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Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2

Page 11

by Bliss Carter

  “Sure, I love having Boomer here. He can stay as long as he wants. He’s dating us any way, mama. So, having him here makes that easier. I’m going to get out the cereal now.” Jaxson dropped that nugget bombshell and took off for the kitchen.

  “Well, you heard him. It’ll make it much easier to date with me here, baby. Kids are pretty smart,” Walker stated to her with a huge grin.

  Grace popped his arm and giggled. “You heard him, it’s breakfast time. Then on to work.”

  “I’ve got it baby. Take your time before getting up. I’m on Jax duty now.” He kissed her on the lips, then got out of bed, pulled on his shorts and headed to the kitchen. This was something Grace had never considered in having a relationship and being a mother. Having someone to split the responsibilities with. It felt so good to hear when Walker volunteered to help with something. Really good.


  Later that week, Boomer found himself at the batting cages with Cade, Gunnar, Braxton, Ash and Killian. Cade had suggested it as a way to pound some balls and let off some stress from the week. And according to the men’s quick agreement, Boomer was assuming that they all felt they needed it. Being a cop and firefighter was stressful. The idea of to serve and protect isn’t some romantic, grand idea. It’s sacrifices for the greater good. Even if a person doesn’t appreciate it. These men that he was surrounded by, hitting baseball after baseball, were some of the best men he knew.

  “So, Boomer, tell me something. And no disrespect intended with this question at all, so don’t hit me. But how in the hell could you agree to a ‘no sex’ rule with Grace? I mean, it’s Grace. She’s all big blue eyes, blonde curls and curves for days. Hey! I said don’t hit me, jackass!” Ash growled as he rubbed his bicep where Boomer punched him hard.

  “Careful what you say about my girlfriend, Ash. Or I’ll hit you in more vulnerable places next time. Gracie is off limits. Even in your thoughts,” Boomer scowled and said with a hiss. He turned to look as he heard Cade laughing loudly in the background.

  “Yeah, good luck with enforcing that one, Boomer. Listen, if y’all don’t realize it yet, these Anderson girls…and yes, Grace is included…well, they are definitely special. I’m not talking about a ‘surprise chocolate chip cookie packed in your lunch box’ special. I’m talking about the knock you on your ass with one smile, one touch, one kiss, special. They are magic. That’s the best way I can describe it. My relationship with Kresley started off at full throttle and I just hung on for the ride. But if she had told me about a ‘no sex’ rule until marriage, I would have readily agreed as well. And I would have bought the engagement ring a lot sooner. With these women, it’s not just about the sex. It’s about life. Life filled with more joy, more laughter, more sass. And that doesn’t even count Birdie.” Cade turned his eyes to Kilian when he heard the man snort at Birdie’s name. “Snort now, bro. Just you wait Killian. You’ll be grabbing the ‘oh shit’ handle if you’re man enough for Birdie.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I get special. I want special. But to say no sex until marriage, it’s just unheard of in this day and time. It’s, well, kind of old fashioned. Grace just doesn’t seem like the old-fashioned type of woman. She’s too independent, too much of a ball buster.” Gunnar imparted thoughts into the growing discussion about Boomer’s sex life, or lack of one.

  Braxton had been quiet until now, and he knew he’d be showing his vulnerable side with what he was about to say, but he trusted these men not to spread it around. “Sex isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be if it’s not with the right woman. Want to know how many times I’ve had sex? Twice. And that was with the same woman. All before I turned 25 years old. I haven’t found someone since her to initiate sex with. But it’s because I don’t want sex to just have sex. I want someone special to belong to, who belongs to me. A woman who will absolutely ruin me for anyone else ever when we make love for the first time. That doesn’t make me less of a man for thinking that way does it? No. And add the fact that I’ve been infatuated with my next-door neighbor, Gertie Anderson, for the last few years, makes me sound pathetic to any man I’m sure.”

