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Dangerous Choice

Page 23

by Barbara Freethy

  Michael gave a negative shake of his head. "No. I'm done looking for someone to belong to. I'm sure that man didn't want me, either. So, what's next? I go to jail until you round everyone up? That could take years, and I'm sure I'll die in custody. The family has a long reach."

  "You won't go into custody; you'll go into witness protection. But we do have to process you through the system. Wyatt will take you into the detention center at the field office. You'll be isolated and protected there. Then you will be taken somewhere safe."

  "And Bethany will go with me?"

  "Not tonight. You need to show the bureau how much you're willing to give up. Tomorrow, once protection is set up, Bethany will join you."

  "She's in as much danger as I am. You know that, right?"

  "I do. And I will protect her with my life until I turn her over to the US Marshals. Once you and Bethany go into protection, you can't have any contact with anyone in your life, not one single person."

  "What about you?"

  He held his gaze for a long minute. "I'll keep an eye on you both. I couldn't protect you when you were a kid. I'm going to do my damndest to protect you now."

  "It will be a challenge."

  "It will be less of one the more you share with the bureau. The only way you'll really be safe is to completely destroy the cartel, to bring down the big hitters."

  "Caleb never leaves Colombia."

  "Once we cut off his network, his money, his power, his reach will diminish."

  "And then another cartel will step into the breach—the Pedrozas, no doubt."

  "We're going to look into them, too, especially the connection to Allende Tours, which is a US-based operation." He let out a breath, hearing more voices in the apartment. He had no doubt that at least a half-dozen agents had arrived. "There's so much I want to talk to you about, but we don't have time."

  "You and Tara—is that something?" Michael asked, surprising him with the question.

  "It might be," he admitted.

  "She really fought for Bethany. She was fierce. It was her words earlier today that made me question Pablo's story. Tara was convinced Bethany was in trouble, and she was right."

  "Tara has the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met. And she fights for people she loves." He paused, as Wyatt came into the kitchen.

  "We need to move things along," Wyatt said shortly. "I'll take Michael down to the office. Bree is going to take Bethany and Tara somewhere else, so the agents can work. What do you want to do?"

  "I'll go with Bree and Tara."

  Wyatt pulled out handcuffs and faced Michael. "Turn around."

  Watching his brother put into cuffs felt as surreal as everything else that had happened. "Michael, I'll see you tomorrow," he said, as his brother met his gaze.

  "I hope so," Michael said. "And call me Mateo. I think it's time I became him again."

  He appreciated that Mateo was choosing the name he'd been born with, but he knew that with tomorrow would come a new identity. "Mateo," he said, savoring the word for a long second. "But it's not your name that defines you; it's your choices. Make the right ones."


  Tara was getting used to waking up next to Diego—the weight of his arm over her waist, his head snuggled into the back of her neck, his breath brushing her cheek. Squinting her eyes at the clock, she was happy to see it was only seven thirty. She didn't mind having a few more minutes of sleep before facing whatever was to come.

  After Michael had been taken away by the feds, agents had swarmed the apartment. Bree had taken her, Diego and Bethany to another two-bedroom apartment a few miles away. According to Bree, she was the only person who knew where she was taking them, so there was no way their location could be compromised.

  Bethany had crawled into bed and fallen instantly asleep. She and Diego had not been far behind, with Bree insisting on taking the couch in the living room, just to be sure there were no more surprise visits during the night.

  Diego had tried to fight her on that, but Bree had been as strong-willed and determined as Diego, and in the end, she'd won out.

  When they'd gotten into bed, she'd thought Diego would want to talk about everything that had happened, but he'd simply pulled her into his arms and told her to sleep, that there was time for everything later. She'd been too tired to argue.

  But today was a new day—and sure to be a long day.

  She didn't know when the FBI would want to hide Bethany and Michael away, but she was guessing it would have to be soon. Once family members realized that Pablo and Rico were dead, they'd be after Michael and his girlfriend. The fact that Pablo and Rico had found them at the safehouse meant that there was a leak in the FBI, which also meant that Michael might not be as safe as Diego thought he was.

  He'd promised Bethany that Michael would be all right, and she'd backed him up. She really hoped that hadn't been the wrong decision.

  Bethany was in love with Michael, and she didn't want her friend to lose him. On the other hand…

  She breathed in deep as she thought about the fact that Bethany was going to have to disappear. After today, she might never see her again. That realization brought a deep ache to her heart. Bethany was her sister. She was supposed to be her maid of honor, the aunt to her children, the best friend of her life. How could she go years without ever seeing her again?

  Diego shifted his weight, brushing her hair off her face, as he placed a kiss on her jaw. "You're thinking very loudly."

  "Am I?" she murmured.

  "You're worrying about Bethany."

  She rolled over to her other side, so she could face him. "Actually, I was feeling sorry for myself. I just found Bethany. Now I have to say good-bye, maybe forever."

  Diego's gaze filled with compassion. "Forever is a long time. I don't think it will be that long."

  "But you don't know how long the Salazars will be a danger to them. Will they ever really be free?"

