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The Random Affair

Page 15

by James H Roby

  The safe clicked open. Jordan drew out a metal box the size of a shoebox and a bottle. He couldn’t let his pistol be connected to the bullets the police would doubtlessly find at Cobo. He poured the contents of the bottle into the box. It was a solution that would remove his fingerprints. He put the P7M in the box. He locked the box and hissed through his teeth. He had this gun for about four years now and kinda liked it. Couldn’t be helped now. As soon as the rain stop, he’d go outside and pitch the thing into the Detroit River.

  Gonna have to come up with a better solution than this.

  The Heckler and Koch P7M with the 13 round clip was not being made anymore, and wasn’t available in the United States. Good thing he had seven. He went to his bedroom and pulled from beneath the bed, a pistol storage box. Feeding it the combination, another P7M came into view. He cleaned and inspected it and set out three extra magazines as opposed to his usual two.

  Can’t be too careful.

  He putted around, trying to think of things to do. He considered cruising around town, looking for possible locations Random could be lurking. Or maybe he’d go by Small and see if the asshole was doing something stupid. Those ideas wouldn’t go well. E-Man would lecture him and Malcolm would think of something to argue about while Don just nodded. Mrs. Steed would get in on it if she had the chance.

  In for the night, he went to the kitchen. No amount of training could keep a puppy away from his owner once he was in the place with the food. Galahad’s tail beat out a rhythm not quite in time with the latest musical selection, Miles Davis’ ‘Blue In Green.’ The dog got a bacon flavored treat and Jordan forced down a cup of coffee.

  “Gotta find a new drink.” Jordan twisted his nose to the black liquid. He had a memory of something else he like but it faded into the dark just like the passing Coast Guard cutter sliding down the river beyond his window.

  They retired to the living room. Jordan sat and Galahad curled next to him. He thought about many things – how much he missed England to the muggy weather that was sure to follow all this rain. Finally, he stopped trying not to think about it and thought about it.

  Cody Random.

  Kevin Small.


  How did they all fit together? Why, of all the people, Random could have hooked up with, did he pick the guy that was dating Robin?

  That’s right, say dating. You know what they’re really doing.

  That’s what adults do…

  In any case, even Jack knew it was too coincidental. What was going on? Was this some plan of Random to get back at Jordan? How could he possibly know whom Small was dating? How could he know of Jordan’s connection to Robin? All from prison. Random was smart, but to figure out all of this from a cell was some Lex Luthor level shit going on.

  Who is helping you, Cody?

  Someone going to buy this crush, no doubt. And the CIA, what’s their angle. Maybe this buyer (buyers?) was some foreign power or terrorists…CIA got a hard on over terrorists. Who the hell knew. But, still, it didn’t explain how Random knew about Jordan and Robin.

  His cell flashed and buzzed to life. Jordan caught it on the second ring. He knew who it was before he answered.

  “What up, E?”


  Jordan glanced at his grandfather clock his mother gave him. Its hands pointed at the three and four.

  “It’s late, E,” Jordan said. “What are you doing up? How’s Akio?”

  E-Man sighed. “She’s fine. She’s pissed at you.”

  Jordan groaned. “Sorry, I’ll make it up to you two.”

  “Right, right.” E-Man laughed without humor. “So, what when down at Cobo?”

  Jordan explained Random sudden appearance on stage. The shoot-out. How he got the crush off Random. E-Man’s attention spiked.

  “Oh, snap. I’m sure that ticked him off.”

  “Not as much as me shooting him.” E-Man’s laugh crackled over the line.

  “So, where’s the crush now?” E-Man asked.

  Jordan yawned. “It’s late, E. I’ll tell you tomorrow, ‘kay?”

  “Sure. Sure.”

  “One more thing, E. I went by Robin’s.”

  E-Man whistled. “I bet that went over well.”

  “Like a fart in a church. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “You mean later today. See ya, man.” E-Man hung up.

  Jordan hung up as well. Outside, the thunder boomed.

  Chapter Fifteen: Snapped

  Jordan was like a caged animal. Everyone else had a job to do. Malcolm continued the surveillance on the properties Kevin Small owned. Don was busy tracking any electronic trail, no matter how slim, to Cody Random. E-Man was busy keeping the rest of the agency on course. An additional duty of his was to monitor Jordan’s sanity. The two men were the only detectives on the second floor of the office building. Every five minutes, E-Man popped his head into Jordan’s office. Every five minutes, he saw Jordan pacing.

  The crush was the key. It didn’t matter who was involved or why. They had to make the stuff somewhere. It was up to Jackie now. If she could somehow figure out how Random made the drug, maybe they could figure out where he made it. It was a long shot – Jackie was a great doctor, but reverse engineering an exotic designer drug wasn’t exactly her specialty.

