Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2

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Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2 Page 13

by Bliss Carter

  Boomer sincerely dreaded having to tell Grace about this. He refused to share it with Jaxson. He just hoped Grace could handle it and not get too upset. At him any way. She could be as pissed as she wanted to with the perp.


  Grace now had a few hours to digest what had happened to Walker earlier this afternoon. Honestly, she surprised herself with how well she took the whole thing, considering that her boyfriend could have died while trying to get a coke and a bag of chips. She appreciated that Walker had wanted to tell her immediately and not sugar coat anything, but she wasn't stupid enough to think that he told her everything or how bad it truly was. She'd have to get with Cade later on and find the 100% true story for herself. She and Walker had agreed to keep Jaxson from knowing about it at all.

  Grace and Walker were bombarded with loud music as they weaved their way through the downstairs of Club Vue. The bouncer had indicated which set of stairs to take to get to the VIP section, and Walker possessively kept his arm around her waist as they walked together. He felt an intense need to touch her at every opportunity tonight. For him as much as for her. His girlfriend was so unbelievably beautiful tonight. Her little black dress she was wearing was tight in all the right places without being too revealing. Her red high heeled shoes about broke him when he saw what they did to her sexy legs. Her blonde curls were up in a high pony tail, with the ends still sweeping her upper back, swishing as she walked. Her makeup was subtle, but what got him almost to fall to his knees was the red cherry gloss that was coating her lips. It made those lips look even more luscious and pouty. If Walker was Superman as Grace claimed him to be, then she was his kryptonite. Especially those lips.

  Walker guided his woman up the stairs they had finally found and walked behind her as they ascended to the VIP section, all the while observing the sway of her hips and ass in front of him. What a beautiful sight to stare at. As if she knew instinctively what was going on behind her, Grace turned her head back and smirked at Walker. He laughed and popped her on her butt, hearing her giggles.

  They walked through the doorway of the VIP section and found Cade and Kresley already there, along with Ash, Killian and Braxton. After greeting all of them, Grace looked around for the girls.

  “So, we’re missing Francie, Gertie and Birdie then? I figured they would have beat us here.” Grace sat down next to Kresley, noticing the soda near her hand. No alcohol for mama-to-be for a while.

  “They should be here soon. Birdie text when they left Mercy Springs.”

  “Hey Boomer, I heard about what happened this afternoon. You are one tough SOB, my friend.” Braxton called down the table towards Walker.

  Walker could feel Grace tense beside him. He had already eased her mind about the incident once, not wanting her to worry. Hearing it talked about with the guys would problably just raise her anxiety back up. Besides, he was fine. Nothing bad had happened to him. “Yeah, it wasn’t that big of a deal, really. I’m just glad no one got hurt.” He reached out for Grace’s hand, relieved when her fingers wrapped themselves around his tightly.

  “From what I heard, you’re extremely lucky that you weren’t shot at close range.” Ash said, wincing when he saw Walker’s eyes become slits and then cut his eyes over to Grace. “Sorry man. Grace, I didn’t think about it before saying something. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  Grace sighed, knowing Ash and Braxton didn’t mean any harm of bringing up the subject. “No worries. I understand. Walker told me what happened, but no matter what the outcome was, it still worries me for him. I'll always worry with him being a first responder.”

  “Well, I’m completely lost. Cade hasn’t said anything to me yet about it. But we really didn’t have much time before leaving to come here. You weren’t keeping anything from me, were you Big Sexy?” Kresley turned to Cade with a slightly worried and hurt look on her face.

  “No baby, of course not. I figured we’d talk about it later tonight, unless someone brought it up. Which now they have.” Cade brought Kres onto his lap and hugged her fiercely, his hands protectively over her non-showing baby bump.

  Killian held his hand up like he was in a 3rd grade classroom or something. “Well, I have no clue what’s going on, so someone please enlighten me.”

  Walker shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s not anything to sound the alarms about. Everyone is making it out to be more than it really is, honestly.”

