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Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2

Page 8

by Bliss Carter

  “Boomer, oh my gosh, please tell me your joking. That was a dare. Cade dared me to be naughty in public and said I was a prude if I didn’t. You seriously took a picture of that?” Kresley asked, her hands wringing together, definitely in a panic.

  “Nope, just kidding. I don’t have a pic, but I saw it with my own eyes. It was funny as hell. And kind of sweet. I’m happy to see you both happy with each other, Kres,” Boomer said affectionately. He would never do anything to cause Kresley or Cade any embarrassment. But he couldn’t help but needle a reaction out of her.

  “Thank goodness. Whew! I would have been in a major panic and I honestly don’t know what Cade would have done to you if you caused me to be upset. He’s pretty protective of me”.

  “Really? Gee, I never would have guessed that Kres,” Grace stated sarcastically, her hand resting on top of Walker’s arm, as it rested below her breasts. She stroked her fingers over his hand and forearm, loving the feel of his skin near hers.

  “Oh, I almost forgot why I came over here. Cade and I wanted to know if y’all wanted to go out to eat with us on Friday night? We plan to go to Dante’s Italian and Cade mentioned a double date. Do you think you can get Sara to babysit Jaxson, Grace?” Kresley asked, smiling at her friend.

  “That sounds like fun. What do you think Walker? Will it disrupt any plans you already have? If not, I’ll ask Sara today and see what she says about watching Jax,” Grace asked him, looking at him with a smile of anticipation.

  “It sounds like fun, baby. Cade and I can argue over who’s going to pay the check. This should be fun since we both like to win,” Walker stated with a grin, bending down to kiss Grace’s nose, her face tilted back waiting for his answer. Going out on a double date would definitely be fun for them. It would give him a chance to learn more things about Grace, but without the pressure of it just being them. Kresley and Cade would be a buffer to gain more info on his blonde bombshell.

  “Yay! Okay, Kres. Let Cade know we are both on board. If Sara can’t watch Jaxson, maybe one of your sisters can do it”.

  “I can watch Jaxson if you need me to, Grace. Free of charge of course,” Birdie stated as she walked up to the threesome. “I don’t have anything going on Friday night, so Jaxson can come over to my apartment and hang out with me. We’ll watch movies, eat pizza and play video games”.

  “Thanks Birdie! That sounds great, actually. It will give Jaxson someone different than Sara to be around and he loves spending time with you at your apartment any way, since it has a pool. I’ll get with you on what time he’ll be there later this week.” Grace smiled big and bright at Birdie, then at Kres and Walker. A date night with Walker sounded like heaven.

  “Okay, great! So, we’re on for Friday then. It should be fun. If nothing else we’ll eat some awesome Italian food,” Walker told the women, already thinking ahead to the pasta dish he’d be enjoying.

  “Don’t mind that dreamy look in his eyes, Kres. Walker’s just fantasizing about which pasta dish he’s going to be eating Friday night,” Grace teased as she gazed adorably up at him. She giggled when he looked at her incredulously.

  “Now how do you know that, angel?” Walker asked, loving and finding it so damn adorable that Grace was beginning to know him so well.

  “Well, I know Italian is a favorite of yours and when Dante’s is ever mentioned you get this dreamy, girl-crush look in your eyes. You get a hard-on for alfredo, baby?” Grace batted her eyelashes at him, hearing Kres and Birdie laugh loudly behind her.

  “Careful woman or you may be on the receiving end of a spanking,” Walker said with a devilish grin on his face.

  Grace blushed and smiled, mumbling loud enough for him to hear, “Promises, promises”.

  Walker abruptly picked Grace up off her feet and hoisted her over his shoulder, where she lay draped with her butt pointed in the air. He brought his open palm down on to her full, rounded butt, letting a heavy pop echo in the room.

  Grace yelped at the sting and picked her head up, laughing and scowling at the same time. “Ow! Hey, that stung Walker!”

  “Say you’re sorry for being sassy, baby.”

  “Alright. You’re sorry for being sassy.” Grace laughed hard, screeching when he gave another pop to her ass. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry I was so sassy.”

