Marked for Damnation

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Marked for Damnation Page 10

by S.A. Tadej

  Devin sat in his truck for a long time after he watched me pull away. He pounded the steering wheel several times with his fist, cracking it in the process. “Fuck!” he yelled out as thoughts of me haunted his mind. How am I going to get out of this? I won’t kill her. I won’t! And I’ll die before I let her become what I am. I won’t let her be marked for eternal damnation. How am I to protect her against the fallen army? They know what she is and they want her. They’ll stop at nothing to get what they want.

  How did I even get into this mess? Then he remembered. He had a fight with his girlfriend followed by a long night of drinking. It was a dark, foggy night when he left the last bar. The streets were slick with rain and he was driving his motorcycle too fast and wasn’t wearing a helmet. He took a curve too fast and was airborne. He flew some eighty feet from his motorcycle, hitting the ground head first in the wooded area. Dark red blood seeped from his skull. He was dying, that he was sure of.

  As he lay there, fighting for his next breath, a man approached him. But this was no ordinary man. He had an unearthly beauty to him and his pale white skin seemed to glow under the moonlight. At first he had thought him an angel, until the man tipped his head back and let out an evil, throaty laugh. That’s when he noticed the fangs.

  Before he knew what was happening, the man bit down on his neck. He had let out a blood-curdling scream as hot, burning pain seared through his body. The pain increased in intensity and just as he thought he could bear no more, it ceased suddenly. A new feeling overwhelmed him – a thirst. But not just any thirst – it was a thirst for one thing and one thing only. Blood.

  The beautiful man, whom he now knew as Damien, had knelt down next to him. ‘Welcome to Satan’s army’ he had said in a mocking tone. ‘Your life has been spared, but now you must kill. Your soul belongs to him now.’

  “Fuck you! Devin yelled out. “I didn’t choose this!” he screamed over and over again, his rage startling even him.

  I have to figure out a way to save her. I’ve only got three days left.

  I pulled into the driveway and ran inside. As I entered the living room, my mother rose from the sofa, frowning at me. I saw that Kelly was sitting next to her. When she saw me, her eyes widened and she ran to me.

  “She’s been asking for you all night,” mom said shaking her head. “I don’t understand. It’s not often that you get to see your cousin. What was so important that you had to storm off and leave her?”

  “Sorry, mom,” I replied as I picked Kelly up. “A friend really needed me.”

  My mother threw her hands up in the air in defeat. “Well, she’s all yours now.”

  Kelly leaned her head on my shoulder. “You must be tired,” I whispered. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

  I walked up the stairs with Kelly in my arms and laid her down in my bed. I quickly changed into my pajamas and cuddled up next to her. Nevaeh jumped up on the bed too and laid down in her usual spot at the bottom of the bed by my feet with her head nestled on my leg.

  “Nicole, can you read me a bedtime story?”

  “Of course, sweetie,” I replied as I got up and walked over to the small bookcase against the wall, grateful that I still had some children’s books saved from when I used to baby-sit. I found one about a bunny and a duck and sat back down on the bed to read it to her.

  When I finished reading the story, I turned out the light. Kelly started to complain that she was scared of the dark, so I got up, went into the bathroom and retrieved the nightlight we had kept in there. Then I returned to my room and plugged it in.

  “Okay, all better,” I said as the light glowed softly. “Now lets get some sleep, kiddo.”

  “Wait, you forgot to check the closet,” Kelly whispered.

  “Check the closet? Check the closet for what?” I asked.

  “The closet monster,” Kelly whispered back.

  I smiled to myself, remembering the “closet monster” from when I was a kid. I got up out of bed and opened my closet door. “It’s all clear,” I exclaimed. “See, no monsters!”

  Kelly smiled and shook her head.

  “Now all we have to worry about is the toe monster,” I teased as I looked over at Kelly’s feet sticking out from under the covers.

  She quickly pulled her feet in under the covers. “Who’s the toe monster,” she asked, sounding a bit scared.

