Stalking His Bride

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Stalking His Bride Page 4

by Lucy Darling

  “That too. I meant that it’s childish to play games. If you want to go out and fuck everything, then let the girl go. Don’t be an asshole. Or at least be upfront with what your intentions are.” He smirks at me. “Unfortunately most men don’t know what they want or how lucky they are. I’m not most men.” He pins me with a stare.

  “Can I ask you something? I swear whatever you say won’t upset me. I just want to be clear.” I lick my lips, feeling unsteady. I’m pretty sure I just lied. I think it will upset me.

  “You can ask me anything, Carly.” He reaches over, taking my hand that was playing with the hem of my yellow sundress.

  “What we did in the dressing room—”

  “Will happen again,” he says before I can finish my question. I can actually feel the heat rush to my face.

  “That’s fine with me,” I blurt out. “Oh my God. I did not just say that.” I put my other hand over my mouth. James only laughs.

  “Nothing to get shy over. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Enjoyed it is putting it mildly.”

  “Go on. I won’t interrupt this time.” He squeezes my hand.

  “I’m new to the whole dating thing. As you know.” He has to. I told him last night he was my first kiss. He’d seemed shocked but didn't look to be turned off by my lack of experience. “Will you see other people? I know we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend, but I want to be clear.”

  “I think I’m too old to have a girlfriend.”

  I roll my eyes. “You’re not that old.” He’s in his late twenties. He might be too old for me, some might say. Wait, does that mean he doesn't want to label us?

  “Neither of us should see anyone else. This is exclusive.”

  I feel myself release a breath. “What if this turns out bad? We’ll always be in each other's lives because of Tinsley and Reed.”

  “But what if it turns out good?”

  I look over at James. Is he really thinking long term? “I’m not too young for you? I mean not young but—I don't know. Out of the loop in your world?” I’m not sure how to phrase it. What if he one day wants me to go to a business dinner or something? I might embarrass him.

  “You’re perfect, Carly. I see that’s another thing we’re going to have to work on.”

  “James. I want to be honest with you. I’m not sure I can give you long term. Today I can do. Even tomorrow, but sooner or later my parents are going to make me come home.”

  “You don't have to do anything you don’t want to.” If it was only that easy. “We’ll worry about all that later.” He brushes it off.

  “Where are we going?” We’ve entered into a residential area.

  “Here.” He pulls up in front of a cute little white house with a red door. I’m not sure what we’re doing here.

  “What’s here?”

  “Your dog. It was on the list. I figured we could scratch that off today.” I stare at him in shock. “I took the liberty of picking one out for you. I thought if you’re getting a dog it should be one that protects you.”

  “I don’t think I need protection.” I shake my head. “What kind of dog is it? Wait, is it a puppy?”

  “Yes, it’s a puppy. We’ll have to get him some training.” I’m so excited that I can’t sit still. I mean I have to pinch myself to make sure this is real. That James is real.

  “What are we waiting for? My baby is in that house.”

  “I’ll get the door. Stay put.” He comes around the SUV, opening the door for me.

  “What kind of puppy is it?”


  “Isn’t that the giant one that looks like a teddy bear?” I stop walking to stare at him.

  “Yeah.” I throw myself at him. He catches me.

  “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” I say as I pepper kisses all over his face. “This is the best day ever.” I smile down at him.

  “It’s not over yet. Let’s go get your baby.”



  I’d give up all my worldly possessions if it meant the smile that Carly is currently wearing would last forever. To her, getting the puppy makes today the best day ever, but to me seeing her this way gives me purpose.

  Today the baby we picked up is a puppy, but one day I hope to have an actual baby with her. Two weeks ago I would have broken out in a sweat thinking that. Now here I am wanting to make it a reality.

  I’m getting way ahead of myself. I’ve still got to get her to fall in love with me. Then she won’t be able to leave when Mommy Dearest comes knocking.

  I hadn’t realized how mundane my life had been until Carly. She lies on the floor with Bear sleeping on her chest. I think we wore the pup out. She pets him as little snores come from him. Each of them are just as adorable as the other.

