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Deep Devotion (Crime Kings Book 4)

Page 8

by May Gordon

  When I glance at Annabelle, her eyes are open and she’s looking at me. I would’ve jumped up, but didn’t want to wake our baby, so I move my chair closer instead.

  “Angel, how are you feeling?” I slowly get up and sit next to her, I lean down and gently kissing her lips.

  Her eyes look to the bundle in my arms. She still looks sleepy and out of it. “Can I hold him?” She asks weakly, not answering me.

  “Sure, but let me help you.”

  I gently place the baby back in the crib, and help her set up before giving her our son. I sit on the edge, wrapping my arm around her and watch them both, my heart exploding with love.

  “How are you?” I ask again.

  “Tired, sore, but so happy,” she whispers in awe. “I love you so much,” she says then kisses his head. I feel like I’m about it lose it, my emotions choking me.

  “We need a name,” I say gruffly.

  “Axle,” she suggests. “It means divine reward.”

  “Perfect.” I lean kiss her head then tell her, “I love you so much, angel.”

  She gives me a small smile and replies, “I love you too.”

  We have a lot to talk about, there’s so much I need to tell her about what happened and how I failed her. I should be on my knees begging for forgiveness, worshipping her for giving me a child, but for now, I’m just going to enjoy this moment. My perfect little family is safe and will be for the rest of their lives. I won’t let anyone harm them, and with my father and our biggest threat out of the way, doing so just got a whole lot easier. My angel is safe, and so is our child, and that’s all I care about. They're perfect, and though I don’t know how I ended up with such perfection, I'm not going to question it. They’re mine forever, regardless even though I deserve them.

  Chapter 18

  Annabelle~One month later

  I sit on the patio enjoying a beautiful summer day in Portland. It’s May, so it’s not too hot, the weather perfect for being lazy, and that’s precisely what I’m doing. I have Axle sleeping on my chest, my hand on his back holding him to me and my other holding a Kindle.

  It’s been a crazy month. We stayed in Chicago a few weeks so I could recover, Porter was kind enough to let us stay with him. He didn’t even mind having a screaming baby under the same roof, in fact, I think he liked it. He’s a little older, so maybe his daddy clock is ticking.

  After I was well enough to travel, we came home and Jace and Cole were so happy to have us back. They’ve both taken to the role of uncle so well, as has everyone else. Once we had a couple days to settle in, everyone came for a visit. We had a full house, and though it was crazy, I loved every second and was sad to see them leave.

  But I know Foster and I needed some time alone, to get back to normal. Hell, we need to find our normal. It’s been hard on Foster the most as he blames himself for what happened to me. I keep telling him it’s not his fault. We had a long talk about the events that occurred and how we’ll be moving forward. I told him I’d be by his side every step of the way. I love him unconditionally. I’m his queen after all.

  I sense him before he even wraps his arm around my shoulders. He leans over the chair to kiss me on the cheek.

  “Angel,” he whispers in my ear.

  “How was the meeting?” I ask. He’s given Jace a lot of control over some parts of his business wanting to stay home with me more, but he’s still in charge of the important stuff.

  “Good, but I couldn’t wait to get home,” he says as he takes a seat next to me. I cuddle into him and he places his hand over mine where it’s resting on Axle. He kisses him on the head and asks me, “How was your time?”

  “Relaxing. We just stayed out here.” I smile at him and when he kisses me, I can feel the love radiating through it. He deepens it, making me hot and heavy but I pull back when I feel him slip a ring on my left finger. I look down and see a huge diamond resting there.

  “Foster,” I breathe out in shock.

  “You will be my wife,” he demands.

  “Shouldn’t you ask?” I say with a cheeky smile.

  He lets out a quiet growl and gives me a hard kiss. “You’re my queen, the mother of my child. It’s natural for you to be my wife.”

  “Okay,” I agree, not having much else to say. He’s right, and I love him, I want to be by his side the rest of his life.

  His smile is bright with pure joy as he gives me another kiss, something he continually does, and I’ll never get enough of it. He’s always close, either touching or kissing me, and it feeds my heart.

