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Legend of the Stone

Page 9

by Jenee Robinson

"The day I went to ask her father for her hand, was the day she informed me that she was marrying the blacksmith's son. It shattered my heart, and I have never looked at another woman that way since. I took my pain and anger out on my family and friends. Lance came for me, and my family agreed that moving away from the town and her was best. He brought me to Declan and I slowly pieced myself back together, but with each piece I built a wall around my heart. I told myself that I would not be a fool again. Then I saw you...." His voice tapers off.

  "And?" I question.

  "One look from you and it hit me like a ton of bricks as the wall broke into a million pieces. I felt a tug to you, but I wanted to ignore it," he confesses.

  "I can assure you I also have the pull to you. I admit feeling this for three guys and it is really confusing for me. I never thought of settling down much, or love for that matter. Then out of nowhere, my heart is leading me into the arms of not one but three men. I question myself, how is this fair to them? Will one leave when I tell them I can't live without all three? Or am I just being selfish?" I disclose.

  I lie there, trying to read the reaction on his face.

  "I profess that I am no expert on affairs of the heart, nor this fated mates business. Your worry about us rejecting you speaks to me. That you do have feelings for all three of us. How would it be fair for us to ask you to pick?"

  Relief runs through me at his words. "This will not be an easy road, but I am grateful that you are understanding and willing to try for me."

  "I draw the line at cuddling with Grey or Lance," he jokes.

  "That is reasonable," I reply with a small smile.

  He stands and offers me his hand. "We better jog back. If we are to make it to Lance's parents before dark, we need to leave soon."

  Not letting go of my hand, he sets a pace that I can achieve. It is not the slowest pace, but my breathing isn't labored like before.

  Lance greets us with a smile. "I was about to send Arthur and Merlin to find you two."

  Declan speaks up, "If you two are heading to Lance's parents, bathe and get on your way. You will stay there for the night and return in the morning for more training."

  Shyly, I ask, "How are we to get to their house?"

  The guys laugh.

  "Don't worry, I will have a horse saddled and ready for you," Declan reassures me.

  "Thank you, Declan. If you will excuse me, I'm going to crawl back to the cottage and attempt a bath. If I don't return soon, it is because I am stuck in my tub and in need of aid climbing out," I inform them.

  In one fell swoop, Lance picks me up like a baby and carries me back to the cottage.

  "I told you I was going to crawl," I gripe, a little irritation in my voice.

  A chuckle rumbles in his chest before he responds. "Would you like me to set you down?"

  "No, I am happy where I am," I give a cranky reply.

  This has him laughing again.

  He walks me straight to my room, carefully placing me on the edge of the bed.

  "Do you need help disrobing? he asks eagerly. “I filled the tub when you left for your jog.”

  "Thank you, but no. Will you please turn around until I tell you to turn back around?"

  He nods and puts his back to me.

  "No peeking," I remind to him, and I start to strip.

  Soreness in my legs and arms has already started to set in, making it somewhat difficult to undress. I step into the warm water, inching in, until I am sitting up but fully submerged.

  "I'm in," I call out to Lance.

  He turns toward me, a smile on his lips. "Anything I can help wash?"

  "As much as I would love that, I want to take it slow with all three of you. We may be fated to be together, but we should also get to know one another," I confess.

  "I think that is probably for the best. If you need my assistance, I will be in the living area." He turns to leave as I call his name.

  I crook a finger at him, encouraging him to come closer. When his face is level with mine, I softly crush my lips to his.

  "Thank you for understanding,” I say softly when we pull apart. “Now, out." I level him with a fake stern look and let out a laugh.

  He shakes his head back and forth as he closes the door behind him.

  Meeting the Family


  I wash quickly while taking care scrub every inch of sweat and dirt off.

  I want to make a good impression on Lance’s parents; I need them to like me. But dread comes over me as I realize they may not accept I have three fated mates, including their son.

  Lost in my thoughts, I almost miss the knock on my door.

