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Accacia’s Trilogy: Sisters of Hex

Page 35

by Paige, Bea

  They walk to the front of the hall and up onto the stage. Queen Adrielle takes a seat on her throne, Rhain and Ezra flanking her.

  “Bring them in,” Queen Adrielle says as she claps her hands in quick succession.

  Behind her Devin enters the room accompanied by Ether and the men I saw him with earlier. Devin’s face shows no emotion. I see Rhain’s eyes flick to his brother, the tiniest flash of concern crossing his face before it is gone. Ezra remains impassive, but I can tell by the tension in his shoulders that he is no less concerned than Rhain. Behind them a young man covered in dried blood is fighting the hold of two equally powerful looking vampires. Finally, in walks Lissandra. There is a painful sadness that covers her face. I find I can’t look at her.

  “Bring the boy here,” Queen Adrielle orders. Sebastian is dragged towards her. He is crying. “Shut up, you disgusting creature.” She clicks her fingers and Sebastian is held rigid by an invisible force, just like Rhain and Ezra had been days before.

  She points at Devin. “You, remove his tongue,” she orders.

  My hand flies to my mouth, mimicking Lissandra’s reaction as Devin steps forward. Out of his pocket he pulls a knife. One of the vampires who came in with Sebastian prises open his mouth. Devin hesitates. The hand holding the knife is shaking violently.

  “DO IT!” Queen Adrielle screeches.

  Devin jerks forward, it’s as though he has no real control of his body. Then he reaches into Sebastian’s mouth, yanks his tongue out and slices quickly. Blood spurts outwards in a violent arc. Sebastian’s cry of pain is ungodly, he is screaming and choking on his own blood. The crowd cheers as Devin chucks the severed tongue on the ground. Rhain and Ezra remain where they are, the tiny tremors of their anger remaining unnoticed. Ether and the other two dark angels seem uninterested in the turn of events. The knife in Devin’s hand clatters to the ground as a look of realisation passes across his features. I hear his voice loud and desperate in my head. A single word scatters through our connection.


  Devin, I am here. Devin, please snap out of it, I say, finding myself walking to the edge of the shadows.

  His head snaps up. I watch as he searches the crowd. He takes a step forward. Rhain and Ezra exchange glances, noticing the sudden difference.

  Devin. I am here, we are here to get you out. Stay with me.

  Then, just as suddenly, the apparent consciousness is replaced with a blank stare, and he is lost to me once again.

  I wipe away at the tears that are falling from my eyes, my anger matching Lissandra’s. She is crying freely too, but there is such hatred in her stare. She is looking at the Queen murderously.

  Queen Adrielle stands. “When dawn arises, the start of my next one thousand years of rulership will begin, and when it does both these men will be returned to the Light. For now, whilst we wait, I offer you all a gift.” She flicks her hand and in through the door walks a long line of scared-looking men and women.

  “Let the Bloodletting begin!” Queen Adrielle says. Her laughter is drowned out by the screaming that ensues as the vampires descend on their next feed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I back up against the wall, turning my face away in horror as the vampires grab their prey. There is no compassion here, not in this room. The wild frenzy of the members of Clan Lux as they feed is as shocking as it is terrifying. One middle-aged woman runs towards the dark alcove where I am standing in an attempt to get away from her pursuers, her eyes widening in shock when she sees me standing in the dark. There is a moment when she stops abruptly, wobbling on her feet, uncertain which way to go. It’s her biggest mistake. I watch as she is dragged backwards by her hair by a brute of a man, his lips and chin already soaked in blood. A moment later he has her neck in his mouth and she is screaming as he drinks violently from her vein.

  All around me there are screams of pain, terror and death. A man in front of me drops like an empty sack to the ground, his face pale, his eyes wide and empty. A female vampire stands over him, her red dress stained darker with his blood, her long blonde hair tinged with it. I want to be sick.

  “What are you doing?” a voice says to the left of me. I stiffen, peering into the dark.

  “I asked you a question. What are you doing?”

