Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2

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Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2 Page 12

by Bliss Carter

Walker came around Grace’s desk, smiling that sweet, sexy way that he had about him. “I didn’t think you could look more beautiful than you did this morning, but you do. Wow. Let me taste those lips, angel.”

  “Come here, you.” Grace crooked her finger at Walker and stood. She sat on her desk and waited for him to bend down towards her. He trapped her within his arms as he leaned on her desk top, smiling down at her.

  “Why don’t you come up and get it, baby? Take what’s yours.” He wiggled his eyebrows in that cute, endearing way of his. It made Grace giggle and she put her hands on his face and brought him down to hers for a hungry kiss. Walker pulled away sooner than what she wanted and she arched an eyebrow in question.

  “Angel, I’ve been meaning to ask you your opinion. What should I do about my apartment? It’s sitting there, vacant basically. Most of my clothes are at your house. All my apartment has is some furniture and a few personal items. Should I keep the lease up or let it go? If you want me to keep it, then I’ll need to sign a new lease in the next week or two. The lease is for 12 months.” Walker said it casually so he wouldn’t scare her. He observed Grace’s face intently, looking for signs of panic.

  “I say let it go. My home is your home. It’s our home. Right?” Grace asked, hesitantly. She looked up at him with those big blue eyes.

  “My thoughts exactly. Okay then. I’m giving up my apartment and moving the rest of my clothes and personal items to our house. I’ll let you decide if you want any of the furniture. If not, I’ll sell it or give it away to charity. Easy enough. Whew!” Walker flicked imaginary sweat off his brow and grinned. Grace grinned back and pulled him down to her mouth once again, giving him a heated kiss so hot that he felt scorched. His hands grabbed at her butt and his tongue pushed inside her mouth to take it to the next level.

  “Oh, my gah. Not at the front desk for goodness sake. Put that tongue back where it goes Boomer.” Birdie stalked across the room, hitting him on the arm with a rolled-up bundle of papers like he was a bad dog or something.

  Walker laughed and put Birdie in a gentle head lock. He turned to Grace and winked as he stated, “One day Birdie. You’re going to be so gob smacked that you won’t care where you are or who you’re with. You’re going to take one look at that one person and know that if you don’t kiss them soon, you’ll shrivel up and die.” He ended his teasing with a rub of his knuckles on her head, messing up her hair.

  “Hey, cut that out! I’ve got clients coming in any second.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Well I did until you outed me Gracie,” Birdie stated with a laugh. “Are we all still on for Club Vue tonight? I’m kind of excited to go dancing.”

  “As far as I know everyone is still planning to meet up at 8 o’clock in the VIP room upstairs. Sara is going to watch Jaxson until we get home. She said to stay out as late as we wanted,” Grace said, playing with Walker’s fingers that were wrapped around her hip possessively.

  “I’m going to ride with Gertie and Francie. Killian grunted something to me in our apartment’s parking lot this morning about me riding with him if I wanted to, but I told him no thanks. I mean, the guy doesn’t even act like he likes me. Why would I want to ride with him in total silence on a 30 minute drive? I’d rather not arrive at the club tense and ticked, you know?” Birdie eyed Grace when she snorted instead of replying. She then smacked her hard on the boob. Twice.

  “Ow! Damnit Birdie, stop! I swear, if you left a bruise on me, I’m going to hide all of your cameras.”

  “Yeah, don’t bruise my woman, Birdie. Especially there. I don’t like the thought of those beautiful gifts bruised.” Walker winked at both women and grinned when they scowled at him.

  “Don’t be talking about Grace’s breasts, Boomer. How uncouth of you!” Birdie tried to hold a straight face, but ended up laughing loudly. Grace smacked her back on the boob, drawing out a howl of pain and she and Birdie beginning a hand slapping war. Boomer fixed the issue by picking Grace up at the waist and holding her mid-air, turning her away from Birdie’s antics. He sighed and kissed the back of her neck.

  “Slow your shit, angel. Save energy for tonight when you and I are dancing together, lost in our own little world.” He smiled as Grace tilted her head back into the crook of his shoulder and puckered up for a kiss. He willingly gave it to her, tasting vanilla, sugar and coffee there. He grunted at her as he claimed, “You’re going to turn into a coffee bean, babe.”

