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A Hundred Others: A MM Medieval Romance

Page 4

by Jude Marquez

  “I'm thirsty,” Alyx finally managed.

  Auelina waved her hand and a young woman came and set a pitcher of water down on the table beside Alyx. Evander stood and Alyx had to glance away when he realized that Evander was just as naked as he was.

  The princess seemed entirely unconcerned by her brother's complete lack of clothing and then Evander reached for a robe and Alyx relaxed.

  A young man, Ely, helped him sit up and drink small sips of water while others brought in breakfast, hung up clothes for Evander, and baths were drawn for the both of them.

  There seemed to be an open door policy on the prince's room, with the amount of people coming in and out, leaving and taking things, speaking to the others, setting up a table with food, and in the case of a few men, standing about and looking bored.

  Ely urged Alyx to swing his legs over to the side of the bed to help him stand, but everyone straightened up when a woman with dark skin and clever eyes walked in and Ely paused in his ministrations for a moment.

  The Queen walked in just after the elegant woman with clever eyes. As she passed each group, they bowed, curtsied and murmured respectful greetings.

  “Your Highness,” Alyx said when she stopped in front of him. He tried to drag the blanket up and over his chest, but his bare ass was already in danger of flashing those that stood behind him.

  The Queen scoffed. “Alyx, I have seen you naked more times than I can count over the past two days.”

  Alyx floundered in his head for something appropriate to say but when he looked around, everyone was clearly restraining their laughter. He felt a hot flash of shame and bowed his head even further.

  “If it please you, Your Highness, I can leave. I just need clothes-”

  “Whatever for, Alyx? Is there somewhere you need to be? Someone you need to see?” The Queen asked, and settled down on the bed next to him. She picked up his arm and looked closely at his elbow where Elewisa had burned him.

  “I- uh, no?” Alyx stuttered. “Should you need me to leave-”

  “Nonsense,” The Queen murmured. “I was only teasing, earlier. Your self-consciousness is amusing only because I have seen you without clothes so many times over the course of the past few days,” she turned to Auelina and murmured something to her and Auelina in turn nodded at the four young women waiting for her. Everyone turned to their tasks and Gia stood.

  “Come, Alyx. Let's look at that wound that bothered you so much and get you into a bath.”

  As Alyx edged to the end of the bed, two men took Gia and Ely's place and helped him stand. It was a good thing too, because as soon as Alyx tried to stand, he found his legs wouldn't support him.

  He looked apologetically at one of the men.

  “I had a fever for three days and when I tried to stand, I brained myself on a table,” the one with dark hair said. said.

  “It would have been funny if he hadn't been so near death.” The other man muttered. “I'm Aldous. I was at the house.”

  “I remember,” Alyx said.

  “I'm Geoffrey,” the other man said. “Come, the Queen is waiting.”

  They walked Alyx, bare assed, into a large room that had tiles that were warm under his feet. The whole room was warm and Alyx felt bad for the knights that were dressed in layers. There was a large tub in one corner of the room and another behind a screen. Evander was scrubbing himself in one of them.

  The Queen was joined by Auelina while Geoffrey and Aldous helped Alyx over to them. Ely came in with a small towel and wrapped it low around Alyx's hips, much to his relief.

  “It looks less inflamed,” Auelina said to Gia.

  “It does. Tell me, Alyx, does it hurt?” Gia asked and grazed her fingers over the skin around the wound. Her fingers felt like sandpaper over his skin.

  “It's sensitive,” Alyx admitted.

  “Better than pain,” Gia said. She sighed and put her fingers to her chin. “I don't think he should sit and bathe. Immersing it would only worsen it.”

  “What do you suggest? He won't be able to stand on his own,” Auelina pointed out.

  “A stool and a bucket,” Gia said after a moment.

  And so Alyx sat in another tub, this one empty, while Geoffrey poured warm water over him and Aldous helped him stay seated. A young woman was brought in and scrubbed him, much to his embarrassment.

  Ely helped him get dressed and by the time that Alyx was finally seated at the table for food, he was torn between eating and sleeping once more.

