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After the Earth Wars

Page 4

by Shana Rae

  "Sober, what the hell have you done now?"

  "She asked for a drink, I warned her it was Pure Proof, she just knocked it straight back."

  "Zareli, you're damn lucky she isn't in a coma. On second thoughts, leave Evahlia to me, I should be with you in the morning."

  "The implants are ready?"

  "Yes, do you expect anything less from me?"

  "No Dumarrak, I'm just surprised…all three of them are ready?"

  "If you ask me one more time, yours will get lost in transit."

  "All right, I'm sorry. Vysani has stayed on Kalocia, so we'll both see you in the morning. Just one more question…how do you fit them?"

  "They're organic Zareli, place them on the back of your neck and they attach themselves. In time your skin will grow over the implant, it will barely be noticeable."

  "Sounds bloody creepy."

  Dumarrak roared with laughter.

  "Are you sure you're a warrior Zareli?"

  "Don't you ever dare doubt it Dumarrak."

  Zareli ended the conversation. He decided to get some rest, it would be a few hours before Dumarrak and Vysani arrived and by the sounds of how the implant worked, he was going to need it.


  Zareli was woken by Dumarrak shaking him, he slowly opened his eyes.

  "You're here all ready?"

  "Yes and so is Vysani, we're ready to go ahead with the implants. But first we have to talk to Evahlia, I've told Vysani we'll join him shortly."

  As Zareli got up and got dressed, Dumarrak went over to the other bed and sat down on the edge. He gently shook Evahlia, who turned over and looked at him.

  "I've got the implants Evahlia, but we need to talk first. I know Zareli said some harsh things yesterday, but I've discussed it with Pharran and he thinks, like Vysani, that we should at least show you respect for bringing the data to us. May I ask if you'll work with us to get the implants to function correctly?"

  "And once I've trained all of you, are you still going to return me to Iosera and leave my fate in the hands of the military?"

  "No, you can stay under our protection until we've won the war, or until the military pose no further threat. I would also ask that you come into battle with us, if you are prepared to go up against Commander Straken and prevent him from blocking us…"

  "That is a big ask Dumarrak, he's a very powerful Telepath. And I will indirectly be taking part in the war, I'm not sure how my Clan will react to that."

  "Evahlia, if we succeed, you will have bought peace to this galaxy, something the rest of your Clan have failed to do. They can't disown you for that."

  Evahlia looked up as Zareli walked over to them and stood behind Dumarrak.

  "All right, I will train you and I will go into battle with you on one condition. I will join Vysani for the attack, the commander won't be expecting it and I can back Vysani up if he needs it. You two have each other, so you should be fine."

  Zareli tapped Dumarrak on the shoulder to show that he approved.

  "We'll have to ask Vysani if he is happy with that arrangement, but we are in agreement. Now let's go and deal with the implants."

  Dumarrak got to his feet as Evahlia got out of bed, she was thankful she'd remain dressed. Pulling on her boots, she wrapped her cloak around her and followed Dumarrak and Zareli through to the warehouse.

  Vysani was pacing up and down.

  "We're here Vysani and we have good news. Evahlia has agreed to train us and she has a special request for you."

  Evahlia walked over to Vysani.

  "I want to go in to battle with you if you have no objection, I can provide back up if you need it, and the commander will assume I'm with Zareli or Dumarrak so…"

  "No need to explain Evahlia, I would be honoured to have you by my side in the battle. And I assure you I will protect you with my life."

  "Thank you Vysani, but I think we'll both be coming out of this very much alive."

  Dumarrak picked up one of the implants.

  "Good, now that's all settled…who wants to go first?"

  Evahlia stepped forward.

  "Would you allow me to attach the implants, I can use my Telepathy to guide me to the optimum position."

  Dumarrak handed the implants to Evahlia. She looked at it closely, because of its organic nature, it almost felt alive as it sat in the palm of her hand. It reminded her of a scarab beetle from Earth.

