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The Hidden

Page 10

by C C Sommerly

  Inside the dining hall, I lined up at the buffet-style serving line. The atmosphere inside was even heavier than what I felt on the walk here, causing the first beginning of fear as I took in all the faces around me and noticed their mechanical motions. As if the effort of eating, was nearly too much.

  Scanning for a table, I noticed that one of the guys that ambushed me when I first arrived, Manuel or something like that, was frantically waving me over. Out of curiosity rather than the desire to become besties, I headed his way. Besides, I’d prefer not sitting alone and I was curious to see why he wanted me over there. I carried my tray and joined him and the two others at the table. Like the rest of the dining hall crowd, they were also considerably more subdued.

  “I’m sorry about Mason. Merritt told me he was a part of the squad.”

  “Yeah, he was with us for four years,” said the red-colored hair woman. “He was like a younger brother to us, which is why you’ll notice most of us aren’t here. Each of us mourns differently. And, while we made our peace with his loss, seeing what he’s become makes it that much harder to accept. Once someone rejects the activation, their life has a considerably shorter expiration date than it normally would. And, I’m Ginger. I doubt you remember any of our names with the intro to The Underground that you’ve had.”

  Pointing at the Rock-like guy, she added, “That’s Manny and the statuesque ebony woman over there over there is Hunter.”

  And with that intro, Hunter threw a bread roll at Ginger’s head. “Missed.”

  “Girls. Can’t be fighting with our newbie here,” said Manny. “We had a break in our patrol rotation because of Mason’s absence and while most of us would like more time away.”

  “Speak for yourself Crusher. Some of us are waiting to get back out there and kick some demon and Demented butt,” said Hunter.

  “As you can see, Hunter’s name, fits her name to a T. She’s always ready for some action. So, with that said, we will be going out on rotation within two days. I’m just giving you a heads-up. I’m sure Merritt or the Boss will be speaking with you.”

  “Okay, Manny, let the poor thing eat. You were so worried about her being too skinny and now she can’t get a single bite in,” said Ginger.

  Manny flashed me a sheepish grin, dimples flashing. Man, that was devastating. “Sorry. Please don’t let me keep you from eating.”

  “It’s okay.”

  The food wasn’t half bad. I’m a sucker for a salmon. It was one of my favorite things to eat and something I couldn’t cook if my life depending on it. Trust me, I’d tried baking it, frying it, grilling it and it turned out either the consistency of jerky or semi-raw and I didn’t do raw. This was flaky and moist and the perfect combination of butter, garlic and lemons and something else. I wondered if we got seconds here. I could so go for another salmon fillet.

  “Wow, Merritt wasn’t kidding. You do eat fast,” said Ginger.

  Yep, I managed to clear my plate in record time. This new habit was embarrassing. “Guess, the stress boosted my appetite. Won’t be skinny for long Manny.”

  “It’s the change. We all got like that. The body’s demand for nutrients creates your super-fast eating. Just get seconds, so your stomach will stop grumbling and the rest of us can eat in peace,” said Hunter.

  Okay, someone was a bit testy today, but that was all the encouragement I needed to get more of that yummy salmon. Maybe they’d give me two.

  Patrol already? “Okay, so what help can I provide? Aren’t you guys all some super amazing superheroes or whatever? I am just a normal human.”

  “No, you are a hybrid that hasn’t had her potential unlocked.”

  At my frown, he continued, “I mean that. We all had to come to terms with being hybrids. For some of us it took longer and for others, acceptance is still being sought. This is not some scheme to get you to activate. Consider this a training run. You get to see us in action and you’re a combat veteran, so engaging the enemy isn’t new to you. You will get to practice interacting with us as a team — that’s not something you need superpowers for.”

  What he said made sense. It would be nice to get a feel for the team dynamics without the complication of figuring out how to use whatever power I would get once I was activated. And, I was curious to see if these new strategy-driven Demented existed. I still had major doubts about that.

