Stalking His Bride

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Stalking His Bride Page 7

by Lucy Darling

  “You'll be doing more than tasting me.” I step back, letting her body slip down the door until her feet touch the floor. Even in those heels, she still only comes to my chin. I use my foot to push her feet further apart to widen her stance, wanting her spread out more for me.

  “I’ll do whatever you want, if it means I get to taste you.”

  “You want to suck my cock. Then say it right.”

  Her already red cheeks blossom into a deeper shade. “I want to suck your cock.”

  I lean in, brushing my mouth against her soft lips that she’s going to wrap around my cock in a few seconds.

  “I’m going to let you suck it and then you’re going to let me fuck your mouth. I’ve been fucking your bed and my hand for five days. I’m going to take that all out on this mouth, Carly. You understand that, right? If you get on your knees I won’t be able to stop so I’m warning you.” I watch her eyes dilate. Fuck me. She wants it. She shakes her head yes. “Lift the dress up. Show me what’s mine. I want the taste of your pussy on my mouth first.” I step back a little more to watch her.

  I stare down at the simple cotton pink panties. It’s all too telling of how innocent she really is. The rest of her outfit is for show. These fucking panties scream the truth. Not that it’s going to stop me. I’m too far gone now. There is no going back.

  “Now give me a taste,” I order. She looks at me, confused for a moment. “Put your hand inside your panties and touch yourself. Then bring those pretty fingers to my mouth for me to taste.”

  She sucks in a breath but does as I ask.

  I don’t know why I’m doing this to myself. She’s going to let me into her mouth and I’m going to come too fast. Then I’ll make her suck me again until I’m hard and do it all over again. Her fingers go deep inside her panties. I hate that I can’t see for myself, but this sight is already more than I can bear. She lets out a moan, playing with her clit.

  “Say my name while you touch yourself.” I’m a jealous bastard. She’s right here with me and it’s only her hand, but I want her knowing it’s me that’s really touching her. I order her to do it.

  “James.” She starts to shift all around, trying to move her hips as she plays with herself. Her body is begging to be filled by me.

  “Enough,” I grit out before this really is over before it begins. She flits her wet fingers to my mouth. I suck them in, growling around them. “Knees,” I order. Without a second thought, she drops to them. She doesn't hesitate to go for my belt. I brace one hand against the wall, watching her race to free my cock.

  She’s like a starved baby kitten. The second my cock springs free, she’s sucking me into her mouth. For a second I see spots, the pleasure overwhelming. I reach down with my other hand fisting her hair. She whimpers when I stop her from moving her head. She looks up at me. Her big blue eyes encased in those thick lashes silently beg me for more. Seeing her this way with her mouth stretched around my cock almost has me coming already.

  “Touch yourself,” I order her as I thrust into her mouth once and back out, watching my cock pass between her lips slowly. She moans when she fingers her little clit. I pull out, my cock slipping free. I tilt her head. “My balls, sweetness. I want them in your mouth too. Use your other hand. Pull on them.” I keep my hold right on her, guiding her to my balls to suck them into her mouth. I drop my head back, unable to look at her while she does it. Little moans come from her.

  “Back on my cock,” I order, knowing I’m going to come all too soon. She opens her mouth and I thrust inside. “I want to hear you coming. Play with that clit.” I hold her head still as I fuck her mouth, slowly at first until I pick up speed. “You wanted my cock and now I’m going to come in that hot mouth of yours and you’re going to swallow every drop.”

  I become mindless with need. I feel the head of my cock touch the back of her throat. She moans louder. The sounds vibrate to my balls and it’s all I can take. I hold myself deep inside her mouth, shooting my load down the back of her throat. She sucks it down as her own body shutters with an orgasm.

  What the fuck did I just do? I pull my cock from her mouth, brushing the tip across her lips, making sure she gets every last drop of it. She licks it up while those eyes stare into mine. Holy hell. She wants more. She pulls her hand out from between her legs. She looks at her fingers for a moment before she pushes them into her own mouth.