  "So who's first?" Evahlia glanced at Zareli then Dumarrak.

  "As I made the devices it had better be me."

  "Then please sit down Dumarrak and try to relax as much as possible. I'm not sure how quickly this will work, but don't be alarmed if you suddenly hear everyones thoughts very loudly. When that happens, visualise building a wall in your mind to block out the noise, understand?"

  "Yes Evahlia."

  Holding the implant in one hand, Evahlia put her other hand on the back of Dumarrak's neck. Feeling with her mind, Evahlia found a strong point and held the implant against Dumarrak's skin. She pressed gently and felt it starting to attach itself to his neck.

  "Just relax Dumarrak, there may be some pain…"

  She knew Dumarrak was gritting his teeth trying not to scream out loud, then slowly he relaxed and the implant sent pulses in to his brain. Letting go of the implant, she walked round and knelt down in front of him.

  "How does that feel?"

  "Like my mind has just expanded to the size of the galaxy..."

  "Visualise a brick wall…"

  Evahlia took hold of Dumarrak's hands and linked to his mind, she could immediately sense the change in his thoughts. She sent a message to him telepathically and he responded. Slowly Evahlia stood up.

  "You are now a CyberTelepath Dumarrak, once I've fitted Zareli and Vysani's implants, we'll begin training. For now, just keep visualising a brick wall and relax."

  Evahlia repeated the procedure with Zareli and Vysani, all three of them sat there quietly looking at her.

  "Now you have to bear in mind I've never used my Telepathy as a weapon, but I do understand the principle. You have to visualise your thoughts as a laser beam, direct it at the mind of your intended victim. Once inside their mind, you can either open the beam like an explosion or you can move around inside their head and control their thoughts. I shall show you an example of control."

  Evahlia turned to face Zareli.

  "Initially I don't want you to try blocking me, just open your mind…"

  Evahlia linked to Zareli's mind and sent a message to stand up, which he did abruptly.

  "Now try blocking my thoughts…remember your brick wall. I'm going to force you to your knees, try stopping me."

  Evahlia increased her power and focussed on forcing Zareli to obey her command. She felt him start to block her, so she pushed harder. Zareli also increased his power.

  "Do you feel that Zareli, the control?"

  "Yes, now can I try the explosion method?"

  Evahlia quickly dropped the link and glared at Zareli.

  "That wasn't amusing in the slightest Zareli, if you can't treat your Telepathy with respect, it will tear your mind apart. Providing I don't do it first."

  Dumarrak stood up.

  "That's enough both of you."

  Zareli sat down.

  "Dumarrak, as I've explained the principle involved, can all three of you practice amongst yourselves. One thing I've realised about the implant is that it seems to know what it is doing almost as a natural Telepath would. I will just guide you if I sense you're not focussing. Will that be all right?"

  "Of course, I was worried that we might end up hurting you, take a break for a while and rest Evahlia."

  "If you need me, call telepathically."

  Evahlia smiled at Dumarrak as she headed for the living quarters.

  Several hours later, Evahlia woke up when she sensed someone entering the room, it was Vysani.

  "Do you mind if I join you for some peace and quiet, Zareli and Dumarrak are arguing telepathically
, I can't stand any more."

  Evahlia sat up and smiled.

  "I just hope they last long enough to go into battle."

  Vysani sat on the edge of the bed.

  "Personally I want to know more about using telepathy for more gentle pursuits."

  "Vysani, you do surprise me."

  "That's because you don't know me well enough Evahlia. Would it surprise you to learn that as part of my warrior training I undergo extensive periods of meditation?"

  "Well yes it would, I wish you had said something earlier, I would have trained you quite differently."

  "Would it be too much to ask for some personal training?"

  "Of course not, as you already know how to meditate, let's try that approach."

  Evahlia crossed her legs and indicated to Vysani that he should do likewise. They sat on the bed facing each other.

  "Once we're in the meditative state, we'll link our minds, if you're ready Vysani…"

  He nodded and closed his eyes. As they both slipped into meditation they linked their minds.

