Stalking His Bride

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Stalking His Bride Page 8

by Lucy Darling

  “You okay?” I ask Carly as she takes her seat next to me at the small bridal table.

  “My parents are here.”

  I reach for her hand under the table. “I know.” I give her hand a small squeeze. What I want is to pull her into my lap. Tinsley makes her way back to the table after she goes around the room talking to a few people. I noticed that she lingered with Reed’s father. I have a hope that maybe there is some healing happening there.

  “I didn't invite them. I swear I had no idea,” I hear her say to Carly when she sits down on the other side of her.

  “I know that.” Carly turns toward her and I can’t make out the whispers any longer. My irritation grows. I don’t miss the fact that my mom has planted herself at the same table as Carly’s parents. I don’t know if this is brilliant or the worst idea ever. I guess only time will tell.

  The next hour is pure torture. Carly can’t sit still to save her life and there isn't a damn thing I can do to put her at ease. An anger starts to simmer inside of me. I stand, offering my hand to Carly. Her eyes go big.

  “You can dance with me. I’m the best man and you’re the maid of honor.”

  “Right.” She tentatively starts to take my hand, but I find I have no patience. I grab her instead, pulling her up from her seat and onto the dance floor, wondering when we can leave. The cake has been cut and dinner served. I can tell Reed is wondering the same thing I am. I wouldn't be surprised if they just disappear.

  “Are you thinking about running yet?” I ask her again.

  “I believe this is dancing.” I spin her around before pulling her back tight into me. “Are you angry?”

  My eyes fall to her mouth, her lipstick long gone. She looks even sexier now than she did hours ago. Her makeup is smudged around the corner of her eyes. Her hair is disheveled. The same way she looks when I get her into bed.

  Am I angry? I’m not sure what this is I’m feeling right now.

  “Can I cut in?” my mom asks.

  “Of course.” Carly steps back. I reluctantly let her hand go.

  “I want you to calm down,” my mom says as we start to dance together. I watch Carly’s mom motion for her to come over.

  “I’m calm.”

  “Ah.” Mom laughs. “If this is calm we’re about to have a very big problem then.”

  “What?” I pull my gaze from Carly down to my mom's concerned face.

  “I overheard Carly’s parents talking.” Now she has all my attention. “I thought you might need a heads-up. They invited a man here to meet her.” I stop dancing. Oh, one of the fucks her mom is always trying to set her up with. Mom grabs the front of my suit. “Remain calm.”

  Calm? When my eyes find Carly again I see it for myself. A man stands next to Carly’s mom, who is gushing over him. His eyes are all over my girl. He looks familiar but I can’t place him.

  “He’s an Astor.”

  “An Astor? The fuck.” I never met an Astor that wasn't a piece of shit. That’s who Carly’s mom thought would make for a good husband? He shouldn't even breathe the same air as her.

  When I watch him reach out to touch her, I’m done. I hear my mom call after me, but I don’t stop. I walk right past my father, who doesn't try to stop me because he fucking gets it. He had been the same way when it came to my mom all those years ago.

  She must sense me because Carly looks my way when I get closer to her. Those big blue eyes go wide. I don’t say anything. I only grab her wrist and pull her away.

  “What are you doing? Carly,” her mom starts to say. She doesn't scream, though. I had a feeling she wouldn't want to cause a scene. When I glance back, I see my mom rushing in to talk to her. I have no clue what she’s saying, but I have no doubt she’s stalling to give me time.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We’re leaving,” I inform her.

  “Already? But we—”

  “Reed and Tinsley slipped out when we were dancing. Wedding is over.”

  “I’m not staying at the hotel. My parents are here. I think I should go home. Alone.” We’ve already made it to the hotel lobby. Her words stop me dead in my tracks. Did she just say alone?

  Because I could have sworn that word slipped past those pretty lips of hers. I almost want to burst out laughing like a crazy person. There is no fucking way in hell that she’s going anywhere without me. I have said since the moment I met her that I’d do anything to make her happy, but leaving her alone is where I draw the fucking line. I’m done tiptoeing around the fact that I’m obsessed with her.