  Cade snorted at that, rolling his eyes at Walker. “Dude, you are so full of shit. Killian, your friend here had stopped at a convenience store to grab a snack and walked smack dab into the middle of a hold up.” At Kilian’s look of shock, Cade continued with the story. “Boomer had come in from the side door that was near to the cash register and made quick decisions that honestly saved the life of the clerk, Boomer and the thief. The gun was pointed straight at the clerk’s forehead and the perp was screaming at her to hurry up. Boomer walked in, distracted the guy long enough for her to duck and crawl into a space beneath the counter, getting her out of the way of fire. The perp was so mad that he fired a round into the shelves behind where she had stood, giving Boomer a chance to go for him. Boomer tackled the guy and wrestled him to the floor. He was able to knock the guy in the face and head enough to stun him, then knocked the gun out of his hands. Boomer had disarmed the guy and cuffed him, all within the first three or four minutes of him walking in the store. That is the picture of an amazing cop right there.”

  Walker had opened his mouth to admonish Cade for making what happened seem blown way out of proportion, but Grace stood up abruptly. He looked at her with worry, not knowing if she was upset again at hearing what happened. When he had told her earlier the story, he had left out a good bit of details. But thanks to Cade, the loud mouth, she knew far more than what Walker wanted her to know. He eyed her silently, waiting. But again, because she was Grace, she surprised him.

  Grace slid on to Walker’s lap, easing herself back until she was cuddled to his chest as tightly as she could. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers. The kiss she gave him could easily be the best kiss he had ever received. Time stood still; noises faded away except the sound of his heart racing inside his chest. He could only feel Grace, her arms tight around him, her butt cradled into his groin, the heat of her body seeping into his. And her mouth. Her luscious mouth turned up to his, smearing him with her cherry red gloss. Minutes later, some cat calls from Francie and Birdie rang out, grabbing Walker’s attention from Grace. He looked down at her, her mouth red and swollen from his kisses. He rubbed his thumb over her mouth, smiling into her eyes.

  “You okay, baby?” Walker asked, squeezing her tight against him. His hand stroked over her hip.

  Grace sighed, knowing that her being angry with him would be futile. He didn’t hide what happened this afternoon from her. He just didn’t give her all of the small details, making it seem less dangerous than what actually had happened. And she didn’t blame him for doing that. He was protecting her. She understood. “Yeah, Walker, I’m okay. I’m not mad. I’m just grateful that you’re here with me.”

  Walker kissed her forehead and whispered, “Me, too, angel. Me, too.”

  Grace shook herself from her own thoughts and called out to the table at large, “Okay, who’s ready to dance with me? Let’s go downstairs and show them how it’s done.” She grinned and then squealed as Walker stood up, her still in his arms and proceeded to spin her side to side on his hip, as if they were dancing to a 1950s song. Grace laughed loudly, smacking him on his shoulder as he set her down. They all headed downstairs where the music was cranked up and the people on the dance floor had multiplied fast.

  As Grace and Walker danced among their friends, she noticed all the eyes that followed Walker around. She wasn’t stupid. She knew other women checked him out. Why wouldn’t they? He was sex on a stick. That didn’t mean that she liked it. She should have done what Birdie said and put her stamp of “Property of Grace” on him somewhere. She tr
usted Walker. She didn’t trust the women. She knew how women could be. She was one of them. Cut throat, evil witches always lurked around, hunting their next victim. She just didn’t want to have to get into a fight tonight. She would if she needed to. None of the guys had been introduced to that side of her before. She didn’t let her come out to play very much, but when it was called for, she gave her room to roam about.

  A slow song started and Walker took Grace into his arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. He buried his face in her shoulder, kissing her skin underneath her ear. “Grace, have I told you how beautiful you are to me?”

  Grace purred, as her eyes lowered to look at Walker’s mouth as she spoke. “Not in the last hour or so. I find myself craving to hear it again.” She winked up at him and then let out a loud gasp. Walker’s hands had traveled down to her butt, cradling it and pulling her firmly into him. Walker’s already deep voice became deeper, gruffer as he put his mouth over Grace’s ear as they danced, saying things to her that made her blush furiously. But she didn’t pull away from him. She liked the things he was saying too much to do that.

