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Enchanted Magic

Page 11

by T. M. Cromer

  Relief made him weak, but he forged on. “Good. Then we have nothing to worry about.”

  “I couldn’t leave the estate.”

  “What happened when you tried? Obviously no invisible wall, or the Rover would’ve been destroyed at the rate you were traveling,” he said dryly.

  “Yeah, well…” A light blush tinged her cheeks. “I felt a burning. It started in my chest and expanded out. A thousand times worse than cells ramping up for magic. This was like a nuclear meltdown, and the closer I got to the end of the driveway, the worse it became until I almost blacked out.” She stared in bemused wonder at the entry gates. “I had to stop, or I’d have crashed.”

  “We’ll have to find a work-around. Come back to the house.”

  They rose together and clasped hands. He led her to the passenger side of the vehicle and secured her inside. After climbing behind the wheel, he gave the gates a considering look. “You’d feel the burning, but if I’m driving, you couldn’t faint at the wheel.”

  Shifting slightly in his seat, he sought her reaction.

  Mackenzie’s gaze was packed full of worry. “The pain was almost unbearable, Baz. What happens if I pass out and you continue driving, but when I wake, I can’t make the burning go away because we are too far from the property?”

  “Well, if you’re going to be all logical about it,” he muttered, throwing the Land Rover into reverse to turn back.

  Mackenzie picked up her phone for what seemed like the hundredth time and put it back down. Calling in reinforcements when she might end up getting them hurt in the long run didn’t sit well with her.

  “Would it be better if I called him?” Sebastian’s voice startled her, and she let out a small meep of surprise. He pressed his lips together, but he couldn’t hide his desire to smile.

  “I’m going to put a bell on you.” This house was totally creeping her out at this point. Everything was making her jumpy as fuck. “And how do you know who I’m thinking of calling?”

  “The logical answer is Alastair.”

  Okay, she had to give him that one. “I don’t want to bring anyone else into this, but I’m worried we’ll need more help. You and Arabella might be no match for Isolde when she takes over.”

  His thick brows met in the middle as he stepped farther into the room. “Call him if it makes you feel better. I’m not prideful or ignorant enough to believe we won’t need assistance. Also, we need to find out what he may have discovered from Isis.”

  Her shoulders sagged with her relief. Part of her fear had been offending Sebastian. She dialed her cousin and didn’t have long to wait for him to answer.


  “Alastair? It’s Mack.”

  “Mackenzie. How are you holding up, child?” His tone was kind and caring, making her want to seek the shelter of his embrace as she had when she was a kid.

  He’d come along after her father took off for parts unknown, and he’d made sure she had a home. Alastair had done a fantastic job of raising her until she decided to head out on her own at eighteen. After that, once a week, he’d arrive in New York to check on her and to take her out to dinner. They’d spent hours conversing over wine and pasta. Catching up on the family, her job, and Rorie’s condition at the time.

  “To be honest, I’m frightened, Alastair. Seems I can’t leave the estate without frying my insides.”

  “I think you’d better tell me from the beginning. One moment.”

  Mackenzie could hear him in the background, although his words were hard to distinguish. Finally, he spoke to her again.

  “I’ll be there within the hour. You can explain it all then.”

  “Thank you, cousin.”

  “You can thank me by having a tumbler of scotch ready for my consumption.” A muffled female voice on his end could be heard putting in her two cents. Alastair sighed, and his irritability came through loud and clear. “And tea. My beloved requires tea, because apparently she is coming with me.”

  Mackenzie laughed at how put out he sounded. “Tell Rorie we’ll take care of her when she gets here.”

  She signed off and updated Sebastian.

  He nodded, and some of the tension around his eyes eased. “I’ll admit, I feel a lot better knowing he’s coming here. You’d better text him a photo of the terrace so he can teleport freely without worrying about where he lands.”

  She did as he suggested and snapped pictures of the terrace outside the main salon. After she forwarded them to Alastair, she crossed to where Sebastian stood, noting how tired he seemed and how strained his expression appeared to be.

