Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2

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Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2 Page 17

by Bliss Carter

  “Walker wanted me to check with you and see if you were up for karaoke on Saturday night. We’ll eat at Dante’s at the usual time and then go to the Karaoke bar.” At Ash’s nod to say he’d be there, Grace turned back to her desk. She missed the look Ash gave Francie, a silent question of did she know what was going on. Her quick nod yes was all he needed. He wrapped her fingers around his for a moment and squeezed them, then he let go and said he had to get home to do some chores. He waved goodbye to them both and left.

  Minutes later, Killian walked into Whimsy Events and absolutely blew Grace’s mind with what she saw. She knew Killian was Scottish. She just didn’t know how much he embraced his heritage. Not until now. Killian stood before her, wearing his Scottish family’s kilt. Grace knew enough about Scottish tradition to understand that the plaid’s color and pattern meant something to what family it belonged to. His kilt was blue and green plaid with a shade of red and white blended throughout. It came to his knees, leaving his calves bear. He wore his black work boots and chose to wear his firefighter’s helmet. The kilt draped over one shoulder and came down to tuck into the belt at his waist. Killian was about the same height as Walker, so 6’3 or so of sexy, hard muscled goodness was standing before her. His bare chest was hairless and his chest, arms and ab muscles were as massive as Walker and Cade’s were. Grace honestly thought that if he had long hair, he could seriously be on the cover of one of her historical romance novels she read about Scottish lairds and their ladies. Grace snorted at that, catching Killian’s attention.

  “Hey Grace, where do I go for the photo shoot thing? Their supposed to have my animal here already.” Killian asked as he looked around. He seemed really tense.

  “It’s all upstairs. Are you the one who chose the blonde labradoodle?”

  “Yep, that’s me. I’ve always had a soft heart for dogs and when I saw Goldie in the shelter, I fell in love with her. I’m thinking about adopting her.” He stated this with a grin. Suddenly they both heard Birdie yell from upstairs.

  “Grace, have you seen Killian? He’s my last appointment for the day. He needs to hurry his ass up.” Birdie stated gruffly, irritation clear in her voice.

  “I’m already here smartass. I was just asking Grace where I needed to go.”

  Birdie could be heard clearing her throat. “Well, uhhhh, I’m ready when you are Killie. Goldie is awake and playful, so be prepared.”

  Killian threw a grin at Grace and shrugged his shoulders. “You heard the boss, gotta go!”

  Grace didn’t go upstairs, but she didn’t have to be up there to picture Birdie’s reaction. She could hear it all the way downstairs.

  Birdie squealed in a high-pitched voice, “Oh my gosh! Killian McKenzie, are you wearing a dress? Wait, no, not a dress. Is that your kilt? Your family’s tartan? Oh my gosh, Killie, that is so cool. Come here, let me touch it.” Grace raised her eyebrows at that, but didn’t call out one naughty thing to Birdie. She just shut her mouth and went back to work. Things always worked out the way they’re supposed to. Grace felt that would even include Birdie, who was always the one to march to her own beat. She grinned at the dog barks, Birdie’s laughter and Killian’s grunts as they flowed down the stairs. Yep, life was a roller coaster ride for sure.

  Chapter Nine

  Nervous could never begin to define what Walker was feeling on Saturday afternoon. He was sitting on Grace’s couch, with her cuddled up beside him as she read one of her romance books and he watched a sci-fi movie on Netflix. Jaxson was in his room, playing with his robot toys. It was a laid-back Saturday afternoon with his family. He should be smiling, sighing and feeling content. He was anything but that. He hoped that Grace couldn’t tell he was feeling anything but happy. He was happy, no argument there. But tonight was so important. He didn’t want to mess anything up. Kresley had promised him more than once that she had everything under control on her end. Cade was helping her and everyone else knew their part to play. Walker let out a shaky breath without meaning to. Grace heard him and raised her eyes to his.

  “Baby, you okay? The movie not what you expected?” She asked sweetly. She also gave him an excuse as to why he was acting out of sorts.

  “Yeah, it’s not what I thought it would be. I had built it up in my head and it’s just not the same.” He leaned over and put his head to her shoulder, nuzzling her neck. A few gentle kisses to her skin and he was feeling better, more centered.