  “He’s precious, isn’t he?” She turns her head to look at me.

  “He is.” The pup is cute, but I’m more interested in the smile on my girl's face.

  “Do we really have to put him in a crate?” This is the third time she’s brought this up.

  “How about we try it before bed? If he cries we’ll get him out, but they said he might feel more comfortable in the crate.”

  “That’s a bunch of baloney. Who wants to sleep in a cage when you can sleep in my fluffy bed?”

  “It is a soft bed.” I give her a wicked smile. Her mouth forms a perfect O shape.

  “You slept with me?”

  “Wasn’t much of a choice. I carried you to bed and then you wouldn’t let me go.” It was the best and worst night of sleep I’ve ever had.


  “Don’t be sorry. I learned that you are a cuddler.” Her face flushes. I’ll never tire of seeing her turn that sexy as fuck pink.

  “Am I really?”

  “Definitely.” The hard-on I’d had all night was a testament to it. Her hot cunt had been pressed into my leg most of the night. It took every bit of self-control I had not to try to make her come. Her face turns soft, making me want to get down on the floor with her to kiss it. It’s been too long since my mouth was on hers. She must know what I’m thinking because she licks her lips—tempting me to take her mouth again.

  A knock at the door ruins my plans. Bear lifts his head, his attention focused on the door. He quickly hides his face in Carly’s chest. I don’t blame him. I go over, snag our Chinese food, and set it on the coffee table. I grab us a few plates and drinks.

  When I get back, Carly already has a crab rangoon shoved in her mouth. She puts her hand over her mouth. “Sorry.”

  I laugh. “Nothing to be sorry about.” I sit her cherry 7UP in front of her.

  “I know it’s silly, but you have no idea how nice it is to eat Chinese food on the floor.” She picks up a piece of chicken, dipping it in the sweet and sour sauce. “And eating with my fingers.” She brings it to her mouth, making a small moaning sound. My dick comes back to life again.

  “You can do that whenever you want.” I grab an egg roll.

  “Nah. My mom would die on the spot if we ordered takeout Chinese. If you want Chinese she will find an amazing chef and hire them for the night. Then make you eat it off dishes that cost almost as much as a car.” She grabs another piece of chicken. “I’ve watched so many movies where they would eat it out of the takeout containers with chopsticks. I always wanted to do it.”

  “She sounds wound tight.” I have no doubt her mother is trying to force all these traditions on Carly. She doesn’t see her for who she really is, or she doesn’t care. She wants Carly to be a certain way and nothing will ever measure up unless it’s her way.

  “That’s putting it mildly.” She grabs the remote. “Can we watch reality trash? Oh wait. Do you have to go? I’m sucking all your time and I’m sure you have a life or something.”

  “I want to watch reality trash. Plus we have all this food to eat. Might take us a while if we’re going to eat with chopsticks.”

  “Awesome.” She beams at me before turning on the TV.
br />   “Come sit with me.”

  She gives Bear a pet on his head. He once again passed out but in his bed this time. She comes around to sit next to me. I snag her around the waist, pulling her down into my lap and making her giggle. “Been dying to taste you again all day.”

  “I've been wondering if you were going to kiss me again.”

  I run my hand up her neck, my fingers sliding around to pull her to me. She’s so fucking soft. I didn't know anyone’s skin could feel so silky smooth. She leans in toward me, her eyes falling closed as she parts her lips a fraction. So damn beautiful and innocent. I shouldn’t take it. I’m not a good enough man for her, but I press my mouth against hers anyway.

  She moans into my mouth as I dip my tongue into hers. Her fingers dig into my shirt as she shifts on my lap. I’m not sure she’s aware of what she’s doing, but I know what she needs. I help move her over as I keep on kissing her. The sexiest sound comes from her as she straddles me. I press her down so that her warm cunt meets my cock.