  “Are you okay, Baz? I know this is wearing on all of us, but it must be especially hard on you.”

  “I can’t deny I’m worried about the consequences of Isolde escaping. The fact that she’s awake, biding her time until she can wreak havoc on the rest of us, is terrifying to say the least.”

  Mackenzie dropped her gaze from Sebastian’s unnervingly perceptive stare as she thought over her options. Damian’s words came back to her. “If you had a choice, would you take your life to save the others?” She wondered if it would come to that or if it was now too late.

  “What are you thinking, Mack? Based on your green expression, it can’t be good.”

  Turning away, she rubbed her upper arms. “Nothing, really.”

  “Don’t do that. Don’t lie to me.”

  His tone was harsh, and beneath the anger, Mackenzie detected no small amount of fear.

  She spun back and placed a hand on his chest, prepared to reassure him, only the psychic attack struck with such force, she cried out and dropped to her knees.


  Sebastian dropped down beside her and gripped her shoulders as she clutched her head, rocking front and back.

  “Mack, love, tell me you’re okay. What’s happening?”

  Isolde’s eyes snapped open. The first thing she saw was the handsome dark-haired warlock in front of her. Worry clouded his ashen face, and he looked ready to lay down his life for the woman she inhabited.

  She smiled and lifted her hand to trail a finger along his lips. “Hello, lover.”

  He recoiled, jerking back so fast, his kilt caught on his boot and caused him to careen sideways. He barely managed to steady himself, but he didn’t try to touch her again.


  “Mack?” She grinned. “No. Your Mack can’t come out to socialize at the moment, but I’m at your disposal should you care to entertain me.”

  Before she could fully appreciate his horror, she was thrown back into her tomb. As her energy waned, she closed her eyes and savored the look on his face. Soon she would be strong enough to maintain hold of the body she’d possessed.

  Sebastian backed as far away from Mackenzie as he could get without actually leaving the room. Without a doubt, whoever was using her body as a puppet wasn’t his wife. The cold, calculating look was at complete odds with her normally friendly, open expression.

  Surprise crossed her features, and she grabbed her head, releasing a low moan. “Get out of my head, you fucking bitch!”

  Her arms dropped to her sides as she sat back against the table leg closest to her. Sweat beaded her brow, and her lips had gone pale. The look in her eyes had changed from cunning to terrified, and still, Sebastian was hesitant to move closer.

  “Mack?” His voice came out rough and maybe a little ragged. He felt as stunned as she appeared.

  “Yes, Baz.” Moisture welled in her large blue-gray eyes and slowly spilled over to trail down her cheeks. “I’m frightened,” she whispered.

  So was he, but he couldn’t leave her emotionally broken on the floor. He forced one foot in front of the other until he reached her. He squatted on the floor beside her and, with one trembling hand, caressed her cheek. “It’s okay, love. You’re okay.”

  They reached for each other at the same time, and he drew her into his lap. He didn’t know how long they sat like that before the door cracked open and Leopo
ld rolled in a tea service. From their place on the rug, Sebastian had a clear view of his butler’s socks.

  “My favorite animal is definitely the beaver.”

  He choked on his own saliva, coughing until his lungs ached. When Mackenzie gave him a concerned look, he covertly gestured to the writing on the socks. Her gasp turned into a giggle and then to full-bodied laughter.

  Leopold’s brow rose haughtily, but the twitching at the corner of his mouth gave him away. Either old Leo had a facial tick, or he was trying not to join in with their merriment. Again, the question of his age flitted through Sebastian’s mind.

  “If that will be all, m’lord?”

  He cleared his throat and tried to regain some small semblance of decorum. “Alastair Thorne will be joining us within the hour, Leopold. Will you make sure we have a bottle of Glenfiddich on hand for our guest?”

  “Of course, sir. And for Master Damian?”

  Both Sebastian and Mackenzie whipped their heads around to stare at the man leaning his shoulder against the doorjamb leading to the terrace.