  Grace peered around at everyone else and found them paired off, dancing in various stages of intimacy. Francie and Ash were the most noticeable. Her back was plastered to Ash’s front with his arms wrapped around her waist. Francie’s arms were up and wound around his neck. They danced like that with Ash doing what Walker was doing, talking softly into Francie’s ear. Gertie and Braxton were slow dancing as if they were at a middle school dance. Gertie’s hands at his shoulders, his hands gently touching her waist. They were at least making eye contact with each other and talking. But they had at least a few inches between their bodies. And then there was Birdie. She liked to convince people that she was this strong, independent man-eater, but realistically she was anything but. There was no better example of her true self than what Grace was witnessing at that moment. Birdie stood in the circle of Killian’s arms, leaning against him as if he were her only support to stand. Her forehead was pressed against his chest and her arms were wrapped around his waist. Grace could see her face as they danced and the contentment and yearning that was there grabbed at Grace’s heart. That girl needed this, she needed someone like Killian. Some one who could keep up with her and give her the softness that she craved. Grace just hoped that Birdie would get out of her own way to find happiness.

  Cade and Kresley were slow dancing much like she and Walker were, lost in their own world. Cade’s hand kept caressing Kres’ belly the entire time, kissing her cheek or forehead. Married couples just had a different look about them. Settled. At home. Belonging. Grace could only hope that was her someday.

  Soon Grace found the need to go to the rest room. Walker refused to let her go without him close by, so he escorted her there, along with Birdie and Gertie. He told them to take their time and stood in the hall, leaning against the wall. He was lost in thought when he felt a pair of hands stroke up his arm. Walker quickly stood straight and frowned down at the woman with no boundaries.

  “Excuse me. I’m just waiting for my girlfriend and her friends in the restroom.” His frown should have been enough of a deterrent, but not for this chic it seemed. She reached out to grab onto Walker’s arm and hand again.

  “No need to wait around on them, sugar. I’ve got what you need. Come on and let me show you.” She batted her mascara caked eyelashes at him, making one of those stupid duck-face pouts with her lips.

  “Listen, lady, I’m not sure you’re getting this,” Walker growled down at her. “I’m not interested. Don’t touch me again.”

  “You must not recognize me, Officer Collins. I’m Suzie, the nurse. From the ER department. We’ve met several times. I always thought you were so hot.”

  “Yeah, well I don’t remember you. And I’m taken, so no need in us continuing to talk with each other.” Walker pulled away from her wandering hand once more and walked to the other side of the hallway. He cursed quietly when she followed him and chose to hug herself against his side, her free hand roaming down quickly to cup his ass cheek. Walker’s eyes went wide and his mouth had just opened to blast her one last time when the worst thing possible happened. Grace came out of the bathroom door, taking in her boyfriend with another woman’s hands all over him. Shit!

  He opened his mouth to deny having instigated any of this, but Grace gave him a quick cutting look and held up her hand for him to stay quiet. Walker didn’t hesitate. He chose to shut the hell up. He watched warily as Grace walked over to where he was standing, being accosted by this woman.

  “I’m going to assume that you have a very good reason for having your hands on my boyfriend, Suzie.” Grace stated quietly, evenly. If he had not looked into her eyes for a moment as she said them, Walker would have assumed Grace was unaffected by what she saw. He would have been wrong. So wrong. The fire burning in her eyes, the anger she had at this moment, was something he never knew existed before. He was kind of scared of her, if he were being truthful.

  “You can assume anything you want, but I didn’t hear him complaining one bit about my hands.” Suzie smirked at Grace, but let on to her wariness of Grace in how fast her hands dropped away from Boomer.

  “See, that’s where I know you’re completely full of shit, Suzie. I know my man. Backwards and forwards. And there is no way in hell that he is going to associate with the likes of you anywhere or at any time. Not when he already has me. Why would he settle for flavorless chicken when he can have prime cut filet mignon? Besides, with you being the chicken, I can go ahead and tell him that your breasts are fake and just filler. Walker prefers a natural woman and not some makeup layered slut who doesn’t know how to keep her panties on for more than a few hours before looking for the next victim to screw.” Grace cocked one eyebrow up, daring Suzie to react.

