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Stories from Camp Halfblood: Legends of the Heroes

Page 25

by Amy Laine


  “That’s not all, though. If you don’t have pure intentions then the moment your skin touches the Blue Drachma then you’re turned to ashes and cast to Tartarus and there is NO escape, even gods can’t overpower this kind of magic.”

  It was my turn to say “Oh,” again. This was getting us nowhere.

  Annabeth shrugged. “But my intentions are pure. I want to know what I need to do in the future. It relates to Luke.”

  The air inside of me suddenly felt like it had been poison. I struggled to get out the words. “L-Luke…of course.” It felt like a manticore was sitting on my chest.

  I knew Annabeth had once had a crush on Luke, our enemy. It worried me that she might not be able to stand up to him when the time came and it would come. And the way she talked about him and all the things she’d done for him…would she do the same for me?

  Don’t be ridiculous. I scolded myself for thinking like that. Of course she likes you! She just kissed you idiot!

  Annabeth ignored my comment, wisely. (She is a daughter of Athena.) She turned to pick up the Blue Drachma. “Wait!” I threw myself in front of her.

  “Don’t do it. I can’t risk losing you.” So it wasn’t exactly Romeo but I didn’t want to be a lot like him since he died I think.

  Annabeth grinned flipping her blonde curls behind her. “It’ll be fine Seaweed Brain.”

  She picked up the drachma. Nothing happened. She turned around. “See? Now if only I could-”


  A sonic blast lit up the watery realm. I was thrown backwards so hard I hit my head against a sharp tall rock. Annabeth however was glued to the spot in the ground. Literally, she couldn’t move her feet from where she was standing.

  “Percy help!?” She screamed trying to get her shoes off.

  I was still recovering from my head injury. I rubbed the sore spot and concentrated on the water healing me. Nice water. Good water. The pain melted away and I stood up.

  “Annabeth!” I swam to her aid but was knocked back once more by another blast. A huge man dressed in clad silver and gray was standing next to her holding her arms behind her back, the next instant.

  He had a long thinning beard and long hair in the back as well. It was like a mane, which a lion would have. Only he didn’t comb. Shells were glued to his armor like decoration and instead of two feet he had crab legs.

  “Who are you? Let her go!” I demanded swimming back to them.

  He blinked. “You shouldn’t have survived that- oh. Son of Poseidon. Always meddling and messing up my plans.”

  I glared at him. “You got that right. Let her go now and suffer less pain.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t. She needs to figure out how to get out of her predicament alone, and then she may have all the knowledge she wants. Tis a test.”

  I shook my head stubbornly. “’Tis a test’ you say, but maybe it’s not!” I uncapped Riptide from my shirt pocket and it shone with the light only Celestial Bronze can.

  The crabman rolled his eyes like he couldn’t believe he’d have to throw another demigod body into his trashcan twice in a week.

  “Look, Percy Jackson, this is the test of Skill-Bravery-Courage-and Wisdom combined. If she completes this she may have the knowledge she seeks. I will allow you to watch, but not interfere with her task or I will eat her.”

  He smiled a mouthful of missing chipped teeth. “Are we on the same page?”

  I kept my sword in my hand but nodded stiffly. I couldn’t take him on my own anyways.

  Annabeth stared at me with wide eyes. Her hands were tied behind her back, and four knives and a spear were pointed at her throat. (Floating in the midair. Or midsea.)

  Her left foot had a chain on it attached to a bronze ball but her right foot was free. A large wooden beam hung above balanced precariously on a small rock, any moment could fall on top of her.

  “Alright lass. GO! Free yourself!” The crabman tapped his timer and flipped the key to Annabeth’s chain in his hand.

  The knives moved closer in and I was tempted to bat them away with my sword, put I could only watch. He had said not to interfere.

  Annabeth grunted and yelled, “HIYA!?” And swung up her right leg and kicked the knife into the air. She caught it just barely coming down on her leg and guided it slowly behind her, into her waiting hand. Then she proceeded to cut the ropes while she fended off the floating knives.

  She swung up her left leg with the ball chain attached to it (must have been heavy, but she did once hold up the sky) and took out two knives, leaving her with only one. She had just finished sawing through her bonds when the knife flew at her. She jumped up onto a rock and grabbed it in a flash.

  The wooden beam from above started to fall and the spear was still coming. I closed my eyes and grimaced. NO. It could not happen. I glared at the crabman. “Do something!” He shook his head no. “I will then.” I started to leave my spot when I felt cold roll down my back, a shiver or a shadow. I couldn’t move my muscles. I was frozen in the lake unable to help Annabeth.

  She glared at the spear and kicked once more with her left leg and the ball swung up and crashed into the wooden beam sending splinters everywhere. But there was only a chip in the side and it made the beam start to tilt down faster.

  Annabeth battled the spear dodging and trying to get a grip on its handle. She finally grabbed it but it was too late. The beam came down and CRASH.

  I couldn’t close my eyes or look down. I could only watch. And then under the rubble, something stirred. Annabeth was holding the spear like an umbrella one part in the sandy ground and the other part was holding the wooden beam above her. She was crouched low to the ground. She walked out from underneath slowly, and then took the spear out from underneath in one swift move.

  Her ball chain was still underneath and you could hear the crunch of it being destroyed.

  “Unlock me please.” She walked up to the crabman. He inserted the key and unlocked what remained of the ball chain. Just the cuff around her ankle. Then he unfroze me.

  “Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena. I hope you feel much wiser in your years to come. And now you know what you must do with Luke.” And he vanished.

  I could only stand there with my mouth open. The Blue Drachma had vanished with the crabman. Annabeth was smiling. “C’mon, I bet they’re wondering where we are up above Seaweed Brain. Let’s go.”

  I took her hand and we swam up to the top to meet our friends.


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  Translate this puzzle for some Greek fun!

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  = __________________




  Hope you liked this book! I might add more installments in the coming year of 2013 but for now I hope you enjoy these! Let’s hope the REAL House of Hades comes out soon!

  Thanks for reading guys! You’re awesome! Please comment, so I know how I did. Keep in mind this took me forever to write and I really really want to hear your feedback. Hope it’s positive though. Haha… 

  -Amy Laine

  Age 12, North America


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