  I pull myself up straight, trying to act aloof, arrogant, just like the vampires surrounding me. “I am not hungry. I have fed already.”

  There is laughter. It is low and sinister.

  “Not hungry? This is the Bloodletting, this is our Queen’s wish, our birthright. This night is sacred, and you choose not to feed?” A broad-shouldered, tall man walks out of the shadows. I know immediately that I am in great danger. His eyes might be the colour of a soft baby blue, but they hold a darkness far worse than I’ve ever seen in Devin’s.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to feed, I just don’t want to chase around after my dinner,” I say, trying to sound more confident than I feel.

  “Are you above the rest of us?” he sneers. “What makes you so different from your clansmen and women?” I open my mouth to speak, but he presses a rough finger against my lips, considering me for a moment. He reaches over and pulls the mask from my face, casting it aside. His eyes widen in surprise, before narrowing in suspicion. I see his teeth drop from his mouth as he leans in close to my skin before pulling back sharply.

  “I know who you are, you were in Devin’s apartment earlier. You are nothing but a common woman.”

  “How dare you! I am Clan Lux,” I protest, trying to muster up as much arrogance as possible. It isn’t a complete lie.

  “You are neither a Clan Lux original nor an underling, which only leaves one option.”

  I back away from the man but he captures my arm, pulling me towards him.

  “Let’s see if you can persuade the Queen with your lie. You are no more one of us than I am one of you,” he says, pulling me roughly from the shadows and out in the hall beyond.

  The other vampires are too busy devouring their prey to notice me, but Rhain and Ezra are not. I catch both their eyes, even Devin is looking at me, a deep frown creasing his forehead. Ezra takes a step forward. It doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “Abanthe, who is this?” the Queen asks. Her high, tight voice carries across the hall. Immediately the Bloodletting stops. Bodies are dropped to the floor without care or consideration. Some of the men and women are dead, their eyes unseeing. Others are weak, and use the little strength they have left to pull themselves across the floor, leaving streaks of blood as they do. The clansmen and women step over the fallen bodies, some wiping away the blood that scarlets their skin red, others just leaving it as though it is a mark to be proud of. These people, they are already lost. I suddenly wonder if any of them are worth saving. Then I look at Devin, at the man I know, and think of the darkness I’ve witnessed, and I am reminded that they are, they have to be.

  The man the Queen calls Abanthe pushes me towards her. Both Rhain and Ezra step forward. The Queen’s hand snaps up, halting them in their steps. I can see the strain in their faces. She has immobilised them the same way she did previously. Ezra eye’s are like a sodding hurricane, the storm has quickly escalated. Sweat slides down his cheeks and I know he is fighting the magic which is holding him back. Rhain too, given the look in his eyes. The only person not fighting to move towards me is Devin, and right now I am desperate to break through the evil magic that is poisoning his blood and his soul.

  “Well, aren’t you exquisite?” Queen Adrielle says slowly. She stands and approaches me. Abanthe steps back. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Lissandra shaking with rage. Her teeth are lowered, but she makes no move towards me, or anyone else in fact. At her feet is Sebastian, curled up in a ball. She can’t even touch him, to do so would be certain death for her.

  “Look at me, child,” the Queen says. I do as she asks.

  “Interesting.” She snaps her fingers and Ezra falls forward, free from the hold she has on him. He seems to gather hims

  “Tell me, Ezra, who is this delightful creature? Be careful how you answer,” she warns.

  “She is just a common woman, my Queen,” he says apologetically.

  “I can see that, but why is she dressed like a clanswoman?” Her voice is light, but there is an underlying anger rippling just beneath the façade.

  “Rhain found her in the village and brought her back here secretly…” he begins carefully.

  “She was in Devin’s rooms earlier,” Abanthe says, speaking up. “I saw her fast asleep, not a mark on her.”

  Queen Adrielle narrows her eyes at Ezra. She isn’t buying his lie.

  “I thought I could exchange her for the woman I brought in, but Devin had already killed her. I left her there for him, despite Rhain’s protests.”

  “That explains why this woman was in his room, but it does not explain why she is here now, dressed like this.”