  “I’m still washing,” I call out.

  “It’s Tiffany, I have brought over a couple of outfits to see if any suit you,” she replies.

  “Come on in.”

  The click of the door sounds as soon as the words have left my mouth. Tiffany pushes her way through the door, arms full of clothing.

  “I thought you said a couple,” I tease.

  “I don’t know your size or taste yet. I brought a little bit of everything,” she says with a shrug.

  “I’m just about ready to hop out. Give me a moment.”

  She continues to set clothes out all over the bed as I reach for my towel and start to dry. I pull my undergarments on and step up beside her.

  “This is really sweet of you, Tiffany, but I don’t know that these will fit.” I eye each piece.

  I pick up a pair of trousers and put them on. The waist fits but they are too short.

  “Shoot, this is all I have,” she huffs. “Would you be willing to look through your mom’s clothes that she left?”

  I think on it for a minute; I only brought two sets of clothes with me. Visiting Lance’s parents in a worn and dirty outfit wouldn’t make the right impression.

  “Yes, let's,” I tell her.

  Tiffany walks up to the wardrobe and carefully pulls on the door. It is a bit unwilling, creaking before it suddenly flings open.

  She searches the clothing, making quick work of sorting through the articles hanging. When I think she isn’t going to find anything, her hands pause. She pulls out a simple but elegant dress, a ruby red shade. Along the collar, a trail of jewels lines it, adding a splash of color.

  Tiffany strides over to me, the dress carefully carried on her arms.

  I shake my head at her. “Oh no, that is too much for this trip.”

  “You must take it for dinner tonight, it will tickle Lance’s mother for you to dress up,” she tries to reassure me.

  “I’ll take it with me, and if the need arises I can thank you upon my return,” I reply.

  This satisfies her, and she continues to rifle through the wardrobe and in the chest, setting aside a handful of shirts and pants for me to choose from.

  As I place my hand on the first shirt, there is a knock at the door.

  From the other side, Percy’s voice floats in, “Alexa, we are burning daylight. Are you ready yet?”

  “I am in need of a few more minutes. I will be out shortly,” I yell back.

  I pull on the navy blue shirt I have in a ball, my hand tightly gripping it.

  The fit surprises me; it is as if it was tailor made for my body. Tiffany tosses me a pair of trousers, and I shimmy into them; perfect fit. I tug on socks and boots.

  She then tosses me a bag. “There, you are ready. Take your sword, it should be a safe journey, but I want you and Percy to be on your guard.”

  She hugs me and leads me out to the living area. Lance and Percy are in the middle of a conversation, and it abruptly comes to an end when their eyes meet mine.

  Tiffany makes a beeline to the door, not looking back.

  Percy speaks up, “I will make sure the packs are secure on the horse.”

  He exits quickly for a man of his size.

  Lance stares at me, sadness in his eyes.

  I close the distance between us, wrapping my arms around his waist. Tipping my
head back, I gaze on his beautiful face; just a shadow of hair covers his chin.

  “Do not fear, we will be back tomorrow,” I assure him.

  “It is not only that, I should be the one taking you to meet my parents.” He releases a sigh as he settles me against him.

  “I agree, but we cannot risk you being seen. You are supposed to be on a mission for the king,” I remind him.

  He pulls me in closer, his hand under my chin. Leaning down, he kisses me lightly on my lips.

  When he breaks it, I continue to stare at him.

  “I am going to be gone for the night and over half the day. That is all I get?” I question him with an arched brow.

  This brings a smirk to his lips and an ornery look into his eyes. “Oh, I can do much better, but if I do, you will never want to leave.”

  “Well,” I huff, “I want better when I return to you. Promise?”

  “Anything you want,” he whispers.

  Those three words leave goose bumps trailing my skin.

  “We best head to the barn, it is quite a ride to my parents’ farm,” he says.

  “Is that where you grew up?” I ask as we exit the cottage.

