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Holiday Hunks - St. Nick's Christmas Wish: Hot Hunks Steamy Romance Collection

Page 14

by Tamara Ferguson

  Nick was amazed. He couldn’t get over it.

  “I love this kitchen,” Amy said, laying a hand on the island surface.

  “The hardest part was trying to find a table I liked,” Emma admitted.

  “Yes. It needed to be an antique,” Nick said, resting Angel on the floor.

  She promptly ran up to Emma, who picked her up and held her high. “Gee are you a pretty girl. You and your mommy and I will have to a girls’ night. I can curl your hair and do you nails…”

  “Now,” Angel insisted, when Emma rested her back down on the ground.

  “I have something else you can do for me now. The refrigerator needs some pictures,” Emma said, pointing at the crayons and coloring books on the table.

  Angel ran to the table and sat down, opening all the coloring and sticker books and checking each of them out.

  Amy looked like she was going to cry when she reached out, squeezing Emma’s hand.

  “Would you like to see your rooms? Or would you rather sit down and have a drink and something to eat?”

  “You know what?” Amy answered. “I’d love something to eat.”

  “It’s about time,” Nick muttered. “I wouldn’t mind something to drink.”

  “Vodka Tonic?”

  “Yes,” Nick said. “It’s been a rough day.”

  “I’ll have one of those too,” Amy murmured.

  Emma made three drinks, rather efficiently, and they sat in the living room with the fireplace roaring while Angel kept herself busy in the kitchen at the table.

  “This open concept is great,” Amy said. “It’s nice to be able to keep an eye out.”

  Emma agreed with a shake of her head. “I love the way this house is setup. I’ll get the food out shortly We have chicken from the takeout joint which I have warming in the oven and I also picked up some stuff from the deli, just in case. I’ll put everything out, and you guys can help yourselves.”

  “It’s going to be nice when it warms up and we can be outside on that patio,” Nick said, studying Emma.

  She was in her element here, and the best thing Nick could have done was handed over the house and asked her to make it theirs.

  * * *

  A few hours later, Nick was still sitting in the living room checking everything out when he heard the squeal of delight on the floor above the master suite, so he decided to investigate.

  When Nick reached the third floor, he was even more surprised at what Emma had been able to accomplish. The walls had been painted, and new woodwork had been added along the floor and around the doors.

  When he reached the room that Emma must have chosen for Angel, he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing inside

  A huge canopy bed and matching furniture with a pretty pink and turquoise motif, with an assortment of stuff animals, toys and whole of angels of every shape and size.

  “Unca Nick. Lookie,” Emma screamed her excitement, hopping up and down on the bed. Nick noticed that a thick, fluffy throw rug had been laid over the dark wood flooring.

  “Emma? This is incredible,” Nick said, walking inside, where he saw Emma comforting Amy, where she sat on a chair in the corner, apparently having a good cry.

  “My room is more beautiful than I’ve ever seen.” Amy hiccupped, looking up. “Nick? If you don’t marry this girl, I might have to kill you..

  Nick grinned at Emma.

  * * *

  They were finally alone, and he and Emma didn’t waste any time pulling off each other’s clothes.

  He needed her, and she needed him, and when he quickly, powerfully thrust into her after they’d fallen together on the bed, he finally felt complete.

  Lifting his shoulders a fraction further, enough to appreciate the way her body, all sumptuous curves and hot flushed skin undulated with each thrust, absorbed each forceful penetration as he rode her, filled her, he watched as he pushed her step by step toward the brink.

  Nick felt the tension inside Emma coil, felt her tighten beneath him, her thighs gripping his as release flickered and beckoned.

  Her ragged breathing filled his ears, a softer sound overlaying his own raspy breaths.

  Emma reached for him, trying to pull him toward her, where she met his thrusts and shared the heat.

  As he came, he felt himself falling from an unimaginable height, weightless and almost without substance.

  The intensity of it caused Emma to arch and cry out incoherently, and Nick’s mouth covered hers, cutting off the sound of her relief to have him back where he belonged.

  A shudder shook both of them at the same time, and the tension that had been strung so tightly between them vibrated and was gone. In its wake, was a satisfying lethargy that made them both feel complete.

  Nick sighed contentedly, wrapping his arm around Emma and pulling the comforter over them both.

  After that, Nick said softly. “It’s so good to be home.”

  “I was thinking exactly the same thing. I’ve missed you so much,” Emma whispered.


  Emma sighed, obviously content.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The following morning, Nick was sitting in his new office which Emma had situated beyond the living room, when he got a report via email from the private investigation company which he’d hired at the recommendation of Jake Loughlin.

  He printed up the report and started reading.

  What the team had discovered about Nick’s family put Nick into a devastating state of shock.

