Stalking His Bride

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Stalking His Bride Page 9

by Lucy Darling

  “Your good girl,” I hear her whisper, taunting my control and making it shatter. I grab her hips, my mouth covering her pretty pink perfection. I lick and suck, needing her taste all over my mouth. The first orgasm hits her fast as she cries out my name. I push my tongue inside of her, wanting every last drop of it before I replace my tongue with one finger and then another.

  She’s so damn tight but I keep working her, making her come two more times. Her whole body goes lax. Her hands, which left the headboard long ago, grab on to me.

  I kick off my pants, making her body jerk as I place more kisses on her. She’s sensitive everywhere now.

  “James.” She sighs my name so sweetly as I loom over her. She gives me a smile that lights up her whole face. No clue what makes her smile at me like that, but I swear I’ll spend my life trying to keep it there.

  “I told you to hold the headboard.”

  “Oops.” She wraps her arms around my neck, her soft breasts pressing into my chest. Damn, she feels good. Too good. I could never not have this.

  I brush a lock of her dark hair out of her face as my cock presses a little into her. The need to take her rides me hard, but still I have to make sure she understands what this means. That this bond we’re about to form will be unbreakable. “This will change everything.”

  “Liar. It changed long ago.”

  “You’re catching up.”

  “To the fact that you’re a little obsessed with me?” She gasps as I push more inside of her.

  “A little? No, Carly.” I am more than a little. “I’m in love with you.” I thrust the rest of the way inside of her as I seal my mouth over hers. Her whole body tenses for a moment but I don’t stop kissing her. Slowly the tension starts to leave her body and she starts to kiss me back.

  I pull out, thrusting back into her. The feel of her hot tight cunt squeezing me threatens to end this too soon. Fuck, she feels like heaven. A soft moan leaves her mouth, her legs wrapping around me as I start to move faster. Her hips start to rise. My thrusts become quicker. I close my eyes, fighting off coming. I need her to come with me.

  “Baby,” I groan.

  “This feels different. Oh, James.” Her nails dig into me and I know she’s close. There’s that hitch in her breath she always gets right before I send her over the edge. My balls pull up tight. She’s so close. I dig my knees into the bed, thrusting deeper into her perfection. My mouth goes to her ear.

  “I love you,” I tell her again. She cries out my name. Her pussy locks down on my cock. I close my eyes, black spots dancing in them as I come inside her, giving her all of me. I groan, the orgasm feeling like it’s never going to end. More cum spills inside of her. I roll us over so as not to crush her, but I don't pull out of her. Not yet. I don’t think I could if my life depended on it. I have to stay connected to her. I still feel on edge.

  She lays on my chest, and our heavy breathing is the only sound filling the room. I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight. I’ll never let her go.



  The smell of bacon lures me from my sleep. I roll over, my whole body feeling sore but in the best of ways. I smile, remembering the night that James and I shared. I feel happy and content for the first time in my life. I feel free and unrestricted. All of these things are because of him. He sees me for who I truly am and loves me.

  I close my eyes, remembering how he took me so many times last night. Each time he told me how much he loves me. How he couldn’t live without me and how I was now his forever. I had never felt so connected to anyone as I had when James was deep inside of me. I want that feeling for the rest of my life.

  “You’re awake.” My eyes spring open to see a shirtless James standing at the foot of the bed. His boxer briefs hug his thick thighs. I lick my lips, not only because he looks hot as hell, but because he’s holding a tray that contains a huge stack of pancakes and a pile of bacon. My stomach growls loudly.

  “I’m hungry.” I let my eyes roam over him. I’m not sure which appetite I want to feed first.

  “You need food.” He smirks, knowing what I’m thinking.

  “It’s your fault that I’m both horny and hungry at the same time.” I sit up in his bed. For the first time I actually take a look around. His bedroom is bigger than my whole apartment. It’s moderately decorated with cool grays.

  “My mom did it. You can change anything you don’t like.” I pull my eyes back to James, who runs a hand through his messy short hair. “I don’t know shit about decorating.” He looks adorably flustered, wanting me to like his place. If I didn't think I was already in love with James, that would have pushed me over more. “We’ll probably need a bigger place soon. With a yard. Bear is going to be big.”

  “Bear!” I start to jump out of bed, but then I see him poke his head into the bedroom. I see his bed and a few toys in it.

  “I had him brought here this morning and he's been exploring.” Bear runs over to the bed. James leans down, picking him up to help him up onto the bed.

  “You want me to move in?” Bear runs around the bed excitedly. He’s in love with the idea.

  “I thought I made things pretty clear last night.”

  “A few times early this morning too.” My cheeks warm thinking about it. Excitement rolls through me at the thought of us living together. It is something that I didn’t even think was possible only weeks ago. I had resigned myself to the life that my parents had set out in front of me. That I’d have a few years of freedom before I’d have to go back home. But James has changed everything for me.

  He leans down, his hands going to my face to tilt my head back for him to take a kiss. It’s short-lived because Bear gets in the center of it, wanting my attention and making me laugh. “Let her eat.” James grabs Bear, putting him back on the floor as I steal a piece of bacon off the tray.

