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Mercenary and His Outlaw

Page 10

by Liberty Parker

  Stone nods and heads outside. It only takes about a minute before the men come inside as instructed like the loyal soldiers they are. I turn my back to Merc and he pulls me inward and holds me close from behind. I can feel my heart begin to beat rapidly as I wonder what it is exactly my father’s gonna say or do.

  “Everyone, shut your traps and listen the fuck up. You all remember Mercenary, correct?” Grunts of acknowledgment erupt in the clubhouse. “It’s no secret that, well, he and I have a not so pleasant past. Your loyalty to me and this club is the foundation and appreciated. That being said, Outlaw has declared that she and Mercenary are together. He’s assured me that his intentions toward her are pure.” He pauses momentarily to cast his eyes at Merc in a threatening glare. “So, from this moment on, I expect every one of you to treat him with respect as Outlaw’s old man. Not asking you to become his best goddamn friend, but we look after our own. Outlaw is one of us, and by extension now, so is Mercenary.”

  My heart swells at my daddy’s declaration to the club. This is huge, and forward progress. Mercenary pats my chest with his hand and I feel his lips kiss the top of my head.

  “Now, let the barbecue commence! All you fuckers leave my sight and go eat and get drunk!” my daddy hollers out and my brothers cheer before they scatter.

  Twirling my body around, I wrap my arms around Mercenary’s neck. “Since that is settled, I have so much I want to show you. I basically grew up in this place. First, I say we get some food before all those bastards eat it all. Sandman and Fox have been smoking the meat for about a day. They always do. I’m usually in charge of helping prepare the side dishes.”

  “So, store bought?” he asks rhetorically.

  “You know it,” I reply, lifting to the tip of my toes as I press my lips to his through my smirk. Taking his hand into mine, I lead him outside where all the tables of food are lined up.

  * * *


  * * *

  Daylight fades and is soon replaced by the darkness of night. Aside from the stars in the sky, the only lighting we have is artificial. They’ve literally strung strands of Christmas lights around, creating more of an ambiance setting. Harmony went inside to the ladies room and everywhere my eyes shift, someone is either getting a blowjob or fucked. I feel my head bob as I nod and think to myself that there probably isn’t much my girl isn’t used to seeing.

  “Where’d Harmony go?” Edge approaches me, handing me a beer bottle.

  “Thanks.” I take a long pull before I answer, “The restroom.” I know Harmony says he’s innocent and I have nothing to worry about, but so help him God if he plants his lips close to hers again—I’ll permanently remove them from his face. He’s been good to me and more welcoming than the rest of these men, but I’m still leery.

  “I’ve never seen her like this about anyone,” he states stoically, and I watch as he takes a swig from his beer looking off into the live porn show. Like lasers, my glare zeroes in on him. I feel as though I’m waiting for him to drop a bombshell on me. “I always kept the hope alive that she’d find a man she felt comfortable enough to open up to. Slowly give her heart to, ya know?” I nod, but he’s still not making any eye contact. I wish this motherfucker would get to the point. “You quite literally turned out to be her knight in shining armor. Her savior. And I have no idea how you managed to tame her wild side, but as long as she’s happy, I’m happy for you both.” He finally turns to me and slaps my back.

  For fuck’s sake he sure knows how to press my paranoia button. I take another swig from my beer. “Tame? Harmony?” A chuckle escapes at the absurdity of his comment. To know her the best, he sure doesn’t have the first clue about what it takes to handle her. And, since it involves our sexual banter and foreplay, I won’t be sharing that secret. “Have you ever heard of anyone taming a great white shark?” He looks at me and shakes his head. “Me either. And that right there, is about the closest anyone will ever come to taming her.”

  “It’s getting a little chilly out here, but I’d say you still have better odds at taming a great white,” Harmony’s voice echoes around me. Turning toward her, I notice she’s wrapped herself in what appears to be a throw blanket.