  “We’ll have it here.” I smile, gesturing to the beautiful backyard where’s more than enough space. “And only the crime kings and their family. We’ll keep it small and intimate.”

  “Sounds perfect,” he leans his head on mine and I hear him yawn. I can tell a few minutes later when he falls asleep. At this moment, I’m so at peace. All my life I traveled, never staying in one place very long and hadn’t minded until my parents passed then I felt lost. That is, until I found Foster. And now we have a family, a home where we can grow old together.

  For the first time in my life, my wandering soul is at peace, and my heart is full.

  Epilogue 1

  Foster~Five years later

  “I think that covers it for today,” I say over the phone.

  I’m on speaker conferencing with Porter, Griffin, and Duke.

  “Good. I’ve been away from Fay long enough,” Porter says talking about his wife. She’s pregnant with their second child and he’s freaking out. “Does it get any easier?” He asks.

  “Fuck no,” Duke pipes up. He should know as he has five kids with his wife, Blair.

  “He’s right. Harlow is begging me for a third, but after the pain she was in with the last baby I don’t think I can handle it again,” Griffin grumbles.

  I laugh. “Poor Griffin.”

  They all chuckle then my princess comes running into the room. Amara, our three-year-old jumps on my lap and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Who you talking to Daddy?” She asks, leaning on the desk near the speaker.

  “Some of your uncles, princess.”

  They greet her, living up to the title of doting uncles. They’re all just as bad as Lawson, Quinn, and Novak.

  “Okay, guys I should go. Talk later,” I say.

  “Bye bye uncle,” Amara sings. They say goodbye, then focus on my beautiful girl.

  She looks just like her mother, but her skin has my darker tint. She’s gorgeous, too gorgeous. I know that’s going to bite me in the ass when she’s older, but for now, she’s my little princess.

  “Mommy and I made you cookies,” she smiles sweetly at me. Goddamn I love this girl, and she knows all too well she has me wrapped around her little finger.

  “Well then, why aren't you feeding me?” I playfully scold which makes her giggle.

  She jumps off my lap and takes my hand, leading me to the kitchen. My angel is putting fresh cookies on the cooling rack as we enter. She’s filled out after two kid, and the extra curves were meant to be there. Not long after we settled back in Portland, we had our wedding. It was simple and full of our closest friends who are more like family at this point. I wanted to take her on an extended honeymoon, but she preferred to enjoy our time together at home. I’ll always give her what she wants.

  She’s made her mark here, telling me one day that even though forty percent of my money comes from illegal businesses, that doesn't mean I can't put it to good use. I gave her free rein to create and run a charity. She’s amazing at it and even does fundraisers for Doctors Without Borders in honor of her parents. But her first and most important job is our family. She wanted to stay home and raise our children, create a happy home for them, and my men. Hell, whenever my guys get injured, they come to Annabelle to patch them up. She’s perfect for this life, or maybe just mine, and I love her more each day.

  I pull her in for a long passionate kiss, right there in the middle of the kitchen and she responds
instantly, wrapping her hands around my neck. She kisses me like it’s been months instead of two hours since I fucked her in my office before my conference call.

  “Daddy try my cookies,” Amara says as she pulls on my jeans. Annabelle giggles and pulls away from me.

  “Okay, go sit at the table and I’ll bring the cookies and milk,” she tells her.

  Amara drags me to the table, and I’m not surprised to see Jace and Cole there with my son, Axle. I swear whenever Annabelle bakes those two are like hound dogs and hang out, eating whatever they can get their hands on.

  The three of them are huddled over some magazines as I sit next to them, Amara on my lap.

  “What are you looking at?” I ask them.

  “Uncle Jace and Uncle Cole are looking at cars,” Axle says with excitement.

  I gave my guys a big bonus recently, so I guess they’ve decided what to spend it on. Annabelle places everything on the table and looks over the guy's shoulders. “You’re spending your bonus on a car?”

