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Vikings' Brides Box Set

Page 15

by Jessica Knight

  Getting up, I take the bucket in hand and dip in the tub right as the doorknob starts to jiggle. I yelp, dropping the bucket in the water, and dive over the bed to grab my fur. “Sassa?” Grim asks as he opens the door.

  Whew, it’s only him.

  I stand, naked, sauntering over to him, but then another man enters. Grim turns, his eyes wide, and he pushes the man out of the cabin.

  “I swear I didn’t see anything!”

  “You better hope you didn’t see anything, Abram, or I’ll carve your eyes out myself!” Grim threatens, staring at me with lust and anger, but he isn’t angry at me. He’s just mad someone might have seen me naked.

  I grapple with fur as I wrap it around my body, holding it close to make sure I’m covered. “It’s safe,” I say.

  Grim narrows his eyes at Abram as he walks back in, but he keeps his back turned to me. “I swear, I saw nothing,” he says to the empty kitchen.

  “Don’t worry. It’s my fault. I thought it was just Grim coming home.”

  My husband’s fists are clenched at his sides. “You better stay turned around, Abram. Or I swear, I’ll kill you.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a minute, sir,” Abram says, clearing his throat.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask. “I thought you had to be in the village today?”

  “I was. I came to see you. Einarr says hello.”

  A relieved breath escapes my mouth when he says that. I have been so worried about him. “I’m glad he is doing well.”

  “He told me something funny,” Grim continues, walking over to me with his hands behind his back, and long, questioning strides.

  “Is that right?” I hold the corner of the fur a bit tighter, so it doesn’t fall.

  “Aye, he says you tried to pull him to safety, risking your own life for his. Is that true?” Grim takes two fingers and runs them along the top of a dresser, checking for dust.

  I know that if I say yes, I may be in trouble. Perhaps, the good kind of trouble, but I also know it will get me a lecture. “You know, he lost a lot of blood. He probably doesn’t remember a thing.”

  “So, he is wrong?”

  I drop my chin to my chest. “No.”

  His fingers grab my chin and force me to look at him. “You’re a brave woman. I admire that. It’s one of the many things I love about you. But you must never do that again. I cannot lose you. Do you understand? You’ve become essential to me.”

  “I can’t promise I won’t do it again. It isn’t in my nature to leave someone who is dying behind.”

  “But you could die,” he snaps.

  “If it is my time to die, so be it,” I say, with my shoulders back and my head held high.

  “You are infuriating.”

  I bring my lips closer to his and sneer. “Deal with it.”

  His lips curl, and he slides his eyes over to Abram, who still has his back turned toward us, and Grim slides those crystals back on me. “You better be glad we aren’t alone, or I’d spank your ass,” he whispers.

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Grimkael. It isn’t a good look for you,” I whisper back, giving him a soft kiss on the side of his neck.

  “You are playing with fire, Sassa.”

  I let out a sarcastic chuckle. “Oh, Grim. I am fire.” I run my hand down his bare chest, feeling the puckered skin of battle scars.

  He takes a step back and looks down. His hands open and close, forming fists and when I follow his gaze, that’s when I see the tent in his pants. Pools of wet heat form between my legs, preparing to relieve him from his erection and my wants.

  “Abram, get her the dress. We are going shopping today in the city for you. I realized we left your home with none of your belongings, and I apologize for that.”

  “I don’t mind. I quite like the fur,” I wink, and he presses his hand to his cock, grunting with how much he needs me.

  “Well, I don’t want anyone seeing you naked again.”

  “I didn’t see her, sir! I promise,” Abram states, running back through the door with a package in his hand and his hand covering his eyes.

  “Go wait outside and shut the door behind you,” Grim orders while snatching the package from the man’s hands.

  Poor Abram nearly trips over his own feet as he runs out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

  “You could have been nicer to him, Grim. He isn’t doing anything wrong,” I say.

