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SEAL's Embrace (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 2)

Page 11

by Makenna Jameison

  She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and he noticed she still had the two tiny earrings on. Somehow her jewelry was sexy as hell to him—he wanted to see her naked on his bed someday, with nothing on but her earrings and other adornments.

  His cock hardened, and he shifted his attention back to the road. This wasn’t the time or place to be thinking about Hailey in his bed. He had no idea how long she’d usually date a man before sleeping with him, but he wasn’t in a rush.

  “Hmm, that’s weird,” she murmured, looking at her phone.

  “What?” he asked, glancing over before he pulled into a parking spot at his building.

  “Just a weird text. It’s says ‘Be careful,’ but I don’t know who it’s from.”

  Grayson frowned. “Wrong number?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. This is a new phone, but I’ve had this number forever. I was actually amazed I could keep the number, but somehow the guy at the store transferred it.” She looked up at his apartment. “So this is it, huh?”

  “Yep,” he said with a grin. “Right by the beach.”

  “Nice. I should’ve thought more about that when I picked my place. I mean, it’s a quick drive to the beach—definitely not like what I’m used to back in Virginia. Ocean City, MD and Virginia Beach are hours away from Arlington.”

  “I know some guys down in Virginia Beach,” Grayson commented, turning off his engine.

  “Navy guys?”

  “Yeah, some SEALs that are stationed down there.”

  “Little Creek, right?”

  He chuckled. “Yep. I keep forgetting you’re DOD.”

  She shrugged. “Lots of people up in DC are government or contractors. People come and go a lot, too, in my office. I meet people from all over.”

  “What made you accept a job way out in Afghanistan?”

  “The experience,” she admitted. “I could move up faster and get a job at a higher level than by staying where I was.”

  “Makes sense,” Grayson said. “It’s dangerous, though, as you found out.” He opened his truck door and then looked back at her. “Wait there. I’ll come around.”

  She nodded and stayed where she was. Pleased that she’d actually listened to him, Grayson jogged around the front of his truck. “Hey,” he said softly as he opened the passenger door and looked at her.


  She smiled up at him, and Grayson felt his chest clench. Hell, she was beautiful. Even sick and recovering, there was something about the way she looked at him that just did it for him. He knew she was smart and independent—hell, she had to be what with moving halfway around the world and then across the country for her job.

  But he also loved that she was letting him take care of her. He definitely had a protective side, especially when it came to those he cared about. Somehow Hailey had rocketed right to the top of that list during all their long talks. Maybe he hadn’t taken her out on an official date yet, but he already knew her better than he knew any other woman he’d been with in the past.

  His hands moved to her waist as he helped her down from his truck. She was so small compared to him, he loved being able to easily move her where he wanted. It had been to both of their benefits in Afghanistan of course when he’d shielded her with his body and literally carried her to safety. But now that they were at his home, he imagined other ways he’d enjoy it—eventually. He wasn’t about to lift her into his arms now and make love to her. Far from it, actually.

  “Let me get you inside, and I’ll come back and grab your suitcase,” he said, taking the small bag she had with her in the front seat. He took her hand in his after closing the door, leading her to his apartment.

  “I’ll let you take my room,” he said as he opened the door. “I’ll crash on the sofa, so don’t worry about that.”

  “Grayson, I can’t take your bed,” she said, frowning. “You just got home and are probably tired.”

  “Trust me, I’ll sleep fine on the coach. It’s comfortable, and after a week of not much sleep, pretty much damn near anywhere would do. Plus, I feel better having you here so I can take care of you. You’re sick, Hailey. And still recovering.”

  She nodded, gingerly moving into his space.

  “Are your ribs hurting?” he asked, his gaze going to where her hand rested.

  “Yeah. The flight yesterday didn’t do me any favors. Honestly, moving around is probably better for me than just lying in bed all day. They’re just stiff from sitting in one position too long.”

  “Well, unfortunately you can’t do a lot with the flu. Sit down on the sofa, sweetheart. I’ll go grab your stuff and then you can tell me what sorts of foods you like. I need to pick up some things anyway. Oh—that’s Raptor. Hang on a sec,” he said, looking at his phone.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “How’s Hailey?” Blake immediately asked.

  “I brought her back to my place. She’s got the flu or something and was burning up in her hotel room.”

  “Damn. And she’s still recovering from the explosion.”

  “Yep. I’m going to let her rest here. She’s got a hotel for the week, but I figured she’d be more comfortable here.”

  “All right. Let us know if you need anything. Clarissa and I might head out and camp for a night, but I wanted to see if Hailey was okay.”

  “She’ll be okay. I appreciate you checking in though.”

  “Sure thing. Clarissa’s already hoping to meet her soon.”

  Grayson chuckled, and they said goodbye. He put his phone back in his pocket.

  “That was one of your friends?” Hailey asked.

  “Yeah—that was Raptor. Blake. You met him, briefly. He was the one asking if you needed me to back off in the cafeteria.”

  “Right,” she said with a smile. “He was kind of intimidating—actually, all of you were.”

  Grayson frowned.

  “I didn’t know any of you then. I never would’ve talked to you on the phone every night or come here if I still thought that.”