  Grace sat up more and put her book down. She leaned over and pushed Walker’s shoulders back against the couch. At his raised eyebrow, she grinned and straddled his lap. This was one of her favorite positions to cuddle into the gentle giant. Her snuggly bear as she referred to him as of lately. He would just growl at that description and then grin, ruining his gruffness. She pushed her hands behind his back, leaned her chest against his and pushed her face into his neck. She waited and it didn’t take but a second for his arms to wrap around her in a warm, strong hug of comfort and love. He never failed to make her feel this way. Every time. No matter the day she had or he had. They always came together at the end of it, ready to comfort each other, celebrate with each other. Just love each other. And Jaxson.

  “Do you know how much I love you, angel?” Walker asked.

  “Beyond the sky, the stars, the galaxy, the universe?” Grace teased.

  “Beyond all of that. Infinity. I never knew I could feel this way about a woman and she return my love in the same way. I just don’t know what I would do with out you and Jaxson.” Walker ended that with a kiss to her head, whispering words of love and endearments in her ear. They stayed that way for a good hour or so. Then they had to start getting ready to go out with their friends.

  He and Grace were getting ready in the bedroom together. Jaxson was playing video games on the couch, oblivious to anything else around him. Grace stood there, in only her bra and panties. She and Walker had both gotten over being shy or overt with each other outside of their clothes. Neither had seen the other naked yet because that would be pushing things too far for them to ignore. But a bra and panties were no more than a bikini if they were swimming. Walker stood behind her at the long mirror. He put his hands on her shoulders, then wrapped his strong muscled arms around her. Grace could see almost Walker’s entire body in the mirror since he was so much broader and muscled than she was. He dwarfed her in strength and size, but he had never used it to overpower her or make her feel weak. Walker kissed a trail of heated kisses down her throat to her shoulder. His lips were soft, yet firm. Grace’s breath caught in her throat as she felt desire go from a slow burn to a fiery inferno in a few heartbeats.

  “You are so beautiful Grace. I love everything about you” Walker growled as he caressed her. His hands ran over her full breasts, feeling her nipples harden. His touch was light, not heavy handed.

  “You always feel so good against me, Walker. Your hard against my soft. I love you most for your mind, your gentleness, your sweetness, your loving nature, but I can’t forget about your body. Your so much bigger than I am that it makes me forget about my curves and all of my body’s flaws.” Grace’s eyes widened as Walker abruptly turned her around to face him. She saw heat in his eyes, but anger as well.

  “Listen to me loud and clear Grace. You are perfect in every way that counts to me. You fit me as if we were made for each other exclusively. Two puzzle pieces coming together to become one. That’s the only thing that matters to me. I love your curves, your ass, that smokin’ hot ass almost leaves me in tears when I watch it walk away. Baby, your breasts always make my mouth water when I look at you. So do not ever put yourself down in my presence again or I’m going to bend you over my knee and give you a proper spanking. And I’m not kidding.”

  Grace couldn’t hold in her grin any longer. “Can I get that in writing?” She tried to say as innocently as she could.

  Walker picked her up with a growl and tossed her on the bed, turning her over at the last moment so she was on her stomach, her butt sticking up in the air. �
��Walker!” She exclaimed, then remembered she needed to be much quieter. Jaxson would come running if he heard yelling or loud laughing.

  “You asked for it baby.” He popped her with his open hand on her butt, careful not to make too much noise, but he wanted to make sure she felt it. He thought she would giggle or laugh. He wasn’t prepared for her moan. Well, what do you know? His Gracie liked a bit of spanking. He needed to file that away for future use. “Now are you going to quit talking about yourself in any way that’s negative?”

  “I’ll think about it”. Smack! Grace moved on the bed at the feel of Walker’s hand on her ass, lightly popping it with his hand. She hadn’t seen this side of him before. Playful, yet powerful. She liked it. “Okay, okay. I promise baby. Now let me up so we can get ready to go. But maybe we can visit this again soon?”

  Walker turned her back over onto her back and leaned over her. His face was fierce in the light of the lamp and setting sun coming through the windows. “Yeah baby, we’ll revisit this. Soon.” And at that, he leaned down and kissed her roughly, without apology, taking exactly what he wanted. When he was through kissing her, thrusting his tongue over and over into her mouth, he lifted his head and saw her lips swollen, her mouth red from his kisses and whiskers. Perfect.