  I let go of her hair. Dropping to my knees in front of her, I grab her, pulling her into my lap. “Was I too rough?”

  She shakes her head no. For a moment I feared I’d gone too far. That I’d let too much of what I’ve been trying to hide out. That I’d finally let her see that raw need that she pulls out of me that has me doing things I’ve never done before.

  It takes everything I have not to tell her I love her. Not here. I’ve already pushed her far enough tonight. I kiss her, silently telling her before I get us both back together and take her back out to dance. I need to make sure my girl has the night she wanted because I plan on keeping her to myself for a long while after this.



  “Did you see Reed? He’s so adorable.” James looks down at me. Even in my heels I barely come up to his shoulder. I roll my eyes at him. “Come on. I didn't know the man could smile so much.” I tease James about his jealousy but I more than enjoy it.

  “Not so sure Tinsley’s father feels the same.”

  “Ha! That’s awesome too.” The elevator doors to my floor open. James hasn't said it, but I’m pretty sure he’s spending the night again. He hasn't left my bed since he made himself at home in it.

  Tinsley’s dad is still getting used to the fact that his daughter is with a man at all. One that can’t keep his hands off her. It brings me so much joy seeing how happy they are together. Their love is refreshing and true.

  “I’m sure my dad might be the same.” I really don’t know. I didn’t date before I left home. Dating would have meant going out with someone my mom picked for me. Yeah, once I figured that out, I decided that I would rather not date at all. It didn't take me long once I got out from under their roof for me to be more than dating someone at this point. Or maybe this is what dating is.

  It feels like a whole lot more with James. We pretty much live together at this point. James is living out of a bag that is in my home. I’ve yet to see his place still. I don’t want to ask him because I don’t want to make it awkward in case he doesn’t want me in his space for some reason. I can’t imagine that would be the case, but I can’t seem to come up with any other explanation.

  James pulls out his keys, unlocking my door. I stand there for a second. “Wait. You have a key?” When the heck did that happen?

  “Got a copy made on one of my walks with Bear so I didn't have to worry about it.” He pushes the door open. Before I can think much on that, I hear Bear wanting attention. James is already going for his leash as I lift the gate in the kitchen to set him free.

  “He’s getting bigger already.” I pout, giving him some attention before he runs over to James.

  “We’ll need more room soon.” James hooks the leash onto Bear. We’ll need more room? James doesn't talk about what we are or aren't besides when he throws in random little things like that. I don’t know if it's a slip of the tongue or something else. “Get comfy. I’ll take him.” He drops a kiss on my lips before he backs out the front door.

  I stand there for a moment. Everything about James and me screams serious, but he never says it. He hasn't even taken us any further sexually. In fact, since the night of the bachelorette party it feels like he’s pulled back some. He has yet to let me do it again. We’ve gone back to him only getting me off. It’s driving me insane.

  I want that uncontrolled need unleashed from him again. It was like a switch had been flipped. He’d dominated me in ways I had no idea I needed. It never occurred to me that I would like to be told what to do sexually. It’s not as if I have experience with any of it besides James, but I know that wh
en he tells me to do something it gets me going. I feel myself grow wet thinking about it. My body throbs from the memory alone.

  Maybe I was bad at it? Crap. That thought had never occurred to me until right now. But it didn’t seem as though I was bad at it by the look James wore on his face while I was doing it. That can’t be it, but wondering what changed is going to drive me crazy. I kick off my heels. I am not doing this to myself again. I’ve been having all these crazy different thoughts over and over again. I either need to ask or let it go before I drive myself insane. I grab my heels before heading toward my bedroom to change out of my dress from the rehearsal dinner. Tomorrow is the big day. Tinsley is finally getting married. She’ll finally have the happily ever after she truly deserves.