  “Part of my life. The DeGore’s house was my family home. Once my brothers and I were old enough to work it was decided to move to a smaller farm. They then sold it to Declan’s family,” he replies.

  “Why didn’t anyone move into my family’s cottage? I mean, you and Percy stay but why not a family?” I ask.

  “We all had the hope your family would return. When we recieved the news of your parents’ murder, and with you lost, it was heartbreaking. We all agreed that if anyone was to move in, one of the twelve of the original knights’ descendants were the only ones to occupy it.”

  “I am grateful that you all cared for my family so. It is wonderful to have a part of my family still, even if it is only something they once were owners of.”

  We round the corner to the door of the barn, and find Percy standing with two midnight black horses. They paw the ground, with an itch to run. I know that feeling all too well.

  Lance boosts me up onto the mare I am to ride. I lean over and give him one more kiss.

  Declan pipes up, “I should have stayed in the barn.”

  “Oh you hush.” Tiffany swats him.

  She waddles up to me, my sword in her hand, but it is now in a scabbard with a belt.

  I thank her and fasten it around my waist.

  I nod to Percy that I am ready; he waves and squeezes his mare with his knees, and she trots off toward the gates. Doing my best to keep the tears I have forming in my eyes from spilling, I mimic Percy and head off.

  It is strange to me that I have strong emotions for those three. Only knowing them for a few days, I did not realize that I was so attached to them already. I wipe away the tears that fall as I close the distance that Percy leads.

  Once my horse has almost caught Percy, he urges his to go faster, so I do the same. My mare finds her stride, her hooves more controlled in their steps. The wind on my face and the thumping of the horse’s heart calm my fears as I ride to another new place.

  This route has fewer trees than I am accustomed to; there are more plots and farms than I have ever seen. I long for the cover the trees provide, for a hunt. It was the one time when I could be alone with my thoughts, all my focus was on the kill and the need to provide for my family, once the animal was in sight.

  Maybe I could take Arthur and Merlin on a hunt soon, teach them to provide for themselves and their family. This thought brings a smile to my lips.

  We come to a fork in the road and Percy turns left. "Only a few more miles."

  My stomach flutters; I cannot understand why I want them to like me so much.

  Percy turns right into the shadow of trees, the most I've seen since we left the DeGore farm. I slow my horse's steps to a trot and enjoy the coolness of the shade. I take a small drink from my canteen and wipe away what sweat I can. My hair is another story; I do my best to smooth down the wild strands.

  As my horse breaks into the fading sunlight, I get a glimpse of a little cottage at the end of the road. My heart thumps harder with each step my mare takes. Percy continues on the route to the cottage, and I can make out that he stops and jumps off his horse.

  I spur my horse to go faster, ignoring the urge to turn around and go back to where we just left.

  My mare stops right next to Percy's. He is currently answering tons of questions from a beautiful older woman. Her eyes flick to mine, and my breath catches in my throat as the same color and shape of Lance's eyes bore into me.

  She grips Percy's arm and steers him over to look over me.

  "Well Percy, is this your new love? Why have you brought her here?" she questions him.

  "Mother, this is Alexa. She is a new friend of Lance and mine. When he was called out for another mission, she spoke up and volunteered to come check on you in his place," he assures her.

  "You sure are a pretty thing. What is wrong with you, Percy? Why haven't you snatched her up? It's been ages since you brought a girl home." She smacks his hand.

  He laughs it off. "Oh, maybe one day soon. Take me to Father, I want to check in on him and your stores for the winter."

  "You can find him in the barn, tinkering with the wagon," she tells him. "Off with you, I want to speak to Alexa. She can help me with dinner."

  She hooks her arm in mine. "You will help me, won't you dear?"

  I nod, and Percy walks off toward the barn as Lance's mother drags me to the cottage.

  "Tell me, Alexa, how did you meet my boys? Are they behaving themselves?" she assaults me with question after question, not giving me a chance to answer. "Why aren’t you married? Why haven't you been snatched up?"