  “If I do, what a way to go.” Grace grinned, feeling her feet touch the floor as he set her back down. His arms remained around her waist as they gave their attention back to Birdie.

  “So, anyone know why Kresley called all of us together? She sent a cryptic email out and I’m guessing called you and Cade, Boomer?” Birdie asked curiously.

  “I have no clue. Cade grabbed me on his way out of the office and told me Kres ordered me here. She wouldn’t tell Cade either and he was a nervous wreck the whole way.”

  “Looks like we’ll know soon,” Grace said looking towards Kres’ office. She and Cade were walking out with their arms around each other. Francie and Gertie were headed towards the group as well.

  “Okay, I wanted everyone in the same room together for this.” Kresley looked nervous as hell and kept looking at Cade, who had a huge grin on his face.

  “Yeah, we got that memo, Kres. Go on.” Birdie dead panned.

  “Well, we hadn’t planned it, but since it’s happening, we’re so happy,” Kresley started out, but got choked up and leaned her face into Cade’s chest.

  “You’re starting to worry us sweetie.” Francie looked at her sisters and Grace with a slight frown.

  Grace heard Cade whisper in her ear something about “count of”.

  “Okay, baby. 1...2...3...” Cade began. “We’re pregnant!” Kres and Cade both shouted together.

  There was dead, stunned silence for a moment, then all hell broke loose from the group of adults around them.

  “Oh my gosh! Are you serious? I’m going to be an aunt again?” Birdie sniffled.

  “That’s why you’ve been glowing lately! I thought it was just from fantastic sex, Kresley!” Grace laughed and clapped her hands in joy. She saw Walker shake Cade’s hand and pull him in for a hug. He whispered something in Cade’s ear and at his nod, fell back to Grace’s side. He put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her tight to him. She tilted her head up and smiled a beautiful smile, dimples showing.

  “I’m so happy for you both. You’ll make such great parents!” Gertie yelled, hugging them both.

  “Who wants in a betting pool if the baby will have red hair or dark brown? Boy or Girl? Or Twins?” Francie called out, laughing at Cade’s scowl as he muttered about no betting.

  “How far along are you?”

  “I haven’t been to the doctor yet, but counting back I think I’m roughly 6 weeks. We weren’t trying and it really was a fluke thing, but it was meant to be, right baby?” Kresley asked Cade as he kissed her temple.

  “Yes, definitely meant to be. We would have waited until the first trimester was over, but I knew Kres wouldn’t last any longer to tell y’all. She just told me 15 minutes ago after she took the test here.”

  “I think we need to celebrate with a big dinner at Dante’s. My treat. What night and who wants to send out the invites to the other guys?” Walker asked. “I know we’re going to the club tonight, but I don’t think club and celebrating a pregnancy go hand in hand. So, let’s do it right with a private group dinner instead.”

  “Very funny, Boomer, but true that I'd rather not celebrate pregnancy at a club. How about Saturday night at 7 PM? I’ll let them know and Birdie, why don’t you invite Darby, too. I’d love to get to know her better,” Kresley eagerly said.

  “Sure, I’ll see what her work schedule is like. Saturday night works for me.”

  “Works for us, too, right honey?” Grace asked Walker. “We’ll bring Jaxson so he can help celebrate.”

  “Yeah baby, tha
t works for us.”

  Francie and Gertie both agreed to plans for Dante’s. They all stood around talking for a few more minutes, finalizing meeting up at Club Vue. Soon, Cade and Walker reluctantly headed back to work. Grace blushed at the heated kiss Walker gave her in front of everyone. To pay him back, she slapped his ass hard just as he walked out the door. He didn’t look back, but shook his butt hard and walked on with Cade.

  “Holy moly y’all. I’m going to be someone’s mama. Me. Kresley Grantham.”

  “And you’re going to be a fantastic mama, Kres. I have no doubt,” Grace stated firmly.

  “The best. So, was anyone else checking out Boomer’s butt as he walked away? Because I’m telling you Gracie, he is f-i-i-i-n-n-n-e-e-e,” Birdie declared with a wink.

