Book Read Free

LIARS the News Industry

Page 28

by Frank B. Thompson III

President Martinez Wins Nobel Peace Prize

  National Press

  OSLO, NORWAY - Just weeks after taking office, it was announced today that President Nathan Martinez has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which came as a complete surprise to most Americans. The five-member Norwegian committee said the award was an early vote of confidence in Martinez’s promises of disarmament and use of diplomacy over the aggressive military actions of Republican President, William W. McKinley.

  Martinez Polling at 92% Approval

  American News

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Nathan Martinez’s job approval rating is running at 92% according to an American News Poll and has been as high as 94% since he took office in January. The last two quarterly averages for Martinez’s job approval have been among the highest in American News Poll history.

  War Crime Allegations Surface

  World News Network

  NEW YORK, NY - The Department of Justice under the Martinez Administration today announced it will be investigating International War Crime allegations of former President, William McKinley. U.S. Attorney General, Attorney Antonio Drexel, speaking before a group of Democrat politicians went on to say, “We have uncovered documents from inside the McKinley Administration that testify to the illegal sanctioning of military actions against undeclared enemies of the state.”

  Justice Needed for Iranians

  World News Network

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - Presidential Candidate Nathan Martinez invoked the American civil rights movement as an analogy for what was unfolding on the streets of Tehran. In invoking Martin Luther King, Jr. and the American civil rights movement, Mr. Martinez moved toward adorning the protesters on the streets of Tehran with the mantle of America’s most intense movement for human rights and justice.

  ATLANTA, GEORGIA - With the Democrats in control of Washington, the Internet Regulatory Bill, which had been stalled by McKinley’s veto, now had clear sailing. Jack Newman paced back and forth looking out the office window with the phone to his ear.

  “So, you’re saying our party is not making any moves to attempt to stop the legislation, that it’s certain to go to the White House for signature? What about the chatter on filibustering the damn bill? I can’t be the only donor who will be hurt by that piece of shit?”

  Jack listened to the lobbyist’s response who had a resigned tone in his voice.

  “Jack, in so many words, it’s over. Martinez’s threats and vocal support has scared anyone in his party who may have been on the fence. Advocates of the legislation are the only ones getting airtime on the news networks...”

  “No surprise there,” Jack chuckled with sarcasm.

  “...and the Republicans are still recovering from election shock.”

  “They really thought that milk-toast candidate of theirs had a prayer? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard lately.”

  There was a moment of silence on the line. Jack knew he was talking in the wind; the situation was hopeless, the lobbyist was right.

  “Jack, the Republicans are convinced Martinez is just too hot to oppose right at the moment. They’re citing his popularity, and most believe Martinez to be the moderate he ran as during the election. They say they are against confrontation because it will start things off on the wrong foot.”

  “Yes, I know that’s what they’re telling you, but we know better, don’t we?”

  “I imagine so, Jack.”

  “Look, I know everything you’re saying is true and I can understand why. Is there anything we can do?”

  “I can tell you this, Martinez is not all he imagines himself to be and guys like that eventually fall flat on their face. He just needs a good push. One way would be to expose what he really is to your readers. That will knock him off his pedestal and bring him back to earth.”

  The consultant’s words brought a smile to Jack’s face. He admired many things about the man; if there were only more like him in Washington, America would not be in the fix it was today.

  “Of course you’re right, but we need a free internet to pull it off in a way that overcomes the vast size of the media establishment. If I could just get MENN up and running as planned, that would be our first objective, to vet this guy and vet him properly."


  The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Errol Hartsfield, resigned shortly after being forced to release classified documents of the President McKinley administration. Hartsfield fully expected the communiqués would soon find their way into the hands of the news industry; he saw the same indistinguishable thing before...under one more Democrat administration.

  Hartsfield's suspicions would later be confirmed as the press began working off a collaborative plan. It would not matter what TV channel a viewer turned to, or what news people would read. From the news commentators to the Democrat politicians who were put on center stage; they were all working off the same sheet.

  Most politicians in the Republican Party would seek out hiding places, biding their time and hoping the storm would pass. They would be sadly mistaken as the weight of the press would stir mobs of protestors into action. No place would be safe as the press painted bulls eyes on those who were ensnared in their news stories.

  Director Hartsfield’s efforts to forestall the impending travesty were in vain, but he learned something about this President and his administration in the process. Something that he would keep to himself and use later...if given the chance.

  McKinley Memos Released

  World News Network

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Nathan Martinez, in a move intended to appeal to the international community, made the decision to release McKinley-era memos involving the secret government organization, SAD. The President openly defended his decision to allow the international courts to become engaged in it’s own investigation of the matter.

