Stalking His Bride

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Stalking His Bride Page 5

by Lucy Darling

  Why the fuck did I do this to myself? I must be a masochist. That has to be it. Is this what purgatory is? Not heaven but also not hell. You’ve gone and fucked yourself right into the middle. Then she fucking begins to push herself against me more, her pussy pressing against my cock. Maybe she’s dreaming about last night? She rocks her hips, but I grab them, stopping her. She whimpers. That sound almost breaks my resolve.

  “Baby?” I dig my fingers into her hips. She tries to move again but gets nowhere. I hear her let out a small huff of annoyance. If I weren't so damn turned on right now I’d find it adorable that she’s trying to shyly get herself off on me. “If you want to rub your pussy on me, sweetness, I won't stop you. I’m all yours.” I pull her down my cock and back up it, always willing to give her exactly what she needs. She lets out a pleased gasp. “But I’ve been up a while. Even fed our little one and took him on a walk.” She lifts her head to finally look at me. “I think the least you can do is let me have breakfast in bed.” Her brow furrows together.

  “You want me to make you breakfast?” She looks adorably annoyed. “Right now?” Those pretty lips of hers fall into a frown, making me want to kiss her even more. I make a note that my girl might not be a morning person.

  “No, I’m hungry but it’s not for food.” I roll taking her with me, pinning her to the bed under me.

  “That was hot.” She smiles up at me, her dark hair spread out all around her.

  “That’s good, but I’m not done.” I take her mouth in a kiss, wondering how I’ve lived all my life not waking up every morning like this. My cousin is a dumbshit. How did he let the girl he loved prance around his house all day and not have her draped over every surface worshipping her between her thighs? No wonder he acts like a fucking asshole. I’d burn the whole fucking world down. I’ve known Carly only a few days and I’m already losing my mind. I sure as fuck could not have waited years.

  I pull my mouth from hers. “Sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry,” she rushes to say. Her lips are swollen and red from me taking her mouth. Her chest rises and falls as she tries to catch her breath.

  “Good. Because I’m actually not sorry at all for what I’m about to do.”

  “To do?” she asks. I grab the V in her shirt with both hands, ripping it right in half and revealing her gorgeous tits to me. I palm one in my hand, leaning down to lick her pert nipple. Her hips rise off the bed, begging me for more. I don’t disappoint. This time I lick and suck her until she’s writhing underneath me.

  “James.” Her plea for me to give her more is music to my ears. “I need—”

  I don’t even let her finish that thought before I’m moving down her body. I stop when I get to her panties, the wet spot letting me know how turned on she is. I reach down, ripping them from her body, mad that they are keeping me from what’s mine. I stuff them in my pocket for later.

  Her scent hits me, making my mouth water for a taste of her. I rub my thumb across the dusting of dark hair that leads down to her pussy. She wiggles all around and I know she needs my mouth. I want to take my time, but I can do that later. Right now I want to give her body what it’s begging for. I’ll take the time later to savor each and every inch of her.

  I push my tongue between the lips of her sex. I lick down, putting extra pressure when I pass her clit. She cries out but I keep going down to thrust my tongue inside of her tight heat. I grab her thighs, my fingers gripping her tight until I’m lifting her enough that her ass is partly off the bed. I need more. To be deeper. To be closer if that’s even possible.

  I angle to get my tongue deeper inside of her, fucking her with it. She thrashes on the bed. She’s close but not there yet. When she whimpers my name again, her hand fists into my hair. I pull my tongue out, putting her ass back down on the bed. I lick back up to her clit, sucking it into my mouth for my tongue to work next.

  Her whole body stiffens. The sharp pain from her pulling my hair keeps me grounded, so I don’t push down my sweats and thrust to the hilt inside of her. I close my eyes, pressing my cock harder into the mattress as my balls draw up tight, knowing what’s coming. All my dick can think about is how tight her cunt was around my tongue.