  Evahlia was the first to open her eyes in the meditative state, she saw Vysani stood in front of her. Taking hold of her hands, Vysani pulled her close to him. Pulses of energy swirled around them intensifying the sensation between them.

  For the first time, Evahlia opened her mind fully. As Vysani's thoughts ran through hers, she sighed softly. Vysani spoke to her telepathically.

  "This is more than I could have ever imagined Evahlia, but I think we'd better not go too far, we might not want to return."

  Evahlia smiled at him and slowly pulled away. She opened her eyes and awoke from meditation. Vysani opened his eyes.

  "Now do you understand me a little better Evahlia?"

  "Indeed and I am looking forward to going into battle with you. I feel I am changing Vysani, I just don't know how or what into…"

  "I'm sure it will all become clear after the battle. Now we'd better go and see what state Zareli and Dumarrak are in…and prepare for war."


  It was the morning of the battle, Evahlia had joined Vysani on his main battle cruiser. Zareli and Dumarrak had decided to use their own fighters for the attack, backed up by their cruisers. Their plan was to fly in between the military cruisers sending as many telepathic disruptive thoughts as they could. Evahlia was going to focus on Commander Straken, keeping his thoughts occupied. Vysani was going to focus on the main command officers to stop them giving out orders. The remaining Clans had been instructed to destroy at will once Evahlia and the others had caused as much mind disruption as possible.

  As they approached the front line, Vysani took hold of Evahlia's hand.

  "Are you ready?"

  "Yes, I think I am, I'll start scanning for the commander, I am going to enjoy this."

  Vysani had noticed a subtle change in Evahlia, almost as if she was abandoning the strict protocols of her Clan and becoming something greater in the process.

  "I've found the commander…"

  Vysani sensed Evahlia increasing her power.

  "I've got control, send Zareli and Dumarrak in to create chaos, you start on the rest of the commanders crew. Let's see how much damage we can cause."

  Giving the instructions to Zareli and Dumarrak, Vysani began focussing on the crew. He and Evahlia watched as one military cruiser slowly turned around to face another military cruiser and opened fire. They saw Zareli and Dumarrak flying in between the military ships almost unnoticed.

  Slowly before them, the military started firing at each other. Vysani ordered the remaining Clans to move in for the kill. The commanders ship took a direct hit.

  "Right, you can release his mind now Evahlia, let him bear witness to the destruction. I'll tell Zareli and Dumarrak to follow us to the Pentaugh space station. Destroy that and the war is won."

  Vysani felt Evahlia unleash one last burst of energy, then he laid in a course for the space station. Zareli and Dumarrak pulled away from the main action. There was very little left of the military fleet, and the other Clans were finishing off the remaining ships.

  Flanked by Zareli and Dumarrak, Vysani's ship approached the space station.

  "I'm not sensing many guards left Vysani, this should be relatively easy. I've found the general…wait…are you sensing what I am?"

  "Yes Evahlia, let's get the hell out of here."

  Making sure that Zareli and Dumarrak had got the message, Vysani turned his ship around. As he pulled away, the space station exploded, the shock wave hit Vysani's ship, but he held it steady.

  Once they were a safe distance away, he ordered his crew to bring the ship to a halt. Then opened a communication to Zareli and Dumarrak.

  "Are you two all right?"

  "Do you mean you can't sense it Vysani?"

  "Of course, I just wanted to confirm it the old-fashioned way Zareli!"

  "That was a bit close with the space station, if we hadn't had the telepathy to guide us…well we're all safe now…how are you Evahlia?"

  "Elated...and sad."

  Vysani turned to Evahlia.

  "Sad for the loss of the military?"

  "No, sad that I never got involved in the war before now."

  No one responded for a while, then Zareli spoke.

  "I think you'd better take Evahlia back to Iosera, Vysani, before she forgets she is an Elder of the LightStar Clan."

  "Agreed, are you two heading back to Aquagius?"