  “I think I’m going to like getting to know this new assertive side to you Walker,” Grace whispered, bringing her fingers to her lips. “I like it. A lot.” And at that last statement, Walker stood up and pulled Grace to her feet. She tried not to pay attention, but he couldn’t help but look down at his painful erection.

  “Ignore it baby. It’ll go away in a little while. I’m not a 15-year-old boy who can’t control himself.” Walker winked at her and headed into the bathroom to take a shower.

  When he had shut the door behind him, Grace lowered herself onto the bed and stared blankly at herself in the mirror. Woah Gracie. I hope y’all get engaged and married quickly. Otherwise, you’re toast on the whole celibacy thing. You won’t last much longer chic. Her reflection seemed to say these words back at her with a mocking gleam to her eyes. “I hope so, too. Soon.” Grace finally got up and began getting dressed. “Hey Walker, Kresley reminded me for us to kind of dress up a little tonight. She wants a group photo together of all of us in more than jeans and a t-shirt. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yeah baby, that’s fine. Would you do me a favor and just pick out what you want me to wear? It will make it easier for me.”

  Grace smiled at that request, feeling like a wife in handling her man’s clothes and outfit selections. “I’ll be glad to. I’m putting it on the bed for you. I’ll be out in the living room with Jaxson.”

  Walker walked out of the bedroom ten minutes later and looked so sexy, so positively gorgeous that Grace had trouble breathing. He was wearing his charcoal gray slacks and a dark purple/egg plant dress shirt, buttoned up with two left undone near his throat. The sleeves were rolled back on his forearms, revealing their muscles and veins. Dress shoes in black finished the outfit. His black hair was cut super short on the sides, almost shaved and the top was longer, and combed back. A few strands tried to fall in his face and he pushed them back with his fingers. The purple in his shirt brought out the hazel green of his eyes. He looked like some sort of sexy Greek statue.

  “I’m ready to go when you are. Sara’s here and she’s about to fix Jaxson some dinner.” Walker waved to Sara and looked back over to Grace with an assessing glance.

  “I don’t think you’re quite ready yet, even though you are more beautiful than any man has a right to see.” At her questioning look down at her beautiful turquoise cotton dress, Walker pulled out a small wrapped package from his back.

  “What’s this?” She looked at the gift with curiosity and eagerness. It was rare for her to receive a gift without knowing about it.

  “Just a little something that Jaxson and I picked out for you the other day.” Walker looked on anxiously as Grace opened the velvet box and took out a beautiful white gold charm bracelet. It was already half filled with charms of all kinds of different themes.

  Grace took the bracelet and held it in her hands. She saw a boy one, a heart, a police badge, even one that spelled out “boom”. She lifted her eyes up to his and every emotion she felt was right there for him to see. He took it out of its velvet box and put it on her wrist. The charms jingled and bumped against each other as she shook it. She rose up on tip toes and thanked him with a long kiss. “It’s beautiful. Thank you, Walker. You’ll have to tell me about some of them later tonight, okay? I love it. I love you.” At his nod, she turned to Jaxson who was helping Sara in the kitchen. “Thank you, Jaxson, for my bracelet. I love it!”

  Jaxson ran towards her and gave her a hug around her waist and legs. “I’m glad you like it mama. Daddy and I had fun picking out all of the charmie things. We can go back and pick out more when special things happen.”

  “Sounds perfect. Now, be good for Sara and daddy and I will be home later tonight. Okay? You’ll probably already be in bed but I’ll come in and kiss you goodnight anyway.” At Jaxson’s agreement, Grace and Walker said goodnight to him and Sara and left for Dante’s.

  Dinner at Dante’s was delicious like always. Everyone was there, even Walker’s Captain, Gunnar Phillips, as well as Birdie’s friend Darby Hart. The entire group was so loud in laughing that Grace was glad they had a private room. Even Killian and Birdie seemed to be getting along, if you could call it that. Soon they stood up to head out to the karaoke bar. Francie and Grace were laughing about which song they were going to butcher first when she heard Walker’s cell phone ring. She looked up as he answered and a slight frown came over his face. She couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation, but when Walker sighed heavily, she knew it had something to do with work. He hung up and looked at her and Francie.