  “Why you bitch. How dare you say that about me. What do you know any way? A single mom with a son and no father around. How sad for him that he’s been denied that because his mama is a worthless piece of shit who can’t seem to latch on and keep a man.” Suzie sneered, hoping to wound Grace with her words.

  “Grace, say the word and I’ll bust this witch for you.” Birdie growled, having walked out and listened in on the latter half of the conversation. Gertie stood behind her, warily looking between Walker and Grace.

  Grace took a few more steps towards Suzie, with Walker standing quietly beside her. She stood right in front of the slut and although the woman was an inch or more taller than Grace, she shrunk away from her. “You listen to me well, Suzie-slut-o-matic. My child, my son, is off limits. Say whatever you want about me. I don’t care. Your words are worthless, useless. But one negative word about my child that is put out into this world will not be tolerated by me. If I ever hear you utter a word about him again, I promise you that you’ll regret it more than you regret having that crappy boob job.” Grace pressed closer to Suzie, leaning in to her body until they were touching, barely. Grace’s voice lowered into a growl and it raised the hairs on the back of Walker’s neck. “I’ll end with this. Do not talk to my man again. Do not look at him. Do not even think about him. Walker Collins is mine. And I’m his. I trust him with all that I am and I know that he would never touch another woman besides me. I know that your touch only made him feel dirty, uncomfortable and probably molested. Why don’t you run along and evaluate your pathetic excuse for a life and stop hitting on men that you know are involved with someone else. It doesn’t make you look good, in anyone’s eyes. I know it wouldn’t look good to your employer. I’ll be glad to let them know about the morality of their employee if this type of behavior continues. Now run along Suzie. Play time with my man is over.” Grace made a shooing motion with her hand and watched Suzie slink off. Only when she was out of sight did Grace’s shoulder slump and exhaustion creep in.

  “Damn Gracie…I haven’t seen that temper in you in ages. Glad to see it hasn’t lost its bite. Oh wow, I’m thinking Walker’s going to need help articulating himself. It see
ms he’s at a loss for words. Use your words, Boomer.” Birdie said, laughing quietly. Gertie pinched her at her waist, getting a yelp and elbow to the ribs. Both walked away after a second more and left Walker and Grace alone.

  “Grace, I nev…” Walker began speaking, only to be interrupted by Grace’s fingers held on his lips.

  “Shhhhh. Baby, you have nothing to apologize for. I know you Walker. You would never do anything to entice that woman or any woman. Not when you’re with me, belong to me. I trust you, babe. She needed to be put in her place. She really ticked me off when she brought up Jaxson.” Grace scowled at that. Stupid bitch.

  “Come here, Grace.” Walker pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly to him, needing to hold her. “Thank you for trusting me. You were right when you said I felt molested by her. Her touch made me only wish for yours.” Walker leaned back and looked Grace in the eye. “So, does this mean I’ve finally seen your angry side? Because I’m hoping it doesn’t get worse than what I saw. That was brutal, babe. But funny at the same time. Especially when you talked about her bad boob job. I thought it was just me. They looked off, a little wonky.” Grace erupted in laughter at that, wrapping her arms around Walker’s neck and hanging on until she was red in the face. He grinned down at her head. Life with Grace was a never-ending adventure.

  Chapter Seven

  Jaxson was beside himself with excitement because he got to join in the fun with the grown-ups. Dinner at Dante’s Italian and then cosmic bowling were on schedule for the group tonight. He bombarded Walker and Grace with questions about what they were going to be doing, what he should eat, what cosmic bowling was. Grace noticed for the thousandth time how patient Walker was with her son. He always answered his questions and never acted irritated with him. It was just one more thing she loved about the man. Woah! Love, Grace? Did the “L” word just come from your brain without overthinking first? Holy shitake mushrooms. It did. She loved Walker Collins. Sexy, bossy, unbelievably affectionate Walker.


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