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After the Earth Wars

Page 10

by Shana Rae

  "But with the establishment of Glevyn, Iosera will come to life, there'll be plenty to keep me occupied…and of course I'll have you for company."

  "Is that what this is really about, being with me?"

  "Well it played a major part in my decision, have I read the situation wrong?"

  "That's why you've always been so aggressive towards me isn't it, trying to hide what you truly feel for me?"


  "Do me a favour Zareli…hold me."

  Zareli put his arms around Evahlia and kissed her. Evahlia suddenly realised that some of the Clan working in the fields were staring at them.

  "I think we'd better go and see the area where Glevyn will be established, we've got an audience."

  Zareli looked around.

  "Will your Clan object?"

  "I don't think so, and I'm sure they'll let me know if they do."

  Evahlia took Zareli's hand and headed down the path through the woods.


  When Evahlia and Zareli returned to Evahlia's office, they found Dumarrak waiting for them.

  "I've got all the information I need, the equipment is on the way, Zareli I'll leave it to you to deal with loading the shipment on to the transporter."

  Zareli glanced at Evahlia.

  "Dumarrak, I've made a decision regarding the future leadership of the IceWarrior Clan…it's all yours."


  "I'm moving to Iosera and taking charge of security in Glevyn."

  "Don't you think you should have discussed this first with me and Pharran?"

  "No, it's what you both want, so what is there to discuss."

  "Are you actually leaving our Clan?"

  "That's for you to decide if you want to make me dispossessed or not."

  "Damn you Zareli, you're my brother, I'm not about to dispossess you. You can remain a member of the IceWarrior Clan, I just hope you've based your decision on rational reasons and not matters of the heart."

  "A bit of both to be honest, I just don't feel there is a role for me on Aquagius any more. You've taken the lead more and more of late. I'm just getting out of your way. I'll return to Aquagius with the transport, pick up my fighter and what few personal possessions I have, then I'll return to Iosera."

  Dumarrak put his hand on Zareli's shoulder.

  "To be honest, I'm happy with you being based here. No disrespect Evahlia, but it's comforting to know Zareli will be here for you."

  "I couldn't agree more Dumarrak, we all know that Ari and Gabriel are still out there somewhere and we have no idea what they're planning. Having two Telepaths here will give us extra security."

  "Good, now you both agree, if you'll excuse me I'd better go and tell Keicis that the transport will be coming earlier than planned and not to panic."

  Zareli left the room before Evahlia could reply.

  "You're not too angry with him are you Dumarrak?"

  "To be honest Evahlia, we'd have probably ended up fighting for control of the Clan. I'll be sad to see him leave, we are twins after all."

  "I was quite surprised when he told me, the IceWarrior Clan and the LightStar Clan couldn't be more different. I thought he'd get bored of being here after a while, but as he pointed out, with the establishing of Glevyn, there'll be plenty to keep him occupied."

  After leaving Evahlia's office, Zareli walked over to the refectory. Keicis was talking with some of the Clan members, so Zareli waited quietly to one side. After a while, Keicis walked over to him.

  "The transporter is coming in tonight, Dumarrak needs some supplies. I thought I'd let you know in case you thought there had been a change of plan. When do you start bringing the harvest in?"

  "At dawn, always the best time."

  "Would you let me help?"

  "But you're one of the leaders of the…"

  "I was one of the leaders, I've resigned, I'm moving to Iosera. When Glevyn is established, I'll be responsible for security. But for now, I'll do any work that's available. Do you think the Clan will object, do you object?"

  "Once we get over the shock, I don't think any of us will object Zareli."

  "Then I'll see you at dawn."

  Zareli left the refectory and headed back to Evahlia's office.

  "I'm going to be working with Keicis tomorrow, bringing in the harvest."

  "Is he still standing?"

  "In deep shock, but yes, still standing."

  "I am truly finding this hard to come to terms with Zareli."

  He put his arm around Evahlia's shoulder.