  “Wait until you see the fire in your eyes.”

  “That was the only thing that saved the Boss from Ruthie,” as Hunter looks at Ruthie.

  “Shut the heck up, Hunter.”

  “Sounds like there’s a story behind that,” I said.

  “And it’s not hers to tell. You don’t have to know everything about me. It’s not like we are gonna spooning together at night. I train with you. You don’t have the right to more, sissy girl.”

  I really wanted to punch in her pretty face.

  “Can someone at least tell me about fire in my eyes. You don’t mean literal fire? Is something freaky gonna happen to my eyes?”

  They looked between themselves. “Forget we said anything,” said Hunter.

  “I don’t want to forget. I didn’t ask to be a hybrid and now I’m gonna have some freak eyes to go with whatever freaky crap happens to my body,” as I stood up abruptly, knocking my chair over.

  “Manny didn’t mean to upset you. We can tell you, actually we can show you back at the quad,” said Ginger

  Chapter 22

  The quads consisted of four separate rooms that were met in the middle by a central living area that included a kitchen and living room. It was quaint. Manny just finished explaining how he, Hunter, and Ginger lived in one quad and that if I wanted, I could move into the spare room.

  “It would be easier to do training and patrols with us if you lived with the team,” said Manny. He seemed to be the ringer leader of these quad mates or whatever they were. The rest of the “squad” was in a quad on the floor above us — accessible by a lift.

  “And, you get to eat some of the amazing food Manny cooks. It’s seriously heavenly. He makes these Canadian dishes that aren’t like anything you’ve ever had,” said Ginger. “Not that the dining hall food is bad or anything, but we can work some odd hours at times, so it’s nice having a stocked kitchen here to provide our meals during those times,” she added.

  Looking at Hunter, I wanted to see what she thought about all this. “Don’t look for me to answer for you. I could care less what you choose. You’ll work with us regardless of whether you live here or continue to hide at the inn.”

  Bristling, I said, “I’m not hiding.”

  “Aren’t you though?” she ruthlessly continued, “What else would you call it? You come in here like some wounded, doe-eyed girl. We’ve been easy on you and you still act like you’re not one of us. You are a hybrid and it’s just a matter of time before you are activated.”

  “Jesus, Ruthie! Just give it a rest. You don’t have to be such a witch,” said Manny.

  “Whatever. You don’t have to coddle her. She was Elite Guard and has probably seen just as much combat or more combat than we have. The sooner we take off the kid gloves, the sooner she can pull on her big girl panties and start acting like the solider she is” said Ruthie.

  It took every ounce of self-control not to clock the chick. She really needed to be taken down a peg or two. As if she knew anything about what happened to me. I lost my family in the Elite Guard, I was sent out on this unknown trip here, found out that I was adopted and my whole life was a lie and that if all that wasn’t enough, I was some mutant with superpowers. Staying to myself these past few days and away from the squad was essential for my mental health. I still felt like a rope pulled too tight and fraying from the strain, but I’d be darned if she was gonna scare me off. I didn’t hide from anything.

  “So, when can I move in? It’s not like I have stuff to move. I pretty much have what you see and a duffle bag of goodies you all gave me for the trip.”

  “You’re movin
g in? About time.” As Hunter left the room, she called over her shoulder, “Your room is next to mine.”

  Oh great! Me and the Mega Witch would be side by side. Lucky me. Guess my idea that everyone was super happy and syrupy sweet could be tossed aside. Hunter didn’t match that definition.

  “So, what’s her deal? She that friendly with everyone?”

  “Oh no, don’t ask any of us. That is for Hunter to share. We all have our stories and they are for each of us to share or not share. We don’t gossip about our team,” said Manny.

