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A SEALs Promise Jennifer Lowery-EPUB

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by Lowery, Jennifer

  “Why, yes, I do. I keep all of his meds in my purse. I have his nitroglycerin pills, too.” She dug in her purse, found the meds and handed them to him.

  Brogan quickly read the bottles and dispensed the meds that would hopefully prevent the heart attack from being fatal. Once the elderly man was settled down, he turned to the wife. “I need to bandage that wound on your head, ma’am.”

  Too busy holding her husband’s hand and murmuring to him she simply nodded to Brogan. He quickly bandaged the wound and prepared to move on to the next victim.


  Myranda stood in the door, face pale, lips thinned. He hurried to her side. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s not me.” Her head bowed so no one would overhear. “I need you next door. Now.”

  Hearing the urgency in her voice, he grabbed an extra kit, told everyone to stay put until he returned, and followed Myranda to the other cabin. Inside, people milled around the center of the room, surprisingly calm. Myranda’s power of authority appeared to extend beyond the office.

  “Make room,” he ordered, pushing through the small crowd. When he broke free of the throng he saw a young woman lying on the floor, unmoving.

  Someone gripped his arm. A young man, couldn’t have been more than twenty stared back at him. “Please. Help my wife. She just…collapsed.”

  Brogan crouched next to the woman. “What’s her name?”


  Carefully, Brogan went through the initial triage steps. Pulse, pupils, breath sounds, check for injuries. When he found no injuries he asked the husband, “Does she have a medical history of any kind? Heart trouble? Diabetes?”

  The guy shook his head. “No. Nothing. She’s only twenty-one.”

  Dammit. Okay, process of elimination.

  “She did complain of some dizziness and nausea before bed. We thought it was just part of her hangover.”

  “You were drinking yesterday?”

  “We just got married. This was our honeymoon. We rented the honeymoon suite for the week. She seemed fine during the day.”

  “Did she mention any shakiness?”

  The guy shook his head. “Just that she was hungry, but her stomach was too upset to eat so she skipped lunch and dinner.”

  Alcohol. Skipped meals. Dizziness. Nausea. All symptoms for many things, but one stood out in his mind.

  “Is your wife a diabetic by any chance?”

  The guy’s eyes widened. “I don’t know. She never said anything about it if she is. Do you think she passed out because she didn’t eat?”

  He looked up at Myranda. “Get everyone back so I can work.”

  With a nod she did as told, ushering the husband and the others to the far side of the cabin. When she returned to kneel beside him she asked, “Diabetic coma?”

  “That’s my best guess since she has no injuries that I can find.”

  “What do you need?”

  “A glucagon injection.”

  Her brows came together. “Where do I find that?”

  His jaw clenched. “You don’t. Has to be prescribed by a doctor.” An idea sparked. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

  Myranda took his place at the woman’s side while Brogan sprinted to the other cabin and found the elderly woman with the purse full of meds.

  “Ma’am,” he said. “You wouldn’t happen to have any meds for diabetics would you?”

  Her eyes lit up. “I certainly do. My husband and I both have sugar problems. I’m low, he’s high. Never could agree on anything,” she said with a hint of a smile.

  “Do you have a glucagon injection?”

  She dug in her purse and pulled out what looked like an epi pen. “Is this it?”

  Brogan nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”

  Her wrinkled hand patted his arm. “Anything for you, dear.”

  Glucagon in hand he returned to the young woman, gave her the injection and heard Myranda breathe a sigh of relief when the woman began to stir.

  In the distance he heard sirens. “Authorities are here. I’m going to go meet them.”

  “I’ll stay with her. Please, hurry.”

  “I will.”

  As promised, he ran to the parking lot where cop cars and two ambulances were pulling in. He gave them the rundown on the injuries, pointed them in the right direction, and accepted a wad of gauze to press to the wound on his head. Feeling lightheaded, he searched the parking lot for his Jeep. Only a few cars had been in the damage path. Thankfully, his hadn’t been and sat in one piece at the end of the row.

  Now he wouldn’t be delayed in returning home.

  The thought didn’t hold the anticipation it had before he arrived. In fact, he didn’t like the twinge in his gut at the thought of leaving Myranda. Again.