  “Well,” I whispered as I walked around to her side of the bed. “The toe monster prowls around at night,” I continued as I reached under the covers for her feet, “and he looks for some good toes to tickle!” I exclaimed as I started tickling her little toes.

  Kelly giggled. When I was finished tickling her tootsies, I gently tucked them back under the covers. She immediately pulled them back out. “Again! Again!” she pleaded. I tickled them again and then yet again.

  “Okay, its time for us to go to sleep now, okay?” I whispered as I climbed back in bed.

  “Nicole,” she whispered back.


  “I’m not afraid of the toe monster.”

  I smiled. “Me neither.”

  “Good night. I love you,” Kelly whispered as she hugged her teddy bear tightly.

  “I love you too,” I whispered back as I kissed her forehead.

  I closed my eyes and images of my date with Devin earlier played across my mind. Soon Kelly was shaking me.

  “Nicole! Nicole! Are you awake?”

  “What is it, sweetie?” I asked.

  She pointed across the room. “Who is that man?”

  I shot up in bed and looked where she was pointing. I didn’t see anything. “Kelly, sweetie, there’s no one there.”

  “Yes, there is,” she said matter-of-factly. “Oh, look how pretty he is!” she gasped. “His eyes are so blue and they are glowing and there’s a blue fog surrounding him.”

  Great, I thought as I looked again. Still I saw nothing.

  “He’s watching over us,” Kelly whispered. “I bet he’s an angel.” Then she smiled and rolled over on her side.

  The whole thing crept me out. Was there something wrong with my cousin? Was she seeing things? Or was there something wrong with me cuz I couldn’t see it? Did we have a ghost?

  Suddenly the image of the blue eyes I had seen when I had my accident and that I had seen in Nevaeh came into my mind. An unexplainable feeling of peace washed over me as I closed my eyes.

  That night, I had no nightmares.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning I awoke with Kelly sitting on top of me, prying my eyelids open. “Nicole, are you in there?” she whispered.

  I opened my eyes, yawned, and smiled at her. “Yep, I’m in here. I bet you want breakfast, huh?”

  “Yes! Yes!” Kelly answered enthusiastically.

  “Okay, but first we have to brush our teeth and get dressed.”

  “All right,” Kelly agreed grudgingly.

  After breakfast Gina came over. We took Kelly for a swim in my pool and then went over to the park for a bit. I loved listening to my cousin giggle and yell “higher” as I pushed her on the swings. We had brought Nevaeh with to the park too. She seemed to be watching over Kelly intently. Once Kelly moved on to the various slides, Nevaeh would follow her up the steps to the slide and then run back down the steps and wait for her at the bottom. It was like they had their own little game going on.

  It didn’t take long for Kelly to make friends with the other little kids at the park. Once I felt comfortable doing so, Gina and I walked over to one of the benches to sit down and talk. I could still see Kelly from where I sat and I was careful to keep my eyes on her the whole time. I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched Nevaeh follow Kelly in the game of tag she was playing with the other kids. Guess it’s a good thing they weren’t playing hide and seek. Nevaeh would’ve given Kelly away each time.

  “So how are things going with you and Devin?” Gina asked. �
��You’ve been so busy with him that I’ve barely talked to you lately.”

  “I’m sorry, Gina. It’s not really because of Devin. I’ve just had a lot going on lately with the accident, finding out about Jim’s death, his funeral, and then all the storm damage. And now, with Kelly being here and all.”

  “I understand. But now, back to Devin…” Gina giggled. “Come on, I want the scoop.”

  I smiled to myself. “Things are going really well with him. He’s so sweet to me. The past two nights he brought me to these woods I hadn’t been to before. It was unlike any woods I had ever seen. Something about it just seemed magical.

  Gina laughed. “Magical…?”

  I laughed too. “Yes, magical! It was just real different there. There was this brook with all these flowers around it in all different colors. And the way the moon shone down on it made it look magical.”

