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The God Breaker's Ruin

Page 25

by Billy Spencer

  “That’s a good way to think about it. I’m still trying to find myself, feel pretty lost on the topside. I know part of me was human or felt like it, but the other part was vorpal and people would call me names, they would look at my ears and snicker. I don’t want to attack them just wish they would see me as who I am and not what I looked like,” Abigail said massaging one of her ears.

  “You know when I first saw you I didn’t think that about you. Sure I thought you were quiet and shy but I saw you smile, how you were around those close to you and you were very loving and you listened to what people said. Me I’m the big mouth jump in head first get in trouble type of girl, but you are amazing. Don’t let what they say define you, let them live their sad lives. I think being different is what makes our worlds so great,” Jenni said smiling at Abigail.

  Abigail leaned forward and kissed Jenni on the lips. She then snapped back into reality and sunk in her chair. “I’m sorry, just felt right,” she said looking away from Jenni.

  Jenni let out a chuckle and grabbed Abigail's hand. “Don’t be sorry, I liked it, I like you, just unexpected.”

  “Everything that had been going on, I did not feel so close to others, but when I’m around you, I feel safe,” Abigail said wrapping her hand around Jenni’s hand.

  “Only thing I can promise is to try hard enough to always make you feel safe,” Jenni said getting up from her seat. She went and got on top of Abigail's lap and hugged her tightly. “Cameron would have been so proud of you.”

  Abigail embraced her, the warmness and the tightness she felt, she didn’t want Jenni to let go. She saw the spirit of Cameron standing behind Jenni, and all she saw was a smile on his face.

  Veronica sat next to Lily on a bench in the park. People were running, playing basketball, and others walking their familiars. “How are you holding up mom?”

  “I finally got some sleep, weird waking up and hearing nothing in a large castle. I think I may just donate the whole place, get some use out of it,” Lily said rubbing her palms against her knees.

  “Here mom, you should probably have this,” Veronica said grabbing a case from the floor and handing it to her mother.

  Her mom opened the case and saw Silverbite laying inside. “You did something I was never able to do Veronica, you marked off Grendils name. Damn I loved him but he strayed so far from the path, how could I have been so blinded to him.No you keep Silverbite, you deserved it, and I know you will do right by the title,” Lily said grabbing her long black coat from behind her and putting it on.

  “What title do you mean mom? What are you going to do?” Veronica said getting up and following Lily to where she was walking toward.

  “The monster slayer, Veronica Van Versushada, has a good ring to it? It’s going to be a lot to handle daughter, but a new world needs a new type of slayer. I love you, always remember that, and I will return, but I need to find myself,” Lily said as she took off into the sky, then transformed into a bat and flew away.

  Veronica stood there looking at her mother fly towards the blood moon and felt that everything would be fine, she was scared, but the unknown is always scary. She looked at Silverbite and smiled.


  “Wakey, wakey, you’ve been asleep for a good while now. Can I have your name?”

  Nick opened his eyes, his vision was fuzzy at first but saw he was in a forest and saw many plants and trees he had never seen before that were very colorful and bright. “Where am I? Who is talking to me?”

  “My name's Lucidian,” A man appeared in front of him that turned themselves visible. He was tall, had his hair combed back, had a bit of stubble, and wore a black suit. “This is my realm, you humans call it Hell. Now can I have your name, when you died, how you died?”

  “What do you mean, I didn’t die,” Nick said getting up from the ground. He walked around feeling the different leaves and smelling nature that was around him.

  Lucidian took out a phone from his coat pocket and whispered something into it and hung it up. “How did you get here if you didn’t die?” Lucidian said rubbing his head.

  “Saw some creature with wings in the sky and I just blacked out and next thing I know, I’m here,” he said leaning against one of the trees.

  “Brother, you sly angelic being, what are you doing?” Lucidian said taking his finger and opening a portal that started to spark red with green and blue. “I’m going to need you to come with me.”

  “What? why? I need to get back home,” Nick said looking around trying to look for some sort of exit.

  “No, you don’t understand, something is wrong with my father and brother. The spirit king sent you here, he isn’t supposed to have that kind of power,” Lucidian said grabbing Nick's hand and pulling him inside the portal. “We have to save God.”




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