  I could respect that. They had a code, and each was willing to protect the other’s secrets. Although, I was also the only one where everyone knew my story thanks to the news coverage and tabloid’s sensationalizing me as some demon-hater. They coined me “slayer,” “demon hater,” and the worst by far “baby killer”. That day would haunt me the rest of my life. I didn’t hate demons, but I also didn’t think they were capable of the emotions humans and even some animals possessed. I never wanted to kill a young animal, child or child demon and yet that is the one thing I did. I still woke up covered in sweat after nightmares about the Demon Delegate standing over me and ready to punish me for taking his son’s life.

  Chapter 23

  The next morning, my door was kicked open. “Get dressed, we leave in 15 minutes,” barked Ruthie.

  I rolled to the floor with one of my knives in hand. I met the amused eyes of the purple princess. Who else would be ballsy enough to kick my door at the crack of dawn? It probably wasn’t even morning yet. I barely slept last night after everything with the whole non-activated and stolen squad guy, Mason.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Patrol. Boss said I’m to take you out on every patrol as your mentor. Better not embarrass me today. If you think things have been rough so far, it’s nothing compared to the shit storm I will unleash if you puss out on patrol.”


  She glared at me and walked out the door. Someone wasn’t a morning person and I never “pussed out” on anything, I thought groggily. Since I had a habit of sleeping with my clothes, I only needed to put my boots on and then ran to catch up with her.

  I caught up with her at the front of the inn. We went to the Boss’ office, where several other hybrids waited looking chipper. God, did any of these people ever sleep.

  “We need portal access sir,” said Reese.

  Portal? As in a teleporter, like what they used in TV and movies? I must have heard wrong, although there certainly was no end in sight to the weird happenings around The Underground. Why not have a portal?

  Chapter 24

  The next morning, my door was kicked open. “Get dressed, we leave in 15 minutes,” barked Ruthie.

  I rolled to the floor with one of my knives in hand. I met the amused eyes of the purple princess. Who else would be ballsy enough to kick my door at the crack of dawn? It was so early that I doubt dawn was even considering appearing. I barely slept after everything with the whole non-activated and stolen squad guy, Mason, so what little patience I had disappeared the moment she kicked my door open.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Patrol. Boss said I’m to take you out on every patrol as your mentor. Better not embarrass me today. If you think things have been rough so far, it’s nothing compared to the shit storm I will unleash if you puss out on patrol.”

  “What is your deal with me? I’ve given you no reason to be so hard on me.”

  She glared at me “you’ve also given me little to see that you can handle being a part of the team. Being a hybrid isn’t enough and don’t think I’ve missed the looks of disgust you’ve thrown at hybrids or the way you shy away if one of us gets close. If you don’t want to me a part of us, then I don’t want you here. I’m only training you because I have to,” and walked out the door.

  Couldn’t blame her for disliking me now. I didn’t know I was acting that way, but I’m not sure it’s something I can stop. I am repulsed and disgusted by the idea of being a demon-human mixture. It goes against my faith and makes me one of “them” the monsters.

  Since I had a habit of sleeping with my clothes, I only needed to put my boots on and then ran to catch up with her.

  I caught up with her at the front of the inn. We went to the Boss’ office, where several other hybrids waited looking chipper. God did any of these people sleep? I thought still feeling somewhat groggy.

  “We need portal access sir,” said Reese.

  Portal? As in a teleportation device like what they used in tv and movies? I must have heard wrong, although there certainly was no end in sight to the weird happenings around The Underground. Why not have a portal?

  “Someone let Teagan know what to expect, while I prepare the portal and inform the Chicago portal staff of our pending arrival,” said the Boss.

  “I’ll explain it,” Ginger volunteered with a bright smile. “All portal points are fixed locations in certain geographic areas that we frequently travel to. These points are semi-permanent, which makes it easier to travel in a hurry. Once we activate the portal here, we can jump just like that to another. This is like the master one and the others don’t need to be activated, so it’s super easy and super flexible to travel. But we still have the portals staffed, so they are protected.”

  “Can just anyone use them? Or is this some special hybrid traveling method?” I said.