  She tries to close her thighs, but there is no moving me. I keep flicking my tongue on her clit, drawing out her orgasm until she relaxes into the bed. Her hand releases my hair, falling to her side. I give her clit one last kiss before I crawl back up her body. Her blue eyes flutter open, and her whole face is soft and sweet as she looks up at me with a look of pure adoration. It has my throat going tight.

  I knew before now I’d never be able to let Carly go. That door closed the moment she looked up at me in the store with the bluest eyes I’d ever seen. The door isn’t going to be good enough. I'm going to need a vault.



  “What. Is. That?” Tinsley’s eyes are wide as she stares down at my feet. Bear stares up at her, I’m sure giving her the sweetest face in the whole wide world. Tinsley starts to fan her face with her hand, her eyes watering.

  “Are you going to....”

  “What’s wrong?” Reed appears out of thin air. I look all around, wondering where in the hell he came from. I didn't see him walk up with Tinsley. He hadn’t been invited to our lunch date. Either way, him being close by doesn’t shock me in the least. Everyone knows that wherever Tinsley is, Reed isn’t far behind.

  “Why aren't you at work?” She tilts her head back, looking up at a very worried Reed. The man's dark hair is disheveled, and he looks out of sorts. It’s stinkin’ adorable how much he fusses over Tinsley.

  “Why are you crying?” He ignores her question, but in his defense, she’d done the same thing.

  “No tears.” She lifts her chin, battering her eyelashes as proof.

  “Tinsley.” He growls her name, causing my best friend to blush and lick her lips. I am starting to get used to this dance of theirs more and more. It makes me miss James.

  I enjoyed the few growls I’ve gotten from James. My heart flutters thinking about it. How can I miss someone so much that I saw a few hours ago? It doesn’t seem possible, but nevertheless I do.

  “Look how cute that puppy is, and my own best friend didn't even tell me she went out and got a baby.”

  “Hey, you’re having like a real baby,” I remind her. She drops down to call Bear over to her. I loosen the leash so he can trot over to her. Reed is now giving me a curious stare. I look down at my top to see if I have something on me but don’t see anything. All good. When I look back up, his eyes are back on Tinsley as usual.

  “I can get you a puppy.”

  I snort a laugh. Reed looks a little lost as to what he should do to make her happy.

  “Nah.” She gives Bear’s head another pet before standing. “One day, but right now it’s you and me time until our little one gets here.” He smiles, going in for a kiss. I let them have it for a moment before I clear my throat. I am hungry and watching them be all sweet and kiss is only making me miss James more.

  “Would you like me to take you two to lunch?” Reed offers after he gets Tinsley to tell him it’s only her hormones making her cry about a puppy. I decline for both of us, telling him I already have a car lined up for us. That gets me another one of those looks from Reed.

  James gave me the car for the day along with a driver. He’d insisted on it. He said he had a few things he needed to do for work. I know he didn’t want to leave, but I’d heard him on the phone and it sounded important. I told him to go. That I needed to go out exploring a little and I still had to come up with my bachelorette party ideas. He was reluctant, but in the end he went.

  “So you don’t care what I plan?” I ask Tinsley as she cruises the menu, trying to get an idea of what she wants or is willing to do for her bachelorette party.

  “I mean I’m knocked up so—” She shrugs.

  “We have to do this. I believe it’s a rule.” I reach into my purse, pulling out my notepad.
  “You know what I think should be a rule?” I look up from my notepad. “That your best friend should have to tell you how she got a hickey on her neck. Yet here I am not being kept in the loop.” I gasp, my hand flying to my neck. Tinsley smiles.

  “There is no hickey!” She’s such a brat.

  “Say it louder. I don’t think the back table over there heard you.” We both burst into laughter. “You can plan whatever you like. You know I’m ride or die. Reed will let it happen because it was your plan that helped fast track him and me getting together. I’m sure my soon-to-be husband feels indebted to you.”