  On her own, she starts to rock. It’s slow at first. I still don’t think she realizes that she’s dry fucking me. Something I'm pretty sure no one does after high school. Not that I give a shit. I’d do this all fucking day with her if she wants.

  I deepen the kiss, digging my fingers into her hair. She moves faster against me. I start to shift my hips, making shallow thrusts back and forth.

  “James.” She breathes my name, pulling her mouth from mine.

  “Yes, sweetness?” I give her hair a tug, exposing her neck to me. I taste her skin, licking and sucking. Her moans grow louder and I suck and lick every inch of her skin that I can. I slip my other hand up her sweater, palming one of her tits, which have been driving me insane since we got back here and she changed. By changed I mean she got rid of the bra.

  I drag my thumb across her nipple, making her whole body jerk. Fuck, she is extra sensitive there. I wonder if I could get her to come just by sucking on her tits. I sure as fuck am more than willing to try.

  “Oh James.” Her fingers dig into my shoulders. She’s so fucking close her body is humming with need. So is mine. She’s got me so turned inside out she’s going to make me come on myself. I give her nipple a pull. It’s all she needs. She drops her head back, crying out my name. I watch her, my hands gripping her hips tight, keeping her warm cunt pressed against my cock as I spill inside of my pants.

  She lifts her head to look at me, her hair spilling all around her. Her lips are swollen from mine. Her neck is red too from my short stubble that has formed today. I’ll have to remember that. She’s delicate.

  “That was amazing.” Her tongue peeks out, licking her bottom lip.

  “Give me another kiss.” She doesn't hesitate. Leaning forward, she gives me her mouth. I don’t take it further, even though my cock begs me to. That little taste will have to suffice for now. I’m not going to rush or scare her. I want her to give herself to me when she's ready.



  I stretch, letting out a long yawn. I roll over and almost fall face first off the sofa. I jerk back, saving myself at the last second. I’d forgotten I passed out in the living room. I sit up so that I can look around. The TV and light are off, but the kitchen light is on, lighting up some of the living room.

  “James?” I call, standing up. All the food is cleared up. Did he leave? I let out a sigh. Of course he left. He’s been with me for over twenty-four hours. He has his own home and life. I mean, the man runs a company and has responsibility. I shouldn’t expect him to spend every waking second with me. That doesn’t mean I can’t be disappointed about it. I’m guessing he didn't want to wake me so he dipped out.

  I walk over to the kennel we’d gotten for Bear to see if he’s sleeping inside. I bet Bear will sleep with me if James doesn't. I bend down but no Bear. I jump up, starting to panic. I flip on the rest of the lights.

  A million scenarios run through my mind. What if he got stuck somewhere? What if he’s hurt? Oh God, I’ve been a pet mommy for one day and I’ve already messed it up. Maybe my mom was right all those times she called me irresponsible.

  “Bear!” I call out, running toward my bedroom. I stop because all of the doors are closed. There is no way he could have gotten into one of the other rooms. When I hear the front door open I run back out to the living room. Bear lets out a cute small bark when he sees me.

  James bends down, unclipping him from his leash. I drop to my knees as Bear runs over and jumps into my lap. I pick him up and hug him, relieved not only to see my baby puppy but that James is still here.

  “I missed you.” I look up at James, who is watching us. “I missed you too,” I tease him.

  “Good, I’d hate to be jealous over a puppy.” I stand with Bear in my arms. “Why don’t you go get ready for bed?” He takes Bear from my hands. I yawn, still tired.

  “I’m not that tired. We can watch another movie or something. I’ll let you pick.” He steps closer to me, bending down to drop a quick kiss on my mouth.

  “You’re worn out, sweetness. Go get ready for bed. I’ll move Bear’s water bowl and crate into the bedroom.”

  “Thanks.” I give my best smile, not wanting him to know I’m disappointed the night is over. I turn, heading back down the hallway into my bathroom to do my nightly routine. I stare at the ten-step skin regimen my mom swears by and made me start doing in middle school, not wanting to do it tonight. I mean, would anyone really know if I skipped one night? These last couple of days have been so freeing for me. I want to continue to live in the moment and forget about everything else for as long as I can.