  “What else would we spend it on?” Jace asks, leaning back to look at her.

  “A house, you know so you can find a wife and settle down,” she says, making them both roll their eyes. Annabelle and the other girls are at it again, wanting to match every single man up with someone, especially these two.

  “Naaah, mom. They need a cool car,” Axle pipes up.

  His uncles give him grins as they fist bump him. Annabelle sits next to me as we talk cars, and Christmas. We plan on going to L.A. to see Lawson, Novak, Quinn, and their families. We laugh and joke until bedtime. The guys leave, and we tuck the kids into bed, then move to ours. As we lay there, I pull her close, breathing in her scent and like it does every night, it calms my souls. She’s given me everything I didn’t know I wanted and more.

  “I love you, angel,” I say, kissing her lips.

  “I love you too,” she replies sweetly.

  I close my eyes, and together we fall asleep, and I dream of the memories we’ve created together, and thank God I decided to bomb that building in Mexico.

  Epilogue 2

  Foster~Fifteen years later

  I throw back a glass of scotch and grab the bottle to pour another.

  “This is why I’m glad I have boys,” Novak says.

  That’s been his fucking motto over the years. Lawson, Quinn, and I all have daughters and have all faced the ups and downs that come with it, like today. My little princess, Amara, turned eighteen and is heading off to college.

  “Well, now you have a niece to look after, and you better treat her like the daughter you never fucking had,” I growl, knowing I’ve had one too many drinks at this point.

  Amara decided to go to the University of California, and it nearly broke my damn heart. My kids are my life, and honestly, my best friends too.

  “Stop stressing, Foster. She has a good head on her shoulders and will be fine,” he tells me. We’re all in my office where I'm hiding from the party happening outside. Porter, Duke, and Griffin got scolded by their wives to rejoin it, or they’d be in here with us. I glare at Novak, making sure he knows I'm serious.

  “Novak will keep an eye on her, and it’s not like you'll never see her again. You have a private jet for god’s sake,” Lawson points out in a mild tone.

  “Oh, fuck off,” Quinn grumbles. “At least yours is in the same country. I’m trying my damnedest to convince Keeva to go to school anywhere but Dublin,” he groans.

  Quinn has been a wreck when Keeva mentioned it to him. She’s still undecided and it’s messing with him.

  “Well, Olivia has her eye on Seattle University,” Lawson grins.

  “Fuck off,” Quinn and I say at the same time.

  Novak chuckles. “So glad I only have boys,” he says again, making me want to throw my glass at him.

  I get it though. I'm not worried about Axle in the least, nor my nephews for that matter. Axle has been attending the university here and learning the ropes of the business along with Jace and Cole’s sons. Them and the rest of my nephews that want to will be the next generation. Devin, Lawson’s oldest son, wants to follow in his Dad’s footsteps and Brett, his youngest, is training to be an MMA fighter. Quinn’s oldest, Aengus, also wants to take over his father's empire while Connor joined the military. Nolan and Waylon, Novak’s twins, plan to take over for him one day. Life moves on, and kids get older. I blinked and my baby girl is eighteen.

  “Foster!” My angel’s voice sounds more like the devil’s in this moment. She’s standing in the office doorway with her hands on her hips. She looks fucking amazing, the royal blue dress hugging her every curve, but her beauty can't distract me. I know what she wants. “It’s time to give Amara her birthday gift.”

  “No,” I grunt, taking another sip. Annabelle got Amara and two of her closest friends a fourteen day all inclusive trip with passes to Disneyland in L.A. That means she’ll be away even longer.

  “What’s going on here?” Cleo asks as she comes into the office.

  “Why are you guys hiding?” Willow wants to know, walking in next.

  “They’re drowning their sorrows because they’re pussies that can’t handle the fact their daughters are growing up,” Molly adds, sassy as ever, making the other women giggle.

  Annabelle walks up to me and takes the glass from my hands, placing it on the desk. “Foster, I know this is tough for you, but when Amara looks back on this day, I don’t want her thinking of her father as drunk and cranky, even if it is true,” she says in a sweet voice.