  “That sounds pretty cool.”

  “Wait, there’s more. When we left the brook, Devin walked me through the woods to a clearing. There we saw a field with lush green grass that formed a hill in the center. It was filled with fragrant flowers, which Devin started picking for me on the way up. When we reached the top, we laid back to look up at the stars. The whole sky was lit up with them and it felt like the moon was shining down directly on us. The whole scene was just… enchanting.”

  “Wow! That sounds amazing.”

  “It was. And…” I started as I grinned ear to ear.

  “And what?”

  “And… he told me that he’s falling in love with me.”

  “That’s awesome,” Gina said as she smiled at me, “but how do you feel about him? Do you love him too?”

  I frowned.

  “Uh-oh, what’s that look for?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied. “I have strong feelings for him too, I guess. But there’s just something holding me back.”

  “Jim?” Gina guessed.

  “No, that’s not it. Well, maybe a little. I don’t know.”

  “Nicole, Jim’s gone. You have to accept that and move on.”

  “I have accepted it,” I said defensively. “With Devin, it’s just that… well I don’t know. I can’t really put my finger on it. There’s just something… different.”

  “Different how?” Gina urged.

  “Well, it’s a few things. I mean he’s gorgeous and he’s sweet to me and all, but I get these funny feelings when he’s around. Then there’s the nightmares I was having about him.”

  “Are you still having the nightmares?”

  “No. Well I was, but I didn’t have any last night. And aside from the nightmares, I don’t understand some of the things he says or does sometimes.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, the other night he really wanted me to come and see him. I was reluctant because I had Kelly. Then he started pleading with me. He just seemed so desperate and he had muttered something about us not having much time or something like that.”

  “Not much time for what?”

  “That’s just it, I don’t know.”

  “That is strange.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t know what to make of it all.”

  “Maybe you should just stop seeing him, Nic. I mean if he makes you feel uneasy.”

  “I’ve thought about that too, but I can’t.”

  “Of course you can,” Gina said softly as she put her hand on my shoulder.

  “No, you don’t understand, Gina. I really can’t. I’ve tried to stay away from him – especially after the nightmares, but I can’t. I mean I’m physically unable to refrain myself from seeing him. It’s the strangest thing. It’s like there’s something drawing me to him – like some otherworldly pull, kind of like gravity.”

  “Maybe you love him too.”

  “Oh shut up,” I joked.

  Gina just looked at me with her eyebrows raised.

  “Well, Damien called me the other night,” she finally said.

  “Yeah?” I asked, surprised at the revelation.

  “Well gee, don’t look so surprised.”

  “I’m not. I’m sorry. It’s just that you told me that you two didn’t really hit it off.”

  “We didn’t.”

  “So why was he calling you?”

  “He said something about really wanting to see me again. Said he was sorry if his quietness came off as rudeness, but that he was so stunned by my beauty that I left him speechless,” Gina continued as she rolled her eyes.

  I laughed.

  “I know, right?” Gina continued. “That had to have been one of the worst lines I’ve ever heard.”

  “So what did you say to him?”

  “I just lied and told him I had other plans. Then he said that you and I should get together with him and Devin again.”

  “And?” I urged.

  “And I said I’d think about it,” Gina muttered under her breath.

  I laughed. “Come on, I know you like him.”

  “Shut up. I do not!” Gina laughed as she made a face at me.

  “Well, I should really be getting Kelly some lunch,” I said as I stood up. “Kelly! Kelly, come on! Time to go,” I yelled out.

  After lunch, I drove back home and said goodbye to Gina as she got in her car and drove away. Tommy and I decided to take Kelly for a ride on the four-wheelers. She insisted on riding with me, so I sat her down on the seat in front of me and drove one-handed, with my free hand wrapped around her middle.

  I took Kelly for a ride up and down the ditches at a much slower pace than I normally would have gone when alone. She seemed to be enjoying herself, especially when we rode through the mud and it came up and splashed us. Tommy stopped at the same pond we normally went to and I parked my quad next to his.