  “You have clothes on,” I point out as I pick up my orange juice. I’m still completely naked.

  “I had more on. Didn’t think I should be naked when Bear got dropped off.” Yeah, I wouldn’t have liked that one bit.

  “Good answer.”

  “Glad I’m not the only one who gets jealous. Not that you have reason to be.” He winks at me. Ha. If that were only true. I see the women who look at James. I can’t blame them, but it’s still annoying. He doesn’t seem to notice them.

  “I only see you.” He drops another kiss on me. I’m about to grab him and pull him down onto the bed, but his phone starts to ring. He pulls it out of his pocket. The smile on his face drops away. “We have visitors.”

  I swallow, knowing who it is. It was only a matter of time. “I love them.”’

  “I know you do.” James' finger comes to my chin, making me look back up at him. “It will work out. They might be pissed today, but in time.” I let out a long sigh. “They aren’t taking you from here. Never that.” His face hardens as he drops his hand away from my face. “Clothes,” he says before he quickly gets dressed himself and heads back out of the room.

  I lean over the side of the bed to see my dress laying on the floor. So not putting that back on. I need to find something to wear and fast. I don’t want to leave James alone with my mom. I stumble naked out of the bed into his massive closet. There are a few pieces of my luggage in it along with some of my clothes. Bear wasn't the only thing he had picked up.

  I snag a pair of yoga pants and one of James' shirts before darting to the bathroom to put myself somewhat together. When I make it back out of the bedroom and into the living room, I find my mom's face flushed with anger that I’m sure stems from her not getting her way. My dad sits on the sofa playing with his phone.

  What really shocks me is seeing James' parents here too. I met them briefly last night. It was one of the things that had upset me. Which was silly. I’d put up all these walls when I’d realized my parents were there last night.

  Then I got pissy when James didn't introduce me to his parents as anything other than Carly, Tinsley’s best
friend. It had hurt and I was scared James wasn't as into me as I’d thought. Now, I realize that he did it for me. Trying to make me feel better about my parents being there and not pushing me.

  “You haven't been answering your phone. You know I can have it shut off,” my mom says. James runs his hand down his face, trying to control his anger. My mom is grasping at anything to find control here. It’s something I’m used to when it comes to dealing with her.

  “Don’t be silly.” James’ mom, Tracy, tells my mom, who purses her lips. “She’s an adult.”

  “Me not be silly?” My mom glares at James. “This man is with my daughter and he couldn't even introduce himself as such. I think your son is the one who should start acting like an adult.”

  Yay. This is starting out just great. I see holidays are going to be wonderful. James walks over toward me. He gives his mom a look. I can tell she wants to snap back at my mom, but she’s holding back for her son. My eyes sting with tears. That’s what a mom should do. Think about their child first and not themselves.

  “Your daughter might tell you more things if she thought you might listen.” James wraps his arm around me, pulling me close. I lean into him, feeling better instantly. My dad finally puts his phone away.

  “I don’t see the problem, Renee. James here checks all those silly boxes you have in mind for our daughter.” My dad sounds bored. James' father looks to just be enjoying the show knowing full well his wife can handle it. My mom seems to be getting angrier by the second. She doesn’t like when things are out of her control. I don’t know why she has the need, but I no longer care. I’m not going to let her control my life. Not when I know what’s out here now.

  “She doesn’t even know this man. And I think I know what’s best for my daughter.” My mom looks between my dad and James. “Get your things, Carly. We’re leaving.” Her eyes run up and down my body. Her disapproval is evident. I don’t move, though. I relax more into James. I’m not going anywhere. I’m where I want to be. Not that James would let me go. He would fight for me. For us.

  “His name is James,” I snap finally. The fact that she’s being so disrespectful in his home pushes me over the edge. She may act that way toward me, but there is no way that I’ll stand for her doing it to him. “I love him and I’m not going anywhere. This is where I belong.” James’ hold on me tightens more.

  “You can’t love him. You don’t know him.”

  “You think I’m going to love some random man you picked out for me?” How can she not see how crazy that is? “We can fight about this if you want, but the end result will be the same. I love him. You’re going to have to come to terms with that or you’re going to have to learn to not be a part of my life.” Relief fills me as soon as the last word leaves my mouth. That is the bottom line.

  My mom stares at me in shock for a moment.

  “I think everyone should take a breath here.” My dad stands. “We know the Weston’s are good people dear.” He wraps an arm around my mom.

  “This isn't how this is supposed to go. She’s my little girl.” She looks up at my dad. The one person who can get her under control most of the time.

  “We’re going to go back to the hotel and pause this for a moment. Then tonight we’ll all have dinner. I’m sure there is something James will want to speak to me about.” He turns his head to level James with a stare.

  “Of course, sir,” James agrees. More tension starts to leave my body.

  “That sounds wonderful. We’ll join you.” Tracy invites herself, making me like her more by the second. “I’m sure there are so many things we’ll need to plan, Renee.”

  “Yes, I’m sure.” My dad agrees for my mom, who is looking confused. It’s a look that I’m not used to seeing on her, but my dad is right. James does check all the boxes my mom would be looking for. She needs to wrap her mind around the fact that I found the man I love and not her. That’s really the hangup here when it comes down to it.