  Now, all the detectives could do was watch Kevin Small, and hope Random would pop up. Jordan doubted it would happen. He had his hands literally on Random. No way he was going to reveal himself twice. The frustration twisted and poisoned Jordan’s guts. He hadn’t eaten since the afternoon before. While he didn’t consciously feel any hunger – the lack of food and disappointment created a concoction dissolving most of his social skills.

  E-Man appeared at the door again. He was actually in a suit more conservative than his usual fare. He even wore a tie. His face lacked the usual grin. Jordan imagined the effects of the prior evening’s events on his wife.

  “How is she?” Jordan asked.

  E-Man shrugged as he headed for his usual seat. “Meh. She’s OK.”

  Jordan came over and sat on the desk’s edge not too far from E-Man. He had on kakis and a black t-shirt – his usual mission ready wear. When E-Man didn’t expand on his wife’s condition, Jordan bore down with a stare.

  “Well,” E-Man said, “she’s concern. You know, bullets flying and all that shit.”

  Jordan nodded. He didn’t have a spouse but that didn’t mean he didn’t know what worry was.

  “You talk to her today?” Jordan asked.

  “Just now. She was really shook up about last night, but she knows the deal. She’ll be cool, trust me.”

  Jordan got up and went back to his high back leather chair. His eyes focused into an empty corner of the office. The world faded away and he descended into a pit of self-pity. Random was still on the loose, and, of course, it was all his fault.

  “What’s with you?” E-Man leaned forward to intercept Jordan’s view into oblivion.

  “Random,” Jordan said. “I let him get away. I had him and I just let him go.”

  “I doubt that,” E-Man said. Jordan snapped his head towards his partner. His teeth were already bared.

  “Come on,” E-Man said, “you let him get away. Whatever. You gave it your best shot. These things happen, you know that.”

  Jordan’s voice was lined with irritation. “You weren’t there, E. You don’t know. I’m slipping. I should have been able to handle Cody Random.”

  E-Man rose from his seat and leaned his knuckles on the desk. “Look, if you going to be throwing a pity party, we ain’t going to ever catch this guy.”

  Jordan was not in the mood and E-Man was pushing his buttons. It wasn’t the time.

  “Just because Robin’s involved doesn’t mean you got to trip out. Get over it.”

  Jordan sprang to his feet. “Don’t go there, E-Man. Don’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I know you
been all up in your feeling since the almighty US Air Force took away some damn gold leaves off your shoulders. You need to let it go, son.”

  They hovered across the desk, a hair, if that, apart. A virtual electricity filled the space between them. A gentle knock tapped at the door. They turned as one to see Mrs. Steed enter. She cast a look from one man to the other, narrowing her eyes with each rotation.

  “Oh, is everything alright?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Steed,” Jordan said, his voice straining to maintain a polite air.

  Ms. Steed stepped closer, still bouncing from one man to the other – on the lookout for wherever the explosion was going to come from. When no attack came she smiled.

  “Well, then, I guess since there appears to be a lull in the case, this would be a good time to call your mother.”

  “God damn it!” Jordan exploded. His hand came down flat on the top of his desk. “Mrs. Steed, give it a rest!”

  Mrs. Steed clutched at her chest. Even E-Man drew away. Her breath returned as did her professionalism. “Yes, sir,” she said. “I’m terribly sorry. Do forgive me.” Back straight, she turned and left.

  “That was uncalled for, man,” E-Man said after the secretary closed the door.

  Jordan started to reply, but he stopped, the words hanging in his throat. The last several minutes had just replayed in his mind. His outburst at Mrs. Steed crystalized everything he been going through since he saw Robin.

  Since this case started.

  Since the almighty US Air Force had taken away some damn gold leaves off his shoulders.

  It took his way out of line explosion to make him realize how bad this case got to him. E-Man was right. Jordan himself had seen it. He held on so tightly to the very sense of identity the service had given him he completely forgotten who he was. He stared at E-Man, unable to speak – feeling like a complete jerk. He was suddenly hungry.

  A purr came from the desk phone.

  “Jordan Noble.”

  “Jordan.” Jackie’s voice was breathy and rapid. His heart raced at her voice. “Jack!” Jordan’s eyes locked with E-Man’s.

  “You’ve got to get down here,” Jackie said. “I got something incredible to show you.”

  “What is it?” Jordan’s fist tightened on the phone.

  “Just come quick. You won’t believe it. I’m at the lab in Henry Ford. North wing, tenth floor. I’ll leave word at security you’re on your way. Hurry.”

  “Got it – en route.” He was a blur of movement as he hung up, grabbed his A-2 jacket from the back of his chair and headed for the door in one motion.

  “Look at you,” E-Man said, falling in step. “All military and shit. ‘En route.’ Does this mean you’re back?”

  “The pity party is officially over. E, yo, I’ve been a total asshole, I -”

  “Wouldn’t be the first time,” E-Man said without missing a beat. It was not the coolest thing to say but all things considered… “What’s up?”