  "That's a fair question. I guess you have to focus on the fact that she'll be safe."

  "Is that what you're telling yourself about your brother? You just found Mateo, too. Are you ready to let him go?"

  "No, I'm not ready. But I'm certain this is the only path where both Mateo and Bethany get to live. And we take a lot of bad guys off the street at the same time. We break up a huge drug network. There are a lot of wins here, Tara. And you should feel incredibly proud of yourself for not only finding Bethany but helping to destroy the Salazars. We did this together."

  "I'm happy about most of it. I just don’t like the part where I don't get to see Bethany again. I'm going to miss her so much. She's been my confidant my whole life."

  "I understand. I know it's different for me and Mateo. I've had a lot of years to get over missing him. But it still sucks. I wish there was a different way to end this." He slid his hand through her hair. "But they do get to live. And that's something. We get to live, too."

  "Do you think we'll still be targets?"

  "No. The Salazars are going to be very busy trying to stay out of prison. And you and I were minor players. However, I still plan on keeping my eye on you for a while."

  His words were both touching and depressing, because she didn't know what would happen at the end of a while.

  Diego stiffened at the sound of voices. "I'm going to check on that."

  "It sounds like Bethany is talking to Bree."

  "I'll make sure." He gave her a kiss. "One of these days, we're going to spend a luxurious morning in bed together."

  "That would be nice," she said, but she wasn't sure she believed it.

  After Diego left the room, she went into the bathroom to take a shower and once more put on the clothes she was getting really tired of wearing.

  When she entered the kitchen, she found Bethany and Diego having breakfast. Someone had run out and picked up muffins, croissants, and fruit.

  "This looks good," she said.

  "Bree picked it up for us. She headed home to change and get some slee
p," Diego added. "Coffee?" He got up and moved toward the coffeemaker.

  "Thanks." Turning to Bethany, she said, "How are you feeling today?"

  "Relieved, scared, happy, sad…" Bethany gave her a helpless smile. "I don't know what's coming next."

  "You love it when you don't know what's coming next," she said, as she sat down across from Bethany. "You've always told me that's what makes life exciting."

  "How unlike you to throw my own words back in my face," Bethany said dryly.

  She grinned. "Just saying."

  Diego set her mug of coffee down in front of her. "I'm going to take a shower if you ladies can do without me for a few minutes."

  "I think we can manage."

  "Flynn has two guys watching the building, so there shouldn't be any problems," he added.

  She frowned at the reminder of the danger they were in. "Two guys? Are you still worried, Diego?"

  "We're all being extra cautious until we can get Mateo and Bethany into protection. I won't be long."

  As Diego left, she looked back at Bethany. "Are you sure you want to give the rest of your life to Michael? You haven't known him very long."

  "I know it must seem impulsive to you, Tara, but I love him. He's done some bad things. But he's changing his life now. He's doing what's right."

  "Because he has to," she couldn't help pointing out. "I'm not sure he would have changed anything if his family hadn't come after him."

  "But he didn't even see the flash drive before he took Pablo and Rico out. He did that for me."

  "I can't argue with that. But when he shot those men that he used to consider family, there was a cold ruthlessness about him that makes me worry."

  "But Michael has never treated me that way. He doesn't even yell when I'm being annoying."

  She smiled at that. "Well, that's something."

  "It's not like I have a real choice, either," Bethany added. "I'm a target, too. What I did eventually led to Pablo and Rico dying. The family will come after me."

  "I know. I wish it was different."

  "The worst part of all this is that I won't be able to see you, Tara. That's going to hurt."

  "Maybe we'll find a way."

  "I hope so. I also hope you won't continue to be in danger after we're gone."

  "Diego thinks we'll be fine. They only wanted me because they thought you'd given me the flash drive or that I could tell them where you were."

  "I still can't believe you went to Colombia to find me. That is not the Tara I know and love."

  "I guess your adventurous spirit rubbed off on me."

  "And maybe some of Diego's spirit as well?" Bethany teased.

  "Well, I must admit that stealing an airplane with him and crash-landing it in the jungle was quite an experience. Not that I did much more than cling to the arms of my seat and try not to throw up."

  "You'll probably never get airsick when you fly commercial again."

  "Probably not."

  "He's good for you, Tara."

  "Maybe. But I don't know if I'm good for him. I'm such a cautious person—a worrier. And I don't make bold choices. I'm not as spontaneous as he is. I'm not that fun. I'm afraid once we get back to our real lives, I'll feel like a dead weight to him."

  Bethany laughed. "You are nuts. You have made nothing but bold choices. You have been nothing but spontaneous."

  "Only because of the danger. I could go back to who I used to be."

  "I don't think you will. You've changed. I can see it. But even if you did go back to who you were, that wouldn't be bad, either. You've never seen your own strength, your kindness, your amazing traits. You're a great person—you're the whole package. And you are fun. Maybe not crazy fun, but definitely fun. Diego has fallen for you. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you. It's why he's trying so hard to take care of me. Because you love me. That's the reason. He's doing everything for you."