  “You sure about that?” I pick up my soda and take a sip. Oh, I’m sure he’s more than thankful. I’m just not so sure he’ll let his Tinsley get all dressed up and prance around town with blinking dicks on her.

  Well, maybe if he hired a swat team to protect her he might. Can someone hire a swat team? With as much money as these Weston men have, I’d bet the answer is yes. Would James be jealous? No, he’s my wild card to pull this off. He’s in this with me. Why is that suddenly not so exciting? I’m really digressing here.

  “I am. Whatever you plan I’m game but—” She reaches out and grabs my hand over the table. “Plan something you want us to do. Not what you think we should do.” What is that supposed to mean? She must read my mind. She often does.

  “Your mom thinks some things should be done a certain way.” I suck in a breath. “Now let's order some food to go with all those thoughts you're about to let roll around in that head of yours.” That’s the thing about best friends, you can’t really hide anything from them. Tinsley knows me inside and out.

  When it comes to my mom, Tinsley knows it all. She also knows how my mom can be and often has to point out that my mom is overstepping. It’s a hard thing to navigate with my mom. If I do everything right I get this sweet happy side that feels like acceptance, almost as if she’s proud of me. I only get that side if she feels as though I’m doing what I should be.

  I don’t know. What I do know is that she is often out of line and I let her walk right over that line time and time again. But I love her. She just wants what’s best for me. That’s what moms do, right? I’m young and she’s supposed to guide me. That's how things work.

  There it is. Just because you think things are supposed to be one way doesn't make it true. It doesn't mean it works that way for everyone. It’s why I wanted to move here, I remind myself. To see what is out in the world. I don’t need to think about all that other crap back home. I need to focus on having experiences here. For today and this week that means my mind will be on a bachelorette party, a wedding and most of all, James. I have to figure out where that is going.

  “Our food is here if you're done with all those thoughts.” I roll my eyes at her as I move the bread basket out of the way to make room for all of the plates.

  “We didn't order all that,” I tell the server.

  “No, Mr. Weston had us bring it out.” I watch as someone else puts a bowl of water and food on the floor next to my chair. “For the pup.”

  “Look, Bear. Your daddy is making sure you’re taken care of.” I put him down on the floor, making sure I have his leash right.

  “Yeah, the puppy. That’s who James is checking in on.” Tinsley laughs as she looks over at all the food we now have on the table.

  “Anything else for you ladies right now?”

  “We’re more than good. Thanks.” The server gives us a smile before leaving us alone again. “You think James was checking on me too?”

  “Really, Carls?” I feel myself blush. She glances down to my cell phone that goes off with another text from James. I flip it over, making her shake her head but keep going. “Why are you shocked? After everything you told me in the car ride over here, I’m not the least bit surprised by his behavior. I know Reed and James are cut from the very same cloth so it makes complete sense that James would act possessive over you.”

  “James is a stalker?” I try and joke. Tinsley polishes off a fry.

  “Well, let's start from the top, shall we? He met you when you were with me last week. Then he began popping up all the time. Actually, when I think back to all of the times...” She pauses for a moment, her brows furrowing together. “You were always there when he showed up to...” She holds her fingers up. “With the excuse that he was there to see Reed.” She makes air quotes. “Now don’t get me wrong; James has come by to poke at Reed here and there, but it’s no coincidence that he showed up every time you were there. I wasn't calling and telling him you were there.”

  That is interesting, but still I’ve been to her place three times since the weekend. It still could be coincidence. I didn't tell her the things James said that first night we had dinner. I still don’t know if he was trying to be a nice guy or playing around, but he did not care if I was knocked up or not.

  “Now, he hasn't left your side since the night you all went to dinner.”

  “Until now.”

  “Yes, until now where he leaves you with a driver that is most definitely also a bodyguard and then he sends you to one of his own restaurants.” I look around the place. He owns this? Good, I was feeling a little guilty that I brought my puppy in. The place is really nice. James had already booked it and swore it would be fine if Bear came along.

  “I went to other places.” I did. There was the coffee shop and a few small stores.