  Walker set her back down on her feet, only to pull her into his arms and kiss her passionately. The kiss wasn’t long enough for him, but he had to get back to work and he knew so did the girls. “I’ll be at your house at 5:30 PM. Want me to go ahead and let Sara go and hang out with Jaxson until you get home?”

  “Sure, that sounds great. Don’t let him talk you into any snack foods of any kind. No ice cream Walker. You got me?” Grace stated in her best bossy way.

  “I got you, angel. I’ll pick up Chinese takeout so you won’t have to cook. Just text me what to order for you and Jaxson later. Gotta go babe. Duty calls,” he stated, indicating the radio crackling at his hip.

  Grace leaned up on her tip toes and gave him a sweet departing kiss. “Later, sweetheart. Be safe. Be alert. Be back by my side soon.”

  Boomer’s heart rolled over in his chest for a moment and her words made him emotional. “Thank you, Gracie. I’ll always come back to you”. Then Walker gave her a wink, smiled at Kres and Birdie and sauntered out the door.

  “Damn, that man is hot walking in or walking out,” Birdie stated, fanning her face.

  Grace reached over and smacked Birdie on the back of her head. “Don’t even think it. But you’re not wrong.”

  Laughing as she rubbed her head, Birdie said, “Gracie, you need to make sure that man has a ‘Property of Grace P.’ on him somewhere soon because my friend Darby know, she’s an ER nurse at the hospital...she said that Suzie Romero was talking the other day about Boomer and let’s just say she intimated that she was going to be making Boomer her next Happy Meal to enjoy.”

  “Suzie Romero?”

  “Yeah, remember Grace? She’s Nurse McBoobs that was trying to smother Cade with her enormous rack that night I was at the ER,” Kresley stated with heavy sarcasm and irritation.

  “Oh yeah...Suzie-Slut-O-Matic,” Grace said with venom in her voice. “If she lays one finger on him, I will gladly break it off. I’ll make sure to warn Walker to stay clear.”

  “I like this side of you Grace.” Birdie gave her a long look.

  “What side?”

  “The ‘I finally figured out what was in front of me and I’m not giving it up for anything’ side.”

  “Yep, it’s about time you found the jelly to your peanut butter,” Kres told Grace with a beautiful smile on her face. “Now to get rid of these nightmares you keep having.”

  “Oh, I’ve figured out a cure for those and it involves Walker. I plan to initiate Operation Nightmares Over tonight if Walker’s agreeable.”

  Both Birdie and Kresley agreed that it was time to shut the nightmares down and get Grace and Boomer moving forward. All three soon went back to work, counting down the clock until the end of the work day.

  Chapter Five

  When Grace got home, she found Walker and Jaxson outside in the back yard, playing catch. She wondered where the child size baseball glove came from. “Hey guys! Having fun?”

  “Hey mama! Check out the baseball glove that Boomer brought me. Isn’t it cool?”

  “Hey baby. Glad to be done with work?”

  Grace watched Walker throw the ball to Jaxson softly, but firmly enough to show him the correct way to handle a hard baseball. Jaxson had definitely learned in a short afternoon the right way to catch and throw. Watching Walker display skills at being a dad-type to Jaxson was making her melt inside. “Jaxson, that glove is awesome. Make sure to take good care of it. Hey baby, work was good, but I’m ready to relax. With both of my men.”

  Walker paused in throwing to Jaxson and smiled big at Grace. He told Jaxson to take a time out and he ran over to where Grace stood. He had changed into gym shorts and a sleeveless shirt.
He had flip flops on his feet and Grace didn’t think he could look any hotter. His biceps were so massive and with his arms bare, Grace was able to ogle him to her heart’s content. She was totally thrown off guard when Walker didn’t stop until he had bent at the knee and put his arms around her waist and under her butt, lifting her up against his chest.

  “Walker! What in the...,” Grace put her arms around his thick neck, hanging on tight since she dangled so high off the ground. Before she could say anything else his mouth slammed on top of hers.