  "He wants to help his brother, too."

  "I know. But he also wants to help me because of you."

  "I do love you, Bethany. And I know that this isn't the end of us. We'll figure a way to see each other. Maybe it won't be right away, but some day."

  "What will you tell your parents?"

  "That you've fallen in love and you're moving away with an incredible man. They'll miss you as much as I will. But I'll tell them stories every now and then and maybe at some point you'll call them."

  Bethany nodded, then got to her feet. "I'll certainly try. I need to take a shower before we go."

  "I wish you were feeling better before you had to deal with all this." She rose to her feet. "I'm still not sure you shouldn't be in the hospital."

  "I'll be okay." Bethany opened up her arms. "A hug for the road?"

  "Definitely," she said, giving her a tight squeeze. "But that’s not the last one. I'm coming with you until I can't."

  "Thanks, Tara. You're the best."

  As Bethany left the room, Diego came back into the kitchen, his hair damp from his shower, his cheeks smoothly shaven. He looked good and smelled even better. He gave her a smile. "Everything okay?"

  "Bethany and I had a good talk. It's going to be hard to say good-bye to her, but I'm at peace with it."


  "How soon will it happen?"


  She sucked in a breath. "That is fast."

  "It's crucial we protect them, and with yesterday's apartment location being compromised, we can't take any chances. There's a leak somewhere and until it's plugged, we have to be extra cautious."

  "Well, I guess it doesn't matter, because today or tomorrow or next month—it still wouldn't be long enough. I'm really going to miss her." Her eyes blurred with tears and Diego's arms came around her. She rested her head on his chest. "Sorry, I'm being a baby."

  "You don't have to apologize."

  "I keep thinking about all the things she's going to miss."

  "But she won't miss them because she's dead." He cleared his throat. "Sorry, that was too harsh."

  She lifted her head to look at him. "No. It was honest. You and I have always been honest with each other."

  "We have," he agreed.

  "So, can I ask you a question?"


  "No?" she echoed in surprise.

  "I don't have an answer yet."

  "You don't know my question."

  "I have a good idea. You want to know what happens with us after we say good-bye to Mateo and Bethany."

  "Okay, you did know my question." She licked her lips. "You have to report to DC for your next assignment soon, right? Where will that take you?"

  "I'm not sure. I was supposed to be in DC tomorrow, but that's not going to happen. I need to talk to my boss today, let him know what's going on. Even with Mateo and Bethany in protection, there's a lot to do to take down the Salazar organization, and I want in on that."

  "But eventually you'll go to DC?"

  He stared back at her, his eyes dark and unreadable. "That's the plan. When do you have to go back to work?"

  "I guess as soon as I can."

  "I don't think long distance works, Tara."

  "I don't, either. And it would be crazy to change our whole lives for a relationship that's been going on less than a week."

  "That doesn't seem smart," he said slowly.

  "I usually do the smart thing."

  "Me, too."

  Their gazes clung together, heated emotions flying back and forth between them.

  And then Diego's mouth was on hers, and they said everything else with a series of scorching kisses that were far more honest and open than any words they'd just exchanged.

  It was only the sound of a ringing phone that broke them apart.

  Diego picked up his phone from the counter. "Rivera," he barked out. He listened for a moment and then said, "Got it. We'll be ready."

  "Ready for what?" she asked.

  "Our ride. Wyatt is on his way. He's going to take us down to the LA office."
  "Is that different from where we went before?"

  "Yes, it's the official field office for this area."

  "Am I going to be interviewed? Do I need to think about what I'm going to say?"

  "You will be interviewed, but all you have to do is tell the truth, all of it."

  "And Bethany?"

  "After she gives her statement and the agents are satisfied with whatever information Mateo has turned over, they'll be picked up by the US Marshals Service. They handle witness protection."

  "I'm afraid to let anyone protect them but us," she commented. "But I know you're doing your best."

  "I just hope it's good enough," he said tightly.


  Once they arrived at the field office, they were all separated. Tara was put in a conference room, where she remained for almost three hours while two FBI agents she didn't know asked her a litany of questions. She didn't know where Diego and Bethany were, or Mateo, for that matter, but she was ready to be done. And, finally, so were the agents. They told her to stay where she was and left the room.

  She picked up the bottle of water they'd provided her and took a long sip. She checked her watch. It was two o'clock. She wondered if she was completely finished, or if there was going to be a round two.

  The door opened, and she straightened, relieved to see Diego come through the door. At his warm, intimate smile, her heart skipped a little beat.

  "How did it go?" he asked, giving her a kiss before sitting down next to her.

  "I told the truth. It sounded like a crazy story when I was telling it. I can't quite believe everything that happened."

  "I know the feeling."

  "What's happening with Bethany? I know she's still pretty weak. If she's going through what I just did, I'm worried about her health."

  "The marshals picked her up a few minutes ago."

  Her heart sank, and anger ran through her. "Really? I thought I would get to say good-bye. This isn't right, Diego. You shouldn't have let them do that. You must have known I would want to say good-bye."


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