  Nervously, I begin to rub the back of my neck. Finally got Miss Priss calm and in a good place emotionally, and I can tell by the look dancing in her eyes she’s up for sparring. That only leads us to me being sunk deep in that sweet pussy of hers, so I won’t even attempt to fix it. What I will do though, is purposely drive her body crazy to the point she’s begging me to take her home. Leaning down and into her ear, I make sure my lips graze her lobe and that she can feel the warmth of my breath. “Is that a challenge?” I swipe my tongue across her lower jawline and watch her eyes roll back as they close.

  She sighs out a shaky breath. “I don’t accept challenges from people I’ve previously beaten. What’s the fun in that?”

  “I’m outta here,” Edge mumbles behind us, but I barely notice.

  Scanning the clubhouse grounds, I notice everyone else is still partaking in their own sexual activities. I will not be showing my girl off and disrespecting her or her body in front of these men, but I will, however, play. Moving behind her, I remove the blanket from her and wrap it around the both of us. Lowering my head, I nuzzle my chin in the crook of her neck. Reaching my hand around her waist, I slither my fingers down into the front of her jeans and feel her body quiver beneath my touch. “Merc,” she moans out, but as I begin to rub circles around her clit, she sucks her breath in, and her head falls backward into my chest.

  “You wanted to play,” I remind her in a low and carnal tone, continuing my subtle assault on her pleasure zone. She reaches her hands behind her and grabs a hold of my waist, digging her nails in. She’s getting close to releasing as indicated by her strong grasp into my flesh. Further encouraging her, I graze my lips up and down her neck. “That’s my girl. You’re almost there, aren’t you?” She nods her head and I swiftly remove my hand.

  Her body bolts forward before she turns around with fury-laced eyes. “Is this the game we’re playing now?” She yanks the blanket from me and wraps herself back up.

  Winking at her, I fold my arms across my chest. “This is what you started. I’m just showing you how it’s done by a real man. Who feels defeated now?”

  She stomps her foot and I watch as her lips thin before she asks, “Really? And, real man, how secure are you in this little game of yours?”

  Wrapping my mouth around my fingers, I lick the juices from her near release and smirk at the anger and disbelief she’s expressing. “Very,” I respond.

  Should’ve known she was up to something when I see her smile at me as if the devil on her shoulder was whispering at her, knocking the angel clear off. “You see, I don't take orgasm deprivation well. I like satisfaction when it’s presented to me, and if that’s not going to be the case, I’ll have to do something else to get my mind off of it.” I watch her saunter away to the boombox and mess with it for a minute until a sexy, seductive tune begins to serenade us. Standing in front of the radio she begins to sway her hips, using the table in front of her as leverage as she lowers herself to the ground as far as she can get. Swiveling her hips, she begins to pump them in tune with the beat. Her bent knees straighten, and she turns around, grabbing her breasts in her hands as she seductively struts toward the middle of the crowd.

  Everyone around us stops what they’re doing, and all eyes are glued to her. She rubs her hands up her neck until they make contact with her hair. As she raises her arms, her hair goes with them and I watch as strand by strand, they cascade back down over her shoulders. The tips of her hair land where her nipples are peaked showing through her shirt causing my dick to swell immeasurably. Her eyes trail down my chest and land on my hand as I adjust myself in my jeans. Her come hither moves seem to have an invisible string attached to my body. My head lowers and my eyes become entranced while tracing her moves. Like the seduction goddess she is portraying,
her mating call commands me to do her bidding. She lifts up her index finger, signaling me to come closer.

  Once I get close, she grabs my shirt and pulls me so near that our chests are touching. She grinds her body down mine and then slowly works her way back up. Stopping periodically, she plants kisses on my thigh, and waist—too close to my dick, my stomach and ending at my pecs. “You’re a naughty minx,” I inform her. Lifting her up, I toss her over my shoulder, and she lets out a squeal. Smacking her ass, I tell her, “Now is where I take you home, and finish way.”

  Hoots and hollers can be heard behind us. Making my way to my bike, we notice Rogue who’s passed out in a lawn chair in the front entrance of the club. At least he wasn’t privy to the little show she was displaying.

  * * *


  * * *

  The next morning, I wake, stretching my overused limbs. Mercenary is lying beside me with his eyes wide open. “Good morning,” I whisper, holding a hand over my mouth to shelter him from my morning breath.