  "I'm actually finding it quite liberating, I was never cut out to be a leader."

  "I didn't think I was either."

  "Have you contacted Vysani about my decision Evahlia?"

  "No, I thought I'd let you, I've got to go and talk to Brykesi, so I'll leave you to it."

  Evahlia smiled at Zareli as she left the office.

  Zareli sat down at the desk and accessed a secure link, Vysani answered almost immediately.

  "Zareli what are you doing on Iosera?"

  "Living here."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "I've resigned as joint leader of the IceWarrior Clan. I'm going to be responsible for security once Glevyn is established."

  "You know how to shock me, may I ask why?"

  "I think you know why Vysani, me and Dumarrak working together as joint leaders was never going to work. And lately I've been more and more sidelined. We'd only end up fighting, so I thought I'd do the honourable thing and move aside."

  "There is more to your decision thought isn't there…Evahlia…"

  "Yes, I'm sorry Vysani, I know you had feelings for her…"

  "It would never have worked to be honest Zareli, I'm not prepared to resign my leadership, and I don't think Evahlia would have made it through Shi-kelryn. I am genuinely pleased that you'll be there for her."

  "Thank you, I was wondering how you'd react."

  "It might have been different if we'd been face to face…"

  Zareli laughed.

  "Believe me Vysani, you'd have lost!"

  "Fighting talk Zareli, is that a challenge?"

  "I thought you said it wouldn't have worked out between you and Evahlia?"

  "Just looking for an excuse for a fight!"

  "Since when have you needed an excuse. Seriously, once Glevyn is established, you'll be more than welcome to visit…if you can get past security!"

  "I'll hold you to that Zareli."

  Vysani dropped the link.

  "Are you still friends?"

  Zareli looked up as Evahlia walked into the room, sat down on his knee and put her arms around his neck.

  "I think we've declared a truce."

  "Good, I'd hate to think you were fighting over me."

  Evahlia tugged on Zareli's plait of hair.

  "Doing that could start a fight..."

  Zareli looked up at Evahlia and grinned.

  "Well I guess I'd better show you to your accommodation, Brykesi has sorted out a room for Dumarrak, so if you'll come with me…"

  Evahlia stood up and took hold of Zareli's hand.

  They left the office and walked over to Evahlia's quarters.

  "You don't mind sharing with me do you?"

  "Try stopping me."

  Zareli followed Evahlia inside, kicking the door shut behind him. He pulled her to him, but Evahlia pushed him away.

  "We do this my way…first. Sit down on the floor…you have meditated before haven't you?"

  "Yes, I started after I had the implant fitted."

  Evahlia sat down in front of Zareli.

  "Then you know what to do, close your eyes and open your mind."

  Closing her eyes, Evahlia linked to Zareli's mind.

  Awakening in the meditative state, Evahlia saw Zareli stood in front of her. He walked over to her and took her in his arms. Neither of them needed to speak, the moment their minds met said everything that needed to be said.

  Evahlia and Zar
eli stood there bathed in white light as their energy soared higher and higher. Slowly Evahlia pulled away, woke from meditation and looked at Zareli as he opened his eyes.

  "Now your way, and don't hold back."

  Zareli got to his feet, picked Evahlia up in his arms and carried her over to the bed.


  Early in the morning, Evahlia awoke in Zareli's arms. She looked at the tattoos that covered most of his body and ran her fingers around the skulls intertwined with swirling symbols and scrolls.

  "Do they fascinate you?"

  Evahlia lifted her head and looked up at Zareli.

  "Yes, I didn't think anyone had tattoos any more."

  "Everyone in the IceWarrior Clan does, it's tradition."

  "If I'd have known you were keeping these hidden under your clothes, I'd have undressed you a long time ago."

  "Evahlia…last night was an incredible experience…I think we'll merge your way and my way tonight…"

  She sat up and pretended to look at Zareli with indignation.

  "You're assuming I'll let you sleep here tonight."