  My dad gives me a soft smile as he leads my mom back out of James’ place. I guess it’s our place now.

  “Thank you,” I tell James’ mom. “I know she can be—”

  “You’re her little girl. I mean, look at you. You’re precious. I understand her worry.” She makes James let me go so she can hug me. It’s so tight and sweet I almost want to cry. “You make him so happy.” She beams down at me. “Give him the box, George.” James’ dad gets up from the sofa, pulling out a small velvet box that has my heart starting to race. “We’ll leave you two to it and see you tonight.” She kisses me on the cheek and then does the same to James.

  “That went better than I thought it would.” No screaming or tears.

  “That tends to happen when people realize they don’t actually have control.” He pulls me back into his arms after he slips the box into his pocket.

  “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yes, but you’ll wait. Your father is right. I need to talk to him tonight.” James lifts me off my feet. “Either way, you’ll be wearing that ring before the day is over.”

  “Is it a family ring?” I wet my lips, trying to steal a clue. It wasn't long ago marriage scared the crap out of me. I was trying to live as much of my life as I could before I had to walk down the aisle, fearing that I would never get the chance at a happily ever after. That I’d have to settle for someone that I didn’t truly love. James changes all that for me. Now the day can’t come soon enough.

  “Yes.” He starts walking us back toward the bedroom. “You love me.” He lays me down on the bed, coming over me.

  “Of course I love you.”

  “Are you sure? When it comes to you I think—” I cut him off, pulling him down for a kiss.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I love you, James. Even the parts of you that you’ve tried to hide from me. Those parts may be my favorite.” I lift my hips. “All the things you order me to do. How you try to take care of me too. There is nothing about you that I don’t love.”

  “I love you too.” He leans down, sealing our vow to one another with a kiss.

  This journey started out with me trying to check things off a list before time ran out. Falling in love had never been on that list because I didn’t think it was ever a real possibility for me. James changed all of that for me. He made me see that life isn't about checking things off a list. Sometimes it’s the unknown. The thing you never see coming makes life worth living. They're even sweeter when you have the one you love holding you tight enjoying the adventure with you.


  Years later

  “Is your pretty pussy wet for me, Carly? Reach down and touch yourself. Show me what I’ve done to you.” I watch as my wife does exactly as I asked. Her eyes remain locked on mine as her hand reaches down, dipping into her panties as she holds her sundress bunched up around her waist.

  She lets out a small moan as she begins to rub her little clit. I reach down, freeing my cock and begin stroking it. Her eyes flare with desire. I watch as she slips her hand from between her legs and brings her fingers to her mouth. Another moan escapes her, and this time I lose every last bit of the control that I have left. I grab her, pulling her mouth to mine wanting her taste there.

  “Better be wet.” I lift her off her feet.

  “Always for you,” she says against my mouth before giving me her taste again. She reaches down between us, pulling her panties aside for me as I pin her to the wall, thrusting all the way inside of her. I groan into her mouth. All these years and I still can’t get enough of her. My obsession with her is still strong.

  “James.” She moans my name when I release her mouth.

  “You’ll be quiet,” I order her. She presses her lips together as I keep on thrusting in and out of her. “You knew what this dress was going to do. You did it on purpose.” She nods her head, her pussy tightening around my cock. Those blue eyes of hers go wide and I know she’s about to come. I’d drag it out, but we don’t have time.

p; I seal my mouth over hers again as I hold her hips just right so my body can thrust against her clit too. I know my wife's body. I send her over the edge, her pussy locking around me as I swallow her screams of pleasure before she takes me over the edge with her. I groan as I spill inside of her, burying my face in her neck and breathing her sweetness in.

  Her fingers run through my hair. She’s still trying to calm me. Sometimes I think she likes to get me worked up. “Are you done toying with me?” A slow smile pulls across her mouth.

  “Me?” She tries to blink innocently.

  “Wife.” I glance down at the antique diamond ring that once belonged to my great-grandmother that now graces her finger. The one that lets everyone know she’s mine. I bring my eyes back to hers to try and give her a hard look, but she only giggles and kisses me. I grunt when I hear voices. I sigh, slowly pulling out of her before setting her on her bare feet. “Change the dress.” She rolls her pretty blue eyes at me.

  “I have to put on a swimsuit anyways.” I brush my fingers over her small baby bump that made the already too small dress come up a few inches higher on her thighs than it should before letting the dress fall back into place. Her ass was almost hanging out when the caterer dropped off a bunch of crap for the small party we’re throwing for the gender reveal.

  I pull myself away as I watch her wiggle her ass out of our pantry. My cock is still half hard and begging me to follow her.

  “We’re here!” I hear my mom shout as the front door sounds with their entry. I step into the kitchen as my son comes bolting in, my mom and dad hot on his heels knowing my wife and I are going to have to wait.

  My oldest flings himself at me. I scoop him up into my arms as he rattles on about what he did last night with Grandma and Grandpa. My dad holds a sleeping Parker in his arms.


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