  “Morning. I’m starving half to death here waiting for you to decide to join the land of the living. Wanna go grab some breakfast in town?”

  “Sounds good, Merc...Mercenary isn’t really your name. So, my question to you is, are we at that point in our relationship where you can share that tightly guarded secret with me?”

  “I could share that with you, as long as you swear on your life to never share it. It’s top secret information,” he replies, with a teasing grin on his face.

  “Is this where you tell me that you’ll have to kill me if it gets out?”

  “No, this is where I tell you it could get me killed if it ever lands in the wrong hands,” he decisively tells me.

  “Why could it get you killed? I don’t understand.” Fear begins to creep its way through my mind. The thought of being without him makes me shudder. Even though we’ve only been together a short amount of time, it’s beginning to be hard to remember life before him.

  “I can’t have the name Mercenary connected to my legal name due to the jobs I’ve done under my handle.”

  Crossing my heart as I take my fingers and pull an imaginary zipper over my closed mouth, he sighs. “I trust you, please don’t share this with anyone. Even your dad or Edge.”

  “I swear it on my life,” I state honestly.

  “Don’t laugh,” he orders, as a teasing look partially paints his face.

  “Why on earth would I’s gotta be something cool like Maverick, or Gunner, or something of that caliber I’m sure. Now cut the suspense.”

  “My legal name on my birth certificate is nothing like those names you just mentioned. It’s actually Kyle Parker.”

  “Oh, I like that. It isn’t geeky, or even too common. In fact, I find it extremely sexy.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Definitely,” I purr, batting my lashes at him.



  Two months later

  Sitting in my office at the clubhouse going over the club’s numbers, I find myself growing more frustrated by the second. Harlow, Bane’s new old lady, is stocking the liquor cabinet next to me. “Girl, you drink like a fucking fish. I can’t believe you stay neck in neck with your dad and his consumption.” She shakes her head as she replaces my choice of alcohol.

  “I learned from the best,” I reply through an unexpected yawn. “I need a break. My damn eyes are beginning to cross.” Tossing my pencil down on the desk, I close my laptop and lean back to rest my eyes. “These guys have got to learn to keep better receipts and ledgers. They write like a bunch of kindergarteners. They want these books to look legit, they’re gonna have to do a better job. I mean, this is ridiculous,” I voice my growing frustration.

  “You don’t have to explain that shit to me. Bane left me a note the other day saying he was going to catch up with the brothers. I could’ve sworn he’d stated he was going to cluck up with his brothers. I had this image of them all running around in circles clucking their arms like a bunch of chickens.” She giggles, causing me to do the same as I mentally imagine her description.

  My cell phone buzzes and when I check it, I notice it’s a text from my old high school friend, Tinley. She’s recently moved back to Twisted Trails, Texas after leaving our sophomore year. Her father was convicted of drug trafficking and her mother fled the state from all of the town’s backlash. It was sad, honestly. Her mom and she shouldn’t have been judged for something they were no part of. Now, her mother has passed away and her father has about a year before he will be paroled. So, she’s moved back to rekindle their relationship seeing as he’s the only living family she has left. She wants to meet for lunch. I shoot her a text agreeing to meet at the cafe in town. They have the absolute best burgers and strawberry shortcake. I can feel my mouth water at the thought. “Harlow? You hungry?”

  Turning to me, she places her hand over her stomach. “Can you hear the growling?”

  I laugh at the embarrassment that crosses her face. “No, lady. Tinley wants to meet for lunch. I could really go for a burger and strawberry shortcake from Dar’s cafe. You remember Tinley, right? That day we went for some retail therapy and I ran into her?”

  Briefly lost in thought, she appears to be thinking. “Oh, yes. Of course. Cute little blonde?”

  I nod in response. “Yup. Same day Merc was prospected in.”

  “What about me?” Mercenary’s voice booms throughout the office, taking me by surprise.

  Standing from my seat I walk over to him biting the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at his current predicament. Taking him in from his boots to the top of his head, I wonder how much water made it on the bikes he was washing as opposed to how soaked his clothing is. “Did any of the water and suds make it onto the bikes, or did you decide you needed another shower today?