  “You’re half-naked. The swells of your breasts are pushed up from the fabric, and I know that sweet pussy of yours is wet, because my cock is rock hard. And I know you want to fuck me just as bad as I want to fuck you. But ye need rest, and you need to change, so I kicked him out.” He tugs the ribbon free and opens the package, revealing the most gorgeous dress I’ve ever seen in my life.

  I cover my hand with my mouth and gasp. I can’t stop the tears forming or flowing down my face. “Grim,” I say with shock as I reach out and touch the velvet, dark, forest green fabric.

  “I know it isn’t much, but I wanted you to have something nice. I plan on taking ye to the city to get what you need, but I saw this the day before we met your father, and knew you had to have it. I ached to see ye in this color. If you don’t like it, we can take it back.”

  “Take it back! Are you mad?” I grab the dress with my hands and pull it free from the wrapping. “Oh my god, you picked this out?” I touch the neckline, in awe of the design. This dress must have cost a fortune. The fabric is rich with color, and the neckline is detailed in gold. It isn’t low cut, but straight across, keeping it refined and modest, yet sexy. “I’m in love with it.”

  The smile that takes over his face makes all the breath leave my lungs. I’ve never seen such a beautiful smile before. Even through the thick of the scruff on his face, I can see the slightest of dimples. His eyes crinkle at the sides from how genuine the grin is. “Truly?”

  “Truly. Thank you.” I pull him in for a kiss and trace the seam of his lips with my tongue until he opens wide. He grunts as I stroke his hard cock with my hand. I want him. Damn the pain; I want him inside me.

  I start to untie the string to his trousers when his hand stops me. “You need rest, Sassa.”

  “I need you.” I drop the tone of my voice, hoping to seduce him.

  “I won’t take you until you’ve had an entire day’s rest.”

  I pout my bottom lip, but I concede. “Fine.”

  “Hungry for me, are we?” he chuckles, grabbing the fur and pulling it away from my body. The thick hide drops to the floor, and my body is bared to him. “I can’t wrap my mind around your beauty. I find it so hard that something as beautiful as you exists. I’m so lucky.”

  I stand on my tiptoes to give him a kiss and grab the package to rummage through to look for the corset. I’m assuming there is one. I hate them, but they come with all dresses. “There is no waist hugger, Grim.”

  “Why the hell would I ever get one of those? You don’t need that. You’re beautiful. Plus, I wager you hate them.”

  “You just get better and better as time goes on; I swear.” I peck his lips and hold out the dress. “Help me put it on?”

  “Gladly,” he smiles, taking the dress from my hands. His fingers wrap around mine for a second, intentionally touching me before having to let go. My stomach flips, knowing that he wants to touch me at all times.

  I step into the dress and Grim pulls it up my body. Once it is to my breasts, I slide my arm through the long sleeves, and Grim starts to lace it. “How did you learn to lace dresses?” I ask, peering over the curve of my shoulder and gathering my hair to get it out of the way.

  “My mother, before she died. I helped her when she couldn’t dress herself anymore.”

  “I’m so sorry, Grim.” My heart breaks for him. He doesn’t have any family anymore.

  “It’s alright. I cherished the time I had left with her.” He pulls the strings to tighten the gold ribbon. “All done.” He rubs his hands down my waist. “It fits you pe

  “I love it. Thank you so much.” I hold back tears again as I run my hands down the front of the gown. There is so much to be seen under Grim’s appearance and role for his village, but he has such a kind heart. One that I’m grateful to get to know, and have, and cherish.

  He takes my hand and spins me around, making the dress flare out around me. He pulls me into his arms, and I feel at home. I lay my cheek against his chest as we sway in the middle of the small cabin, at peace.

  “Do you have any books? I’m dying to read,” I sigh and close my eyes at the sound of his heart and the feel of his warmth.

  “I actually got rid of all the books in the village,” he says with shame.