  “I agree. This baby will be so loved by so many. And knock it off Birdie. Grace will get that predatory gleam in her eye and I can’t predict what she’ll do. You know she can take you out if needed,” Kresley said with a laugh. Grace just growled at Birdie, then walked over and cupped Kresley’s stomach.

  “Baby G, we want you to know that you’re going to have the best parents ever. And the most beautiful. You’re gonna break hearts sweetheart, no matter if you’re a girl or a boy.” Kresley cupped her hand over Grace’s on her stomach and they both smiled tenderly.

  “Cade is going to the sexiest dad on the planet.” Francie had never spoken truer words than those. They all laughed at that and agreed.

  Birdie said she was already planning the newborn pics she wanted to take with Cade bare chested with the baby laying over his arm, pecs and biceps bulging. She fanned herself. Kresley laughed, but then began crying softly, which prompted a full Anderson tribe group hug. But Birdie’s smile quickly faded, and a pensive look came over her face. Grace noticed it first, and it was so out of character for her that Grace didn’t think twice about saying, “Birdie, what’s wrong? Your face looks like someone stole your bank account.”

  Birdie just shook her head rapidly and waved her hands as if to ward off any questions. She turned around quickly and tried to walk away from the girls. Kresley was having none of it.

  “Uh uh. No mam. You stay here and talk to us. What has you so upset? Tell us so we can fix it.” Kresley stated, sounded like a true older sister.

  “You can’t fix this Kres. No one can. Well, God could if He wanted to.” Birdie sighed deeply and looked down at the floor.

  “We’re waiting sweetie…you’ve been off and moody for the past few days.” Francie put her hand on her sister’s arm and rubbed it. Birdie took another deep breath and began to talk.

  “I guess hearing about Cade and Kresley’s exciting news smashed reality straight into my face.” At her sister’s perplexed looks, Birdie went on to explain. “I went back to the doc to get my test results a few days ago. And no, I didn’t tell y’all because I wanted to go by myself and hear whatever news it was first, without anyone else there. So, Dr. Malone has preliminary findings and they aren’t good. It’s not cancer. It’s not life threatening. But I was told my chances of being able to get pregnant and have my own child is about 5%.” Birdie blinked back tears at this, having not wanted to say it out loud because it would make it too real.

  “What? 5%? What’s causing it? Is there a cure?”

  “It’s called POF or Primary Ovarian Failure. It’s when a woman’s ovaries just stop working and producing eggs before she’s 40. Almost the same as premature menopause. There are many causes of POF, but Dr. Malone is testing me further for autoimmune diseases that could be causing it. She didn’t mince words with me and told me to prepare myself that I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant on my own using my own eggs. There are other options for having kids, of course and she told me to think about all of those things before I began trying to settle down with someone. I’ll know in another month or so if any causes pop up in tests. Then we’ll go from there.”

  All of the girls converged on Birdie at one time, coming in to hug her tight. It was the best group hug ever.

  “I’m so sorry Birdie. We’ll help you think this all through when you’re ready, okay? You just let us know when.” Grace stated firmly, caressing Birdie’s beautiful red hair.

  “Birdie, I hope Cade and I announcing our pregnancy today wasn’t too much for you.” Kresley looked sad and wouldn’t look Birdie in the eye.

  “Kres! No! Don’t think that. I am so happy for you and Big Sexy. And I’m going to be an aunt. I’ll spoil this baby so much it won’t know what’s happening.” Birdie grinned at Kresley. “Don’t mind my melancholy. It has nothing to do with you or your news. Honest.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure…” Kresley stated with a question in her voice.

  “I’m sure, Kres. I couldn’t be happier for you both. Honest. Let’s put my ovary stuff on a shelf to revisit later and concentrate on the plans to celebrate for you and Cade. The girls agreed and they began talking about how best to celebrate the pending arrival of the baby.

  Work became a reality soon enough and the afternoon sped by, everyone happy for Kresley and Cade, but all of the girls had Birdie in the back of their mind, their hearts aching for her. Grace had her own invading thoughts of babies, but they also included Walker. She kept wondering how he would look if he was told he was going to be a father. She had never gotten to experience that with her pregnancy with Jaxson. Grace didn’t have anyone for support. It was just the two of them against the world. She wasn’t even able to share the excitement of his birth. Grace couldn’t imagine Walker would be anything but ecstatic and full of joy. She sighed, her day dreaming not getting her anywhere other than trouble and off her work game. Back to work, Grace. Work first, then dancing with your boyfriend.


