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Opal Rain

Page 9

by Crystal Lewis

  Chapter 9

  I don’t know how long I slept for. When I did finally wake the sun had risen and Rose, Lily and Jasmine where sitting huddled together whispering but stopped suddenly when they realised that I was awake. I tried to speak but it felt like my toung was made of lead and I all I could manage was a few unintelligent grunts.

  “Don’t panic child it will be ok,” Rose said placing her hand on my head, “you collapsed after carrying Jasmine back here; you were having nightmares so Sylvia made a sleeping potion to help you get through the night. That however happened nearly a week ago and if we had known that you were going to be out for that long, we would never has agreed with giving it to you.”

  “James was worried sick about you,” Jasmine informed me with a small smile, “and when he found out that his mother was responsible for you been out for so long he took off and no one has seen or heard from him for the last two days.”

  “He is fine,” I croaked reaching out and taking her hand, my mouth still felt dry from the potion.

  Rose looked at me with a raised eyebrow, “how do you know that?” she didn’t sound angry just shocked.

  “I’m not sure hot I know, I just get this feeling like that two of us a connected somehow and I would know if something had happened to him,” I replied, wishing as I said it I could take it back because it sounded ridiculous.

  “It is possible that she would form a connection with someone,” Lily said catching everyone by surprise, “Fairies also possess the ability to form a connection with the person they are destined to spend the rest of their lives with. However there are only a few cases of this happening with a fey of another group and none with someone who wasn’t a fey, well at least not a document case anyway, Jasmines relationship with Opals brother proves that it is possible and given current circumstances it is highly likely that Opal would indeed form an imprint with James.”

  “But what of the prophecy, aren’t I meant to find another fey to ensure the survival of our species?”

  “It is true that the prophecy is written in that way,” Rose Replied, “However I am begging to think that may be it is not meant to come to pass in that way. The prophecy was written a long time ago and cannot predict out reactions to the situation and thus we are able to divert from the path that is set out for us.”

  I didn’t know what to say everything was changing so fast, as I went over everything that had happened in the last few weeks in my head a thought hit me, “What does this mean for Tabatha, I know that in order for the prophecy to be for filled she will be killed in the next few years, but if our actions change our destinies would we be able to prevent her death?”

  “No,” Jasmine replied her voice heavy with emotion, “not after what I found out the night the camp was attacked.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked shakily.

  “The night of the attack I had left the tent to get something to eat; I was over near the food tent when I heard voices coming from just outside the campsite. Fearing that they might have been planning to attack I was about to raise the alarm when I heard one of them mention Tabatha.

  As Jasmine spoke the tent flap was pulled open and Tabatha stormed in, “How on earth does the fact that the attackers mentioned my name have to do with my part of the prophecy?” She demanded.

  “Those men that attacked were working for your farther.”

  “How is that even possible,” Tabatha gasped, “My mother went to the orphanage to give birth to me because she knew giving birth was going to kill her and my farther had already been killed.”

  “I am sorry to say it seems that that isn't exactly the truth. Your farther fell in love with your mother not realising what she was. By the time he found out the truth she was already pregnant with you, he was with her the day you were born, she clung to his hand as she took her last breath. He wanted to keep you but he knew it would be better for both of you if he gave you up, he took you to the orphanage and left you there intending to come and get you when you were old enough to understand why he left you.”

  “Why should I have to die because my farther isn't what we thought he was?”

  “I am sorry Tabatha,” Rose said sadly, “after the way his men attacked us and what they did to Opal we are certain that he wants to use you to help destroy your kind.”

  “You can't be sure though can you.”

  “No, they can't, I'm afraid I agree after hearing what they have said and seeing what his men did here I agree with them no good can come from this.”

  Tears began to stream down Tabatha's face and I knew instantly I shouldn't have said what I did, “I knew they would eventually turn you against me.”

  “I'm sorry,” I said not quite meeting her eye, “I just don't see how anything good can come from any of this. I haven't turned against you I don't want to see you get hurt.”

  “And you don't think that I'm getting hurt right now?” she gasped through her tears, “for years you have been the one person I knew I could count on, and now just because we find out my dad is out there somewhere looking for me you turn your back on me.”

  “That isn't what I'm saying at all, I'm happy that your dad is out there somewhere and wants to know you, but you are putting everyone else's lives at risk by wanting to find him.”

  “Then don't come with me, either way I am going to find him,” she declared and stormed out of the tent.

  “Should we go after her?” Lily asked.

  “No,” I replied angrily, “she has made her decision and there is nothing any of us can do to change her mind.”

  As I spoke the tent flap opened again and James entered. “We have to get out of here now it’s not safe for any of us.”

  “Slow down,” I said placing my hand on his shoulder, “what happened?”

  “There is no time to explain, we need to leave and we need to leave now.”

  I looked at the others and could tell they were just as worried as I was and without another word we rose and followed James out of the tent.


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