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The Realm: Box Set - Parts 1 to 5 (Realm of Angels Series, Book One)

Page 4

by Conrad Powell

  The Son of The Morning Star was void of all expressions as Jesus Christ stood in front of the Gate.

  Immediately, The Four and Twenty Elders encircled Christ. They spoke in unison.

  “Blessed be The Holy Lamb of God, The Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and The End, The Lamb that will be slain for the redemption of mankind. You alone are worthy Holy Lamb of God. To you alone we pledge our loyalty and our endearing adoration and praise.”

  Then the Four and Twenty Elders each spoke at the same time in tongues that Lucifer could not understand. It confused him to the point where he felt ill.

  Lucifer buckled to his knees and hung his long neck to the ground.

  The Christ walked past the circle of Four and Twenty Elders and over to Lucifer and spoke.

  “Oh Lucifer. One who was blessed from everlasting to everlasting. You were made to give God glory. You have allowed evil to seep into the crevices of your being. Jealousy and envy has taken over your very existence.”

  Lucifer moaned on the floor almost prostrate. He could not raise his head.

  The Christ walked over to him and lifted up his head. As Lucifer’s dangerous eyes met with the Christ’s, Lucifer hurled a spit in the face of Christ.

  The Christ wiped his face with his free hand.

  “It is only a deceiver that can deceive his own heart. You tried to conquer The Almighty but you could not even conquer the evil that resides so close to your heart.”

  Lucifer stayed still gripped with his own hatred that seemed to strangle him the longer he stayed in Christ’s presence.

  “What have I to do with thee, unholy and unrighteous Jesus?” said Lucifer.

  The Four and Twenty Elders began to speak again in tongues that Lucifer could not understand.

  The Almighty had had enough.

  “Your blasphemy is not forgivable, Oh Lucifer,” said Christ as he walked away leaving Lucifer writhing on the floor.

  Before Lucifer could recover, Christ stood in the Pillars of the West Gate and stretched his hands towards the chief deceiver.

  A grumbling noise heard round heaven built volume as the same green light emanated from the hands of Christ. The beam of green light turned red and orange as it held Lucifer in the air and with a thunderous cry from The Almighty, Lucifer shot through the Beryl Gate and did not stop until he fell like lightening from heaven to the outer bands of Terra Nova where the terrestrials reside.

  Lucifer landed in a desert place on Terra Nova.

  His band of one million rebellious angels were there waiting for him only now their skins were scorched. They would need time to heal. Their wings were gone and dry nubby stumps were in the place where their wings had detached.

  They were all gasping to get used to the lungs they developed to breathe on Terra Nova. They now had teeth of fangs and they felt a grumbling noise on their insides because now they craved what they never craved before. They craved blood, terrestrial blood as they would soon find out.

  Adonari got up and looked around him. The Fallen Angels, now turned Vampire Demons all looked at The Son of The Morning Star who had landed in their midst with a thud.

  Although, Lucifer looked nothing like the Adonis he did in heaven, he retained a beauty that was sufficient to beguile the terrestrials.

  The desert winds swirled the sulphuric smell of the horde of demons into the air carrying it far over the rolling desert dunes.

  Adonari flew into the air and in front of Lucifer as The Son of The Morning Star rose up, dusting himself off.

  “You said we outnumbered them. You lied,” said Adonari.

  “Welcome to Terra Nova kid,” said Lucifer without a smile.

  As they spoke, a horde of desert rats scurried from a deep cavern near where the Fallen Angels had dropped.

  On instinct, the band of Vampire Demons shot after the mice, swooping them in their mouths. Zorona grabbed two and plopped one in Lucifer’s hands.

  Lucifer sunk his teeth deep into the rat’s neck and sucked its blood.

  “Mmmmm. A bit dry and could use a touch of lemon but alright nonetheless,” said Lucifer.

  Adonari felt a sharp pain in his stomach like it was eating itself.

  Lucifer stretched the half drained mouse to Adonari.

  “Get used to it Vic-”

  “I am Adona-”

  “No you’re not. Take a look at yourself you are no longer Adona- whatever,” said Lucifer.

  “You are Victor, Victor Saul. That is the name I gave you,” said Lucifer.

  Victor refused the mouse.

  “Suit yourself,” said Lucifer as he threw the mouse at Victor’s feet.

