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After the Earth Wars

Page 12

by Shana Rae

  "No, I'll fight you all the way."

  "You can try, but it didn't work last time did it."

  Ari grabbed hold of Evahlia's arm and forced her onto a chair. He held her arms behind the chair and looked at Gabriel. Evahlia knew he was giving him telepathic commands. Gabriel stood up slowly, picked up some cord and proceeded to tie Evahlia to the chair. Then he stepped to one side as Ari stood in front of Evahlia.

  "I can't guarantee that this won't be painful."

  Ari put his hand on the back of Evahlia's neck, as he linked to the implant, Evahlia linked to his mind. Instinctively she focused her power through her implant and sent a burst of energy through Ari's hand. He jumped back and stared at Evahlia.

  "Is that the best you can do?"

  Drawing on all her power, Evahlia focussed her thoughts on Ari and unleashed a massive burst of energy. Ari staggered back.

  "Nice try Evahlia, but as you can see, it's not working. Eventually you'll tire yourself out and then…"

  Evahlia increased her energy and sent a series of power bursts deep in to Ari's mind. He held on to his head, screamed and fell to his knees.

  Suddenly Evahlia realised that Gabriel had untied her. She got to her feet and stood over Ari, he looked up at her. Evahlia sensed Gabriel standing by her side, he pressed a gun into her hand.

  "Would you like me to stop the pain Ari?"

  Before he could reply, Evahlia pointed the gun at Ari's head and fired at point blank range, he fell backwards. Feeling the warmth of Ari's blood as it hit her face, Evahlia stood over his body and fired another shot in to his chest. Then she turned to face Gabriel who was watching her intently.

  "Thank you Evahlia."

  She nodded, then turned and walked out of the building, Evahlia headed for her ship, still carrying the gun and covered in blood.


  Vysani was waiting for Evahlia as she went into land on Del'ghao. As she disembarked, he looked at her covered in Ari's blood and smiled.


  He put his hands on her shoulders.

  "You have passed Shi-kelryn, welcome to the NightStorm Clan, you are now one of us Evahlia."

  "It is an honour, thank you Vysani."

  "Come with me, I will take you to your quarters."

  Evahlia followed Vysani over to a building on one side of the central square. They went down the corridor and stopped outside a door which Vysani opened.

  "Clean up and get changed Evahlia, I will be waiting in my office."

  Vysani turned and walked away as Evahlia went into the room.

  On Iosera, Zareli was sat in the office with Brykesi, when he sensed something had happened. He looked up at Brykesi.

  "Evahlia has passed Shi-kelryn, it is over."

  "I'm sorry Zareli, I don't understand…"

  "It means that she has passed the test Vysani laid down for her…she has joined the NightStorm Clan…Evahlia will never return to Iosera now."

  "Do you mean she hasn't joined voluntarily?"

  "Not exactly, she just wasn't aware of it. The Shi-kelryn is an awakening of the spirit, of the mind. At some point Vysani realised the potential in Evahlia and set the process in motion."

  "I know very little about the NightStorm Clan…"

  "Best leave it that way Brykesi, it's something that is not discussed. I know their history very well, the IceWarrior Clan have always worked closely with the NightStorm Clan. But after this…I cannot forgive Vysani for what he has done."

  "So there is absolutely no way back for Evahlia?"

  "No, I might have been able to intervene if I'd realised sooner what was going on, but not now. She has faced her nemesis and passed her personal Shi-kelryn with the shedding of his blood…"

  Zareli fell silent, he could see the look of horror on Brykesi's face.

  "Are you saying that Evahlia has killed Ari?"


  "I find it hard to believe that Evahlia could kill…I mean I know Ari was a threat but…"

  "There was no other way Brykesi, one of them had to die."

  Brykesi shuddered and decided to change the subject.

  "So what are your plans now Zareli?"

  "With your permission, I'd like to stay here on Iosera and take responsibility for security. But if you'd rather I left…"

  "No, if it's not too painful for you, I'd like you to stay."

