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A Hundred Others: A MM Medieval Romance

Page 7

by Jude Marquez

  “Oh please do," Alyx replied.


  Alyx and Gia whiled away a great deal of time, laughing about memories of her children until Alyx had tears on his cheeks. When they were interrupted, it was by Gael himself who came into the room and asked for a moment of Gia’s time.

  Gia waved Alyx off and as soon as he left the room, he was accosted by Verna and Cordelia. They both grabbed him by his upper arms and steered him to a wing he was not familiar with. Knight barked and Bianca swooped in to join their procession and picked Knight up so they could hurry after them. Alyx was pulled to a stop in front of a large set of double doors before he was unceremoniously pushed through it.

  “Not that one-” Auelina said and waved a servant off who was holding up a pair of loose pants and a pastel pink tunic. “Alyx is not inclined towards a feminine look. If Evander wanted someone in a skirt he would have his pick-” Auelina turned when she heard the door open.

  “Oh thank god," she muttered. “Bianca, get Alyx into the baths. Verna, help me. Cordelia, make sure that he has clean underclothes.”

  Lisa was already shifting through a rod of clothes near the window; more clothes than Alyx could possibly guess anyone would need. She waved Verna over and Bianca ushered Alyx into the baths with Knight still in her arms. She pushed him behind a screen and Aldous was already there, pouring warm water into the bath.

  “Did they accost you in the hallway too?” Alyx whispered.

  “Auelina called and I came running," Aldous said. “They know who to go to when they want something done.”

  “Aldous don’t corrupt Alyx with your lies!” Bianca called.

  “Never, my lady," Aldous said with a wink.

  Alyx was in and out of the bath quicker than he ever was, even with Elewisa screaming at him. He wasn’t sure how, but he ended up back in Auelina’s room wearing only a robe. On her bed, she had three separate outfits chosen.

  “Pick," she ordered. Alyx wondered if this was what it was like to be in a war march.

  Alyx pointed to the one in the middle, black pants, high riding boots, a black tunic with blue and gold accents, and the traditional De Loughrey cloak.

  “Damn," Cordelia and Verna muttered. They both handed a coin off to servant who looked delighted and took the other garments away.

  Once Alyx was clothed again, in clothes finer than he had ever even touched, Auelina kissed his cheek, followed by all her other ladies. He turned to Aldous.

  “I ain’t kissin’ you," Aldous muttered. Then he sighed and shook his head at Alyx. “You’re lucky you’re pretty, Blue," he said and adjusted the sword belt that was wrapped twice around Alyx’s waist. Auelina had even acquired a sword for him. It hung heavy at his waist.

  “Alright, let’s get," Aldous said and bowed toward Auelina and her ladies.

  “Have fun!” Auelina called.

  Halfway down the hall, Alyx turned to Aldous. “I feel as though a tornado has torn through my life.”

  “Yeah, and her name is Princess Auelina," Aldous said.

  They laughed. Aldous left him at Evander’s door with another wink and walked away, whistling a familiar tune.

  Alyx pulled the door open and caught sight of Evander leaning over a table with Gael and Cade. The three of them seemed to be in deep conversation and Gael was nodding. “That’s what mother thought as well. I’ll direct them there," he said before he turned to Alyx. Gael and Cade smiled brightly at Alyx and began to gather up their things. As they left they, clapped him on the shoulder. They wished them both a fair evening before leaving.

  Evander picked up a cloak on his bed and fastened it around his neck. “Ready?”

  Alyx nodded even though he still had no idea what was happening.

  “Let’s go," Evander said.

  The Crown Prince was handsome normally, but Alyx was having issues getting his tongue to obey this night. He word a deep green tunic, fastened with a double loop sword belt that matched Alyx’s. Alyx imagined that the sword was probably useful in Evander’s hand, though. His own pants were brown and the cloak he wore was edged in green instead of red. He was freshly bathed and Alyx wondered if that was Auelina’s doing as well. Knight danced at his feet until Evander finally took notice of him and scooped him up. Knight seemed to prefer being curled into Evander’s chest over all the others.

  Alyx understood that.