  Walker sat in his patrol car, thinking over Cade and Kresley's happy news, all the while keeping a watch out for speeding motorists on one of the town's busy streets. He laughed, thinking of Cade's joking as they went back to work earlier. He didn't know what Kresley would say exactly if she heard her husband's boasting about having super sperm swimmers and how they had conquered Kres' egg. When Boomer threatened to tattle on him to her, he laughed uproariously at the way Cade paled. Cade could say whatever he wanted, but Boomer knew that Kresley had Big Sexy wrapped around her fingers very tightly.

  As he sat there in the quiet of his car, he imagined holding a blue eyed, blonde curled little girl in his arms, pink blanket wrapped around her, round pink cheeks and button nose scrunched up in sleep. It only made him more determined to show Grace every damn day that they were meant to be, forever. Boomer, trying to get his mind back on track, turned his squad car around and headed off back towards the police department, a few tickets under his belt and an empty stomach. He decided to stop at the Quik Mart to grab a drink and snack. He pulled in and noticed that there weren't many vehicles around, so he should be able to get in and out fairly quickly.

  He exited his squad car and made his way around the side of the building, from where he parked at the back. He hadn't gotten quite to the glass door when he heard shouting inside. Staying hidden by the solid outside wall, Boomer took a quick glance inside and saw a man, holding a gun up to the woman clerk behind the counter. He couldn't make out what the man was saying exactly, but he could guess that he was demanding her to give him whatever money was available. Boomer knew how these things could escalate quickly. He backed up several feet and quietly spoke into his radio, calling dispatch to send out additional units.

  Not wanting to wait in case the guy decided to do something drastic and hurt the woman, Boomer crept back up to the door and waited until the man's head was turned away. He pulled out his service weapon and swiftly opened the door and moved inside, weapon drawn. The man was in full panic mode and became distracted as he saw the clerk dropping to below the counter to get out of the way. Shots fired out of the perps gun and buried themselves in the shelving behind the counter. Boomer used this distraction to launch himself at the man, taking him down to the ground, all the
while taking control of his hand with the gun and knocking it across the floor. The man was cursing and screaming, fighting Boomer for control. But the cop outweighed the stupid SOB by at least 50 pounds and was much stronger. Soon, his hands were cuffed behind his back as he lay on the floor and his ankles were zip tied together to prevent any escape. The whole incident was over in less than five minutes, but it had felt like an eternity to Boomer. He 'd had Grace and Jaxson's faces drift through his mind and it made him even more careful to do things carefully so he could go home to them.

  Boomer could hear sirens in the background as units arrived and finally he could take a deep breath. Fight or flight had taken hold and only now was he able to let go and think about what just happened. His limbs began shaking a bit and sweat poured from his forehead. He saw several uniformed officers pour into the crime scene, along with Cade. An officer led the clerk from behind the counter and she rushed over to Boomer. After hugging him tightly and thanking him for saving her, the grandmother of three walked to the opposite side of the store to give her accounting of what had happened earlier.

  Cade took one look at Boomer and led him outside into the fresh air. Boomer's bent body and hung head told more of a story than anything else to Cade. As a cop, no matter how many tough calls you went out on or how many dangerous situations presented itself, you had to keep yourself calm and in control. It was only after it was over when human emotions and reactions were released to surface. Boomer let out a deep, held-in breath and peered up at Cade.

  "Well, damn, Boomer. You didn't have to take my boast of having super sperm to this kind of level, just to prove how masculine you are." Cade grinned wickedly, trying to use humor to diffuse the electrically charged moment.

  "Bite me, Cade. All I wanted was a freakin' coke and some chips. Is that too much to ask?" Boomer snorted, realizing that he as still hungry and had no food to show for it.

  Cade slapped him on the back in sincerity. "Glad you didn't wind up dead, bro. Now, how are you going to break this to Grace? Because I do NOT want to be there when you do. But record it for viewing pleasure later." Cade laughed as Boomer flipped him off, walking back into the store to give his account of the event that took place.


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