  I suck in a breath at the expression on James' handsome face. I can feel the air around us change the same way it did the other night in the back of that bar. His hand holding mine tightens. My body lights up with excitement that we are finally getting some sort of reaction from him.

  “You want to go home?” His voice is deep, rolling across my skin causing me to break out in goosebumps.

  “Carly!” I hear my mom hiss my name. The click of her heels is getting closer.


  “Yeah, I’ll take you home.” It almost sounds like a threat. He looks over my head. “Astor. You stay away from my girl or I’ll rip you and your daddy’s world apart. You know I can, motherfucker. Don’t try me. It won’t end well for you.” My mom’s gasp is so loud it echoes through the now quiet lobby. Before I can think too much about her reaction, James is pulling me again. Leading me somewhere besides here.

  We exit out the front doors of the hotel. “Town car,” he calls to the valet girl. She rushes over to one opening the back door of a car for us. He ushers me inside, getting in behind me. He says something to the driver that I can’t quite make out because my mind is still stuck on what just happened. I look back to see my mom rushing out of the hotel. She looks both ways but doesn't see us as the car pulls away.

  The car is silent as we make the drive home. I’m not sure what to say. Today didn't go how I thought it would. I steal a peek over at James. I can’t read his mood now.

  “James, I—”

  “Don’t.” He cuts me off. I fold my arms over my chest, making me realize that I don’t have my purse. No phone or keys. I guess James' key that he had made for my place is going to come in handy. Is he going to just drop me off or will he push to stay?

  “You’re not staying at my place.” I snip back my own irritation growing. There. I told him. He’s not the only one that can get upset. I’m a bundle of nerves. It doesn't help that I’m getting turned on by whatever it is he’s doing right now. This whole bossy thing he has going on really seems to work for me. Oh no. Do I have a thing for jerks? Because that’s exactly what he’s being right now. No, that can’t be it. Then I would have jumped all over one of the men my mom tried to set me up with before.

  “Wasn't planning on it.” My stomach drops. I look away from him out the window as tears sting my eyes. It crushes any of the desire that had been growing. Anger starts to build inside of me instead. “I don’t like when you’re not looking at me.”

  What the hell does that mean? Either I’m losing it or he is. “I don’t like that you’ve turned into some kind of jerk but here we are,” I toss back. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, jerkface.

  I let out a small scream when I’m plucked from my seat like I weigh nothing and deposited into his lap. “A jerk? I wish it was only about me being a jerk.” I stare into his eyes, still not understanding. What I do know is that he is very turned on too. “Did you want to go out with the boy your mother picked for you?”

  “You know I didn't.”

  “Not true. You have always thought you would marry someone your mother picked. It’s why you’ve been in a hurry to check so many things off your list. I’ve cleared so many for you. You might be ready now.”

  “Why do you even care?” I put my hand over my mouth, shocked that I shouted at him. His hand comes to my face, grabbing my chin. The hold is firm but doesn't hurt. I clench my thigh
s together. There it is again. That look in his eyes.

  “We’re here.” He drops his hand, opening the door. I slip off his lap. He doesn't let his hold of me go. When we step out I look around, having no idea where we are.

  “James?” I drop my head back to look up at the giant building in front of me. I don’t miss his last name plastered to the side of the building. “Why are we at your office?” I’m guessing it’s his office. Not that I’ve ever been there. Hell, he never goes either if the last week is anything to go off of.

  “You said you wanted to go home.” He pulls me toward the front of the building. A guard opens the door for him before we reach it. He gives James a hello before giving me a curious look but doesn't say anything to me.

  “Isn’t this your office?” I ask. “Not that I’ve ever seen it before. Since you never invited me.” I thought I would throw that in there for good measure. He hits the button for the elevator with more force than necessary. “What are we doing, James?” The use of his name snaps his attention to me.