  They made their way to the stables and the huge black warhorse that Evander was so fond of, that Alyx was mildly terrified of since that first meeting on the road, pawed at the ground when she heard her rider come close.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming," Evander said and Nicholas appeared, the reins in his hand. “How is she, kid?” Evander asked Nicholas.

  “Fed, watered, packed, bridled, and ready for a ride, My Lord," Nicholas replied.

  “Good man," Evander said and pulled a coin out of his pocket. Alyx put a hand on Evander’s forearm when he saw it. Evander paused and looked to Alyx curiously.

  “And your studies? The work I have assigned you?” Alyx asked and arched an eyebrow.

  Nicholas studied the horse’s hooves.

  “Hm," Evander said. “Studies are important, Nicholas.”

  “Yes, sir," Nicholas replied.

  “Show me your work when we return and the coin is yours,” Evander said and flipped the coin in the air and caught it easily. “Until then, I’ll hold on to it.”

  “Shall I tell the others?” Nicholas asked.

  “Of course. Now go," Evander said and took the reins from Nicholas.

  “Nicholas, on more thing," Alyx said before he could take his leave.

  “Yes?” He said, practically dancing on his toes.

  “Will you look after Knight?”

  “Your dog?” Nicholas asked before dropping to his knees and Knight climbed into his lap. “Oh, sir, yes, please. I mean, thank you. I mean, I will watch him, sir.”

  Nicholas waved at them before leaving with Knight in his arms.

  Evander turned to Alyx. “Introductions," he said and looked to the horse that was pushing at his shoulder to Alyx. “Alyx, this is Eros. Unless I am the rider, no one else can ride her. She is a beast, trained as a warhorse and second only to my family in faithfulness. Eros, this is Alyx. Don’t be rude or no apples.”

  Eros nickered impatiently.

  Evander turned to Alyx. “She wants to go," he explained.

  Alyx nodded and Evander swung up into the saddle and helped Alyx up with a hand. Alyx settled into the saddle, with Evander's warmth at his back, big enough for two, and Eros shifted, adjusting for their combined weight. Evander urged her on and she was off.

  Riding was something that Alyx didn’t do often and when he did, it was often on the back of an old, gentle mare, sweet as the grass she often indulged in.

  Eros was not that horse.

  She was huge, for one thing. Alyx estimated her height at close to seventeen hands and he could feel the flex of muscles underneath him. Evander let her choose their path, seemingly barely directing her with the slightest touch and Alyx knew that the rumors of Evander being the most accomplished rider in the country were not exaggerated or due to the fact that he was the Crown Prince. He really was just that good.

  “Relax," Evander said in his ear. “She’ll take care of us.”

  Relax. Alyx had to suppress a snort at the words. He had a warhorse more powerful than any other horse he had ridden beneath him and the Prince with his arms loosely around Alyx’s waist and they were riding off to an unknown destination with intentions that Alyx couldn’t begin to decipher.


  Alyx looked to the scenery. The trees growing thicker around them, the sun setting, the grass beneath Eros’s pounding hooves. He felt lighter here, as though the future held something in store for him, something other than harsh words and beatings. He turned his thoughts instead to the castle and Eros seemed to sense the change and her gait grew longer and if Alyx closed his eyes, he could pretend that they were

  Too soon they were slowing and Alyx saw that there was a tent, enclosed on three sides, a smaller gray horse tied to a nearby tree stump. Someone in the tent was lighting candles. Evander swung down first and helped Alyx down. He threw the reins over a nearby branch and took an apple from his pack and sliced it in half and handed it to Eros. She nickered at him.

  “That’s my girl," he said and fed her the other half and patted her side. She sighed at him and gently nudged Alyx as well.

  “Lord," Alyx muttered, barely catching himself before he fell. Evander laughed and led him to the tent. Tobey was coming out of the tent and headed straight for the mare. He didn’t say anything, only clapped Evander on the shoulder, nodded to Alyx, and he was gone.

  The only sounds were the sounds of a nearby stream and the insects in the distance. The forest around them was growing darker. Above them, the stars were just coming out and the air was cooling around them.

  Inside, there was a table, fruit, meat recently warmed over a fire, and a jug of wine.