  "Thank you Brykesi, I will live in Glevyn, I don't think it would be appropriate for a member of the IceWarrior Clan to live amongst your Clan."

  "I acknowledge your respect Zareli. Well we're not getting much done sitting here. We have a community to establish."

  Zareli stood up and thought to himself; indeed we do.

  On Del'ghao, Evahlia had taken a shower and had felt a strange sense of release as she washed off Ari's blood. Putting on her NightStorm Clan outfit, she left her quarters and headed for Vysani's office.

  Evahlia stood in the doorway, Vysani looked up at her. She'd left her long blond hair loose and standing there in the Clan outfit, leather head to toe, he felt a strong sense of pride.

  "Come in and sit down Evahlia, how do you feel?"

  Evahlia sat down and stared at Vysani.


  "You're not angry with me for setting you on the path of Shi-kelryn without informing you of my plans?"

  "No, but I would like to know at what point you saw the potential in me for undertaking the ritual."

  "That moment in Zareli's warehouse when I asked you what it was like being a Telepath and you explained by holding my hand…your spirit called out to me Evahlia. That is when I knew you would undertake Shi-kelryn."

  "So everything I've been through since that moment was a part of the ritual?"

  "In a minor way, it wasn't until I fitted your implant that your Shi-kelryn started in earnest."

  "And what do you have planned for me now?"

  "Your destiny is yours alone to realise Evahlia. But you will need to undergo warrior training, you still have much to learn."

  "Then I shall learn willingly. Have you informed Zareli?"

  "He came to see me on the way back to Iosera, understandably he is very angry with me."

  "Do you know if he is staying on Iosera?"

  "Why are you so concerned about him Evahlia?"

  "Not for him, but for Iosera, you must know about his manic episodes?"

  "Indeed and you think without you there to keep him under observation, there could be a problem?"

  "Well don't you?"

  "Possibly, so we need to find someone to keep their eye on him and provide us with regular reports. I think I know just the person…Gabriel."

  "Would you like me to go to Kalocia and find him?"

  "Yes, take my fighter, I'm sure Gabriel must have his own ship somewhere on Kalocia. Persuade him to seek sanctuary on Iosera, Zareli will probably want to kill him, but that's a risk we'll have to take."

  "The state Gabriel was in when I left Kalocia, I think it's obvious he doesn't pose a threat to anyone."

  Evahlia got to her feet.

  "Before you go, you'll need this…"

  Vysani handed Evahlia a small gun.

  "Be careful, it's more powerful than it appears."

  Evahlia fastened the gun to the side of her belt.

  "I won't be long Vysani."

  She smiled at him as she left the office.

  Shortly after Evahlia left, Corin walked into the office.

  "Where's Evahlia?"

  "Gone to Kalocia on business."

  "Have you told her of your plans yet?"

  "No, I want to give her some time to settle down."

  "I was wrong to have doubts about Evahlia undertaking Shi-kelryn, my apologies Vysani."

  "Accepted Corin, you have such little faith in me at times. How is Giarra progressing with his training?"

  "Very well, almost a qualified medic…are you thinking of replacing me?"

  "The thought never crossed my mind Corin. Now I have
work to do…"

  "I was just leaving."

  Corin left the office.


  Evahlia arrived on Kalocia in record time, Vysani's fighter was a dream to fly, and she'd pushed it to the max. She noticed there was a special landing zone for the NightStorm Clan and it was with an immense sense of pride that she took the fighter into land.

  A man walked over to her as she disembarked.

  "Oh…I was expecting to see Vysani."

  "Sorry, you've got me instead."

  "And who are you?"

  "Evahlia…and you?"

  "Mharnan, a business associate, so what are you doing flying Vysani's fighter?"

  "I'm here on business now if you'll excuse me…"

  "I know most of the NightStorm Clan, but I don't know you…"

  "And I don't know you either, so?"

  "Vysani never lets anyone in his fighter, what is so special about you?"