  “Just hybrids, at least for now. Dr. Mendel can explain better, but the way our molecules or whatever compresses would be too much for a regular person. Our super healing properties protect us,” she said.

  Oh, that wasn’t exactly the most reassuring thing. I wasn’t activated, so was I protected then? And, I had no intention of seeking out the weird doctor if I could avoid it.

  “I’m not activated. Am I really okay to travel in that thing?”

  “Just because you aren’t activated doesn’t mean anything. Your hybridness is just sleeping,” said Ginger.

  “That’s not even a real word Ginger,” said Merritt.

  Ginger flashes another bright smile like a little ray of sunshine. “Who says it has to be? I can make up words and it sounds neat,” she added and stuck out her tongue at Merritt.

  “So, if people are done interrupting me,” as she pointed looked in Merritt’s direction before continuing. “The portal in Chicago is in the Art Institute. One of their restoration rooms holds the portal and is manned by employees loyal to us. They keep the portal safe and keep our secret,” said Ginger.

  I nodded and she continued, “Any time that we use or will use a portal, our people get a text notification that rings with a specific tone to inform them of our impending arrival. We pay them handsomely for this cooperation and their silence,” said Ginger.

  My first patrol and I felt so under prepared. I didn’t even know what we were going to do in Chicago. I’d never trained with these guys and had no way of knowing how they operated under stress or when faced with a life-threatening situation. Life and death situations could make the most hardened Marine break under the pressure or excel with displays of heroics. I had no one of knowing how these freaky hybrids would be.

  “You are to stay close to me at all times. We’re going to Chicago to investigate sightings of zombie raccoons,” said Ruthie.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I said, “Seriously? You are telling me we are checking out raccoons of the zombie variety? Is this a joke on the newbie?”

  “I wish,” said the Boss. “The portal is ready. Listen to Ruthie. She’s one of the few that has been on the team since the beginning.”

  Now that going through the portal was imminent, coils of fears threaded their way through my mid-section. What if they were wrong about it being safe for an inactivated hybrid. I didn’t want to die. I should have never agreed to this stupid investigation of the Boss. Speaking of which, he was watching me carefully with a frown and a crease between his eyes.

  Prying my eyes away from him, I watched Ginger hop, yes, hop up
and into a giant ring that was sitting on the ground. It looked carved of stone and large blocks joined together forming the ring. As she stepped within the ring, it started spinning and bluish light flared temporarily blinding me. When the light died down, she was gone.

  “You next, newbie,” said the purple princess.

  “I’d prefer going last.”

  She walked up to me and grabbed me roughly by the arm. “To hell you are going last, just so you can puss out. Get your little ass up there,” she semi-dragged me into the ring. She sure was strong. No matter how hard I tugged and pulled, her grip didn’t loosen. As the light got brighter under the ring, she let go and kicked me. I’d like to say that I took it with some decorum, but I screamed like a child on a roller coaster.

  I was still screaming when I got to the other side. My stomach was unsettled, and it took some blinking to clear my vision.

  “So, Teagan, how was it? Isn’t that the coolest?” asked Ginger.

  I’m not sure she was ever anything but syrupy sweet. “Just fine. I thought it would be worse physically than it was.”

  Laughing, she said, “The first time any of us traveled by portal, we were all disappointed that something so positively unheard of was not a bigger or more memorable experience. Sorry.”

  I looked around at the room we were in. It was a rather spacious room with tables set up with artifacts in various stages of restoration. It was dark, but someone left a lamp on that threw a menagerie of shadows around the room.

  Ruthie came through next, followed by Merritt. Ruthie stalked up to me, “Better give you the short version. We are here to investigate multiple reports of zombie raccoons. We suspect it might be demon-related and need to be sure.”

  Okay, that was straight and to the point. And, an utter waste of time. Raccoons, really?

  We crept out of the restoration room and smacked into a guard standing outside.


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