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Deep Devotion (Crime Kings Book 4)

Page 6

by May Gordon

  “We’re going to find her and bring her home, then hunt Arnold down. He’ll die slowly and painfully,” I vow as I look them in the eyes. “I’m going after my woman, and never letting her go again.”

  With a new force inside me, I feel like a new man, and I pity those who get in my way because I’ll kill anyone that tries.

  Chapter 14

  Annabelle~Another four months later

  It’s been eight months. Most days it feels as if it’s been longer, but that’s probably because I’m eight months pregnant. I had no idea I was when I left Novak and Willow’s house. My only focus was to get away and keep everyone safe, including myself, but everything went so wrong, and I had to think on my feet.

  When I hauled ass out of the driveway, I soon realized I was being followed. I knew it had to be Arnold's men. When we came around one of the bends on the highway, they shot one of my tires. I took a chance and grabbed the bag with the money and rolled out of the SUV as it was going around the corner. Luckily, there was a long stretch of grassy hill before the cliffside. I heard squeals and the sound of the SUV going over the cliff. Not long after that, I saw another SUV fly by me as I ducked down. I didn’t stay to figure out what the heck was happening, just booked it out of there and never looked back. I traveled under the radar, used to it as I’ve lived lowkey since I was a kid.

  I got as far away from L.A. as possible, the money Willow gave me making it easier to do. I took my time, staying away from the cameras and high populated travel areas. I also wanted to go slow because of the baby. I stayed in women’s shelters along the way and thankfully, some of the nicer ones had access to clinics to check the baby. I’m having a little boy, which makes me smile yet so sad at the same time. I wish Foster was here with me. I was heartbroken when he died, utterly damaged beyond repair, but with this baby and our safety under threat I couldn’t wallow in my sorrow. I needed to protect him, us.

  I’m currently in Chicago, in another shelter. It’s a nice one and I’ve been here for a week, which is longer than I usually stay in one place. But this far along, I know I need to slow down. My breasts are huge, my feet hurt, and my back is killing me. All I want is greasy food and a long nap. This poor baby is probably having such a hard time.

  I’m waiting on someone, another woman, Ellen, in the shelter said she knew someone who could get me out of the country. I’m sitting in the front entrance when she walks in with a huge and intimidating man. I should be scared, but I know men like this can have hearts of gold. Foster did.

  “Bell,” she says, using the fake name I gave her. “This is Eddie. He can take you to the man who can help you out of the country.” She introduces us and I look at him with guarded eyes as he gives me a small smile. “You can trust him. His boss helps fund this place and provides protection. He’s helped many other women,” she urges me.

  This is a moment for me. I could easily say no and find another way to leave the country, or take a chance with this man. I know Ellen well, and she wouldn’t lie, so I guess that makes my decision for me.

  “Thanks, Ellen.” I hug her, then walk to Eddie. “Hi, I’m Bell.”

  “So, I’ve heard.” He smiles. “Come this way. I promise you’ll be safe.” He leads me to a waiting SUV. I get in and we drive through the city for thirty minutes before we reach our destination.

  We stop at this impossibly tall skyscraper, and Eddie lets me out. The building is luxurious and stunning, also a little intimidating. We get to the elevator, and he presses the button for the penthouse. We ride up, then step off to a beautiful apartment which is more like a house. I don’t have time to look around because he ushers me into a huge office. A man is sitting on the other side of the desk, and he stands when I enter. He’s very handsome, sharp, and clean-shaven. He reminds me of Novak. For some reason, his eyes widen in shock and are trained on my belly. I guess he didn’t know I was pregnant. Maybe he thinks I can't travel.

  “Please, take a seat,” he smiles gently, seeming to recover from his shock. “Thanks, Eddie,” he says, dismissing his guy.

  I walk, well, more like waddle to the chair and sit. He does as well, continuing to stare at me.

  “Your name is Annabelle Glen,” he states and I instantly freeze. “Don’t worry, I’m not with Arnold. Foster may have mentioned me. My name Porter Ryks,” he explains and I relax.