  “I’m taking you home. What I should have done days ago. I tried to let you have your freedom. To let you spread your wings and find yourself. To not smother you like your mom does. I tried not to be overbearing. I did everything I could think of to curb the need to spend every second of every day with you. But that shit stops tonight.”

  The elevator dings, interrupting his little tirade about how much he wants me. He pulls me onto the elevator with him. He runs a hand through his hair as if he’s trying to get himself together. He looks even hotter with the top of his tux undone and his hair disheveled. Hell, all of him is disheveled right now.

  My mind is still trying to play catch up to everything he said. He’s been holding back. That would explain why he’s been so hot and cold. I know he’s said it but it feels scary to grab a hold of it and believe it. To believe James Weston is basically obsessed with me. Fighting this need to not take all that he wants from me.

  He’s not going to get any argument from me about any of the things he said. I’ve been waiting for him. But he doesn’t need to know that right this moment. I’m rather enjoying the way he’s being right now. This is the James I need. The one I’ve been missing these past few days.

  We ride up in silence, but the sexual tension between us is thick. His eyes remain focused on the elevator doors, not even letting himself look at me. I don’t ask any more questions because the man looks as though he’s holding on to his sanity by a string. The doors slide open revealing a beautiful foyer. James turns, lifts me off my feet causing me to let out a small scream, and carries me out of the elevator.

  “Welcome home,” he says before his mouth is claiming mine in a kiss so deep that I’m not sure where he begins and I end.



  I should slow down. I tell myself this, but I don’t. I can’t, I’m too far gone for her. I’d left the last of my self-control on that elevator. I keep reminding myself that this is her first time. I don’t want to hurt her, but the need to make her mine in every way claws at me. I lift her into my arms, carrying her toward the bedroom.

  That's the plan, at least. I find myself stopping every few feet and pinning her against the wall. Her hands are all over me. She’s trying to pull at my clothes to get them off. She’s not running or smacking me to get away. I don’t know if she’s caught in the moment or she’s fine with all the crap I threw at her. Hope brews inside of me that she likes the way that I am when it comes to her.

  A man can only take so much. The uncertainty that she might try to leave me sent me over the edge. All night I’ve been unable to touch her like I wanted. I am tired of walking on eggshells because of someone else’s bullshit. Her parents can fuck off. Because I can’t go another second without knowing she’s mine forever or telling her I love her. I want to be her first and her last, not only in the bedroom but in love.

  My blood boils every time I think of her parents showing up with someone in tow for Carly. I lost my mind. I’m still fucking losing it. Finally, I make it to the bed. I close my eyes, slowly letting her down onto her feet. I try to get my shit together before I fuck this up beyond repair.

  “Get that dress off,” I order. I sound like a fucking asshole, but the more I try and calm myself the worse I get. She gives me that soft sweet smile of hers before she turns around, looking at me over her shoulder. I reach for the zipper, pulling it down for her. The dress slips down her body, revealing her bare back to me. I run my finger down her spine before I trail kisses down her back. She’s perfect. Her skin is so soft and warm on my lips.

  I fall to my knees, pushing the dress all the way down until it pools at her feet, leaving her in only a pair of nude colored panties. I slip my fingers into them and pull them down her legs, my mouth kissing and nipping at her plump ass before she slowly turns around. Her hands cover her breasts. I give her a look that has her dropping them.

  I don’t know what’s changed. She’s gone from wanting to go back to her place to letting me have whatever I want. I should probably question it, but right now all I can focus on is getting inside of her. Showing her that she’s not going anywhere. She is mine now. Has been since the moment she looked up at me inside that store.

  “Are you just going to stare at me all night?”

  I’m going to do more than stare at her all night.

  “You belong to me now and I’ll do whatever I like with you.” What a fucked-up thing to say.

  She doesn't tell me I’m wrong. She really should. That only spurs me on more.