  "I don't think it's any of your business."

  "What Clan are you really from Evahlia?"

  "You are beginning to annoy me Mharnan…"

  Evahlia put her hand on her gun.

  "Now get out of my way."

  "You'd use that?"

  "I don't wear it for decoration Mharnan."

  "Well whatever reason Vysani picked you up for, you've got style I'll give you that."

  Evahlia grabbed hold of Mharnan by the throat and pinned him against the fighter.

  "I have earned my place in the NightStorm Clan, I passed through Shi-kelryn…would you like me to show you how?"

  Holding Mharnan tightly round his throat with one hand, Evahlia put her gun to his head with the other.

  "Now what did Vysani say about this gun…something about it being very powerful…"

  "All right Evahlia, you've proved your point, you can let me go now. Vysani had already told me about you, I just wanted to check for myself."

  Evahlia let Mharnan go.

  "Or were you checking on behalf of Vysani?"

  "He'll have done that before you started on the path of Shi-kelryn."

  The man held his hand out to Evahlia.

  "We'll probably be working together at some point in the future…"

  Evahlia shook his hand and released a small burst of energy. Mharnan jumped back.

  "What was that for?"

  "So you don't forget your place."

  Evahlia turned and walked away.

  She found the building where Ari had taken her, but there was no sign of Gabriel. Evahlia scanned for his presence, although Gabriel wasn't a Telepath, she knew his energy signature. Picking up on a faint trace, she headed over to the bar. As she went inside, a fight had just started, Gabriel was in the middle of it.

  Pushing her way through the crowd, Evahlia stepped between Gabriel and the man he was fighting with. The bar fell silent. Evahlia turned to Gabriel.

  "I want a word with you, follow me."

  As she turned to leave the bar, she sensed that the man who'd attacked Gabriel had pulled a knife out his jacket. In one swift move, Evahlia took out her gun, turned round and pointed it at the man. He stopped and stared at her. Instead of firing, Evahlia linked to the man's mind and forced him to his knees. As he held on to his head and looked up at Evahlia, she kicked him in the face and sent him sprawling across the floor. Evahlia looked around the room, then took hold of Gabriel's arm and dragged him out of the bar.

  Once outside she pinned him against a wall.

  "How are you feeling Gabriel?"

  "It's better now Ari isn't in my head all the time."

  "What are you planning to do?"

  "Nothing, what is there for me to do, people find out I'm ex-military and try to kill me, I might get lucky and find some work here. But right now, dying seems like a good option."

  "That is pathetic coming from a former captain."

  "Well the state my head's in…what do you want from me Evahlia?"

  "Do you still have your ship?"


  "Then I want you to go to Iosera and request sanctuary in the new community they've established. I'm sure you can manage to convince Zareli that you're not a threat any more."

  "Why do you want me to go to Iosera?"

  "To keep a watch on Zareli, I may not be a member of the LightStar Clan any longer, but I do have concerns about Zareli and what he plans to do. So if he doesn't kill you, would you be willing to undertake the mission for me?"

  "It may surprise you, but yes I would."


  Gabriel didn't respond. Evahlia put her hand on his face.

  "I didn't realise you cared Gabriel."

  "You scanned my mind?"

  "No, I could see it in your eyes."

  Gabriel laughed.

  "All right, I'd better get going, how do I inform you if I find anything?"

  "Get to a terminal and send me a coded message, I'm sure you'll find a way. I don't need the details, just something like SOS will be fine."

  Evahlia grinned.

  "Leave it with me Evahlia, I'll find a way…if Zareli doesn't kill me first."

  "Before I let you go Gabriel, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to eradicate any recollection you have of meeting me. I shall leave an imprint of what you need to do as an instruction only. Then if Zareli scans you, it will appear you have acted on your own."

  "Understood Evahlia."

  Linking to Gabriel's mind, Evahlia removed the memory of their meeting. Then watched as he headed for the landing zone. As she boarded the fighter, she saw Gabriel heading into orbit. Launching into space, Evahlia set a course for Del'ghao.