  “He did. You were business partners. You’re the Crime King of Illinois.”

  He looks surprised as he says, “I see Foster didn’t keep secrets from you.”

  “Of course not. He was the love of my life. We wouldn’t keep anything from each other,” I tell him.

  “Does Foster know your pregnant?” He asks.

  I shake my head and tell him, “I didn’t even know, and after he died, I ran for my safety and that of my friends. I found out a few weeks after that.”

  Again, he looks shocked and surprised. “Annabelle,” he pauses before continuing, “Foster’s alive.” His statement shatters my heart.

  “Wh-what?” I stammer.

  “He’s been looking for you,” he tells me. “Desperately.”

  “What? How? When?” It all comes out in sobs of pure joy.

  Porter stands and comes to sit on the leatherback chair next to me. He takes my hand and tells me the rest of the story. For four months, Foster thought I was dead. When he realized I wasn’t, he’s spent the last four searching for me. I guess the car crash was convincing, which should mean Arnold hasn’t been looking. But now that Foster is on the hunt for Arnold once again, he’ll know I’m alive.

  “I need to get back to him!” I panic. “I need to leave.”

  “Annabelle, please,” Porter says. “You’ll stay here and Foster will come to you. You’re safer here. Trust me.” His smile is gentle, effectively calming me.

  “You’ll call him? And he’ll come here?” I ask, just about begging.

  “Yes. But you need a good meal, a shower, and some rest. Don’t worry about a thing, just know Foster is on his way,” Porter tells me.

  I immediately burst into tears, so many emotions running through me. I can’t believe he’s alive. The love of my life is active and can put together my broken heart. I hope Arnold is taken out before he can get to Foster again because I don’t think I’d survive this heartbreak a second time.

  Chapter 15


  I spent every waking moment over the last four months trying to find Annabelle. I did a complete one-eighty from a sorrow-drowning drunk to a crazed man on a mission. I sobered up and buckled down. I was also on the hunt for Arnold who went back into hiding after the incident. Jace and Cole have shown themselves to be real friends and allies, not only did they hold the fort down, they welcomed me back with no complaints or comments about how I acted. Instead, they were more than eager to help me track down Annabelle and Arnold. Lawson, Novak, and Quinn were aiding the search from there own states since they still had empires to run, but that didn’t deter them from putting their all into helping. One thing I realized was how good Annabelle was at laying low. I’d be proud if I wasn’t in such a desperate need to find her in the first place.

  I’m in my office looking over photos Cole dropped off, seeing if any are Annabelle, but so far none are. I'm at my wits’ end. I need to find her, hold her, kiss her, and make love to her. Though I know once I lay eyes on her again I’m going to cry like a fucking baby and I’m not ashamed to admit that.

  My phone rings and I don’t stop what I’m doing, just reach over and press the speaker button.

  “What?” It comes out harsh and short, the sum of my attitude these days.

  “Foster,” Porter’s voice comes over the line.

  Our new allies, Duke, Griffin, and Porter, were also gracious about my behavior over the first four months after Annabelle’s death. I should’ve felt guilty leaving them high and dry, but I didn’t because I was too wrapped up in my grief, rightfully so. They understood, and when I came back, asked if they could help in any way. I
gave them a task in helping find Arnold or to uproot any of his stash houses he and his men might have in their areas. They have an alliance with other crime kings over the country as well, and I’m sure they asked them too. Guys like us must stick together after all.

  “What do you have?” I ask absentmindedly, thinking he has an update on work.

  “Annabelle,” he states.

  I freeze then my heart rate picks up immediately. “What?”

  “Annabelle Glen, she’s here with me.”

  “Don’t fuck with me,” I shout in shock and anger, more confused than anything.

  “I’m not. I wouldn’t do that, not about this,” he says in a serious tone. “A woman with Annabelle’s description wanted a meeting with one of my men to get help to leave the country. She was staying at the women’s shelter here.”

  “Is she okay? Was she hurt?” I panic.

  “Foster, she’s fine. She was staying there to lay low, thinking Arnold was still after her. I asked Novak for a picture and told my man if she was the same woman to bring her to me.”