  “You have a funny way of showing me that I belong to you.”

  I stare up at her wondering what the hell that means. She wants me to show her? I’m going to more than show her. I’m going to fill her with my seed and this time she’ll really need that pregnancy test.

  “Do you really want to push me right now, Carly?” I stand and start to undo the buttons of my shirt. I go for my belt next. She licks her perfectly plump lips as her eyes eat me up.

  “I’m not scared of you.”

  “Maybe you should be.” The belt drops to the floor with a loud thunk. “For so long you’ve been trying to escape your parents' hold to only walk right into mine.”

  “If you haven't noticed, I rather enjoy your hold.” Does she? Does she realize I still wasn't holding her as tight as I truly wanted? That might make her change her mind. She’s only gotten a taste of the need I have for her.

  “You enjoyed when I had you on your knees? With my hand in your hair not allowing you to move while I fucked your mouth?” I challenge her. I don’t know why I’m doing it. She isn't fighting me now, but here I am trying to give her a reason to run. I watch her as her body reacts to my every word. Her skin is flushed all over with arousal.

  “Yes I liked it. Until you changed.” She sounds disappointed. I thought I was protecting her from who I really am. That’s the only reason I had tried to slow things down. I never wanted her to feel caged in. She’s felt that way for too long already. And all I wanted to do was cage her for myself.

  “I haven't changed. If anything I’ve let you see more of me.”

  “I don’t want more of you, James. I want all of you.”

  “Then get on the bed,” I order her. She only smiles and lets herself fall backward onto the bed. Her dark hair spreads out all around her. “You tried to run from me.” I put one knee on the bed. She sits up on her elbows. My eyes wrack over her naked body.

  “I was scared of you.” That has me pausing. “Scared you were going to hurt me.”

  “I never want to hurt you.” I move her to the center of the bed.

  “Break my heart. I’ve been falling in love with you. The more I seem to fall the more you pull away from me.” I close my eyes, my forehead dropping to hers. “That’s why I was scared. Why I was running.”

  “Carly.” Her name almost sounds strangled as it comes from me.

  “No more talking, James. You’ve been holding back. Show me. Show me what
you feel for me.”

  I groan, taking her mouth.

  She thinks she’s falling in love with me. I know I’m in love with her. All it took was for her to look up at me with those big blue eyes filled with so much innocence and warmth and I’d been done. I knew in that moment that she was it for me. With that one glance she had stolen my heart. Changed the path of my life. I knew in an instant that there was no living without her.

  I’d told myself I needed to have her. My mind had instantly determined that I should take her before someone else came along and took that look out of her eyes. That while I wanted to ravage her, I also wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

  That I needed to keep her safe from everyone else but me. I still don’t know if that’s fucked up or not, but now she’s lying beneath me telling me I can have her and there is nothing that could stop me. The whole world could be burning down right now, and I wouldn’t notice as long as she is still here beneath me. There is nothing more in this life that I need than her.

  “James.” Hearing her say my name will never get old. Especially when she says it with so much need. I lean down, taking her mouth in a kiss that brands her as mine. One that lets her know how much I want her. That I will never hold back from her again. Her hips raise, trying to find friction.

  I pull my mouth from hers. I am going to give her what she needs. It took me a while to realize exactly what that was, but now I know she needs all of me. She’s pulled out a side of me I hadn't even known existed until she came into my life.

  “Hands on the headboard,” I order her. Her pink tongue darts out, licking her bottom lip. “Now.”

  “I like touching you.” As she says it, her hands reach up, grabbing the headboard. Her fingers wrap around the bars.

  “Such a good girl.” I trail kisses down her tits. If I didn't think I was going to come out of my skin I’d give them more attention, but I’ve already been holding back for too long. I keep trailing the kisses down her stomach until I get to her pussy. I can feel her eyes on me the whole way. I can see how aroused she is. Her pussy glistens with it. I reach out, running my finger gently down her center, causing her to writhe on the bed.


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