  “I gave the dress to her.”

  Queen Adrielle snaps her head around to Lissandra. “Speak,” she orders, all patience gone.

  “Will you let Sebastian go?” The clan members, who are watching events unfold, all draw in a surprised breath.

  “What!” Queen Adrielle screeches. “You dare to bargain with me?”

  “You want the truth, you free Sebastian from his punishment,” Lissandra says, not taking her eyes off Queen Adrielle for a moment.

  The Queen laughs hysterically, whilst my heart lurches. Ezra looks as though he is about to take out Lissandra. She wouldn’t betray us, would she?

  “I decide who lives or dies in this castle. I am the ruler of this land. I make the decisions. Do not push me, child.”

  “My Queen, if you had wanted to kill me, you would have done so by now ten times over, more. I have always been difficult, yet you allow me to live. There is a reason why you haven’t killed me, isn’t there? So, my Queen,” Lissandra says sarcastically, “if you want the truth, you free Sebastian from his death sentence or there is no deal.”

  Her eyes flick to mine, and I know instantly she is not betraying us but merely trying to buy some time, but for what? How are any of us to get out of this mess now? I don’t know if she is being extraordinarily brave or utterly stupid.

  “Lissandra,” the Queen seethes.

  Beneath her, Sebastian is no longer curled up on the floor, but has pushed himself up to his knees. Lissandra is resting her hand on his shoulder but he doesn’t seem to register her touch. The whole time she is bargaining for his life and putting her own in danger he is gazing at Queen Adrielle in adoration, despite what she has done to him. Whatever spell she has over him, it hasn’t let go. Perhaps it never will.

  “I gave you my terms,” Lissandra says as she lifts her chin in defiance.

  The Queen looks aghast at Lissandra, then opens her mouth and screams. Black flames suddenly erupt over the surface of her skin, rippling with intent. Before any of us are even able to comprehend what is happening, Queen Adrielle has sent a black, flaming arrow straight towards Sebastian’s chest. The shock on his face as it pierces his heart is nothing compared to the look of devastation on Lissandra’s as he dissolves beneath her hand. In seconds, there is nothing left of him apart from a cloud of black ash floating in the air.

  Lissandra falls to her knees. “Sebastian,” she cries, her hands scooping up all that is left of her friend. Ash falls from her fingers, staining them black. Ezra is looking at her in shock, we all are.

  “You think I don’t have the power to end your lives? I made you into what you are, and I can just as easily destroy you. Let this be a lesson to you all. I am Queen Adrielle, I have ruled over Ever Vale for one thousand years. You can never defeat me.” She turns back to me and slaps me hard across the face. The force of the blow splits my lip and breaks my nose.

  “Wait,” Lissandra says suddenly, standing up. “I gave her the dress. I persuaded her to come. She is infatuated with Rhain. I told her if she attended that he would take her as his plaything permanently. It was a futile attempt at rebellion, allowing a common woman to attend dressed like this. I see the error of my ways. I understand that now.”

  Queen Adrielle laughs cruelly. “I don’t care who she is, or why she’s here. This woman is nothing but a sack of blood, allowed life only so my people can feed. Tonight, she will die alongside the rest of the blood bags.”

  Ezra takes another step towards me, but Queen Adrielle is too quick for him. With one flick of her hand he is lifted into the air, suspended once again. “You, my Dark Knight, have done more than enough this night.” She turns her attention to Devin and beckons him over.

  “Devin, come here,” she says. He does as she asks, looking at her blankly.

  “Take this woman’s blood. Drain her until there is nothing left.” With that she returns to her throne, taking a seat.

  I back away from Devin, from the cold indifference of his gaze.

  Devin, it’s me, Red. Don’t do this.

  Still he stalks towards me.

  Devin, this isn’t you. Remember who you are.

  “I didn’t order you to play with her, I ordered you to drain her. Do it!” the Queen roars.

  “Noooo!” I hear Lissandra cry, but she is silenced by the Queen just like Ezra and Rhain.

