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An Impeccable Spy

Page 50

by Owen Matthews

  29‘Extracts’, Pt XIV.

  30Nikolai Dolgopolov and Nadezhda Stolarchuk, ‘Delo 3947. To Find the Grave of Katya Maximova’, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 20 October 2011.

  31Der Spiegel, 3 October 1951.

  32Der Spiegel, 3 October 1951.

  33‘Extracts’, Interrogation of Kawai.

  34Chunikhin, Vladimir Mikhailovich, Richard Sorge: Notes, p. 120.

  35Chunikhin, Richard Sorge: Notes, the evidence of V. T. Roshchupkin, p. 122.

  36Prange interview with Yuda, 18 January 1965, Target Tokyo.

  37Prange interview with Yuda Tamon, official Tokko witness to the execution, May 1965, Target Tokyo.

  38Prange interview with Yuda, 18 January 1965, Target Tokyo.

  39Prange interview with Yuda, 18 January 1965, Target Tokyo.

  40Interview which Ms Harada conducted on behalf of Prange, with Seiichi Ichijima, February 1965, Target Tokyo.

  41Answers to undated questionnaire submitted to Hotsuki Ozaki by Ms Harada on behalf of Prange, Target Tokyo; Toshito (ed.), Gendai-shi Shiryo, p. 6.

  42Prange interview with Yuda, 18 January 1965, Target Tokyo.

  43Prange interviews with Asanuma/Harada, and with Hanako, 7 January 1965, Target Tokyo.

  44Johnson, Instance of Treason, p. 254; Deakin and Storrey, Case of Richard Sorge, p. 345; Prange interview with Hanako, 9 January 1965, Target Tokyo.


  46Washington Evening Star, 23 and 24 August 1951.

  47Washington Post, 8 October 1952.

  48Meissner, Man with Three Faces, p. 218.

  Select Bibliography


  Bundesarchiv: German Federal Archives, Koblenz: Bild 101I-121-0011A-22; Bild 183-Z0519-022

  Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (TsAMO RF), Podolsk: Fond 15, 15A, 17, 18, 39, 40, 47, 55, 58

  FDR Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, Hyde Park, NY, PSF Box 85

  German Foreign Office Political Archive (PADAA – Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts), Berlin: State Security File, Japan (1941–44): file on Sorge Case

  Library of Congress, Washington, DC: US Congress, 79th Congress, Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack; Hearings Before the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1945–46; US House of Representatives, 82nd Congress, First Session: Un-American Activities Committee; Hearings on Un-American Aspects of the Richard Sorge Spy Case, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1951

  The National Archives (TNA), London: HW 17/18, Radio Telegrams from FO London–Moscow Embassy, 1935

  Russian State Archive of Social and Political History, Moscow (RGASPI – known as RTsKhIDNI, 1991–99): (former Archive of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR, incorporating the Archive of the Comintern): Fond 495, 496, 498, 508, 509, 510, 511.


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  ‘Partial Memoirs of Richard Sorge’ (‘Sorge Memoir’), the English translation quoted here is reproduced in C. A. Willoughby, Shanghai Conspiracy: The Sorge Spy Ring, New York, 1952

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