  I just laugh as she hands me some vegetables to chop up.

  "Your boys found me, and they have been very welcoming. I am a butcher by trade; no man wants a woman that has her own profession."

  The small talk goes on until she sends me out to get Percy and her husband.

  My foot is one step in the door when I stop. Percy is bent over a wheel, helping to fix it. A man that is a mirror of Lance stands, a smile on his face as he welcomes me in.

  "Come, see if Percy is better at mending this wheel than I," he calls to me.

  I return his smile and step closer. Percy has a bead of sweat running down his face and he forces a piece of wood back into place.

  "Would you like me to fix it for you?" I taunt him.

  His frustration gets the better of him, and he steps to the side and mumbles, "Please, be my guest."

  I scan the wheel and notice that a tiny piece of wood is still stuck, so no matter what Percy did, the replacement piece wouldn’t fit.

  Fumbling for a second, I pull it loose. The new piece snaps into place, and I glance with a smirk at Percy.

  "There you go, I believe it is fixed. Let us make haste, your wife sent me to tell you that dinner has been prepared," I tell Lance’s father.

  My words get them moving, and Percy grips my wrist, leading me back to the cottage. As he pulls me through the door, he releases me. Confusion on my part sets in. I tell myself it is nothing to worry about, but in the back of my mind I do not believe that is true.

  Lancelot takes his place at the table, while Percy pulls out a chair for Lance's mom and then proceeds to take the chair next to her.

  Thinking nothing more of it, I occupy the last chair.

  "Percy, you were raised with better manners. Have you lost those working for the king?" she chastises him.

  "No, Mother. Alexa, forgive my rudeness," Percy replies.

  Lancelot laughs. "Aster, leave the boy alone. Alexa here just showed him up by fixing the wagon."

  "Oh dear, he's gone soft as well. Percy, you best stay a couple of days. Lancelot and I will get you ironed out and back to your usual self," she tells him as she claps her hand on his.

  Percy’s gaze returns from his food to her face. "Mother, as much
as I would love that, the king doesn't know I am here. If the need arises and he calls for me, I must return tomorrow afternoon."

  "Pity, you and Lance do not come to visit much anymore. What business is so important to keep you from your families?" she asks.

  "There has been talk of the heir surfacing. He has been sending us on missions to track down the leads that have been coming in," Percy says candidly.

  I try to conceal the shock of his words, so my expression morphs to a yawn.

  "Let the boy eat, you can question him in the morning, after chores," Lancelot decrees.

  "Fine, Percy, your room is made up and ready, will you share with Alexa?" she asks sweetly.

  We both shake our heads no, getting a laugh from them both.

  "Well, you can take Lance's old room. I keep it ready for guests, so the sheets are fresh," she says to me.

  I nod to her. "Thank you for housing us for the night, as well as the food."

  Lancelot laughs again. "Do not let my wife fool you, she will have a list of chores for you a mile long in the morning."

  "That may be, I will be happy to help with any chores she will need my assistance with," I reply.

  I swear, she actually sticks her tongue out at him. I can only hope that my future shares as much love.

  Percy and Lance's parents chat back and forth the rest of the meal. I sit back and wonder what this would be like if Lance was here. Percy is not really their son, but they treat him no different than my second set of parents did with me. I can almost feel the love radiating off the three of them. I forget for a moment that it will be quite some time before my life will find the same state of normal. That is, until I face the king and dethrone him.

  With that thought I shiver, and notice all eyes are on me.

  "Sorry, my mind likes to wander sometimes." I smile.

  Percy pipes in, "It has been a long day. Alexa and I had training this morning; that is why we arrived later than we would have liked. I think it is just the adventures of the day catching up to her."

  As he completes his spill, I yawn again.

  "I do believe that you are right." I turn to Aster. "Would you like any help before I turn in?"

  She shakes her head no. "All of this can wait until the morning. Percy will show you to the room you will be sleeping in. If you need anything, please do not be afraid to ask."


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