  "Via Del'ghao, we'll wait for you there for a celebratory drink."

  "I'll be with you shortly."

  Vysani dropped the link and ordered his crew to head for Iosera.

  "I'm not sure I want to go home Vysani."

  "You have to Evahlia, at the very least to explain what has happened. They are your Clan."

  Evahlia sighed. “We'll see.”

  Neither of them spoke until they approached Iosera. Vysani ordered his crew to take them into land. Evahlia stood up to disembark.

  "I might come and visit you on Del'ghao very soon Vysani, if you have no objection."

  "I look forward to it, thank you Evahlia for everything you have done, you alone have earned your Clan the respect they deserve. I just hope they recognise that."

  "So do I Vysani."

  Evahlia disembarked to find Tarais waiting for her, they watched as Vysani's ship launched back into space.

  "What have you done Evahlia?"

  "Help to win the war Tarais, aren't you pleased?"

  "Of course I am pleased that the war is over, I'm just not pleased with your role in it."

  "Are you aware that our Clan had it within their power to end this war years ago, yet did nothing?"

  "It wasn't our place to get involved with the war…"

  "Wasn't it? Does peace extend no further than Iosera?"

  "The Elders are waiting to hear what you have to say Evahlia."

  "Good, I have a lot to say."

  Evahlia followed Tarais to the Meeting Hall. All the Elders stared at Evahlia as she stood in front of them.

  "Tarais informs me that you are not happy with my involvement in the war. But we now have victory and for that we should be grateful, at last there will be peace in this galaxy."

  One of the Elders stood up.

  "We heard that you helped in the creation of CyberTelepaths, is this true?"

  "Yes, Zareli, Dumarrak and Vysani are CyberTelepaths, I trained them myself. That is what gave us victory."

  "And you actually took part in the final battle yourself?"

  "Indeed, I dealt with Commander Straken who is, or was, a natural Telepath."

  "Did you actually kill him?"

  "I can't confirm that I did, but when I last saw his ship, it was on fire and close to destruction."

  All the Elders started muttering, Tarais held up his hand.

  "Evahlia, I speak on behalf all the Elders. While we are greatly relieved that there is peace at last, the part you played in the war leaves us no alternative but to ask you to leave th
e LightStar Clan, not just as an Elder, but as a member. You are to leave Iosera immediately."


  "Isn't it obvious? To help find a peaceful solution is acceptable, creating CyberTelepaths and actually taking part in the battle is not. We cannot allow you to remain here, your thoughts are no longer at one with us."

  "Fine, if that is what you want, then I shall leave. I assume I can take my ship?"

  "Yes of course."

  Tarais handed her a small pouch.

  "This should be sufficient funds to keep you going for a while."

  Evahlia took the pouch and fastened it to her belt, then she swore under her breath and stormed out of the room.

  Walking across to the landing zone, she boarded her ship and prepared to launch. Taking one last look around Iosera, Evahlia headed out into space.

  Once she was clear of Iosera, she bought her ship to a halt. Tarais' actions hadn't been a complete surprise, but it still hurt deeply. Evahlia was now one of the dispossessed and that left her only one place to go, Kalocia.

  Tarais had returned to his office after Evahlia had left. Telling her to leave had been the hardest thing he had ever done. But Evahlia had changed and he knew that at some point she would have challenged him for leadership of Iosera. Then everything they had struggled so hard to achieve, would be lost.


  As Evahlia approached Kalocia, she wondered if she should go to Del'ghao instead, she knew Vysani might give her shelter. But she knew that no Clan had ever taken in one of the dispossessed, it would only bring shame on them. So she took her ship in to land. Pulling up the hood of her cloak, she disembarked.

  Evahlia knew the first thing she had to do was find shelter. As she made her way through the streets in the pouring rain, no one even glanced at her. Eventually she found a place that had rooms available and stepped inside. There was an old man sat behind a desk, he looked up as Evahlia walked over to him.

  "Do you have a room?"


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