  I go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I snag one of James' shirts and pull it on. When I come back out, James is coming in with Bear. “Any of your shows on?” he asks, giving me another kiss.

  “We can watch one of yours,” I offer.

  “Love when you wear my shirt.” His hand skims down my hip.

  “It’s all I’m wearing.” I give him a wicked smile, watching his eyes flare with desire.

  “I'm going to change.” He drops his hand from my hips, heading back toward my bedroom. It is moments like this one that make me think something is wrong. Before the night of the bachelorette party he would have picked me up and taken me back to bed and had his head between my thighs.

  I don’t think the honeymoon stage is supposed to be over this fast. More so if you still haven't gone all the way. I might not know much about dating, but I know something isn't right. It’s starting to freak me out.

  I plop down on the sofa pulling out my notebook, my fingers running down my list. James appears a few moments later in his sweats without a shirt on. That throb between my legs comes back with a vengeance. I allow my eyes to trace over his well-defined abs. I don’t think this man could get any hotter.

  “Are you going to the gym?” I ask, looking at the time. He’s been using the gym in my building on the top floor. I didn't even know it was there before James started using it. I’ve gone with him a few times and now I find myself making it a habit. Not because I like working out either. James draws a lot of attention.

  “No.” I sink back into the sofa. Good, tomorrow is going to be a full day. “You do know you don’t have to go with me.” He opens the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water for himself and a cherry 7UP for me.

  “Then who will count your reps?” I close my notepad and put it down. He gives me a sexy smirk while sitting down next to me. He opens my soda can, handing it to me. He’s always so attentive when it comes to me.

  “You know I only want you, right?” His face grows serious. He must have read my thoughts or something.

  “You’re a very handsome man.” I take a sip of my soda before putting my drink down. That is part of the problem. He’s a man and, well, I’m out of my depth here. This is what happens when you have an overbearing mom who tries to control your every move. I’m like a fish out of water when it comes to this.

  “Sweetness.” He grabs me, pulling me into his lap. “I swear you have no fucking idea how beautiful you are, and that in itself takes it to another level altogether.” My heart warms and some of my doubts melt away. I keep allowing myself to get into my own head. It’s only been a week, Carly. Get it together, I remind myself again. “You ready to meet my parents?”

  “What?” I gasp. Meet his parents? I’ve never even seen where he lives.

  “Yes.” He chuckles. “Reed’s aunt and uncle.”

  “Right.” Duh. Of course. No, I am not ready to meet them! One of the many things I’ve learned about James in the small time we have been together is that he loves his parents. He respects their opinion. Which means whatever they think of me is going to mean something to him. “Are you ready for me to meet your parents? I mean, this is being thrust on you not by choice really. They don’t have to know we’re, we’re...” I can’t find the words because I don’t want to say the wrong thing. “We’re like together,” I finally put together.

  He pulls me in for a kiss, answering my question. At least I think he is answering my question. But as I lie in bed later that night with my body still humming from the wonderful things James did to me, I have to wonder if really he was avoiding my question after all.



  I should be thankful there are people around so I don’t pull Carly into me and do every dirty thought that comes to mind. Since Carly came down the hallway with Tinsley and Tinsley’s father all I’ve wanted to do is pull her into my arms and ruin the shiny pink lipstick that covers her lips. I watch as she whispers something to Tinsley before they hug and she steps away from her to come to my side. She looks absolutely stunning. Thoughts of how she’ll look on our wedding day flash through my mind.

  “You’re breathtaking.” The petal pink dress hugs every single one of her gorgeous curves. She gives me a soft smile that doesn't meet her eyes. I’ve known since this morning something was off. No matter how much I’ve wracked my brain, I can't put my finger on what it is. Now isn't the time to push either since we’re about to walk down the aisle together. It will have to wait. For now.