  I let out a long breath and my eyes fill with tears. I’m just as thrilled as when I found out she wasn't dead.

  “Where is she exactly?” I ask, my voice gruff with my emotions.

  “In my spare bedroom. I fed her, and she had a bath. Last time I checked on her she was fast asleep. She was very emotional, had no idea you were still alive and hasn’t stopped crying since I told her,” he explains.

  I let out a deep breath, knowing she’ll be safe in Porter's skyscraper fortress. That place is like Fort Knox. “I’m on my way. Keep her there, tell her I'm coming for her, and for the love of god keep her protected,” I rush out, suddenly in full panic.

  “Don’t worry, she’s safe and I already told her you were on your way. She wouldn’t leave knowing that,” he says and I calm down, knowing he’s right.

  “I’m leaving now!” I tell him then hang up. My hands are shaking as I dial Quinn, Novak, and Lawson for a conference call.

  They all answer immediately and I don’t give them time to say anything before shouting, “I found Annabelle! She’s in Chicago with Porter. I’m leaving now. Be prepared for anything when I call later,” I rattle off.

  “Oh, thank fuck!” Quinn breathes out, saying what everyone is thinking.

  “Cleo will be so relieved, hell, I am too,” Lawson says.

  “Call us when you're settled and we’ll discuss the next step,” Novak tells me.

  “Talk later,” I agree then end the call.

  I run to our room and pack a bag as quickly as possible, calling the pilot and crew to fuel the plane. Next, I contact Cole and Jace who were working the streets and tell them the good news. They’re extremely relieved and agree to take care of things here and continue looking for Arnold. With my instructions out of the way, knowing to be prepared for more orders, I let them go then finished packing and race towards the plane. I have only one thing on my mind and that’s to get to Annabelle. After eight months in limbo, I’m finally going to see my angel again.

  My whole body is shaking as I take the elevator to Porter's penthouse. I only arrived in Chicago forty-five minutes ago. The flight took almost four hours. I swear it was the longest fucking time I’ve ever experienced, until this elevator ride that is. When it dings, I step off, stopping when I see Porter, Griffin, and Duke in the living room.

  “Novak called and explained the Arnold situation in more detail. We’re here to help kill this fucker once and for all,” Duke says by way of greeting.

  I’m happy they’re all in, that I have even more firepower to take out my son of a bitch father, but right now, my only focus is to see my angel.

  “I appreciate and am grateful for any help, but we can talk tomorrow,” I rush out. “Where is she?” I bark at Porter.

  He gestures to the long hallway, “Second bedroom on the right. She’s asleep.”

  I storm past the three men and open the door so I can peak in. The room is dark, and her back is to me as she’s laying in bed. I gently shut the door and place my bag on a chair. I quickly and quietly take off my clothes, needing to feel her skin to skin. The side closet to me has the most space and she doesn’t even stir as I crawl in beside her. She must’ve been exhausted. I can barely see her, just the shape of her body as she lays on her side. I snake my arms around her but stop instantly.

  Annabelle gasps and jumps out of bed, flicking on the light as she holds up a water bottle as a pathetic excuse of a weapon. But I’m not focused on that, my eyes are trained on her belly.

  She’s very pregnant and looks like she’s about to pop.

  “Foster,” she says on a sob.

  I move to the other side and sit on the edge staring at her belly. She closes the space between us and hugs me, or at least as much as she can. Her hard belly is snugly against my chest and my face rest on her now much larger breasts. My hands go to her belly to make sure this is real.

  She takes a step back and looks at me, tears running down her face. I stand and cup her face, devouring her lips. I feel her bottom lip tremble and hold her close. She feels fantastic in my arms. Oh fuck how I’ve missed her.

  When we both need pull apart for air, I kiss all over her face, making her smile. I then turn and back her onto the bed, kneeling before her. I pull up the massive shirt over her head. She has on a white cotton bra that barely contains her gloriously swollen breasts and a matching pair of panties. My hands stroke her belly, amazed. I couldn’t be happier. I look up and see she’s still crying.