  Victor Saul shot into the air, but he felt weak and started to involuntarily descend.

  “Oh. You can’t fly on an empty stomach there, Victor,” shouted Lucifer from the ground.

  The horde of vampires who knelt in the desert dunes sucking on the lifeless mice laughed.

  Victor came back to the ground and grabbed the half drained mouse from the floor where Lucifer had dropped it.

  Victor sucked the very life out of the mouse and it tasted strangely sweet.

  The vampires laughed even louder. Victor wanted more and dashed into the cavern reappearing with four mice in each hand.

  Victor sucked all of them before the mice could wriggle to freedom.

  The vampires laughed at Victor. Adonari had died.

  Lucifer stared up into the blue skies working out his bearings on his new terrain.

  “Vander, come here,” said Lucifer motioning to Zorona. “We must head for the place where terrestrials dwell. It is a place called the East of Eden. Round up the Klan. We have work to do.”

  The horde of Vampire Demons gathered around Lucifer.

  3(3). Part 3: Chapters 8 to 12.

  3(3)(a). The Realm - Chapter 8 - Villagio’s Vampire Delights.

  Chapter 8 - Villagio’s Vampire Delights.

  Present - One Month Before Victor’s Attack.

  “Victor. You’re early,” said Angela. The blonde female waitress walked up to him and gave him a passionate kiss. Victor had just flown to the verandah of Villagio’s Vampire Delights Restaurant.

  He smiled flashing his pearly white fangs.

  “I’m starved,” he said. “A growing vampire has got to drink.” Angela laughed.

  “Growing? You’re over 8,000 years old. Not that much growing left,” said Angela.

  He released her from his embrace.

  “What do you guys have tonight?” he said as he followed her inside.

  She took a pen and pad from her blood smeared white apron.

  She ushered him to a booth with a reclining couch and a low table. He sat.

  “You vampire’s are so picky,” teased Angela.

  “It used to be that any old blood would do.”

  “You act as if you are not a vampire too,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Lombhardi will be with you shortly,” she said. “You want your usual in the mean time?”

  Victor nodded.

  “But add a twist of lime,” he shouted to her as she walked away. She turned around walking backwards.

  “I get off at 11 tonight so make sure you come for me on time. I have a surprise for you,” she said as she smiled.

  “Great. Thrill me,” he said.

  “Don’t sound so thrilled. I hardly get to see you,” shouted Angela.

  Lombhardi sauntered over to Victor.

  “Keeping yourself away are we,” said Lombardi.

  “No. Not really. I'm coming off an Isle of Man tour. Trust me they really know how to party over there, and the women-”

  “Yes. I know,” Lombhardi interrupted Victor.

  “I mean the women are so tasty,” said Victor. “I really wanted to stay but you know I can't miss this year’s Day of the Fall celebrations; had to rush back. I hear they’re having an extended carnival session this year.”

  “It’s true. Arch Demon Marlon is officiating this year,�
�� Lombhardi said.

  “I’m starving. Whatcha got tonight?” said Victor.

  “We have Russian-”

  “Boring,” interrupted Victor.


  “Even more boring,” said Victor

  “Then there’s Chinese-”

  “Mandarin or Cantonese?” Victor asked.

  “Mandarin,” said Lombhardi.

  “Don’t bother,” said Victor. “Villagio’s is not the premiere vampire culinary specialists it used to be.”

  “Oh. We do have a special tonight but I didn’t think you would like it so-”

  “What is it?” interrupted Victor.

  “Jamaican,” said Lombhardi. “It’s on the spicy side.”

  “Perfect. I’ll take it.”

  Lombhardi scribbled as Angela returned with his Bloody Mary with a twist of lime. She stared into his eyes and grinned as she placed the drink before him.

  “Very well. Let me warn you our Jamaican meal is a challenge to devour,” said Lombhardi with a grimace.

  “I’ll take my chances,” Victor said as he picked off the lime slice from the chilled glass and squeezed it into his drink. Lombhardi shrugged his shoulder and left for the kitchen.

  “I hear The Son of The Morning Star is appearing at this year’s Day of The Fall,” said Angela.

  “Yeah. I’m sure,” said Victor.