  “Fuck,” I growl, knowing she’s right. I need to get it together for Amara’s day. I can fall apart when she’s gone. “You’re right, Angel,” I say, giving her a hard kiss. “You heard my queen. Buck up and start acting like A class uncles.”

  They all stand and head to the party. It goes by faster than I thought it would, and eventually, everyone has gone home. We gave Amara her gift and she freaked out, her happiness was obvious, and for a split second I forgot all about my sadness and worry over her moving away.

  At the end of the night, I’m standing on my patio staring at the backyard, recalling all the memories that happened there. Ones I’ll hold onto while she’s gone.

  “Daddy.” I turn to see Amara joining me. God, she looks just like her mother. It’s a fucking curse, and I'm glad she's the only daughter I have.

  “Princess,” I smile, making her grin as she shakes her head playfully.

  She walks to me and takes my hands in hers before looking in my eyes. She seems sad, and my parental protective instinct comes over me like a wave. I will fuck up anyone who thinks they can mess with my children.

  “I love you so much,” she says and my anger deflates. It’s not uncommon for her to tell me so, but I feel like this is something more than that.

  “What's wrong, princess? Why are you sad?”

  “I’m going to miss you so much. I want to thank you for being my father, the best one I could’ve ever asked for.”

  I feel that right in the fucking heart. “I’m still your dad even if you live in California,” I remind her harshly, she’s use to my sour mood and like her mother it does not faze her.

  “I know,” she gives me a weepy smile. “I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” I see a tear fall down her cheek and fuck if I don’t feel as if I could weep like a baby. I pull her into a hug and hold her. I don’t know for how long, but eventually I reluctantly let her go.

  “Good night, Princess. Get some sleep. I love you,” I say then kiss her head.

  “Good night, Daddy.” She smiles then leaves me on the patio where I spend the next few minutes trying my hardest not to cry.


  Foster finally comes into the bedroom and starts to undress. Last I saw him, he was talking to Amara on the patio. I’d decided to go to bed early, and by that, I mean read.

  He’s quiet, and I know it because of the conversation they must’ve had. It seemed like a heart to heart. When he crawls into bed, he w
raps me in his arms and I can't help but giggle.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “Fuck no,” he grumbles.

  “Will you be eventually?” I ask him next.

  He takes a dramatic breath then looks at me. “With you by my side, always.”

  He leans in and gives me a hard kiss, one I return passionately even after all these years. Our life together may have started out hectic and crazy, but the years that followed have been full of peace and a whole lot of love. The devotion he shows with his friends, myself, and his children amazes me. I feel so lucky we found each other because I honestly believe our hearts were homeless until we did.

  The end

  Crime Kings Series

  1-Dark Souls

  2-Fighting Irish

  3-Red Willow

  4-Deep Devotion

  5-March 2019 (Porter)

  6-June 2019 (Griffin)

  7-September 2019 (Duke)

  With MORE Crime Kings to come!

  Other books by MG

  All currently available!

  Mended Hearts (Lost Memories 1)

  Their Salvation (Bosses in love 1)

  Prisoners of Love (Second Chances 1)

  Road to Redemptions (Second Chances 2)

  Haunted Desire (Haunted 1)

  Haven Rose

  A Tangled Web Series

  1- Grave Secrets

  Some secrets refuse to stay buried… Ruby Monroe lost her mom at a young age, and she'd always believed it was due to a car accident. When she finds proof stating otherwise and starts asking questions, strange things begin happening, including the certainty she’s being watched. When a call for help is answered by the town’s sexy new dark-haired deputy, she knows her life isn't the only thing in danger, her heart is too. The truth has a way of being revealed…Ryan Daniels is burnt out. He loves his job as a detective, but when a recent case results in the criminal going free, he knows he needs a change. When his dad's old friend mentions his small town is hiring, Ryan takes a step toward a new life. What he didn't plan on was meeting the woman of his dreams, nor that he may lose her after just finding her.


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