  “Angel, you have no idea the hell I’ve been through these last eight months,” my voice is gruff with tears.

  “I know how you felt, I too thought you’d died,” she says and runs her hands over my head.

  I look at her belly, leaning in to kiss it. “Are you okay? Is the baby? When did you find out?” I fire out questions as I sit next to her and wipe the tears from her beautiful face.

  She laughs a little, letting out a sigh. “A few weeks after I ran. And the baby is completely healthy.” I relax at her answer.

  I nod, happy she and the baby are safe. “I missed you, angel,” I say with a voice full of emotion and kiss her again, passionately.

  “Foster, I love you,” she confesses, still a little weepy.

  “Fuck,” I curse. Bracing her head with my hands I let her know, “I love you, Annabelle. I love you so fucking much.” I sound angry but it’s just my emotions running wild.

  I gently reach around and unclip her bra, her breasts spill out, and I swear my mouth waters. I gently push her down then stand in front of her. Next, I pull off her panties, making her just as naked as me. She looks fucking fantastic pregnant. I think I need to keep her this way over the next few years. I take my time, checking every inch of her, and see her blush.

  “You're so perfect,” I growl.

  She laughs in disbelief. “Foster, I’m eight months pregnant. I feel fat and ugly.”

  “Fucking perfect,” I say then take her mouth in a hard kiss.

  My hand reaches up and massages her breast, making her gasp when I pinch a brown nipple.

  “Oh god, Foster. They’re so sensitive,” she moans and I do it again.

  I let my mouth trail down her neck to her breasts, playing with them. Her hands are tugging on my hair while she whimpers and I move my other hand to her core, feeling how soft and wet she is. It’s heaven just like I remembered. I thumb her clit while I suck on her hard nipples, switching sides from time to time. Her passionate voice gets louder and deeper until she reaches her climax and I feel her gush on my fingers. I almost spill myself, so impossibly hard. Pregnancy has made her incredibly sensitive and responsive, and I fucking love it. Yes, I will need to keep her pregnant.

  “That was amazing,” Annabelle breathes out.

  “I’m not anywhere near done with you, angel,” I say as I bring my fingers to my mouth and such her release from them.

  I kneel on the floor and pull her closer to the edge, us
ing my hands to part her legs, opening her to me completely. I can’t wait any longer. It's been months since I’ve had her, tasted her. I lean in and feast on her juicy pussy, her fantastic taste hitting my tongue. I’m like an animal, licking and sucking every inch. I use my fingers to play with her nipples as I devour her, and it doesn’t take long for her second climax to pour out. I groan at the pure pleasure radiating off her. I don’t waste any time and stand, wrapping her legs around my hips. I enter her in one fast movement, her sexy gasp driving me mad. I’m not gentle or soft. My need for her has turned me into a pure beast. Her breasts move with every hard thrust and I find it the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. Having her heavy with my child and full of my cock at the same time gives me such deep satisfaction I can't possibly contain myself. I bring her to her breaking point once again and we cum together. I swear I must’ve blacked out for a second, such intense pleasure and satisfaction all at once knocking me on my ass.

  As I look down at my angel, I see the most magnificent sight. Her dark hair spilled over the bed, she’s breathing heavily and has a light sheen of sweat covering her perfect pregnant body. I could stare at this for the rest of my life, and I will. I kiss her belly then her lips before reluctantly pulling out of her, making us both groan. I scoop her up in my arms and place her in the middle of the bed, joining her as I pull the covers over us. I pull her close to me, the belly my child calls home between us. I’m pissed as hell Arnold is the reason I missed the last eight months and he’ll pay mightily for it, but I push all thought of him aside and enjoy the reunion with my angel.

  “Was I too rough?” I ask, using my finger to nudge her chin toward me. She has a glazed post orgasm expression that makes me grin like a fucking king. I can't help but kiss her, and she lazily returns it, exhausted from our lovemaking.

  “Perfect,” is her response when I release her lips. She’s already half asleep, but I whisper, “I love you,” needing to say it once more.


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