  Boomer pounded Braxton on the back. “Man, I’m glad you said that Brax. Because it’s the way I feel, too. About Gracie anyway. She’s it for me. The One. Full stop. So, I’m okay with waiting until she tells me it’s time. And if that’s my wedding night, then it’s going to be the best damn night of my life. And don’t give up on Gertie. There are secrets behind those eyes that not many probably know about. I’m thinking Cade does since I see him treat her with kids gloves more than he does the others, but she’s blossoming it seems lately and I see her more like she used to be. Maybe that has to do with her sisters and Grace beginning to open up to relationships. Who knows?” Boomer and Braxton looked over to Cade at that, but Cade just shook his head and remained silent. Gertie’s story was hers to tell and no one else.

  “What if you’re attracted to a woman that you literally fear could snap your penis in half for saying the wrong thing? Because honestly, that’s Birdie in a nutshell.” Killian crossed his arms and scowled. “I like her. I like her spunk. But I don’t know if I could see us in any type of relationship because it would be such hard work. She’s not soft in any way other than her body and I mean that to say that Birdie is soft curves, hard angles and beautiful sparkle. Sharpest wit and mind I’ve ever met. And she can cut me to the quick with that tongue of hers. But to sign up for all of that and not get any return from it until after I commit to marriage? I just don’t see it happening.” He shook his head, a sullen look on his face.

  “Don’t give up on Birdie. She is the most unique and loving woman. All of the sisters and Grace are. That’s why they are such a package of dynamite. And if they bring in other women into their group, you know those women have the same type of magic. Captain, I’ll make sure to hook you up with the first new member to the Anderson coven.” Cade laughed and winked at Gunnar, who looked like he had swallowed nails.

  Gunnar laughed. “I don’t know if I should be afraid or excited.”

  Boomer and Cade both stated at the same time, “Both”.

  “I haven’t even been out on a date with a woman since I saw Francie Pants in Club Vue that night. And I have no logical explanation for why except that she’s in my head. And I can’t get her out. Maybe sex would do it. I’m not sure. I just know my body doesn’t react to anyone else. But she gives me such hot and cold reactions. She’s all over the place. I can’t get her out of my mind, though. These women are going to drive us all crazy!” Ash threw his hands up in the air at that statement, and pushed his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

  “Well, all I know is that I’m biding my time until Grace says those three little words, then I’ll be ring shopping soon enough. I made up my mind a long time ago that she and Jaxson would be my family from now on. It’s just taken her two years to not see me more than a friend. I didn’t push back hard enough though. If I had, I’d probably be married with a few babies with her. Word to the wise to the rest of you. Don’t wait too long. You’ll regret it.” Boomer spread that bit of wisdom out to the single guys standing there.

  “Boomer, what about your apartment? Have you even been there at all lately?” Cade asked with a quirk of his eyebrow.

  “Nope. I’m not really concerned about it. Grace wants me at her house. Jaxson likes me there, too. We’re gelling as a family and it feels right. I’ll bring it up to Grace soon about me letting my apartment go and moving in with her permanently. I have to do everything with Grace as though the idea comes from her in some way. My apartment isn’t much anyway, bro. It’s just walls, some furniture and my clothes. I’ve been living the bachelor life for too long. I’m ready to belong to a home. And that’s Grace’s house. I about choked up the other day when Jaxson colored a picture of me, him and his mama and hung it proudly on the fridge. He said it was our first portrait together. I dare you to tell me I’ve lost my man card for letting that affect me.” Boomer looked around at the men
around him. Not one of them said one word. Cade had the softest look in his eyes. Of course, he did. He was married now. He got it.

  Boomer ended the discussion with a simple proclamation, saying “Grace and Jaxson. They’re mine. Wherever their home is it’s my home, too.” Then he walked up to the box and put in money for some balls. One crack from the bat and Boomer knocked a fastball straight down the middle to the back of the net. If he had been at a baseball field, it would be over the fence right now. He saw this as a sign for his future with Grace and Jaxson. A homerun.