  “Same rules here as in our sleeping quarters," Evander said.

  Our sleeping quarters, Alyx thought. He tried to tamp down on the thrill in his chest but couldn't quite manage it.

  “I am only Evander and you are only Alyx.”

  “Agreed," Alyx said. A rug had been laid over the grass and there was a pile of furs in the corner. The light from the many candles was warm and Evander shrugged out of his cloak and threw it over the furs. Alyx did the same. Evander turned to the opening of the tent and fiddled with the sides until they fell closed.

  “Why are we here?” Alyx asked.

  “I wanted your attentions all for my own," Evander replied and sat down. Alyx chose to look around the tent. There was basket near the furs and though he was curious, he restrained himself.

  “You have it. Always," Alyx said and turned back to Evander. “Since your sister splashed me with mud and you placed your hand here,” he raised his hand to his collarbone, “You have had my undivided attention.”

  “I wanted to rescue you," Evander confessed suddenly, looking up at Alyx from his spot at the table. “I wanted to be the one to storm the house and take you away.”

  “You did the most important part of that plan," Alyx said and sat across from Evander.

  Evander raised an eyebrow.

  “You took me away," Alyx said and looked down. Evander brushed his fingers across Alyx’s hand and Alyx took his fingers in his own. He smiled at Evander.

  There was a flush across Evander’s sun kissed skin.

  “I would swear you were a witch. From that time on the road, I have thought of no one else," Evander said.

  “You are not the only one entranced. My thoughts always wander to you. It’s like you have taken up every empty part of me and filled it in with yourself," Alyx whispered and blushed. “I am no poet.”

  “I beg to differ," Evander said and raised Alyx’s hand to his lips. Alyx watched, frozen, as Evander laid a kiss there.

  “What are we doing?” Alyx murmured.

  “Eating, talking, learning of one another," Evander said. He smiled, “That’s all, Alyx. Nothing else.”

  And so they did. Evander sensed that Alyx did not wish to speak of his past much and he only told Evander the few good stories he had of the kitchens, with Gilbert. They ate and they drifted closer, as though pulled together by gravity.

  “Do you dance?” Evander asked suddenly.

  “I have never had the occasion," Alyx replied.

  “Come," Evander said and stood. He offered Alyx his hand and Alyx stood. Evander showed him where to put his hands and hummed a soft tune and spun him around the tent easily. He followed Evander’s lead like he was born to it and he swore that if this was all a dream, that at least he had this much.

  They slowed to a stop and Alyx looked up at Evander. They were close in height, but Evander still had a few inches on him. Evander raised his hand to Alyx’s face, put his thumb at the corner of his mouth and then mirrored the gesture on the other side of his face. Alyx tucked his fingers into Evander’s belt.

  “Do you kiss?” Evander asked softly, his eyes skipping from Alyx’s eyes to his mouth.

  “I have never had the occasion.”

  “Shame," Evander breathed against his lips. Alyx closed his eyes. “A mouth like yours was meant to be kissed.”

  When Evander pressed his mouth to Alyx’s, it was like being born. A touch that sweet and so heavy with want, tempered with nothing but gentle movements, made Alyx moan.

  “You mustn’t make sounds like that," Evander whispered, barely pulling away.

  “Then you mustn’t kiss me like that," Alyx said.

  Evander kissed him again and again and Alyx pulled him closer. Evander's arms wrapped around his waist and Alyx could feel the strength there, wrapped all around him, only waiting for him. Evander urged him closer to the furs and lowered them both to them. Evander pushed Alyx so that he was lying on his back and Alyx leaned back.

  “I can only thank the stars above our heads for you," Evander whispered and placed a kiss on Alyx’s jaw, then his neck. His fingers worked at the lacings at the tunic Alyx wore. Loosened, Evander brushed the material away and laid a kiss on the exposed skin. He felt Evander’s lips brush against the cooler skin of a scar and it jerked him back to the reality of what was happening. Evander lingered there, his fingers brushing over it and another scar, thicker, from a knife, if he remembered correctly.