  Evander tapped the bowl in front of Alyx. “Eat, then we can put you back to bed.”

  Alyx nodded and ate a few pieces of ham and a hard boiled egg. The Queen pushed a bowl of fruit at him, cut into small pieces.

  The woman with dark skin handed him a mug. “It doesn't taste good, but it will help you sleep, and that's what you need now.”

  Alyx did as he was told and drank from the mug. The woman was right. It tasted terrible but he could feel his eyes sliding shut immediately.


  Evander barely caught Alyx's face before it hit his plate of eggs. He glared at Jeanna who look just as surprised at how quickly her drink worked on him.

  He heard Geoffrey and Aldous approach but he pulled Alyx close and lifted him up easily from the bench and went over to the bed. The weight and feel of him was already familiar to Evander and he was loathe to let anyone else touch him. The maids had already changed the bedding, as they had every morning since Alyx arrived. One of the girl servants laid the blankets back for him and shifted the pillows around behind Alyx's head when it lolled dangerously. He gave the girl a silver coin and she looked delighted before returning to her seat by the bed.

  “I believe I should adjust that for the young man,” Jeanna said and looked into the mug near Alyx's plate.

  “Hm,” Gia said and Gael and Cade came in.

  “Here you all are,” Gael said and kissed his mother on the cheek before sitting down and heaping things on his plate.

  “Good morning, sister,” Cade said and kissed Auelina on the cheek. “Mother,” he said and did the same. He squeezed Evander's shoulder and took Alyx's seat. He looked from the half eaten plate to Alyx on the bed and then raised his eyebrows at Evander.

  “Go on,” Evander said and Cade began shoveling the food in his mouth. Gia complained how much food they all went through so Cade rarely let anything pass him by.

  “How is our guest?” Gael asked.

  “He was well enough to take a bath and put clothes on. He ate a bit and then Jeanna put him back to sleep.” Evander said.

  “Will he be okay?” Cade asked, looking back at Alyx.

  “Yes. He just needs to sleep. Tomorrow, we should try to get him to walk a bit.” Gia paused and ate a slice of an orange while she looked at her oldest son. “What are your plans?” She asked.

  Evander paused as he was about to lift his cup to his mouth. “What do you mean?”

  “With our guest,” Gia prodded.

  Evander blinked at her.

  “I don't need explicit details. I just- why is he here? Why him?”

  Evander looked over at Alyx, asleep, his hand curled with his palm up. He was thin and scarred and he looked like he hadn't rested, truly rested, in a long time. Maybe ever. He needed a haircut, several good meals, and a friend.

  “That could have easily been me,” Evander said.

  When he looked at his mother, she held his gaze. “Be kind to him.”

  Evander nodded.

  Chapter Seven

  Elewisa's hands were around his neck and he was so much smaller than her. This wasn't so much a dream so much as a memory that had been a frequent display during his childhood. He wanted to fight back, he tried, and then he was awake, on his feet, and there was someone else next to him.

  “Where are they?” The voice asked. “Who's there?” He shouted.

  “I can't- I don't know-” Alyx said and he sounded thick and hoarse to his own ears.

  The doors were thrown open
and Elyes was there with a crossbow and there was another man, Ricardus, right behind him, sword in hand.

  Reality filtered in as Evander raised a candle and Alyx was able to see around them. He dismissed Elyes and Ricardus and they left, giving Alyx sympathetic smiles on their way out and quietly closing the door behind them.

  Alyx stood in the middle of the room, the stone floor beneath his feet warm and smooth. He looked down at his hands, opened his mouth to explain but found himself at a loss.

  “I'm sorry,” he finally whispered. He felt terrible for waking the Prince. The Prince was a busy man and did all the he could to keep his family and men happy and healthy, worked hard alongside Gael to keep the borders secure from Thomas’s army, and now Alyx was waking him up in the middle of the night.

  Evander sighed and Alyx flinched at the sound.

  “Would you like your own room?” Evander finally asked.