  I tilt and stare at him with shock. “Why would you do that? Books are so important!”

  “Because more than half the people in the village do not know how to read and write. I didn’t feel like it was right that only a select few of us knew how to read stories and others couldn’t. I buried them; I didn’t burn them or anything.”

  A chance of the one thing I’ve strived for my entire life blooms like a flower inside my soul. I can’t contain the excitement. I give him the biggest smile I can, and he narrows his eyes at me. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m very well-educated, Grim. I can teach everyone, like school. Five days a week. I can teach your people how to read and write. I just need you to give me a chance.” I’m bouncing on my feet with so much hope. “Please.”

  “I didn’t know I could love you more than I do now. And they are our people, Sassa. Ours. They shall be so happy. I might have to build a schoolhouse with desks, for all the little ones. But I’ll give you whatever you want, love. Anything. If you want the world, I will try to figure out a way to give it to you.”

  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d fall in love so fast. I actually thought I never would because of certain qualities I seem to have, but Grim surprises me every day, giving new pieces of himself to me that I never thought he could. When we first met, he demanded me, and I hated that I wanted him.

  Now the idea of not wanting him or him not wanting me makes me sick. Life without him? I just can’t imagine it now.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The sun burns my back as I lift another stone in place. My woman wants a bloody school, a school she shall have. The worst of winter has passed. It’s been a few months since I took her as mine, and it has been the best few months of my life. I want to do everything in my power to give her a good life. Looking back, I had first wanted her for the wrong reasons. Cruel, selfish reasons. I never expected for her to bring happiness in my life. It’s something I wasn’t used to—happiness.

  It feels good, though. And I want to do everything I can to keep it. So, if it means building a school in the scorching sun, burning my back, sweating buckets every second, and getting my hands dirty, I’ll do it.

  Another thing that makes this day so much better is Einarr. He is back and healthy as a horse. He has some nasty scars on his stomach and back now from the heated sword, but at least he is alive. I look over, and the big brute is lining the other side of the wall. Once the walls are complete, we will lay the roof.

  “I can’t believe she is going to teach. Do you think she will teach adults?” Einarr asks.

  “Yes. She wants to teach everyone. Why?” I lift a brow, waiting for him to admit that he can’t write. He can read, but he never learned to write. And I know it is something that he has struggled with for a long time.

  “No reason. Just curious.” He lays another stone.

  “You know, if you want to learn how to write, all you must do is say the word, and she will teach you. Since she hasn’t had a school, she has been teaching the children in the middle of the village. Everyone goes. You should, too.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Shut up and lay stone,” he grunts as he walks over to the pile laying in the grass.

  “Whatever you say, Einarr.”

  “Aye, whatever I say,” he mumbles.

  A loud voice yanks me from my task at hand. “Grim! Einarr! Intruder!” Abram calls, kicking up dust as he runs down the dirt path towards us.

  “Sassa,” I whisper, and Einarr and I share a glance before jumping over the small wall of the school and grabbing our weapons.

  I run as fast as I can, putting every ounce of energy I have left into my sprint. My entire body hurts from the back-breaking work I’ve done all day, but I’ll push through the pain. Sweat drips down my face, stinging my eyes, and Einarr grunts next to me, feeling winded. Since he had to take so much time off for his injury, he has lost some mass and his endurance lowered, but he works at gaining it back every day.

  I skid to a stop at the front gate when I see someone on a tall, white horse. The person wears a long, dark cloak. Their head is bent, covering their face with a hood.

  “Who goes there?” I call out.

  The figure does not answer.

  “Show yourself, coward, or I’ll kill you where you sit.” I spin my sword in my hand, readying for a fight.

  Their hand comes up and pulls the hood down, and I drop my sword when I notice it is a woman. Einarr gasps, and the sound catches my attention. I turn my head, and my brows raise. He is staring at the woman with clear desire. I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he is looking at her.