  Luckily, Amy had gone to visit Mike at the wounded warrior home, where they would have lunch and Amy could talk with the doctor. But Angel was upstairs helping Emma clean her room and make the bed.

  Nick had sat there stunned for at least a half hour, when Emma must have realized he was missing, and peeked her head into the office.

  “Nick? What’s wrong?”

  Nick closed his eyes, hating to have to reveal what he’d discovered.

  But if she was going to marry him, she needed to know.

  “Something awful, Em. Thinking back, I can’t believe it took this report for me to see what I should have noticed long ago.” There were tears in his eyes when he looked up. “It’s time for us to talk.”

  “I’m here,” she murmured.

  “Where’s Angel?”

  “Taking a nap,” Emma answered, giving him a soft smile. “Amy said she was up at four a.m.

  “She should sleep for a while then. There’s an awful lot for me to tell you, especially after this report I just got from the new private investigation firm I hired.”

  “I’m here for as long as you need me,” she answered.

  Reaching for her hand, he squeezed it and began telling his story. They spoke about the stolen money, and his kidnapping, before he told her about Shauna’s missing trust fund.

  And then he handed over the report.

  She started reading, and when she looked up at him, there were tears in her eyes.

  “Oh, no, Nick. How horrendous. We need to do something about this right away.”

  He shrugged, looking grim. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  “Let me look this over for you. I might have an idea. Remember, I love you.”

  Reaching out and taking the folder from her hand, he laid it on the desk and pulled her into his arms.

  * * *

  “Do you think it will work?” Nick asked.

  “Well, the fact that I’m a stranger might work to my advantage since I’m a woman.”

  “Where will everyone stay?”

  “I’ve got rooms ready for everyone. All I need to do is pick up linens and a lot more towels. I spoke with Jack about your family when you first asked me to get the house ready, hoping eventually that everyone would come to visit.”

  “You’re amazing Emma. Do you know that?”

  She smiled widely. “As long as you do, I don’t much care about anyone else.”

  And for the first time during the morning, Nick was beginnin
g to feel a ray of hope that everything was going to work out.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Emma couldn’t believe it, but Nick’s entire family accepted his invitation to come visit during the upcoming weekend. She wasn’t sure if he’d mentioned anything about dating her or not, but she figured he would share it as soon as everyone arrived.

  She was starting to become nervous. After all, what right did she have to interfere?

  But Nick seemed to think her plan was good, so all she could do way try.

  His sister Shauna arrived first, all alone, and gave Emma a hug right away.

  “I’ve heard so many good things about you,” she whispered. “I know I’ve going to love you as much as Nick does.”

  Emma blinked back tears.

  Shauna asked, “What’s happening Nick?”

  “You’ll have to wait until everyone’s here.”

  “Alright,” she answered. “What a great place.”

  “Come on,” Nick said. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  Another hour later, the doorbell rang, and after peeking outside through the window, Nick grimaced. “They’re here.”

  Shauna looked curious as Nick went to answer the door.

  Nick’s parents didn’t look at all how she expected. His father looked a lot like Nick, while his mother was beautiful, even though she was probably at least fifty.

  But she and Nick’s sister Naomi seemed very standoffish.

  “Mom, Dad, Naomi? This is my girl Emma,” Nick murmured.

  “How do you do,” Emma said, approaching and shaking both Naomi and his mother’s hands. His father was a little more friendly and gave her as quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Nice to finally meet you, Emma,” Mr. Hanover.

  “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Hanover.”

  “Mike, please.”

  “Mike.” Emma smiled.

  “We’ll get your bags later. There’s a matter of urgency with what we want to talk with you about, but Emma has coffee, soft drinks and water. Dinner will be catered later from one of our local restaurants, the Dragonfly Pointe Inn.”

  When everyone was seated in the living room, Nick turned to Emma unexpectedly, getting down on one knee, and pulling a box from his pocket.

  “I love you,” he murmured. “Humor me. I’ll do it properly when we’re alone together.”

  Emma looked at the open box in shock. But then she grinned. “Turquoise? It’s beautiful, Nick.”

  Shauna murmured, “That’s a blue diamond in the center.”

  Emma blinked back tears. “Oh, my God. This is pretty nuts.”

  Nick grinned, slipping the ring over her finger.

  “Hopefully, we’re going to have a Christmas wedding,” Nick said to his parents.

  Emma blinked. Would she have any say so?

  But now it was time to get serious.

  “Okay, I’m going to do this quickly, and Emma knows everything, Dad.”

  When his dad looked like he was ready to talk, Nick held up a staying hand.

  “All our secrets are being exposed today. I’ve hired a new private investigator, and I’ve discovered some pretty devasting information. But Emma is going to help me when we get to that.

  “When I was young, money was being filtered into Grandfather Ramsey’s account by Mom.”