  “I can leave,” Alyx said.

  “That isn't what I asked,” Evander pointed out.

  “I can leave if you'd like,” Alyx said slowly. “But I would prefer to stay.”

  “Well, then, come. We can sleep still,” Evander said.

  “Are you sure? I can-” Alyx gestured to the door.

  “Alyx, come and sleep. There is nothing that can get you here,” Evander said.

  Alyx did as he was told, climbed in the bed next to Evander, and pulled the thick blanket up and over his shoulder. Evander turned on his side, facing Alyx.

  “Was it her?” He asked softly.

  Alyx nodded.

  “She's gone.”

  “I wonder,” Alyx said softly.


  When Alyx woke for the second time, all he needed was a hand up from Geoffrey to make it to the bathroom. He washed and Ely handed him a shirt and trousers. He had socks on so thick that he had to wonder what he even needed boots for.

  When he came out, Geoffrey and Elyes were the only ones left in Evander's room, aside from a girl that was making the bed.

  “The royal family request that you join them in the dining hall,” Elyes said and handed him a cloak. Fall had come on them earlier than they thought and although the castle wasn't cold by any means, Alyx's thin frame didn't have much insulation to keep any kind of chill out. He settled the cloak on his shoulders and slipped the boots on.

  He followed Elyes and Geoffrey out of the Prince's room and realized that this was the first time he had seen the castle. They walked at a leisurely pace, for Alyx's comfort, he was sure.

  “I apologize,” Alyx said softly to Elyes.

  Elyes looked over at him, eyebrows raised. “For what?”

  “For waking you last night,” Alyx said.

  “Everyone who has been to war, especially a long and hard fought one, has nightmares. You are no exception,” Elyes said gently.

  “I was not at war.” Alyx replied.

  “Are you sure?” Elyes asked.

  Alyx fell silent and thought about his answer. Before he could think of something to say, Geoffrey was pushing open a large door.

  The noise fell when the three of them entered. It was only a few seconds before it was picked back up again.

  There were four tables. At one, Princess Auelina's ladies ate daintily and spoke quietly among themselves. Their manners were impeccable and they spoke in soft voices. They threw more than a few glances at a table populated by Evander's knights. At another, the men that Alyx had become slightly familiar with; Tobey, Ralph, Gabrien, Aldous, Ricardus, and Ely. Geoffrey and Elyes joined them. At the third table, there was an assortment of servants eating. They ate quietly and had their eyes on the royal family in the event that they needed something. Alyx was surprised. In his own household, the servants weren't allowed to eat until the family had and had to wait on them, standing over their shoulder.

  The fourth table was raised just above the others. Gia sat in the center, Evander to her right, Gael to her left, Auelina across from Evander, and Cade across from Gael.

  Alyx hesitated at the door, unsure of where to sit. He took a step in and Auelina saw him. She smiled brightly and patted the seat next to her. Alyx made his way over to her and as he sat, a man showed up next to him. Alyx startled a little bit.

  “Water or juice, sir?” He asked.

  Alyx looked around at who he was speaking to and everyone stared at him. “Me?” He said.

  The man smiled. “Yes, sir.”


  “Juice,” Alyx said and then man turned to a small table behind him and poured him a cup.

  “Eggs, ham, and potatoes alright with you, sir?” A young boy said. He was practically vibrating with energy and his blinding smile was contagious.

  “Yes, that's fine,” Alyx said.

  “Right away, sir,” he said and ran off, jumped off the dais, stumbled a bit, and disappeared through a door tucked away in the corner of the room.

  “It's a wonder that kid has only broken one arm,” Cade muttered.

  “You were no different,” Gael said and pointed a fork in Cade's direction.

  “How are you feeling?” The Princess asked, changing the subject hastily.

  Alyx nodded. “Good. I cannot thank you enough,” he said honestly, looking around.

  “Get better. Completely better. That will be thanks enough,” Evander said and winked.

  Before Alyx could say anything else Gia turned back to Gael. “So how much is there left in storage?”