  “You don’t look bad yourself.” She takes my arm as we step up to the door. You can hear the music already playing. This isn’t going to be some long ordeal. Not a chance with how Reed had been pacing back and forth for the last two hours in our changing room. There is no way he’s going to allow this to drag out any longer than possible. He might want Tinsley to have the wedding of her dreams, but the man is impatient and wants that ring on her finger sooner rather than later.

  I search Carly’s face for something that will clue me in to what’s weighing heavy on her mind. Looking for anything really. She’s pulling away from me. I can feel it. Even in the way she’s holding my arm. I want her fingers to dig into me. For her to lean her body into mine. She’s not doing it.

  I swallow the fear that has been riding me for the past few days spiking higher with each day. I’d been so good at hiding the obsessive need I have for her, but she’d gotten more of a taste of it two nights ago. Now she’s pulling away. That has been messing with me for the last few days.

  I never felt real fear in my life until now. I have no fucking idea what I’d do if she tried to leave me. Lie. I’ve lain in bed many nights thinking of what I’d do. So many dark thoughts twisted in my mind, ones that scared even myself. I’d even thought about calling my lawyer and upping the retainer I already had with her. Yeah, I am definitely fucking losing it.

  “Are you fixing to run?” I ask, unable to help myself. A problem I’ve never had in my life until her. I’ve always been able to remain calm and collected. Nothing ever rattled me. It’s what makes me such a good businessman. Reed says I think everything is a joke. I sure as fuck am not laughing right now.

  “Run?” She lets out a small laugh. “I think we should walk it. I’m sure Reed would appreciate us speeding things along, but he’ll live.” I don’t know if Carly knows it, but she is a runner.

  “Opening the doors,” the aggressive wedding planner says before I can push for more. I only have to make it through the rest of this day. Carly won’t be far from my sight. If she did try and run I’d pounce. That gives me a small amount of reassurance.

  The wedding party is small. Reed and Tinsley wanted only a few people. Carly and I are the only other people besides Tinsley’s father that are in the wedding party. When the door opens, Carly’s fingers finally dig into my arms. I look back down to her pretty face to see her eyes wide. I follow her line of sight to a woman that I have no doubt is her mother with matching dark hair and blue eyes.

  I watch as her mom mouths to her to stand up straight. Carly’s entire demeanor changes. I grind my back teeth, resisting the urge to tell Carly to stand whatever fucking way she wants. My girl is definitely shocked to see her parents there. My eyes go to her father, who is smiling at hi
s daughter.

  I guide us down the aisle, giving my parents a smile as we pass them. Not that my mom notices it. She’s got her eyes focused on Carly. I can tell that she is about to burst with excitement. The only reason my mom hasn't gotten her hands on Carly at this point is because she didn't know how to find her. We always stay at her place. I have a small fear that if I took Carly home with me I might never let her leave again.

  As I thought, the ceremony went fast. I don’t get to steal a moment alone with Carly before her parents are all over her. I grab my mom, holding her back.

  “Cool it, Mom.” I keep looking over toward Carly too. Mom isn’t the only one chomping at the bit to get to her.

  “I want to meet my future daughter-in-law. Is that such a crime?” This is exactly why I’ve kept Carly away from my parents, but at this point there is no stopping them. If she was scared and ready to run before, once my mom gets ahold of her and starts talking about wedding plans and grandchildren, she’ll surely run for the hills.

  “You have to cool it, Mom. I’m still working on that part.”

  “What’s taking you so long?”

  I smile at how impatient my mom is. “Let’s not scare her. She’s talking to her mom.”

  My mom's smile drops, her lips pursing. I might have filled her in on that too. I am close to my parents. It’s hard not to tell them everything. More so when I myself am trying to close the deal with Carly. Who else do you ask but people who are still madly in love thirty years later? “They don’t know about me.” I pull at the bow tie, hating that. I want everyone to know Carly is mine. That I love her and want to be with her for the rest of my life.

  Thankfully the wedding planner is in full force, ushering everyone across the way to where the reception will be. The entire thing is taking place in the hotel, which makes everything convenient.


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