectly suited to cosmetic stuff. You’re in good hands.” She giggled at her own pun.

  I shook my head. “No. Not unless they do Talon before they go, too.”

  “He’s a guy. He doesn’t care,” Elita said.

  “I do,” I explained. “His scars are my fault. I don’t feel right having mine fixed and leaving him the way he is.”

  “Who is this Talon?” the centaur asked.

  “My partner. I know you’ve heard about all the things I’ve done. Everyone seems to have. But I couldn’t have done any of it without Talon. He was injured protecting me. And if he keeps his scars, so do I.”

  “I will stay and heal him as well,” the centaur announced.

  I gulped. “How much? I’m not earning a paycheck yet.”

  The centaur chuckled. “From the slayer of Farak I can ask no payment. I will do this for your partner as thanks. Zaemon frequently turned Farak loose on Setmyth Forest. My wife and foal live there. While eating sentient beings is against the Synod’s laws, Farak never abided by those laws. He had a particular fondness for centaur. I sleep easier knowing my family is safe. I am happy to give such a small service to you in return.”

  Warmth spread through my chest. “I didn’t realize. I mean, I never set out to do something noble. But I’m really glad.”

  “One rarely knows how far a single good deed can reach, nor how many lives will be touched. Now, lay still.”

  I put my face back against the table and the centaur placed his hands on my scar. The magic he used chilled me like ice and the tissue realigned itself along the length of the scar. I would have expected the sensation to be unpleasant, but it wasn’t. The repairs felt like things were righting themselves, which of course they were.

  He made three passes across the scar before he gave my head a gentle rub. “I can’t erase all signs of the damage. Your scar is nearly invisible to the eye now, but should you spend time in the sun in a bikini the scar will darken a different color than the rest of your skin. An over the counter fading cream will take care of any discoloration from here on out.”

  I reached around and felt for the s
car but met smooth skin instead. “That’s so cool. Thank you.”

  After the massage we were all rubbed in oils which smelled like exotic flowers, buffed, polished, and then led off to be waxed and trimmed in places which made me blush. If Lynx had touched anywhere near those spots I’d have put my dagger to his throat, but the centaur I trusted. Once again, my strong negative feelings toward Lynx left me wondering. Did I loathe him just because of his perverted tendencies or was there something more?

  The centaurs excused themselves and Elita hurried to get us dressed.

  Someone knocked. “Can you get the door, Livy?” Elita asked me.

  I opened the door and Talon pushed it wide, a huge grin on his face.

  “I love seeing you all dressed up, Livy.”

  “Talon.” I reach for his now smooth neck. “He really did fix your scars for you.” My voice failed as I caught sight of his ear. The point was still missing. “Oh, your ear.”

  Talon rubbed the spot. “Yeah, he said he can’t regrow flesh which no longer exists. But he smoothed the edges a bit for me.”

  I ran my fingers across his ear and down his neck.

  He closed his eyes and tipped his head into my touch. “Thank you for sending him. He said you insisted.” Talon’s hand wandered to the open back of my dress. “You can’t even tell you had a scar,” he marveled.

  “Talon.” I blushed as his hand wandered toward the front of the missing scar. “The others.”

  As if on cue Omri came through the doorway followed by Lynx and I felt the conflicting emotions he now brought to the surface every time I saw him. The urge to run, the urge to growl at him, and the urge to blush and say “hi” all mingled and mixed so I simply got overwhelmed.

  The next afternoon I paced my room in my bridesmaid gown: a ridiculous rendition of cotton candy, just as fluffy and nearly the same color. The shade had to clash horribly with my buttercup skin. My hair hung in goldilocks style curls picked out with pink flowers. Ferika had been decked out with flowers and ribbons since a dress would never have fit her dragon body.


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