  He knew he had to keep the kiss brief and not too suggestive since Jaxson was probably standing close by analyzing them. But damn if she didn’t taste good. Like coffee, sugar, and cinnamon. Walker drank in Grace for a few moments, kissing her with full, soft lips and mere gentle nudges with his tongue. He tore his mouth away from hers, pushed his nose into her soft neck and breathed in her scent deeply, smelling the spicy gingerbread there. After lingering a bit longer, he dropped Grace back onto her feet and put both of his hands on her face and neck, stroking her lips with his thumb, stroking a finger and up and down her nose, over her eyebrows. He just couldn’t stop touching her. Finally, Jaxson’s voice intruded on his deep thoughts about his girl, bringing him back to the present.

  “But I don’t want to go in yet, mama. Walker and I were having fun throwing the ball. Can we please play for a little more? Please?”

  Grace looked up at Walker, who stood close by her with his hands possessively on her hips. She raised her eyebrow in a silent question. Walker, being the amazing man he was, knew exactly what she was asking.

  “Hey Jax, I think your mama can handle us being out here for another 30 minutes or so. That way she can go in and get a bath if she wants, change clothes and relax a little bit. Then we’ll eat dinner together and find a good moving to watch. Does that sound good to you?” Walker asked this of Jaxson, but he was really asking Grace if she was good with his stepping in to make decisions. She just grinned at him and blew him a kiss of thanks.

  “Yes! Let’s play some more catch. I’m getting better and better at it. Maybe I’ll be a big baseball player one day and make lots of money!” Jaxson went on about baseball with much enthusiasm. Grace mouthed a thank you to Walker then disappeared into the house. Walker and Jaxson went back to discussing the detailed points of baseball and catching the ball. Walker could get used to this.

  Grace decided to take a relaxing, but quick bath. She even used one of her special bath bombs that was meant to help stress. She was hoping so much that the nightmares wouldn’t return tonight. And that Walker was going to be good with helping with that. She had made plans to bring it up to him after dinner. She lay in the tub, water gently lapping at her skin and contemplated she and Walker. Grace wasn’t planning to bring it up tonight or even in the coming days or couple of weeks, but she knew she would have to have the conversation with him about being celibate until she married. She hoped he would understand and it wouldn’t scare him away. For her to even want to talk with him about it should be a huge flag for both of them that things were serious between them. It was one reason why she was scared to talk with Walker about it. He may see her as some sort of freak or weirdo. But she had her reasons for the decision she made all those years ago. And it was important to her. She hoped Walker would see how important.

  Grace got out of the bath and dried off, then put on comfy leggings and a large men’s tshirt. Her hair was up in a messy bun and her face was fresh and clean with no makeup, no lipstick, nothing to put a barrier between she and Walker. She walked out of her bedroom, hearing the “boys” in the living room, Jaxson talking a mile a minute. Grace saw them before they saw her. Jaxson was standing beside Walker at the kitchen counter. He was using a kitchen stool to stand on, and was helping dish up the Chinese food onto plates.

  “Yeah, just like that Jaxson. Good job. Remember to put an egg roll on everyone’s plates. Then we’ll carry them to the table and wait on your mama.” Boomer looked up and saw Grace standing near the kitchen counter, a look he had never seen before on her pretty, scrubbed fresh, face. She looked content, at peace about something. Boomer was intrigued, but he was always intrigued by Gracie.

  “Hey angel, we’ve got the food dished up and sweet tea has already been poured and at the table. You ready to dig in?” Boomer asked her as he brought two of the plates to the table and set them down. Grace nodded yes and went over and grabbed the third and placed it on the table with everything else. He waited until she was within reach and snatched her against his body and kissed her lips, loving how she automatically opened her mouth to him, as if begging for his tongue. He obliged, but was cut short on deepening it further when a gagging sound was made behind them.

  Boomer looked and found Jaxson standing there, a hand over his eyes and gagging sounds coming from his mouth. Grace burst into laughter and Boomer began to grin. Jaxson, sensing he had both adult’s full attention, stated, “I don’t need to see stuff like that mama. Kissing girls is blah, Boomer, I would think you’d know that.”