  “Should I put out the candles?” Alyx asked, his voice strangled. The panic of Evander seeing what he looked like was overwhelming and though he trembled with desire, he was also terrified that Evander would reject him when he saw what Elewisa did to him over the years.

  “And deny me the sight of you?” Evander asked, disbelief coloring his words. “Whatever for?”

  “I am scarred," Alyx said and closed his eyes. “From my feet to my neck. She only spared my face.”

  Evander sat back and looked down at Alyx. “If it would make you more comfortable, we can stop-”

  “No," Alyx said decisively.

  Evander studied him. “Do you want the candles out?” He asked.

  Then it struck Alyx that if they did put out the lights, he wouldn't be able to see Evander as Alyx put his hands on his body. And to be denied the sight of Evander? God, no.

  Alyx shook his head.

  “Nor do I, Alyx," Evander said and placed a kiss on another scar. A candle. “Your scars do not bother me. They only add to your beauty. Each is a story,” he brushed his mouth over the knife scar, “And each tells me that you survived. How brilliant you truly are. How you have the restraint of saint. How good you are," Evander looked up from Alyx’s near bare chest. “Do not think you are anything less than art come to life, painted into breathing so that I might have the honor of laying tribute at your feet.”

  Alyx’s breath trembled in his chest and he wondered if this was what it felt like to fall from a great height.

  “May I?” Evander whispered, leaned over, and placed a kiss on Alyx’s cheekbone.

  “Yes," Alyx whispered.

  Evander’s fingers were sure and swift and it wasn’t long before Alyx was only to his small clothes and Evander reached for those when Alyx stopped his hand.

  “May I?” Alyx asked.

  Evander sat back and nodded.

  Alyx sat up and worked the ties at Evander’s neck, his wrists, and his boots, peeling each piece away as though Evander were a present he thought he could never have, not in this life or the next. Alyx ran a hand along the muscles of Evander’s chest, his arms, his stomach. His fingers trembled.

  “I have never seen someone so beautiful in all my life," Alyx whispered, mostly to himself. He went to Evander’s trousers, unlaced them and pulled them away, tossed them into the pile of clothing that was growing in the corner of the tent.

  His body was scarred as well and Alyx saw the truth in Evander’s words, if he saw Alyx the way Alyx saw Evander. The sc
ars were raised, but they showed him how good and true Evander was and laid out underneath Alyx’s hands, it was like there was no one else in all the world for him but Evander; prince, pauper, beggar, killer, it didn’t matter who he was because Alyx knew that they were meant for each other.

  In this life and the next.

  “Come," Evander murmured and tugged Alyx down on top of him and pressed skin to skin, Alyx couldn’t stop the moan in the back his throat. Evander’s hands tightened on him, at the back of his neck and his hip. “You mustn’t make noises like that," he half begged.

  “You mustn’t touch me in such ways, then," Alyx said.

  “Never," Evander declared. “Never again, now that I have been granted this privilege," he arched into Alyx, brushing their hardening cocks. Evander closed his eyes and Alyx leaned back so that he might look him in the face. “It’s as though I have been sleeping and you woke me," Evander groaned and pushed close to Alyx again. Evander swept his hands up Alyx’s back. “You’re trembling.”

  “Because of the things you say to me,” Alyx whispered. “I could have never in all my being imagined someone as you."

  “I am the one honored, Alyx," Evander whispered. He surged up before Alyx could make his argument and kissed him. He pulled Alyx close, until Alyx was sitting in his lap, and Evander rocked them together.

  “Evander-” Alyx said and clutched at him.

  “Yes?” Evander asked, slowing his movements, the precise opposite of what Alyx wanted.

  “No, please-” Alyx said and Evander pulled away altogether.

  “What is it?” Evander asked, tracing Alyx’s face with his fingers.

  “I need you," Alyx said.

  “And I you," Evander murmured.

  “No, I need more," Alyx insisted.

  Evander arched an eyebrow. “I can only assume that you are untouched in this manner, Alyx. We don’t have to rush-”

  “I want to rush," Alyx said and seized Evander’s hand. “I want to rush into this. I want your touches, and your tongue and I want your hands,” He dropped his hands to Evander’s groin and squeezed, gently, “I want your cock.”


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