  Chapter Six

  It had been a month since Walker basically moved into Grace’s home. The best month of Grace’s life. After waking up the morning after Walker’s first night in her house, Grace remembered the amazing feeling of pure joy. There hadn’t been many moments in her life that accounted for that feeling. Jaxson’s birth, milestones with the Anderson girls, the first time Walker kissed her. But waking up in his arms and not remembering any residual images of a nightmares that usually haunted her every night since she was five…that was a pure gift of joy.

  Jaxson had adapted to Walker being there quickly and so far, there hadn’t been any negative incidents. He’s a good kid overall, which made it easier. She and Walker still haven’t said those three words to each other, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel them. And they grew stronger every day. She really didn’t know what she was waiting on. She kept thinking there would be some grand plan, grand way for her to share herself with Walker. But every idea that popped into her mind, she dismissed. She knew deep down that fear held her back. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. It was a natural feeling for her to have…one that she learned the hard way in her young life. But Walker made things so easy. He still had his apartment, but he had moved in many of his clothes and some personal items to her house. They slept together every night, but her celibacy rule was still in full force. Walker had not pressured her once for anything to do with sex. But that didn’t mean that she and Officer Collins didn’t fool around when Jaxson wasn’t present. Heavy make out sessions have been plentiful and Grace knew without any doubt that she and Walker would burn each other up when they did have sex for the first time.


  Grace pulled up her text messages and re-read a group chat she had with the girls a few days ago. She smirked as she read their snarky outlook.

  Francie: So, how’s the whole celibacy party for two going Gracie? Can you handle all of Boomer’s hotness in your house?

  Grace: Handling it fine, Francine! Mind your business.

  Birdie: As a virgin, I have no smack talk in this game, but even I wonder how Boomer’s able to still walk upright!

  Gertie: Birdie, geez. Boomer is being what everyone woman deserves...a gentleman who doesn’t put a relationship solely on the shoulders of sex. I know he had a talk with the guys about it. Braxton mentioned it to me.

  Kresley: Cade said something to me, too. But Boomer wasn’t talking harsh, Grace. He was coming to the defense of your decision. He was your hero. Your superman

  Grace: He is that for sure. I dreamed the other night that I watched him get a superman logo tattoo on his bicep. It was so sexy. I wonder if he would do that for real?

  Birdie: Tattoos are totally sexy. Killian has a full sleeve of tribal art on one arm. I get goosies every time I look at it. I think there’s more but I can’t see unless he undresses

  Francie: Ask him to Birdie. I bet he would

  Birdie: snorting here.... uhmmm, hell no. You think I’m going to open that can of worms? Nope. The man doesn’t even like me. He calls me Dirty Bird for heaven’s sake.

  Kresley: He’s being the 5th grade boy who likes you, but shows you by pulling your pig tails. Trust me. You’ll see soon enough Birdie. Soon enough

  Grace: Well, Walker and I have a while to go before we see each other naked. I feel like he’s always ready to say something to me, but he backs off. I hope it’s not second thoughts.

  Gertie: Doubt it Gracie. That man is so taken with you. You have him for life if you want him

  Francie: and Jaxson...that child is finally having the guy/dad moments that he’s deserved. He’s not my child and my own ovaries just about burst watching he and Boomer playing ball the other day. It was so cute.

  Birdie: Ovaries. I hate those things. They can bring so much joy yet can bring pain.

  Francie: Birdie...what’s up? You ok? You went to your yearly checkup, right?

  Birdie: Yep. My OBGYN appointment went....ok.

  Kresley: what do you mean okay? We’ve been at work for days with you and you haven’t mentioned anything. What’s with that heifer?

  Birdie: Nothing! It’s just that I’ve got some issues going on in the female department. The doc had done some tests and I’ll know more at my next appointment.

  Francie: Birdie, it’s going to be fine. I will go with you to your appointment. Let me know.

  Grace: Don’t borrow trouble Birdie. We’re all here for you.