  Martinez Writes to Iranian President

  World Tribune

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - The President sent a letter on Sunday to Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, reiterating the American position on his nation’s nuclear program a day before Iran's president made his state visit to the United Nations.

  WNN Calls for Troop Withdrawal

  World News Network

  NEW YORK, NY - Donald Abraham, Publisher of World News Network says, "It is more likely than not" that his news company will call for the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, in an interview today with C-SPAN's Timothy McGuire.

  Martinez Signs Stimulus Bill

  World News Network

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Martinez signs into law the Stimulus Bill, which adds $821 billion in new spending to the American economy for what the President is calling “shovel-ready jobs.” The President went on to say that without the bill, unemployment would have risen above 8% and the country would have fallen into an economic depression comparable to the 'Great Depression' of the 1920s.

  Moratorium Placed On Offshore Drilling

  American News

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a response to the BP oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, President Nathan Martinez has ordered the federal government to hold the issuing of new offshore drilling leases until a review determined whether more safety systems were needed.

  President Announces Troop Withdrawal Deadline

  World Tribune

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, President Nathan Martinez formally announced the deadline for combat troop withdrawal from Iraq stating, "I am convinced my administration in talks with Iran and others in the region has succeeded in our purpose.  I have therefore decided that American troop withdrawal will begin later this year."

  President McKinley To Be Tried

  World Tribune

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Attorney General, Antonio Drexel announced that legal proceedings against the former President William McKinley would begin immediately. Drexel went on record saying, “We now have evidence the President and his administration authorized unlawful mission
s across sovereign borders, an act that has outraged the international community and most Americans. My department will be pursuing legal actions and prosecute anyone involved in violations of international law, including the former President and his Administration.”

  Gasoline Prices at the Pump

  National Press

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - American motorists are bracing for further increases in gas pump prices after average national prices rose 12 cents in the past week alone.

  Authorities say drivers are experiencing "sticker shock" as unrest in Egypt and production disruptions in the U.S. and other countries push up the price of crude oil and gasoline. The national average price for regular unleaded gasoline was $4.11 a gallon on Friday. Experts believe retail gas prices are likely to rise more in the coming weeks as a result of unscheduled refinery shutdowns caused by hurricanes on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

  Unemployment Rises to 9.3%

  Page 7, World News Network

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - The national unemployment rate unexpectedly rose .3% to 9.3% as Democrat Party leadership began discussing the ways to improve the sluggish American economy. President Martinez went on record telling the American people he and his administration underestimated the economic problems left by the former Republican administration.

  SEATTLE, WA - The lifestyle Henry Smith and tens of thousands of college graduates aspired to was disappearing. For more than a half century, each new generation of American expected they would have better jobs, better pay and a higher standard of living compared to that of their parents. The nation experienced its periods of ups and downs, but it every time rebounded, and always continued to improve.

  It was nearly three years now since Henry received his pink slip from Modern Designs. He quickly discovered unemployment benefits were nowhere near what he was making working for the technology company. By now, the politicians had extended unemployment benefits three times, but that too would soon be running out. Henry was one of tens of millions of young adults who went back home to live with the parents, their dreams disappearing.

  Henry looked out his bedroom window at the relic he was now forced to drive; it was all his parents could afford to give him. Lying on his bed was the most recent "Past-Due Notice" for his college loan. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be.

  The college graduate was nearly always angry and yet his blame was misdirected. Henry saw no reason to doubt what the attractive news anchor, Deena Crawford, had to say. Day in, day out, the same rosy theme surrounding the President was repeated: Martinez was doing all he could to reverse the horrible economic conditions McKinley had handed him. Blame for this economy rested squarely on the shoulders of the previous administration and Wall Street executives.

  Henry Smith and millions of similarly unemployed young adults every time believed the world was theirs. His generation had just taken it for granted things would continue the way they had for their parents, only better. Today's economic conditions had come as a big shock. Anger and despair were growing.

  Henry heard his mother yell from downstairs, “Henry, your friend’s construction company is on the line!”

  Henry was like many young people who voted for Martinez, with little understanding what his policies would do to the economy and job market. Things were bad, and they were going to get even worse. The Cloward-Piven Strategy the President and his party were following demanded the misery.

  Henry and those young people like him remained blissfully ignorant of what was in point of fact happening and why. Most were schooled to believe in the utopian theories that at no time once held up in the real world. The trillion-dollar "Stimulus Bill" had done nothing to improve the country's economic conditions as promised. Instead, the money was being pumped to the eleven percent of the American workforce that were unionized.