  Devin lunges forward, grabs hold of my shoulders and bites my neck. A pain like I’ve never felt before explodes behind my eyes. Even when Rhain had taken my blood it had not hurt like this. Something is wrong. This is more than just a physical pain; this act of violence is hurting my heart, my very soul.

  Devin, stop it. You’re going to kill me. Tears pour unbidden from my eyes as I realise that he still can’t hear me. He draws me closer, one arm wrapped around my waist as he gorges on my blood.

  Devin, please, I beg.

  There is nothing but a gaping silence between our connection, a dark, empty, void.

  I feel him drag me across the stage, and I am only vaguely aware of being lowered down. I am limp in his arms, I can feel the ebb of my heartbeat stutter in my chest as he draws steadily on my blood. My fingers and toes begin to tingle, the feeling moving up my legs and arms, then spreading through my chest. Everything is beginning to go numb.

  Devin. Please, hear me. I … Love… You.

  Images flash before my eyes, of Ezra’s stormy gaze, Rhain’s passionate kiss and Devin’s light-hearted smile. Their faces merge together, only to be replaced with the memory of them all on bended knee before me. The sky above us is filled with floating lanterns. They are so beautiful, I try to reach for them. My vision blurs, the lanterns swim before my eyes, the light from each beginning to expand until there is nothing but a blinding, while light and then sudden, all-consuming darkness. The last thing I hear before I fall into the abyss are five heartbroken words…

  Red, what have I done?

  Chapter Seventeen


  The blood slides down my throat, it tastes so pure, like the sun rising on a new day. Full of light, of life. Why does it taste so sweet?

  I feel this woman’s life ebbing away, the beat of her heart slowing as I take what I need. The darkness in me gorges on her and takes what is mine, what I crave.

  Devin, stop it. You’re going to kill me.

  A voice pierces through my consciousness. I recognise that voice. I slow down, but I do not stop drinking. A memory flashes in my thoughts. Rhain is holding a frightened woman with dark hair and eyes so soulful that I want to lose myself in them. She holds onto my brother, and there is relief at seeing him. My attention is drawn away to a man beneath me as he begs for his life. I grip his throat in my hands, this man was trying to kill my woman. I am filled with a rage so dark that I have no problem squeezing tighter…. The memory dissolves, the black descending once more.

  Her blood fills my mouth, fills the edges of me. The cold, dark, hardness sharpens as I drink… and yet…

  Devin, please.

  A light brightens at the edge of the black, a warmth that calls to me. A woman with long black
hair stands on the edge of the Light fields, she is looking for someone. I watch her as she runs towards my brother…

  More darkness. More blood.

  Devin. Please, hear me. I … Love… You.

  Flashes of bright light flare like a beacon against the dark. Smiling eyes, dark brown and beautiful, look at me with such love, with hope and courage. They see the good in me, the light. The memory of this woman calls to me. She is my light, my love, my soul. She is mine.

  I feel the darkness leave my body and my eyes snap open.

  Red, what have I done?

  I pull back sharply from the woman in my arms. But this isn’t any woman, this is my woman, the woman who haunts my memories. She is my love, my heart, my soul and I have killed her. Red lies limp within my arms, all colour drained from her face. I see the puncture wounds on her neck, taste her sweet blood in my mouth, see it trickle slowly down her neck.

  My love, what I have done?

  There is no heartbeat. No life left, not even a murmur.

  She is dead.

  Red is gone.

  I have killed her.

  I can’t breathe, I can’t move. All I hear is laughter. Laughter over my loss. Cruel, hateful laughter. I look up to see Queen Adrielle smiling. My brothers are caught in her magic. Both are crying freely. Behind, the Dark Angels stand watching the scene before them, they do not move to help. What could they do anyway? Isn’t this what they do? Kill, take life as though it is worth nothing. I am no better than them. In fact, I am worse.

  Opposite me, the young girl Lissandra, the Queen’s chambermaid, the girl who helped us before, is on her knees surrounded by a pile of ash. She is staring at me with such sorrow. It reflects my own.


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