  The last time had been very similar to this. Flashing lights, cops, ambulances, chaos. Déjà vu hit him like a punch in the chest. He’d almost lost her once. Was he prepared to lose her again?

  Brogan sank down to the bumper of one of the cop cars. What was he thinking? He hadn’t lost her. He hadn’t even known her then. But she’d always been in the back of his mind. Haunting his thoughts day and night. At the most inconvenient times.

  Mind reeling, he gazed at the dilapidated spa. Half of this belonged to him. That made it his responsibility to help Myranda put it back together. He may not want any part of it, but it was her life and she deserved that much from him.

  “Brogan? Are you all right?”

  He glanced over to see Myranda hurrying toward him with the slightest hitch in her stride. Worry filled her eyes.

  “I’m fine,” he assured her when she stopped at his side and took the gauze pads from his hand to inspect the wound.

  “I thought something had happened to you when you didn’t return with the authorities.”

  “Never worry about me,” he said more gruffly than intended. In his line of work the worry needed to be left at the door.

  “You’re my partner. Of course I’m going to worry about you.”

  Partner. That could mean so many things. Partners in business. Partners in marriage.



  Must have bumped his head harder than he thought because not once in his life had he considered marriage. He wasn’t opposed to it; he just never gave it a thought. Or, maybe he hadn’t found the right woman.

  A wave of uneasiness washed over him. His thoughts were definitely scrambled right now. Couldn’t be any other explanation. He barely knew this woman.

  Yet he felt like he’d known her forever.

  “I don’t think you’re going to need stitches, but you’ve got one heck of a goose egg.”

  “Goose egg?” he mused.

  She pressed the gauze to his head. “Something my dad used to say.”

  Hearing the melancholy in her voice, he said, “Wish I’d been able to officially meet him. Sounds like quite a man.”

  “I wish you could have, too,” she murmured. “Although seeing this would have broken his heart.”

  “You can rebuild.”

  A sad sigh escaped her lips. “It’ll never be what it once was. I don’t know if I have the energy to start over.”

  “Maybe it’s time for a change,” he said softly.

  Her hand stilled where she’d been rearranging the gauze. “What are you saying?”

  “Why were you in California two years ago?”

  “To scout out a site for a sister spa.”

  “Maybe it’s time to finish that dream.” Had he really just said that?

  She came around to stand in front of him, between his spread legs. Her gorgeous green eyes stared down into his. The air held, suspended, between them. As if time stood still as he waited for her answer.

  “What are you asking me?” Her voice a mere whisper.

  He put his hands on her hips, drawing her closer. Before he could tell her to move to California and start a life with him, one
of the ambulances sped past, lights flashing.

  Spell broken, he dropped his hands. “Nothing. We should go check on the guests.” With that he rose to his feet, brushed past her and headed for the cabins, unwilling to acknowledge the ache in his chest.

  Chapter Six

  Myranda closed her eyes, sinking lower in the tub until lavender scented water touched her chin. Her entire body ached. Especially her ankle. Once they had gotten all the injured guests to the hospital and arranged hotel rooms for the rest she and Brogan had done a little scouting, doing a cursory inspection of all the damage. The tornado had left hardly anything standing. Even her house had been touched by the storm. The side torn away as if someone had taken a knife to it and chopped part of it off.

  That had been the last straw for her. After taking care of everyone else she’d wanted nothing more than to return home and grieve the loss of her business. Only to find it demolished. That, on top of the stress of the storm and Brogan’s suggestions which had her in knots, she’d deflated like a balloon. Had Brogan not been there to guide her to his vehicle and put her in the passenger seat she might have dropped right there and just cried.

  He drove her to a hotel, booked a room and got her in the elevator. Somehow the tornado had skirted town, not causing damage to the town itself.

  A headache beat at her temples. She had a decision to make. A big one. Start over in California or rebuild here. Or, do both. The insurance should cover a remodel and Hallie had always wanted to run the spa. And she’d be good at it. Her dad had trained her so she’d run it like they did.

  But was she ready to move on? Open a sister spa in a new place? Leave all of this behind. Sadness filled her. What would she be leaving? The staff, a few friends she barely had time to see, and a dilapidated business. Her dad was gone.