  Zareli pulled Evahlia on top of him.

  "You know you can't resist my tattoos."

  "No more than you can resist me…now haven't you got some work to do?"

  Zareli sat up and kissed Evahlia.

  "You're sitting on top of me naked and you remind me I have work to do?"

  "Yes!" Evahlia got up off the bed. "There I have removed temptation from your grasp."

  Zareli stood up and put his arms around Evahlia.

  "Not far enough."

  He let her go as Evahlia sent him a telepathic thought.

  "All right, I heard that, I'm getting dressed."

  Once Zareli was dressed, he turned to Evahlia.

  "What do you have planned for today?"

  "Assisting your dear brother with setting up our defence system. We can't implement the security system until there are at least a few buildings at Glevyn."

  "Well once I've taken the produce shipment to Aquagius, I'd better make that my next priority."

  "Have a talk with Brykesi, I think he's asked Tiarni if some of the dispossessed are prepared to help with building. If you could organise them, we've already got the materials…"

  "After dropping off the shipment, I could go to Kalocia to pick them up."

  "You're very enthusiastic Zareli."

  "It's the buzz around this place, it's infectious. Leave it with me, I'll sort it out when I've finished helping Keicis."

  Zareli opened the door to leave.

  "Before you go Zareli…do I need to book an appointment to make sure I see you later?"

  "Everything stops for you Evahlia…until later."

  Zareli left the room. Evahlia stood there for a moment then finished getting dressed.

  Leaving her quarters, Evahlia headed for her office.

  As she went inside, Dumarrak was waiting for her.

  "What have you done to Zareli?"

  "Why, is there something wrong?"

  "Yes, he's acting like a maniac."

  "It's known as enthusiasm Dumarrak."

  "Not with Zareli it isn't."

  "Inferring what?"

  Dumarrak sighed.

  "Zareli has a tendency to get into manic moods, he wants to do everything, usually all at once, he can't stop himself. Call it enthusiasm if you like, but he'll suddenly hit a point where it turns round and bites him. Then he will stop, in a blinding rage of fury. With our Clan, it wasn't a problem, there was plenty strong enough to take him on in a fight…but here…"

  "Then I'd better make sure I don't let him get that far."

  "Good luck Evahlia, it's never worked in the past."

  "Be honest with me Dumarrak, are you saying I'm running a risk allowing him to be responsible for security?"

  "Quite possibly…though it may be different here…with you."

  "Let's hope so, I will make sure I watch him closely, thanks for letting me know Dumarrak."

  "Now shall we get the defence system operational?"

  "What do you want me to do?"

  "Stay here and wait for my signal, I'll take my fighter up and reprogram the satellites. When I finish the last one, they'll all link up and send a signal to your terminal. Then all I've got to do is set up a scanner and you have a defence system."

  "Is it really that simple?"

  "No, it's only because I'm a genius that makes it look that way."

  "You're so damn modest Dumarrak!"

  "No, just honest."

  Dumarrak left the office as Evahlia sat down at the desk, to await the signal.

  "Are you busy?"

  "No Brykesi, come in, I'm waiting for Dumarrak to install the defence system."

  "I've just had a call from Tiarni, through one of her trusted contacts, she found out that someone has been asking about you."

  "Did they tell them anything?"

  "No, they said they'd never heard of you."

  "Damn, if it's who I suspect it is, he won't have taken no for an answer."


  "Could be, it might be Ari."

  "So it's possible that he knows about our plans now?"

  "More than likely…excuse me for a moment…"

  Evahlia fell silent as she sent a telepathic message to Zareli and Dumarrak.

  "I've informed Zareli and Dumarrak, I'd better contact Vysani as well."

  As Evahlia turned to the terminal, a call came through.

  "Vysani, I was just about to…"

  "I know, I sensed there was a problem."

  "Well there might be, I've just been informed that someone was asking questions about me on Kalocia."