  “I’m fine with whatever everyone else is having. Thank you, Leopold,” Damian said with a smirk.

  “Very good, sir.”

  Chapter 13

  Now, more than ever, we need to continue with tradition, don’t you think? It’s the perfect time to stretch and refresh your snacks.

  Chapter 14

  Sebastian helped Mackenzie to her feet and took an extra moment to run his thumbs beneath her eyes, wiping away the evidence of her crying.

  She gave him a grateful smile and faced the Aether.

  Damian spoke first. “What happened? I received a call from Alastair, instructing me to meet him here.”

  “He should be arriving in a bit,” Mack assured him. She relayed her experience from moments before. Sebastian followed it up with an explanation of her earlier attempt to leave the estate.

  Damian’s expression indicated he was five seconds away from losing his cool. “And neither of you thought to call me the first time my mother waltzed her way into your mind?”

  His barely suppressed rage tingled along Mackenzie’s nerve endings, and she shuddered at the knowledge of all the raw power he held inside. His magic far surpassed hers, and if his mother possessed even half of what he did, Mack was in deep shit.

  “Actually, we did,” Sebastian assured him. “We were scarcely recovered from the first before this second… incident happened.”

  Damian’s sharp dark gaze darted between them. Abruptly, he nodded. “Fine.”

  Mackenzie squirmed under his penetrating stare. “What?”

  “So we’re clear, the first time was just a fleeting thought?”


  “This time, she hijacked your mind completely?”

  She swallowed and nodded.

  “Where did you go?”


  “Where did you go, Mack? Were you in there with her? Did she trade places with you? As in, were you in her body in the tomb?”

  “I don’t think so, but I don’t know for sure. It was like being in a black room with no light,” she recalled, struggling to pull forward any memory other than the terror she’d felt.

  “Did you smell anything?” Damian continued to push for answers as he fixed her a cup of tea.

  His gesture seemed out of place to her, but she appreciated his consideration. The small kindness tempered his harsh rapid-fire questions.

  “Smell?” She started to shake her head, but the memory of a faint scent lingered. “Wait. Maybe. Like a blend of lavender and a spice I’m not familiar with.”

  “Was it earthy?”

  “Yes, I believe it was, but there was another mustier scent.”

  Damian’s expression darkened, and he turned away to stare over the yard. “Ruta, or Rue as it’s called now, I would imagine.”

  Mackenzie shared a confused look with Sebastian.

  “Where do you think Mack went, Dethridge?”

  “I don’t know that she went anywhere other than her own mind, but it’s possible she traded places with my mother.”

  The idea of being inside a two-hundred-year-old tomb was repellent and grossed Mackenzie right the hell out. She clamped a hand over her mouth to stop her urge to scream.

  Sebastian rubbed her lower back. “Come again?”

  Damian turned from the garden and locked gazes with Mackenzie. “It’s possible you and my mother exchanged bodies for however long she was able to possess yours.”

  “Fan-freaking-tastic.” She gulped down her tea in one swoop. “Admittedly, I know nothing about this type of thing, but if Isolde is able to pull a Freaky Friday, she clearly has use of her magic.”

  “Freaky Friday?”

  “It’s a movie. Never mind.” Mackenzie waved a hand in dismissal. “We need to come up with a solid plan to lock down my body. Make it a no-entry zone.”

  Sebastian’s choked cough caught her attention. Heat crept up her cheeks as she realized how her words sounded. A quick glance showed her Damian struggled against a smile.

  “Pfft. Men. Always with their minds in the gutter. Am I right, cuz?”

  The sweet sound of Spring Thorne-Carlyle’s voice floated to Mackenzie, and she gasped her delight. Her cousin was as brilliant as the day was long, and if anyone could figure a way out of the mess Mack had found herself in, it was Spring.

  Rushing to embrace her, Mackenzie registered the presence of Spring’s husband, Knox, along with Alastair and Aurora. The tension within her uncoiled from the knowledge her family would have her back. One by one, she hugged them tightly, gushing her gratitude for their timely arrival.