  “Bet that driver followed you all the way.” She laughs while taking another bite of her food. I do the same.

  “He didn't tell me he owned a restaurant.” I knew he was in investments. He buys and sells things. He didn't talk much about it. He always shrugs off work talk. He did talk a lot about his family. He is close with his parents. I find that endearing. They sound so proud of him.

  “I'm sure he owns a lot of things here and there if he’s like Reed, which I’m really starting to think he is. Let’s hope he’s not the Reed who almost drove himself crazy wanting a girl he thought he could never have.” I smile. It all sounds really sweet if you think about it. It might not to others. I get Reed did a few out there things but in fairness, Tinsley and I did too in our push to get him to make a move. They have true love. I want that. I always have.

  The only problem is that now the only person I want it with is James Weston. No one else will ever do.



  I push my chair back from my desk for the hundredth time this morning, frustrated. I run my hand down my face, trying to snap out of it. It’s impossible to concentrate on anything when my only thoughts are of Carly. That woman has put me under some sort of spell. Or has me crazy in love. One or the other. I’d go with the latter.

  It was hard for me to tear myself away from her and Bear today. If I weren’t closing a deal that I’ve been working on for months, there is no way I would have left her. Most things can be done electronically these days, but this one needed my in-person attention. That means the quicker I get this shit done, the quicker I can get back to my girl. The only thing that’s keeping me sane right now is the fact that I can track her location. Thank God for technology.

  Now I am done with the deal, but Carly is busy with Tinsley. Now I wait. I could be getting more work done, but all I did was read a few lines of something to drift off and have to go back and read them again. I run my tongue along the inside of my mouth, the taste of her gone hours ago. Didn't stop me from double checking. Remembering.

  I close my eyes, sighing heavily before I push my chair back towards my desk and begin thumbing through the file that is currently sitting on top of it. I’m reading the damn thing, but my mind isn’t processing anything on the paper still. My thoughts keep wandering to how sweet Carly tasted when I sucked on her little pussy. How she had moaned my name and begged me for more. I reach down to adjust myself because this is not fucking helping me.

  “Mr. Weston.” Robin’s voice cuts off my thoughts when it comes through the intercom. The lawyers must have arrived f
or our meeting. “Reed is out here. Should I let him come in?” I stand immediately and head toward the door. What the fuck is he doing here? Did something happen to Carly? He never comes to see me. Usually I’m the one that’s popping in to check on him. Which he’s always complaining about.

  “Mr. Weston.” Robin asks just as I’m opening my office door.

  “What are you doing here?” I immediately know that nothing is wrong by the way that asshole smiles at me.

  “I can’t stop by to check up on my cousin.” That smile he’s wearing grows bigger.

  “Robin, call a doctor because Reed is having some sort of unexplained mental status change, and he needs to be looked at immediately.” This time it’s Robin that lets out a small chuckle. Everyone knows Reed is a dick and doesn’t stop by to check up on anyone unless their name is Tinsley.

  “Are you going to let me in or not?” I step back, extending my arm in invitation for him to enter my office. Still leery as to why he’s here.

  “Call to check on me in twenty minutes. In case he’s here to murder me or something,” I tell Robin before closing my office door to more of her laughter. I stop for a moment wondering if it will bother Carly that I have a female assistant. I’ve known Robin most of my life. Her parents are friends with mine. She doesn't even need this job. She’s a trust fund baby, but she’d go crazy with nothing to do. She’s my right hand here. She's also been happily married to her wife for years now.

  I shake that thought off. No, not Carly. She’d spend ten minutes with Robin, and I bet they’d be best friends. She’s a sweetheart without a mean bone in her body. I’ll set up dinner so Carly and I can go out with Robin and her wife. I don’t want Carly to have a single doubt. I have a feeling I might be projecting or something. I’d want to kill any man near Carly. As much as I don’t want her to be jealous because there isn't a reason, I like thinking she’d get jealous over me.


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