  “About seven hundred pounds,” Gael said, looking at some papers by his elbow. “Seven hundred and thirteen.”

  “In one silo?” Gia asked.


  “We have seventeen silos. If they all have seven hundred pounds or thereabouts, where does that put us?”

  “Uh-” Gael said and began to scratch the problem out on paper.

  “Eleven thousand, nine hundred pounds,” Alyx said immediately.

  Everyone turned to him.

  “Your Highness,” Alyx finished meekly.

  Gia looked to Gael.

  Gael nodded.

  “And if we were to use three percent in the castle, and an additional seven percent on the citizens?”

  “You would consume one thousand, one hundred, sixty five pounds in a month between both the castle and the citizens,” Alyx tipped his head to the side and quickly ran through the numbers, just as his father had taught him. “Leaving in storage ten thousand, seven hundred, thirty five pounds.”

  “Holy shit. I think Evander found someone smarter than Gael,” Cade said.

  Alyx blushed.

  Gia ignored her children and fixed Alyx with her eyes. “Can you read, Alyx?”

  “Yes, Your Highness,” he said. Before his father had been taken, he had taught Alyx all his numbers and letters and Alyx had stolen a few books from the library. Elewisa never noticed. Gilbert worked with him on his math until it was like a second nature.

  “And do math as well,” Gael said. He looked a little relieved.

  “Once you are well, I believe I have a job for you,” Gia said, a small smile on her face.

  “I can start as soon as you'd like,” Alyx said.

  “You'll need all your strength. You'll get there.”

  A plate appeared at Alyx's elbow and the same boy smiled up at him. He was missing a front tooth and Alyx found that irrationally endearing.

  “Thank you,” Alyx murmured.

  “Yes, sir.” He said and left. As he passed behind Evander, Evander put a hand out and stopped the boy. He spoke to him seriously for a moment and then held out his open palm. There was a small candy there and the boy scampered off, clearly delighted.

  “You spoil him,” Cade accused.

  “Yes,” Evander said.

  “That's why everyone likes him the best. Even if we do the same thing, it's after Evander has done it, so it just looks like we are copying him,” Cade told Alyx.

  Evander's siblings glared at him.

  He smiled back at them.

yx chuckled.

  Everyone turned to him, surprised. Gia smiled at him and Evander's eyes were searching Alyx's face. Alyx blushed and bowed his head.

  The conversation continued.


  “What are your plans for the day?” Cade asked, as they left the hall.

  “I don't know,” Alyx said honestly.

  “Evander has training for the morning and most of the afternoon. Gael and I will be there, along with the men. Auelina will-” He paused and looked confused. “I don't actually know what the women do during the day when we are training. Cade said and looked at the others in front of them. “Mother won't allow you to participate, but you are welcome to come sit with us.”

  “Actually, there is something that I wanted to show Alyx,” Evander said, as he fell into step next to the two of them. “Get the men ready. I'll be there soon.”

  Cade left them and Evander stopped Alyx in the hallway. “What are you interested in, Alyx?”

  “Interested?” Alyx asked and then looked at Evander. “Alyx?”

  “I like nicknames. Never mind I can call you-” Evander said and looked uncomfortable.

  “No, I like it.” Alyx said softly.

  Evander smiled. “Yeah. Okay. What do you like to do? Like, for... entertainment? For fun?”

  Alyx furrowed his brow. “I like to sleep,” he finally said.

  Evander frowned. “When was the last time you had fun, Alyx?”

  Alyx thought and the silence stretched out as they continued down the hallway. “I had a dog once. My dad gave me a dog before he left.”

  Evander's face went through a series of emotions before he finally nodded and said, “Okay. I can work with that.” He turned and gestured for Alyx to follow him.

  When they left the hall, they passed the stables and went into something that looked like a corral but with a considerably lower fence. Inside the fence was a gruff looking older man with a beard. At his ankles were a half dozen pups, all different breeds.

  “Boy you better not be here to ask after those hounds. I will go straight to your mama-” The man said, raising a finger.


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