  Going with Brogan would be a giant leap of faith. Taking her out of her comfort zone and placing her in a new world. One with possibilities and dreams. Her dad had wanted her to spread her wings. Hence, the new site.

  Could she do it? With a man she’d just met, but felt like she’d known forever. Although she couldn’t remember the night he rescued her she had dreams about it. Of him. He didn’t have a face in her dreams, but she heard his voice. Comforting her, commanding her to wake up. She’d followed his voice out of her coma. And hardly a day passed that she hadn’t wanted to hear his voice again.

  Which had caused turmoil with her emotions after her father passed. This dream savior she so wanted to meet yet feared because of the power he held in her business. Now that she’d met him and learned his intentions those fears had been alleviated. Replaced by attraction she hadn’t expected. People didn’t fall for each other this fast. She’d never really believed in love at first sight, but Brogan defied what she believed.

  Myranda sat up in the tub so quickly water sloshed over the edge. Was she really falling in love with her partner?

  Something warm and wonderful spread through her chest. She sat back in the water with a wondrous smile. Her father’s voice drifted through her head, ‘Sometimes love needs a little nudge’.

  Her smile widened, everything becoming crystal clear. Glancing up at the ceiling she whispered, “Thanks, Dad.”


  Brogan scrubbed a hand over the stubble on his jaw. He needed a shave. It had been a long week.

  Myranda was still in the bathroom. She’d closed herself in there as soon as they got to the room. Not that he blamed her. Her world had been turned upside down and he hadn’t helped by showing his feelings for her. Not something he usually did so easily. But with her it felt different. Like they had known each other for years. Meeting her only bridged the gap.

  Was he really ready to settle down? Move in with her and possibly make her his wife one day?

  Three of his teammates had married and were making it work. Why not him?

  The bathroom door opened and Myranda walked out, wrapped in a towel and nothing else. His throat went dry as she headed straight for him. Her hair flowed down her back like red fire, still wet from her bath.

  She stopped in front of him. “Did you mean what you said? Are you offering me a new start in California? With you?”

  No hedging with this woman. Damn he admired that.


  The towel fell to the floor, pooling at their feet. Brogan lost his ability to breathe. My God she was beautiful. Perfect.

  She lowered herself onto his lap, her arms going around his neck. In his ear she whispered, “Do you believe in fate?”

  “No.” His hands gripped her hips, fingers digging into her soft flesh.

  “Me, neither. But I do believe in this.”

  He kissed her, unable to hold back any longer. Her mouth opened for him, taking him in, giving all.

  Brogan rose to his feet, carrying her to the bed. Gently, he lay her down and shucked his clothes. She reached out a hand and pulled him on top of her. Everything else faded away as they explored each other’s bodies, tasting, touching, learning. When he could take no more he slid inside her, loving the sound of her hungry gasp in his ear. As one they moved until they reached the edge and together they jumped off.

  Only one thought ran through his head as he fell: This was where he belonged. Now and forever.

  When Myranda whispered, “Yes,” in his ear he knew he’d found his forever.

  The End

  More Books by Jennifer Lowery

  SEAL Team Alpha Series:

  A SEAL’s Song

  A SEAL for Christmas

  A SEAL’s Duty

  Wolff Securities Series:

  Maximum Risk

  ATCOM Series:

  The Maze

  The Fall

  Sawyer Sisters Trilogy

  Hard To Handle

  Onyx Group Series:

  Hard Core


  Murphy’s Law

  Taking Chances (short story)

  About the Author

  NY Times & USA Today bestselling author, Jennifer Lowery grew up reading romance novels in the back of her math book and on the bus to school, and never wanted to be anything but a writer. Her summers were spent sitting at the kitchen table with her sisters spinning tales of romance and intrigue and always with a tall glass of ice tea at their side.

  Today, Jennifer is living that dream and she couldn’t be happier to share her passion with her readers. She loves everything there is about romance. Her stories feature alpha heroes who meet their match with strong, independent heroines. She believes that happily ever after is only the beginning of her stories. And the road to that happy ending is paved with action, adventure, and romance. As her characters find out when they face danger, overcome fears, and are forced to look deep within themselves to discover love.

  Jennifer lives in Michigan with her husband and two children. When she isn’t writing she enjoys reading and spending time with her family.

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