  The things that history had shown would work, "Reaganomic's" for instance, would never see the light of day. Keynesian Economics would continue to live on in spite of its failures. Young people like Henry Smith never questioned the motives of the media. The young man unflinchingly believed whatever Deena Crawford had to say and who to blame.

  Feds Take Over Auto Manufacturers

  National Press

  DETROIT, MI - Bondholders, during recent negotiations were forced to accept an 11% stake in what the President is referring to as the “New Auto Industry.” Estimates are that bondholders held 54% of the industry's unsecured debt. An anonymous Wall Street analyst was quoted as saying, “Yes they're getting shafted, but when a President is working against you, you've got to take anything you can get.”

  Benjamin Hill was one of the fifty-two million Americans who voted the charismatic, presidential candidate into office. As an auto union member, Ben's very livelihood depended upon Martinez winning the election in as much as his employer, a major American automaker, was on the brink of bankruptcy. His sweetheart union deal that had created the disaster was about to disappear.

  At forty-five, Ben was doing very well for someone armed with only a high school education. Over the decades, his union had strong-armed his employer into putting together pay packages that would have been the envy of any college graduate. Ben not only had just ten more years until he could retire, but when he retired he would get seventy-five percent of what he was making at the full healthcare benefits! For life! That is, if his employer could survive long enough to cover the expense of the sweetheart deal.

  Ben’s situation was no different from his union counterparts in the government sector; only those lucky folks would never run the risks he currently faced.

  Ben’s union changed the face of the American auto industry, an industry that looked more like an employee retirement fund and mirrored nearly every major enterprise in the United Kingdom where the unions constantly needed the Labor Party to bail their nest eggs out...Ben’s union was no different.

  Ben Hill and his fellow union buddies were at Pete's Bar celebrating the great news, as his President had come through. The hundreds of millions his union had thrown into Martinez’s campaign had paid off. Unfortunately, what Ben and his buddies did not realize was the bailout would be only a temporary fix, that once the bailout ran out it would be up to car sales to pay the bill. This was going to be a problem as most Americans rebelled in opposition to the President’s autocratic actions the only way they could; they were not buying from auto manufacturers who got the bailouts, automakers who most Americans now called "Union Motors.”

  Senate Passes Immigration Bill

  World Tribune

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - Increasing the hopes of millions of immigrants seeking legal status and exposing a deep lack of support among Republican Senators, the bill passed by 14 votes and is now on the way to the House of Representatives where it is expected to pass.

  President Fights Back!

  World Network News

  WASHINGTON D.C. - President Nathan Martinez weighed in on the contentious labor battle playing out between the union and “big business” across the nation, condemning Republicans' push to make states a so-called "right-to-work" state as nothing more than a partisan maneuver that will hurt the working class.

  Fannie and Freddie Oversight Removed

  American News

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Martinez Administration signed off on the removal of the Congressional Oversight Board which has overseen the receiverships of Fannie and Freddie, which together hold some $6 trillion in home mortgages for poor and middle-class working families.

  Economy Slides U.S. Business Slows

  Page 25, World News Network

  NEW YORK, NY - The economy suffered sharp falls on Wednesday, hit by reports of weak US business activity and an escalating inflation picture. The euro rose against the dollar by late afternoon on Wall Street after data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange indicated business activity in the West unexpectedly fell last month.

  White House Appeals Stay of Injunction

p; Page 10, World Tribune

  NEW ORLEANS, LA - Judge George Perkins decided in favor of granting a preliminary injunction barring enforcement of the President’s “Oil Drilling Moratorium,” saying the administration failed to show how the environment would be irreparably harmed if the stay was not granted. The White House has appealed the injunction.

  Iran Expands Enrichment Program

  Page 3, World Tribune

  NEW YORK, NY - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday that Iran had begun producing nuclear fuel on an industrial scale, an accomplishment that, if verified, would significantly advance the country’s nuclear program. "With great pride I announce, as of today, our dear nation of Iran is among the countries of the world that produces an industrial level of nuclear fuel," Ahmadinejad said in a nationally televised speech from his office in Tehran.

  Gov’t Healthcare Becomes Law

  National Press

  WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the President signed Healthcare legislation into law. The new entitlement will add $1.4 trillion in new spending over the next decade, and over $2.5 trillion once the law is fully implemented.

  Annual Deficit at $1.3 Trillion

  Page 25, World News Network

  WASHINGTON, D.C.—The federal government is on pace to run a deficit above $1 trillion for the first time in the nation's history. Little progress is occurring in the face of intense debate over the issue of spending.

  IT’S A GO!


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