  Spring hugged Damian. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “None of us expected it to be this soon though,” Knox added as the two men shook hands.

  “Dire circumstances and all,” Damian countered with a grimace.

  “Right.” Alastair waved a hand, and the bottle of Glenfiddich floated up to pour a dram of his favorite whisky into a tumbler. “Why don’t you start from the beginning, and leave nothing out.”

  Mackenzie and Sebastian took turns relaying all that had happened since she set foot on the Drake estate. Damian remained silent during their explanation, even when Alastair shot him the occasional questioning glance.

  “You married Drake?” Alastair’s eyes reflected a sadness, and Mack wondered if it was because he’d wanted to give her away in a more traditional ceremony.

  “It was an impulsive decision.” She glanced down at her lap, where her hand was joined with Sebastian’s. He gave her a light squeeze, and Mackenzie knew she’d done the right thing regardless of timing. “I’m sorry we didn’t think to include everyone.”

  A slow, pleased smile spread across Alastair’s aristocratic features. “You have nothing to apologize for, child. You followed your heart.”

  She nodded. “I did.”

  His sapphire gaze shifted to Sebastian and narrowed slightly.

  “I did, too,” Baz assured him so quickly Mackenzie almost laughed.

  “I believe you, son.” Alastair took an unhurried sip of his drink and stared into the crackling flames of the hearth. “What’s our next step, Dethridge? I assume you’ve been working on a plan.”

  “Not much of one, I’m afraid. I’ve been unable to get a clear read on any of the unfolding events, and Isis refuses to answer my summons.”

  “We’re going to need reinforcements,” Alastair said with a resigned sigh. “I’ll call Ryker, Nash, and Quentin before I try to summon Preston.”

  “Of course with the arrival of the guys, their other halves will follow,” Knox said with a chuckle. His grin widened when Spring elbowed his side. “What? You know it’s true. I’ve yet to meet a Thorne female who doesn’t dive right into trouble.”

  “It’s because we’re the smarter of the pairings and are always there to get you guys out of the messes you create.” Her arched brow and smirking mouth dared him to argue.

bsp; With a deep, rumbling laugh, he hugged her close. “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”

  “There’s an intelligent man, who knows how to surrender the field,” Sebastian whispered in Mackenzie’s ear.

  “Better for their sex life all around, I imagine,” she murmured in return. “I heard a rumor that she once filled his mouth with dirt for being an ass to her.”

  Sebastian buried his chuckle against her hair.

  The blinding headache struck without warning, and she cried out.

  * * *

  Sebastian watched the color drain from Mackenzie’s face and released her in an instant. “This is what happened before—”

  Mackenzie’s head whipped up, and a calculating look crossed her face as she noted the people around her. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Damian.

  A sense of dread started low in Sebastian’s gut and spread from there. “It’s Isolde.”

  She shot him a side glance and winked. “Hello, lover.”

  Rising, she crossed to where Damian sat in a wing-backed chair by the hearth. Her expression softened marginally as she reached out a hand to touch his face. He, in comparison, remained still as a statue, showing no emotion at all.

  “My boy,” she whispered. She used her thumb and index finger to shift a lock of his hair from his forehead. “You’ve grown to be a beautiful man, haven’t you, Damian?”

  He stood and gave her such a look of pity Sebastian’s heart almost ached for him. “This is no longer your time, Mother. Leave Mackenzie alone. For all our sakes.”

  “No!” Her expression hardened, and an ugliness came into her eyes. “This vessel is perfect for my use.”

  “She’s a person, not a vessel,” Alastair snapped, surging to his feet.

  Aurora said his name, heavy caution in her tone.

  Isolde turned on him in an instant, hands raised, ready to strike. Confusion flooded her features, and her questioning eyes bounced back and forth between Alastair and Damian. “You’re the Alastair Thorne from my dream,” she said softly. “My boy’s savior.”


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