  I grab the small waste basket and sweep my arm across the shelf, knocking all of it into the trash can. That’s going to save me twenty minutes every night. Time I can use to do other things. Especially ones that include James. I brush my teeth and hair before washing my face like a normal human. I flip off the light, making my way into my bedroom. James is sitting on the side of the bed with Bear jumping around like a wild man.

  “He does not look tired.” I walk over to the bed and fall over onto it, making Bear bounce. James leans over, giving me a kiss. This is interrupted with Bear kisses that make me giggle.

  “I'm going to make sure all the food and stuff is put away.” I watch as he leaves the bedroom. I slip under the covers. Bear walks in circles before he plops down at the end of the bed. I try and listen to hear what James is doing. I should probably get up. I’m going to have to lock the door behind him.

  I stop when James comes strolling back into the room. My eyes drop to his bare chest and travel down to the perfect V that I’ve only ever seen on men in magazines. I’m sad that I can’t see any further because his gray sweatpants are in the way.

  He makes his way to the other side of the bed, getting in. He drops his phone on the nightstand and then flips the light off. I lie there, not sure what to say.

  “Come here.” James' arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me across the bed until my back is pressed against his chest. He wraps his arm around me before he buries his face in my neck. I smile.

  “You’re staying?”

  “Yep.” That makes me smile even bigger. “Goodnight, sweetness.”

  “Goodnight, James.” I snuggle in deeper to him. It’s only a matter of seconds before sleep takes me.



  I put Bear down, giving him a fresh bowl of water and some food. I give him one last small pet on the head. He slept through most of the night. He started to get a little restless at some point, at which I’d creeped out of bed and took him down for a walk so that he didn’t wake Carly.

  We haven't had the pup long and he already looks a few pounds bigger. He definitely isn’t going to make it long in an apartment of this size. The bed is a tight fit already with only Carly and me. By the look of Bear’s paws, he’s going to be a giant.

  I’m in no way, shape or form complaining about how small the bed is. It works out in my favor. My girl is
a cuddler and I’ve had to listen all night while she made these tiny moans in her sleep. I’m not sure if they were comforting or torture. If you ask me I would say they were the sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard, but I don’t think my dick would agree with that.

  I look up from Bear when I hear a vibrating sound to see Carly’s phone buzzing across the table. I go over to turn it off. It’s probably one of her millions of alarms. She really does think she’s going to forget something. Every time the thing goes off she’s already doing whatever the reminder is.

  I pick up the phone to see the word mom scrolling across the screen. I toss it on the sofa to silence the vibration. I’m not going to give her mom the fuck-you button because she’ll blame Carly for it. I also refuse to go to wake my girl up for her to talk to either. I have a feeling that mom of hers has left a few bruises on my girl that I’m going to work hard to fix.

  When I get back to the bedroom, I leave the door open a little in case Bear wants to come in. Carly lies in the center of the bed, pillows now somehow tossed all around her. She shifts around again trying to get comfortable, but it’s not working.

  I pull the shirt back off and kick my jeans free before I crawl back into the bed with her. Like a missile seeking heat she finds me. As soon as she’s done wrapping herself around me, her whole body relaxes and she gives me one of the moans. The sweet ones that go straight to my dick.

  “James?” She sighs my name, sliding her leg over my stomach. She presses her soft tits into my side and I can feel her nipples getting hard. “James?” She says my name again, still not really sounding awake. I can’t see her eyes but can feel her warm breath on my neck.

  “I’m here, sweetness,” I tell her, running my hand up and down her back, hating the oversized shirt that’s hiding far too much skin for me. She shifts again, sliding more of herself on top of me. I’m not sure what I should do.

  My hand trails down her side to her ass. I give her a small push. It doesn’t take much before her leg slips right over the other side of me, causing her warm panty covered pussy to press into my lower stomach. Her ass is teasing the head of my cock.


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