  "That's where I am right now, I'll go and make sure Tiarni is safe and see if I can find out any more details. I'll contact you shortly."

  Vysani dropped the link, Evahlia sent another telepathic message to Zareli and Dumarrak to let them know that Vysani was on Kalocia. Then a signal came through from Dumarrak. Evahlia looked up at Brykesi.

  "Well that's our defensive system activated….good timing."

  "It's quite useful having the ability to send messages telepathically isn't it?"

  "Yes, but it takes a lot of discipline to control Telepathy."

  "Is yours stronger with the implant?"

  "Indeed, you remember how aggressive I was when I first returned to Iosera…"

  "I do, I had quite a headache."

  "My apologies Brykesi, I didn't realise…"

  "No need for apologies, I was just pleased to see you back."

  Brykesi turned round as Dumarrak entered the office.

  "I got your message Evahlia, any news from Vysani?"

  "Not yet."

  "I'll get the scanner set up, looks like we might be needing it."

  Evahlia moved out of the way so Dumarrak could sit down at the desk. She watched as he attached a small device to the terminal. Dumarrak inputted a few codes, and looked at the terminal intently.

  "There, all done, and once the security system is in place, I'll link the two together. Incoming call Evahlia…"

  "It will be Vysani, you take it, surprise him."

  "You have news Vysani?"


  "Either that or a new incarnation of Evahlia, of course it's me, I've just finished installing the defence system."

  "Well I've not been able to find any trace of Ari, but we know he's good at blocking his abilities. Tiarni and the rest of the dispossessed are fine, but I'm concerned for their safety. So I'm making arrangement to bring them to Iosera as soon as I can load up my cruiser. I've just about got enough room, I didn't think we could wait for a transporter to get here."

  Evahlia stood by Dumarrak's side.

  "Vysani, when you get to Iosera, take your cruiser into land on the site we've prepared. I'll see what I can arrange in the way of temporary shelters."

  "Thank you Evahlia, I know it's sooner than you planned for but it wouldn't surprise me if
Ari planned to kidnap someone to get to you."

  "That was my concern too Vysani, take care, we'll see you when you arrive on Iosera."

  Evahlia dropped the link and turned to Brykesi.

  "We've still got the shelters we used when we came to Iosera haven't we?"

  "Yes, they're in storage, I'll arrange to get them to the site."

  Dumarrak got to his feet.

  "We've got a transporter, Zareli hasn't started loading the produce yet, so load the shelters up and I'll get them taken to the site, it will be much quicker."

  Evahlia put her hand on Dumarrak's arm.

  "Thank you, we need all the help we can get right now."

  "I'll send a message to Zareli in case he thinks the transporter has left without him!"

  Dumarrak laughed as he and Brykesi left the office. Evahlia sat down and prepared a report to put out on the network, she might as well let everyone know about the impending chaos.


  Once Dumarrak and Brykesi had loaded the transporter, they headed for the Glevyn site. Several Clan members were with them, and as soon as they landed, they started unloading and preparing the shelters.

  "Can I leave everything with you Brykesi, I need to get the transporter back for Zareli."

  "Yes of course, thank you for your help Dumarrak."

  Dumarrak boarded the transporter and ordered the crew to return to the main landing zone.

  When they landed, Evahlia was waiting for them.

  "Well that's my work here finished, until Glevyn is ready for the security system. I'm returning to Aquagius, I've sent a message to Zareli."

  "Thank you Dumarrak, I'm heading over to the site to wait for Vysani and prepare for chaos."

  Dumarrak embraced Evahlia.

  "You're a good leader Evahlia, you'll soon have Glevyn established."

  Dumarrak walked over to his fighter, Evahlia watched as he launched, then walked over to a Clan ship deciding it would be quicker than walking. Once on board, she launched and headed for the site.

  Evahlia landed on the edge of the site and saw Brykesi walking over to meet her.

  "As you can see, we've got several of the shelters ready. I've arranged for food and supplies, now all we're waiting for is Vysani."


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