  We sat down at the edge and took our shoes off, putting our feet in the warm water. The water was pretty shallow. I watched Kelly as she giggled and kicked around playfully on the shore.

  “She really seems to be enjoying herself,” Tommy commented.

  I looked over at him and saw that he was watching her, smiling.

  I smiled too. “Yeah. I’m glad she’s calmed down now and having some fun. It was heartbreaking watching her cry for her mama yesterday afternoon.”

  “Did mom say when Aunt Susan is supposed to be back?”

  “Yeah, she said in about ten days or so. I don’t know, some business trip or something.”

  “I’m surprised she didn’t bring Kelly with her and just have the nanny come along.”

  “Yeah, I’m kind of glad she didn’t though. I mean it’s kind of nice to have this time with her, ya know?”

  Tommy looked over at me. “You always were good with kids. No wonder she likes you so much.”

  “You’re good with kids too,” I said. Then I paused. “Probably cuz you still are one,” I teased.

  “Oh shut up,” Tommy said as he gave me a playful shove and grinned.

  My cell phone started ringing.

  “It’s probably him again,” Tommy said, rolling his eyes.

  “Watch Kelly for a few minutes,” I said as I got up and walked away.


  “Hey, baby. How are you?”

  “I’m okay. And you?”

  “Doing pretty good now that I’m talking to you,” Devin answered.

  “Awe, thanks,” I said, blushing a little.

  “So I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me today?”

  “Um, I guess I could. What time?”

  “How about sunset?”

  I looked over at Tommy, who had now joined Kelly, kicking his feet around in the shallow pond water. “Yeah, that should be fine. Do you want to pick me up or should we meet somewhere?”

  “I could pick you up if you promise to keep your dog inside,” Devin laughed.

  I agreed. “So where are we going anyways?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Another surpr
ise?” I asked, already feeling giddy.

  “Nothing but the best for you,” Devin answered. “Oh, and wear gym shoes and comfortable clothes.”

  When I got home, I noticed that I was caked in mud, as was Kelly. I gave Kelly a quick bath and then took one myself. Remembering what Devin had said, I dressed in soft pink sweat shorts with a matching tank top and my white sneakers. I paced back and forth on the front porch as I waited for Devin to show up.

  After what seemed like an eternity, his truck finally pulled into the driveway. Even from outside, I could hear the distinct howl of my dog. It had started just as Devin’s truck had approached the driveway.

  Devin parked and got out of his truck. He walked over to the passenger side and held the door open for me. As I was ready to jump inside, he surprised me by spinning me around and kissing me softly.

  “So where are we going?” I asked once he had turned out onto the main road.

  “I told you it’s a surprise,” Devin grinned.

  “Don’t I get some sort of a clue,” I pleaded.

  “Okay, I give in. Here’s your clue – you are gonna love it!” Devin chuckled.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Meanie,” I teased.

  As we drove down the freeway, Devin turned off on the Utica exit. I looked over at him and raised my eyebrows.

  “What’s that look for?” Devin asked.

  I shook my head back and forth and laughed. “Just where are you taking me?”

  Devin just grinned at me as he continued to drive, making a few more turns. Soon I saw a sign that said ‘Starved Rock’. Devin slowed his truck and turned into the parking lot.

  “So you’re taking me on a nature hike?” I asked.

  “You can do it,” Devin said as he reached down by my feet and retrieved a small backpack. He unzipped it and handed me a can of insect repellent. “Here, spray some of this on. The mosquitoes can be terrible this time of year.”

  “Great,” I replied as I accepted the can and began spraying it on my bare skin.

  “Have you ever been here before?” Devin asked

  “Once, when I was like eight,” I replied. “But it was during the day. I was with my mother and brother. Somehow we got separated and I couldn’t find them anywhere. I just cried and cried. It was so scary.”


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