  “Dunno – she wouldn’t say,” Jordan said. “let’s go.”

  The two were on their way down the hall. Jordan stopped at Mrs. Steed’s crescent moon desk. The secretary busied herself with paperwork and did not look up at her employer.

  “Good day, Mr. Noble,” she said. Her hands moved over the desk, doing all the things she normally did. Jordan reached and took her by her left hand, forcing her to stop. She did and looked up slowly into Jordan’s eyes. A touch of fear made her lips tremble.

  “I’m sorry,” Jordan said. The words were genuine – uttered slow and with purpose. His eyes also begged forgiveness.

  Mrs. Steed placed her right hand over Jordan’s and gave it a tight little squeeze.

  “Good luck, sir,” she whispered. A secret smile and Jordan was off.


  “I gave Jack a sample of crush,” Jordan said as the Vette whipped out of the parking lot and thundered down Lanred. Tires protested as they turned onto Jefferson Avenue.

  E-Man’s lips curved into a wicked smile. “‘I’m a failure. I should have done better.’”

  “Shut up, E. No one likes a know-it-all.” Jordan tried to hide a smile. He failed. Grabbing the crush and passing it to Jackie were pretty good ideas. Something a competent agent would have done. Yes, the pity party was over.

  “I figured Jack would be able to dissect this crush. If we knew what it was made of, it might make tracking down Random easier.”

  E-Man elevated his chin to that. “Makes sense. I guess. As long as it’s not something too common.”

  Jordan blew a light and jumped on the Lodge freeway. “That’s my thinking.”

  “Your hope you mean.” E-Man was quiet for a moment. The whine of the Corvette’s five hundred horses racing up to eighty miles per hour filled the void.

  “You know, “E-Man said, “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Uh, oh. Whenever an American airman thinks, America gets weaker.”

  E-Man grimaced. “You’re talking Air Force again. And I’m not an airman.”

  “Once an airman…Go ahead. What is it?”

  “I was thinking back to the original Random case.”


  “Why were we even involved? That wasn’t our thing. I figured there was some big-time officer crap that you knew about but just didn’t tell me. You know, me being a lowly sergeant.”

  Jordan ignored E-Man dig at the officer corps. “Did I do that? Keep you out of the loop?”

  “I don’t know. Did you?”

  Jordan tightened his jaw. Just when E-Man was being the adult in the room he switched on a dime to asshole mode. No time for that now. “It was way above my pay grade too. I always figured the military wanted to handle it internally – you know with Random killing the airmen in Germany.”

  “Still it never really figured. You said it yourself – this was more of an Office of Special Investigation thing.”

  More silence and more automotive undertones.

  “I went by Robin’s last night,” Jordan said.

  E-Man leaned against his seat belt and lifted his hands in frustration. “Yeah, I was wondering when you gonna get back to that. OK. OK. I’m sure you had a good reason for doing that.”

  “Not really. I just wanted to warn her.”

  E-Man whistled. “About the man she’s currently with is a drug dealer working with an international criminal. All this coming from the man she used to be with and currently hates. Am I missing something?”

  “No, that’s pretty much it.”

  “Did you hit it?”

  Jordan actually lost control of the car for a moment and nearly sideswiped a minivan. “Does it sound like I hit it?”

  E-Man folded his arms. “You need to hit that. Just saying.”



  They arrived at Henry Ford’s Hospital. Jordan parked and raced through the entrance with E-Man in close pursuit. They stopped at the security desk. Jackie provided instructions to give them access to the tenth floor. With their new passes clicked to their jackets, Jordan and E-Man boarded the elevator.

  The tenth-floor housed laboratories and other clinics, normally off limits to visitors. Jordan asked a nurse and was pointed in the direction of Dr. Jackie Myers. They found the room and Jordan pushed open the lab doors. Inside, Jackie bent over a microscope engrossed in whatever she was studying. She was unaware of her visitors until they stood right next to her. Jordan touched her lightly on the sleeve of her doctor’s coat and the self-induced isolation was over.

  She wobbled on her heels for a moment as they surprised her. “Jordan, hi!” She hugged him, then paused as she pulled away. Her eyes on his face longer than necessary. “There’s something different about you today.”

  Jordan shrugged. “I had my Wheaties this morning.”

  “No, that’s not it…”

  “Hey, Jackie,” E-Man greeted the doctor. Jackie’s whole body language changed.
br />   “Eric,” she said. Her eyes closed to slits and she folded her arms around her chest. Jackie first met E-Man through Jordan while they all were in college. At that point in his life, E-Man was something of a ladies’ man. Real love ‘em and leave ‘em type. She never warmed to him, even after his marriage to Akio. Jordan didn’t recall anything directly between the two – he always imagined E-Man did something stupid like pinched her on the butt.

  “What you got?” Jordan pushed through the brief interplay between Jackie and E-Man.


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