  “Jaxson, I’m going to let you in on something from one guy to another. Kissing girls is a good thing, as long as you have their permission. Kissing your mama is a great thing because kissing her means that she and I are serious about each other. I know your mama wouldn’t kiss me in front of you unless she thought she wanted me around y’all all the time for a long time to come.” Boomer looked over at Grace, not apologizing for being high handed, daring her with his eyes to argue.

  Grace didn’t bat an eye lash as she stated to Jaxson, “He’s right Jaxson. He can kiss me any time he wants to because I think of him as being a serious boyfriend and one who will be with you and me for a very, very long time.” She pushed this point home to Walker by leaning up on tip toe and kissing him sweetly on the mouth, then his chin, jaw, and throat. “Now, let’s eat. I’m starving.” Walker didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. His grin said it all.

  After dinner they all sat down on the “new” couch, thanks to Aunt KK and Uncle Cade, and watched Jaxson’s movie pick, which of course was Ant Man. His favorite comic book hero right now was Ant Man. Since she looked at Walker as if he were her living version of Superman and Clark Kent all rolled into one, Grace didn’t pretend to understand the draw to a man who rode on the back of ants and flying bugs, but whatever made Jaxson happy. What did surprise her was the enthusiasm Walker showed Jaxson for the movie. They laughed together and sat forward during action sequences, concentrating on the movie plot.

  She thought Walker would try to sneak in some touches, kisses, or cuddles with her when Jaxson was distracted. He did, but not as much as she thought. And she was okay with that. Probably other women would have been ticked that they were shown lack of attention. Grace wasn’t like most women, not when it came to making sure her son had what he needed. She loved it that Walker paid attention to her child and showed him how a real man acted towards women and children. Not this pretend crap that other adults tried to do. Add to it the fact that Walker seemed to genuinely like Jaxson for himself, and not because of Grace, only increased her growing feelings for the gentle, sexy giant. Grace took the quiet time from her boys to group chat with the sisters. She needed advice.


  Grace: I’ve got a few minutes of quiet to ask for some advice. Anyone available?

  Birdie: Always

  Francie: Here pumpkin, but I may or may not be on the throne

  Gertie: Here. And gross Francie

  Kresley: Here and so is Cade. And he said to tell you he’s hurt that you wouldn’t include him Grace.

  [Pic of Cade with fake pouty face sent]

  Grace: I’ll add you Sasquatch, but not one word to Boomer. Or you sleep with the fishes.

  Gertie: I think the fishes died in Francie’s bathroom

  Birdie: OMG Gert! Your smartassery is on point. Welcome back sweetness. Your mind is mending itself with sass.

  [Cade added to the group]

  Grace: Okay everyone, here�
��s the deal. I’m having nightmares every night. Hardly any sleep. And the only time that I had no nightmares and slept was when Walker held me in bed and I knew subconsciously that he was in my house. So, it bares considering that I ask him to stay here so I can freakin’ sleep without Smith in my head or in my dreams. But how to do that without sounding like a slut? Also, how to do that and bring up the whole no sex rule until marriage?

  Grace: [crying emoji]

  Cade: Okay, woah. Lots there to re-read. And Kres is giving me details. Okay now I get it. I’ll let everyone else go first then. Being the only man, I will wait to say mine last.

  Francie: Honestly if you ask him to stay with you to help, he’ll do it no questions asked. He already told you to let him know. Multiple times. He’d stay with you even if there were no nightmares. The man wants you Grace. Your blinders are now off. I know you can see it in his eyes when he looks at you. We all can.

  Birdie: I’m with Francie. So, wondering if he would stay isn’t the issue. Is it Grace?

  Grace: Huh?

  Kresley: Exactly Birdie. We all know what the issue is...

  Gertie: Yep, the real concern Grace has is what he’ll say when she drops the boom on him.

  Cade: I’m lost. What’s the real issue?

  Grace: Yeah, I would L O V E to know what my issue is. Please elaborate.

  Francie: Well, Grace has a relationship condition

  Birdie: Yep, it’s a condition alright

  Cade: Celibate until Marriage???? Kres just told me. Wow.


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