  He nodded, taking a step closer. “You don’t ever need to be frightened of my friends or me, sweetheart. Yeah, we work out a lot and stay in shape, but we’d never hurt you.”

  “I know,” she said seriously.

  She suddenly looked to the side and sneezed into her arm. “Oops. This is your sweatshirt,” she said sheepishly.

  “I’ve got a washing machine, Hailey,” he said with a chuckle. “Sit. Relax. I’ll go grab your suitcase from my truck.”

  She nodded, yawning. “Okay. Sitting down is probably a good idea.”

  She kicked off her shoes and curled up into the corner of his sofa, looking exhausted. Grayson froze for a moment, shocked at how right it felt having her here in his space. She was feminine and soft compared to his sparsely furnished space and masculine belongings, but God damn. He could picture her here—living with him, cooking dinner together, making love every night.

  He’d never thought much about having a woman in his space before, but having Hailey here stirred something deep inside of him. He felt settled in a way he never had before. He wanted to protect and provide for her. Take care of her.

  Hailey might be an independent woman, but he felt a deep-seated need to have her here, in his apartment and in his bed.

  Trying to clear his head, he went and grabbed a blanket from his closet. He didn’t keep fuzzy blankets and extra pillows lying around like a chick, but at the moment, he wished he had more things to make her comfortable. Grayson tucked the blanket around her, smiling as she yawned again and instantly closed her eyes.

  “I’ll be right back—just grabbing your stuff,” he said in a low voice.

  She nodded sleepily, and he went down to his truck to get her suitcase. By the time he came upstairs a few minutes later, she was already asleep on his sofa.


  Hailey blinked as she woke up a couple of hours later, looking around in confusion. She was lying on a sofa, covered by a warm blanket and still
wearing Grayson’s sweatshirt. Raising a hand to her forehead, she realized she was still burning up.

  Noticing her stirring, Grayson came over from the kitchen in several long strides. It smelled like he’d been cooking chili or something, and the delicious scent made her stomach rumble. She suddenly realized that she was starving. She had no idea how late it was or how long she’d been napping, but she felt content and safe here in Grayson’s home.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, crouching down beside her as she pushed the blanket away.

  “Good. Tired still, but a lot better than earlier.”

  He nodded, looking concerned. “I think your fever broke. Your face looks flushed.”

  “Yeah, I’m warm from the blanket but not shivering anymore.” She pushed her damp hair back from her forehead, wondering exactly how awful she looked.

  “Your mom called,” he said in a low voice. “I didn’t answer your cell the first time, but when she called again a couple of hours later, I figured I better let her know you were okay.”

  “No worries,” Hailey said, struggling to sit up.

  Grayson reached over to help her, and she tried not to stare at the way his tee shirt stretched across his muscles. She’d been too weak and exhausted to notice much before, but he was even buffer than she thought. She’d seen him in uniform of course, but wearing a tee shirt?


  The black cotton stretched over his biceps, and he had a broad chest. His wide shoulders looked like they’d barely fit through a doorway. He was massive compared to her, but strangely enough, she felt nothing but safe with him.

  His muscular arm wrapped around her back, but after she was situated, he released her, still hovering close. “Can you pass me the tissues?” she asked.

  “Sure thing,” he said, grabbing the box he’d left on the table.

  She took a couple to blow her nose and then looked at him again. “I’m sure my mom was thrilled to talk to you,” she joked.

  “She was,” Grayson quipped, his eyes twinkling.

  “Oh God,” Hailey moaned. “Please tell me she didn’t tell you embarrassing childhood stories about me or something.”

  “That’s for next time,” Grayson said with a wink. “I gave her my cell number.”

  “Great,” Hailey said, mock rolling her eyes. “You two will be besties before I know it.”

  “I figured if she wanted any updates she could just call or text me. She seemed relieved to have someone to check in with about you.”

  “That sounds like her,” Hailey said with a smile. “Sorry about that. But I do appreciate you talking to her so she wouldn’t worry.”

  “I ran out to the store earlier while you were sleeping. I can still pick up whatever you want later on or tomorrow, but I went ahead and made dinner. Like I said, I was out of pretty much everything since I tossed my perishable food before our op. I never know exactly how long I’ll be gone, so it’s easier just to clean out my fridge before I go.”

  “It smells amazing,” she said. “And that’s saying something since I can’t breathe too well through my stuffy nose.”

  “I have to admit I only cook a few things—chili being one. I picked up some extra cans of soup though and some crackers if you’d prefer that.”

  “I’ll try your chili,” she said with a smile. “I don’t suppose you have any cold medicine?”

  “Yep. I grabbed some earlier before I went to your hotel. I should have offered it to you when we got back to my place, but you were asleep on my sofa by the time I grabbed your suitcase.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” she said sheepishly.

  “Hailey, having you here in my space is no trouble.” He reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. She flushed slightly at his touch. Having Grayson’s calloused hands on her made her shiver with desire, despite how awful she currently felt.

  “What?” she asked softly, catching the way he was looking at her.

  His thumb lightly rubbed over the earrings in her left ear before he removed his hand. “I was just looking at your jewelry. I never really paid much attention to that type of thing in the past, but it’s sexy as hell on you.”