  Gertie: I love you Birdie

  Birdie: love you all shut up and back to Grace and sex

  Francie: What sex? Lol

  Kresley: OMG lol

  Gertie: weapon launched, target acquired. Francie 1, Grace 0

  Birdie: I’m not sayin’ a damn word. Not one damn word.

  Grace: doing the hair flip at y’all. Just for that, I’m going to send Jaxson to your house for a week each and make sure he does all those gross things boys do

  Francie: I’m sorry! Oh gosh, please lord, I’m so sorry Gracie!

  Kresley: what she said

  Gertie: I don’t care. Jaxson is too cute to worry about being possibly grossed out

  Birdie: I’ll just take anything he can throw at me. I'm good with kids, since y'all say I act like one. Lol

  Grace: LMAO

  Gertie: Dear Lawd, I don’t even know what to say, but it's true.

  Francie: I do...for the first time I can honestly say I believe what my sister Birdie says the first time it comes out of her mouth. Lol


  Grace laughed quietly to herself, locking her phone’s screen and looked around the office. The Anderson sisters could be pains in the ass sometimes, but she didn’t know if she could be happy without them in her and Jaxson’s life. They were the best sisters to have, DNA or not. Lately, she and Walker had hung out with Cade and Kresley often, going on double dates and tonight, the entire crew, including hunky firefighters, were going to Club Vue to dance and spend time together. It had been Kresley’s idea, of all people. They’d only been back one time since Smith had spiked Kresley’s drink with GHB. But tonight, the girls wouldn’t be alone and would have plenty of protection, especially from Walker and Cade.

  It seemed as time passed, the group of men who now seemed interwoven in with all of the Anderson sisters and Grace became more and more important. Grace knew that there was a lot of chemistry happening between the men and Francie, Gertie and Birdie, but those twits were just too stubborn to admit it. Grace could only shake her head because she had been right there with them until she finally pulled her head out of the sand and saw Walker for exactly who he was meant to be. Hers. She shivered as she contemplated life without her gentle giant. She honestly couldn’t picture it without him now. And she didn’t want to.

  Seeing all the guys together was like watching a movie of nothing but hot, sexy men, parading around in their uniforms or even in casual clothes. It didn’t matter what they wore, the sexy factor was always at a flash point. Grace thought Cade was bad enough and had willingly approved the nickname Big Sexy for him because…well…why not? And she shouldn’t even start on how sexy Walker was with his massive biceps and thigh muscles the size of tree trunks. She feared that she’d melt on the spot. The firefighter hunks, as she referred to them in her mind, were pure flames of hotness and Grace felt a little sorry for the girls in their fight to remain impassive to it. A little sorry. Not a lot. Grace snickered at the way that Francie, Gertie and
Birdie were fighting their attractions for the fire hotties and making their own lives miserable in the process.

  Grace remembered wanting to balk at the idea that a man who looked like Walker did, and was actually a decent man who respected women, would have interest in an average woman like her. She knew that Francie, Birdie and Gertie felt much the same way that she had. Kresley had been there once, too. But she had found her Prince Charming and was so happy now that it was physically sickening to be around them sometimes. She and Cade were the perfect pair together. Hopefully things would move forward with her and Walker much the same way, but she wasn’t going to push him. It was better to let things happen naturally. But Grace may have to push the other girls forward a little with sparking things up with the firefighter hotties. Grace was always good at subterfuge. She lived for that kind of stuff.

  Grace was pulled from her musings by the dinging of the front door. She looked up to see Cade and Walker stroll inside. Cade wore his usual detective attire and Walker looked super sexy in his Police uniform.

  “Hey Gracie. Is Kres still in her office?” Cade asked, strolling by without stopping, headed his wife’s way. He looked super anxious, which confused and alarmed Grace.

  “Yep. Last time I checked. She’s being quiet today for some reason.” Grace had to yell out the last of that statement since Cade didn’t stop to chat.


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