  She is pretty. She has long, red hair, a curvy figure, and skin so pale it reminds me of snow. She jumps off the horse and pulls the string of her cloak, laying it on the saddle of the horse she rode in on. Einarr makes a deep sound in the back of his throat, and I nudge him, hoping he can get his shit together.

  “I apologize for the blunt tone, my lady. How can we help you? What brings you here?”

  “My best friend, Sassa. I have news pertaining to her father.”

  “Lady Thyra?” I ask with a smile.

  “Aye.” She lifts a brow, and her cheeks flush as she catches Einarr staring at her.

  “I’m Grimkael,” I say with a slight head bow.

  Her eyes widen, and she rushes to bow to me as well. “My goddess, I don’t think I ever knew what you looked like. You swooped in, and she ran, and I was left wondering what happened to my friend.”

  A seed of guilt plants in my stomach. She hasn’t kept in touch with her friend because of me. That will change from this moment on. “My apologies for that. It’s been a very busy few months. We are rebuilding. I can take you to her. She is teaching the children right now.”

  “Teaching?” Her eyes light up with happiness. “Oh, that’s wonderful. She loves to teach. I see you’ve made her happy, regardless of how you two met. I’m sure she would have run away by now were she back home, but I’m glad she didn’t.”

  “Why’s that?” Einarr asks as he put his hand behind his back, trying to mimic the way she walks.

  She blushes again from his stare and clears her throat. “Her father is a great King, but he smothers her, keeps her locked away. She isn’t the kind of woman you can do that to, or she becomes miserable. She likes her freedom. She has always been an outlaw about it, really.”

  I toss my head back, and a boisterous laugh escapes me. “Aye, I’ve noticed.”

  “And you? Are you an outlaw like her?” Einarr prods for information. Interesting, I’ve never seen him this interested in a woman before.

  She looks down at her feet, almost afraid to meet his eyes. She pushes a red strand behind her ear and shakes her head. “No. I’m the more reserved of the two of us. She is wild and loves to not do as she is told. I like to do what I’m told.”

  “Is that right?” Einarr practically growls. “And your husband must be a very happy man, then?”

  I narrow my eyes at him to try to tell him he is not being discreet, but she doesn’t seem to notice. She giggles. “Husband? No. I have no man. I don’t see that happening. I mean, just look at me.” She smiles, trying to make light of how she feels.

  Einarr’s eyes storm dark
er, and swirls of anger flood his eyes. I’ve only seen that look in one other place, and that is on the battlefield. “I am looking at you, and what I see is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  “You’re just saying that because I’m Sassa’s friend,” she waves away the compliment. I wonder just how low her confidence really is. Do people put her down at home? Or has she made this image of herself that she can’t meet?

  “No. I’m saying that because you’re beautiful,” he insists.

  “Thank you,” she says to him, so low and full of emotion that I can hardly understand the words. She coughs. “I am having a birthday party in a month. I hope to see you there. The both of you.” She glances at Einarr.

  “I would love to celebrate with you,” he replies quickly.

  “Like I could ever keep my wife away. You know we shall be there.”

  We finally make it to the clearing where Sassa teaches the children, and my heart bursts with joy. Lessons must be over because she is running after the little ones with a big smile on her face. Their laughter makes even the hardest men smile.

  “Now there is something I thought I’d never see,” Thyra states, watching with awe. “She always said she didn’t want children, but I think that was more out of spite than facts. I believe you’ve melted her stubborn heart, Grimkael.”

  I place my hands on my hips and stare at her running after the wee ones. She looks like a natural mother. She’ll be so beautiful when she is round with our child. She could be pregnant now. The thought has me wishing she and I were alone, so I can fuck her until I know she is.

  She finally lifts that beautiful head up and sees us. She waves, but then her smile falters until she realizes who it is, and she comes running. Thyra starts running, too, and they clash in a big hug, crying and laughing.


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