  “Very funny,” he mocks me before suddenly pulling me into his cold and wet embrace.

  Struggling to free myself I push against his chest. “Mercenary! Not funny! We were just about to leave for lunch and now I’m soaking wet.”

  He wiggles his brows. “Have I not always had this effect on you?”

  I bat his arm and frown. “Who’s the wet rat?” Edge’s voice echoes through the office before he and Merc belt out a chuckle and bump fists.

  “Awe, so good to see you two bonding. Now, if you’ll excuse my drowned ass, I’ve gotta go change.” Walking past Mercenary I bump him with my shoulder. As I pass Edge, I give him a titty twister, something he’s always hated, as I hasten my pace before he has a chance to retaliate.

  “Paybacks are a bitch. Sleep with one eye open, Outlaw. I’m coming for you!” he shouts at me as I sprint down the hallway laughing.

  “You can try,” I scream back. “Don’t forget who sleeps beside me!”

  “Fucking hell! You can’t hide behind your guard dog all of the time.” Guess he finally realized that he’d have to get past my man to get to me, and that’s not an easy feat. As I make it to our room I rush through the door and hit the closet that has my spare changes of clothes. I’m always prepared for a lockdown or unfortunate fatality, so I keep my wardrobe ready. Quickly changing out of my drenched clothing, I check my appearance. Running a brush through my brunette locks to where my hair is silky and smooth, I head back down to grab Harlow.

  When Harlow and I walk into Dar’s, I immediately spot Tinley sitting in a corner booth. When she notices me, she begins waving her arms in the air to where I wouldn’t miss her. She looks like a matador waving a red flag in front of a charging bull. Harlow bursts out in laughter seeing Tinley’s exuberant display. “We’d never miss her, that’s for damn sure,” she says to me.

  “She’s excited to be home and reconnecting with her old friends. We were close once, I’m hoping we can be again. Her family used to come to club events. We grew up playing together and telling each other our deepest darkest thoughts and wants. She was a great friend and holds many of my secrets,” I share with Harlo

  “Those are the best types of friends to have.” We finally make it to the table and hug each other in greeting. “It’s good to see you again,” Harlow greets Tinley.

  “Thanks for coming to have lunch with me. I have spent the last couple of days doing nothing but putting in applications. It’s hard to find a job in this town.” An idea takes hold like a batting ram. The club is looking for a new bartender at the Twisted Tab. It’s a bar the club owns and one of our legitimate businesses we clean our money through.

  “Can you pour a draft?” I inquire.

  “Beer? Of course, I can. I tended bar at the local pub in the last city I lived in,” she explains excitedly to me.

  “Oh, I know where you’re going with this,” Harlow sing-songs.

  “Curious minds would like to know.” Tinley raises her eyebrows inquisitively.

  “It’s either bartending at our club, or you could become a dancer at the Twisted Titty. We had a dancer OD last week and are looking to replace her.” She can either shake her tits or pour a beer. I’m just trying to be a good friend and give her all of my available options.

  “Um, I don’t think so on the latter one. But the bartending job sounds promising.” Harlow and I watch her cheeks turn a light shade of crimson and we both giggle.

  The waitress approaches us and takes our drink orders. Once she walks away, I dig out my cell phone and call Pyro. Once I’ve secured an interview for Tinley tomorrow at the Twisted Tab, I tuck my phone in my back pocket.

  Tinley expresses her gratitude and I assure her it’s no big deal. After staring at the menu, I can’t seem to decide now what it is I want exactly. I was so certain earlier. The waitress comes back ready to take our orders. The girls place theirs and since I’m torn, I go ahead and order the burger, fries, onion rings, and the strawberry shortcake. Her eyes grow to the size of silver dollars and I zero in on her name tag before my eyes shoot back up to hers. “Flora, is it? Do you like your job? Breathing? Because if you find that you enjoy those things, you’d do good to save your looks and just put my order in,” I snap. I watch as she audibly gulps at my cutting words before she turns and walks away. Straightening the napkin in my lap, silence at our table surrounds me. I feel the intensity of Harlow and Tinley’s eyes on me. Looking up, I notice the stunned looks that line their faces. “Yes? Something wrong?”


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