  “Angel, I forgot to sign a report earlier today and it’s got to be signed so things can move on to arraignment on a case. Can you ride with Francie to the bar and I’ll go sign it quick and be there in a few minutes? I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine honey. I’ll ride with Francie and she and I can plan the best songs to sing so we don’t sound like we’re murdering anyone.” Grace leaned up and kissed him firmly on the lips. “Be quick so I don’t miss you.” He winked at her and was out the door. She missed the quick look he gave Francie.

  They all arrived at the karaoke bar minutes later and Grace saw there were quite a few people there tonight. Good thing she didn’t get stage freight. But karaoke was all about fun anyway. No one cared if you could sing or not.

  Grace walked inside with everyone and saw that Cade had secured them a group of tables at the very front. She sat down on one end of the tables and asked a waitress to bring her an unopened bottle of water. She didn’t want alcohol tonight and she’d learned her lesson about getting drinks and being drugged with what happened to Kresley and Gertie. Karaoke usually began at 9 PM and it was that on the dot, so Grace wasn’t surprised when the host stood on the small stage to get things started. Grace looked around for Walker, but didn’t see him. She looked at her phone and didn’t see a missed call or text. She frowned, thinking he’d be here by now. She’d give him a few more minutes then call and check on him.

  The host said they had something special planned for tonight. He indicated the side of the stage and welcomed Ash on to it. Ash, holding his guitar, sat down on a stool and adjusted a microphone to catch it’s sounds. Grace noticed movement to the side of the stage again and there was Walker, coming up to stand beside Ash, holding a cordless microphone. She was flabbergasted. She looked around at everybody, wondering when he had gotten here. She squinted at him in curiosity, but he just grinned at her and held a finger to his lips as if to tell her to hush for now.

  Walker spoke into the mic as Ash started playing notes on the guitar. “This song is dedicated to the woman who holds my heart. For you Gracie.” She was shocked. She knew Walker could sing a little. Had heard him sing country tunes around the hou
se or in the truck, but nothing loud or flamboyant. What in the world was he up to?

  Grace recognized the tune immediately, even if it were only being played on the guitar. It was a haunting love song and Walker was opening his mouth to sing it to her. And his voice was beautiful. The most beautiful voice she had ever heard before. And he was singing the verses to her. For her. About her. Grace started to cry. Tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn’t even bother wiping them away. She didn’t care. She only wanted to listen to Walker sing to her for the rest of her life. She closed her eyes at one point and just listened to him sing the words to her from John Legend’s beautiful song All of Me.

  Grace opened her eyes again and looked straight into Walker’s. He looked no where else but at her. Deep into her eyes, her soul. As the last words and notes lingered in the air, Walker, still holding on to the mic, walked towards her and held his hand out to something or someone off stage. Grace saw a little hand hold on to his and walk with him towards her. Jaxson. Her baby was here. She could see Sara standing nearby to the table, tears running down her cheeks. Grace only had eyes for her two guys as they came over to her. Jaxson stood by her side, his hands holding on to her arm, looking up at Walker. And the man she loved with every breath she took, well, he was kneeling in front of her chair. He held the mic in his one hand and a red velvet ring box in his other. Oh wow. Grace’s eyes widened and she couldn’t look anywhere but at Walker. Cade helped Boomer out and took the mic from him, holding it nearby to his mouth so people could hear him.

  “Grace, Jaxson, what I did up there should be the most scared I’ll ever be in my life. Because I don’t like to sing in front of people. But I knew I wanted to sing to you, Grace, and let you know how you make me feel. Every day. But right now, kneeling in front of you, this is the most scared I think I’ll ever be now and in the future. Because with one question, your answer will write my future, good or bad. I have loved you Grace, and you Jaxson, since the very first day I was introduced to you over two years ago. I remember the day exactly. It was a Tuesday at 3:45PM, June 18th. Both of you had been gone that day to the Atlanta Zoo and had come into Whimsy Events to give Kresley something you had picked up for her. I remember your hair color the most. Long blonde curls, so many shades of blonde that I lost count. Your blue eyes were next. So blue, so wide and innocent. But then you let out the bawdiest joke I’d ever heard, out of ear shot of Jaxson of course, and I remember your wink and your laughter. And my heart was a goner."


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