  She smiled, her face heating. “I look awful, and you think my earrings are sexy?”

  “Umm-hmmm,” he murmured. “I like you in my sweatshirt, too.”

  She looked at him a beat, not saying anything. It was still completely surreal that she was here. “Are you ready to eat something?” he asked. “The chili is ready.”

  “Yeah, I am kind of hungry.”

  “Awesome. And just so you know—this absolutely doesn’t count as our dinner date.”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “No?” she asked as she stood up. “You picked me up at my hotel and made me dinner,” she teased.

  “Hell no,” he said, shaking his head. “That’s just me taking care of you. When you’re feeling better, I’ll come pick you up at your apartment, show you around San Diego, and take you out. We could still drive around a bit if you’re feeling up for it sometime this week, but dinner? We will definitely get to that.”

  “I should call the storage company and make sure my things are ready. They were supposed to have arrived, but I want to double check.”

  “And you’ve got movers lined up? The guys and I could help.”

  “Well, since I’m changing jobs with DOD, they’re paying for the transfer and move.”

  “Makes sense,” he said, leading her into his small kitchen. He had a small table that seated four, plus some chairs outside the sliding glass doors on his balcony.

  “You’ve got an awesome view,” she said, glancing at the ocean in the distance.

  “Thanks. My teammate Blake got a townhouse last year because he wanted more space. Although I see the appeal, I love being right near the water. And I travel so much for work it didn’t make sense for me to get anything bigger.”

  She nodded, looking around. His apartment was neat and clean, and it seemed to have everything he needed.

  “I think I’ll take off the sweatshirt,” Hailey said. “Maybe after dinner I’ll shower and change if that’s okay.”

  “Of course,” he said. “I brought your suitcase in and have extras if you need anything.”

  “Oh, and Grayson—I’m fine with sleeping on the sofa. You’re nearly a foot taller than me, so you’d be more comfortable in your bed.”

  “Not a chance,” he said. “I invited you to stay here—there’s no way I’m letting you sleep out in my living room.”

  “We’ll see,” she said.

  He chuckled then moved to grab some bowls from the cupboard. “So what are your friends doing?” she asked. “You said you guys just got back—I know you mentioned Blake has a girlfriend, right?”

  “Yep, I think they’re going camping this weekend.”

  Hailey wrinkled her nose as Grayson laughed. “So no camping trips for the two of us? Noted.”

  She laughed. “No way. And I’m sure you don’t have great accommodations on a lot of your missions. Why would you come back only to rough it again?”

  “Blake and Clarissa love camping. The rest of the guys probably went out to a bar or something tonight. Our whole team used to hang out at Salty Sunset a lot. Hell, the younger guys still like it at least.”

  “I know I met them in Bagram, but tell me about the others.”

  Grayson brought two bowls of chili over, stopping to ask what she wanted to drink. After getting them both situated, he sat down again. “Well, Blake’s the team leader. He’s intense but a good guy and totally in love with his girlfriend,” he added with a chuckle. “Troy is probably the most like me—I guess we’re somewhat laid back and easygoing, not exactly wild and crazy like Ethan and Logan.”

  “What’s wrong with them?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Nothing. They’re just a few years younger than the rest of us and are still always chasing after women.” He lifted a shoulder. “Nothing wrong with that as long as the women th
ey’re with know they’re not looking for something serious.”

  “I guess you’re right—plenty of women hanging out at bars are fine with one-night-stands. That’s never been me, but to each their own.”

  “Yep. We’re all close. We have to be—we work together, train together, spend days on end living and working together on missions. They’ve saved my life before, just like I’ve saved theirs.”

  “So…you, Blake, Troy, Ethan, and Logan. There was another guy right?”

  “Yeah, Jackson. He’s quiet, more serious than the rest of us, and the biggest guy on the team, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

  “Just a terrorist or two,” she said with a shiver.

  Grayson looked at her carefully. “I trust any of those men with my life. We all fight hard for what we believe in. Hell, that’s why people join the military, right? To fight for their country? We’re sent on ops, we rescue civilians, and yeah—when needed, we take out the bad guys.”

  “Even when I was in Afghanistan—it just didn’t feel completely real until the explosions on base. Of course I understood the dangers—you know, the men and women risking their lives each day. But I’m on the civilian side. I don’t train for things like that. Sure, I’ve had security briefings and such, and maybe I’m helping the greater good in some way, but it’s nothing like what people in the military do. That day was scary as hell.”

  Her phone buzzed on the table in the living room. “I should see if that’s my mom,” Hailey said, starting to rise.

  “I’ll grab it—no worries, I won’t chat with her this time,” he said with a wink.

  She flushed, watching Grayson move. He was faster than she’d expect for a guy that tall and muscular. Quiet, too. He moved stealthily, almost like a panther or something. He was silent and deadly. She almost felt sorry for any bad guys at the receiving end of his ops—almost, because they certainly deserved whatever they had coming to them.

  “Here you go,” he said, handing it to her a moment later and grabbing his bowl while he was still standing. “I’m going to get a second helping. Would you like any more chili?”


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