  Nick’s Mom suddenly looked shaken.

  “Dad put a stop to it, and then I was kidnapped.” Nick heaved a sigh. “Since then, I was able to find out that Grandfather Ramsey was behind it. But the question is, why did he need the money when his accounts all seemed solvent?”

  Nick continued, “It turns out Grandfather Ramsey is funding human trafficking for a ring on the east coast, and he’s been doing for years. Part of the reason is because he’s being blackmailed for some proclivities of his past.”

  Nick turned to his father. “What no one knows is Grandfather had been participating in these proclivities with the female members of his own family.”

  Dad looked shocked. But then he turned to his wife, who looked ready to faint.

  “Gwen?” Nick’s dad pulled his mom into his arms.

  Emma heaved a sigh, studying Naomi, who was sitting in her seat on the couch like a statue.

  Walking over to her, Emma sat down beside her, reaching for her hand. “Naomi? Are you alright?”

  Suddenly, Naomi began sobbing, and Emma pulled her into her arms.

  “I’m sorry,” Naomi murmured.

  Nick approached, kneeling in front of Naomi. “There’s nothing for you to be sorry for. Dad must feel as devasted as I do for not seeing what was going on.”

  Shauna just sat there in shock.

  * * *

  Emma was the one who convinced Nick’s mom and sister to turn in Grandfather Ramsey. Nick had the FBI available via Skype, since Jake Loughlin, who was a former special agent, had the agency on standby.

  And it happened quietly. One of the largest human trafficking rings in the country was shut down, at least for now, and nearly one hundred people who were part of the ring were arrested during a big sting that summer.


  The following Christmas

  It was the day before Nick and Emma were supposed to get married when Nick arrived home, hearing laughing roaring inside the house.

  After walking inside, he thought he was reliving an episode of the Twilight Zone, when he saw both his mom, and sister Naomi, sitting beside each other on the couch, laughing at something they were watching on TV.

  In fact, everyone was there, including Emma’s parents and a bunch of friends.

  Jack appeared to be the one manning the television remote.

  Refusing to believe what he was seeing before his eyes, Nick spun around on his heels, walking back out through the front doorway.

  A few minutes later, the door opened, and Emma came out to join him. “Is everything alright?”

  “I think I’m seeing things. For a moment I thought I was in the Twilight Zone. Was that actually my mom I saw laughing?”

  Emma laughed. “Come on. You have to see what we’re watching.”

  Nick smiled widely, following Emma through the door, and glancing at the TV screen.

  “Oh, no,” he groaned.

  “Oh, yes,” Shauna and Jack yelled out in unison.

  Mom called out, “Play it again, Jack.”

  “Mom? Not you too?”

  Mom approached, reaching for Emma’s hand. “Imagine my son chasing a girl around, wearing a Santa suit. I want to see St. Nick in action again.”

  Nick couldn’t get over it as everyone in the room began laughing loudly, because loving Emma, and having his family reunited, was like every one of his Christmas wishes had finally come true.

  A Note from the Author

  I hope you’ve enjoyed St. Nick’s Christmas Wish.

  In case you’re wondering? The facts I’ve provided about the anti-terrorism unit are accurate, as well as the information about many of the unique restaurants and tourism sites to visit on Bali.

  Hopefully, I’ll be writing Jack and Janelle’s story soon after.

  Happy Reading!!


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  About the Author

  Writing steamy yet sweet compassionate stories of fate that are wonderfully romantic, Tamara Ferguson is the multi-award winning, #1 international and USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR of the Tales of the Dragonfly Romance Suspense Series, the Kissed By Fate Series, the Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance Series, the Daydreams & Dragonflies Sweet Romance Series, and the Tales From Dragonfly Pointe Short Story Series.

  Since 2015, she’s won over 30 awards in for her series titles, including the Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals from Readers’ Favorite.

  A member of the RWA, the Authors' Billboard and the Independent Authors' Book Network, her stories have been included in several #1 bestselling anthologies.

  Since she remains a full-time caregiver for an autistic son (along with a bunch of adopted pets!), you can usually find Tammy working at home, where she spends a lot of time not completing her numerous home improvement projects, because she's writing or helping author friends promote their books on twitter.

  Two Hearts Surrendered

  Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance Book 1

  An Excerpt

  2018 Top Shelf Finalist

  2016 Readers’ Favorite Book Award Military Fiction Winner

  2016 New Apple Romance Selection For Excellence In Publishing

  2016 IAN Book Of The Year Finalist

  2016 Romance Reviews Readers’ Choice Award Finalist


  His eyes scoped out the beach as he struggled to reach the pathway from the parking lot, steering away from the crowd. Following the trail to the very edge of the sand, Luke stumbled over moss and patchy grass, until he found shelter under a canopy of scrubby pines bordering the park.


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