  As Gabriel approached Iosera, a communication came through from Brykesi.

  "Please identify yourself and your reason for visiting Iosera."

  "I am seeking sanctuary, my name is Gabriel."

  Zareli was with Brykesi in his office, he immediately jumped to his feet.

  "Give him clearance, I'll deal with him."

  As Zareli left the office, Brykesi gave Gabriel clearance to land.

  Seeing Zareli waiting for him, Gabriel slowly disembarked. Zareli looked at Gabriel as he walked towards him, he was shocked by his appearance.

  "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you Gabriel?"

  "I can't, I was hoping to see Evahlia, I want to thank her for killing Ari…"

  "Why would you want to thank her for killing someone you were working with?"

  "You know he had control over me Zareli, scan my mind if you don't believe me."

  "Looking at the state you're in, it's not hard to believe. So you want to thank Evahlia?"

  "Yes, I never got a chance before she left Kalocia. I hesitated about coming here, if I can just speak to her briefly, then I'll leave if you find my presence offensive."

  "Evahlia is no longer a member of the LightStar Clan. After killing Ari, she joined the NightStorm Clan. So you can either go and talk to her there, or join the new community we've established for the dispossessed."

  "I really haven't got the energy to travel any more, I am just so tired…"

  Gabriel staggered forward, Zareli caught him before he collapsed. Brykesi walked over to join them.

  "It's all right Brykesi, I didn't attack him, he's exhausted, have you got somewhere he can rest?"

  "Yes, follow me."

  Zareli picked Gabriel up and threw him over his shoulder, then followed Brykesi over to a small building. Opening the door, Brykesi stood to one side as Zareli put Gabriel on the bed.

  "Did he say why he came to Iosera Zareli?"

  "He said he came to thank Evahlia, I told him she's no longer here. I said he could either go to Del'ghao or stay here. He said he was too tired to travel any further, then collapsed."

  "Are you happy to let him stay here?"

  "Not entirely happy, but the state Gabriel's in, he might not live for much longer any way."

  Brykesi nodded and left the room.

  Evahlia took the fighter into land on Del'ghao and di
sembarked. She found a Clan member waiting for her, she sensed he was a senior member.

  "Evahlia, we haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, I am Katagh, I will be responsible for your warrior training. Vysani sends his apologies but he had an urgent meeting, he's asked me to show you around Del'ghao."

  "When do we begin training?"

  "In the morning."

  Evahlia walked with Katagh across the main square and through a large gateway, laid out before her, were a number of small buildings.

  "This is where most of the Clan live, only a select few are allowed to live within the main walls."

  "Shouldn't I also live out here, surely it would be more appropriate as I've only just completed Shi-kelryn, won't there be any resentment towards me?"

  "Evahlia, you underestimate the part you played in the war and what you have subsequently been through, you have earned the right to live within the main walls."

  "Is there much beyond this area?"

  "No, this is the only level part of Del'ghao, the rest is mainly mountains."

  "Is it permitted to go walking in the mountains?"

  "No, most of them are very unstable and prone to rock slides. We used to do some training up there, but following a serious tragedy where we lost ten of our best warriors, the mountains were ruled out of bounds."

  Evahlia sensed a message from Vysani asking her to come to his office, she turned to Katagh.

  "If you'll excuse me, Vysani has asked me to go to his office, one problem with Telepathy, you get no peace and quiet."

  "I shall return with you, I have my office near by."

  Evahlia stood in the doorway of Vysani's office, he looked up at her.

  "Come in and sit down."

  As Evahlia sat down, she sensed that something had taken place, something of importance.

  "I had a message from Mharnan, you created quite an impression, he's not usually impressed."

  "He said we'd be working together in the future…"

  "Yes, I have a lot of business interests on Kalocia, there may be times when I'll ask you to go in my place."

  Evahlia sensed that she shouldn't ask what kind of business, she'd find out in due course.


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