  “You don’t sound so enthusiastic,” she said.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I am used to being a vampire. The earthly thing, it’s great and all. But I just think the rebellion could have been done successfully. You know. I just think it’s his fault. You know-”

  Angela put her hand over Victor’s mouth. Her hand muffled his voice.

  “Ssshhhhh. They’ll hear you. Don’t let them hear you spea-”

  Victor took her hand from his mouth and smiled.

  “I was saying it’s okay. The truth is the truth,” said Victor. “I would have done a better job.”

  “You worry me,” she said.

  “I worry me too,” said Victor sipping his Bloody Mary.

  A loud shout came from the kitchen.

  “Get off me mahn. Raaaasss. Get off me,” said the middle pitched voice with a Jamaican lilt.

  Lombhardi and another waiter busted into the dining area with a large brown Jamaican Rastaman with thick locks. The man was bound with his hands behind him and his feet were shackled. The Rastaman could not run away.

  “I said get off me mahn,” said the Rastaman as Lombhardi and the other waiter threw him onto the reclining couch where Victor was seated. Lombhardi lost his balance and stumbled a bit.

  Lombhardi and Victor looked at each other as Lombhardi got up dusting his apron off.

  “There you go, the Jamaican special,” said Lombhardi out of breath. “I told you it was a rough meal.”

  “ Look. You people better let my raaas go or else. I told you I’m not into these tings mahn. I’m not into these crying games,” said the Rastaman.

  “Live or comatose?” said Lombhardi to Victor as Lombhardi motioned to the Rastaman.

  “Live please. The coma injection makes the blood taste funny.”

  “Very well. Live it is,” said Lombhardi as he pulled a roll of masking tape from his apron.

  Within seconds the Rastaman was gagged at the mouth. His protests and screams were reduced to smothered muffles as Lombhardi smiled.

  “Enjoy your meal,” said Lombhardi as he and the waiter left for the kitchen.

  Angela looked at the helpless Jamaican bound on Victor’s couch.

  “I’ll let you feed,” said Angela as Victor flashed his pearly white fangs. “Starved I’m sure you are.”

  The Rastaman wiggled in the couch trying to break free but it was no use.

  Within seconds, Victor’s fangs had penetrated the Rastaman’s neck and the locked Jamaican went limp. For a few minutes Victor fed on him careful to not drink too much of the blood.

  A vampire never wanted to kill the victim only to drain the blood like the Masai Warriors of Africa skilled in draining a cow for just enough blood to enrich their diet. Victor fed for his life.

  Victor as he lifted from the Rastaman’s neck.

  The man lay limp on the reclining couch as Victor took the red napkin from his table and wiped the trickles of blood from the corner of his mouth.

  “Hey Victor,” came a voice from the couch located behind him.

  “Herod. What’s up?”

  “Enjoying your Caribbean delight I take it,” said Herod.

  “Ah quite tasty but I feel a little high,” said Victor.

  “First time?” said Herod.

  “Yeah. Whoa,” said Victor as he shook his head. “I don’t feel so good.”

  Victor was turning even paler if that was possible.

  “Yeah. The Rastas will do that to you. It’s like smoking the ganja yourself. It goes right to their bloodstream you know,” said Herod.

  “How long does it last?” said Victor now lying down holding his head.

  “Well since it’s your first Rastaman it will probably drain from your system in a day or two.”

  Herod motioned for Lombhardi to come. Lombhardi walked over to them and noticed that Victor was sprawled on the couch.

  “I’m going to be sick,” said Victor.

  “It’s his first time feeding from a Rasta,” said Herod to Lombhardi. Lombhardi chuckled.

  “I thought you knew,” said Lombhardi to Victor who was still sprawled on the couch.

  “The THC goes straight to their bloodstream. Pure unadulterated ganja high,” Lombhardi said. Victor held his head and continued to moan. Angela rushed over to Victor.

  “I'm sorry baby,” she said as she stooped down beside him. She put the back of her hand to his forehead.

  “You’re such a baby, darling,” said Angela. “You’ll be okay. It will wear off in a couple of days.”

  Angela summoned a waitress over. A young looking brunette vampire beckoned to her call.

  “Please get me a gallon bottle of warm water and the peroxide out of the medicine cabinet. The young brunette nodded and rushed off.

  “I guess I'm going to have to take off early tonight to take care of you,” said Angela.

  “I guess,” moaned Victor.

  Lombardi walked to another table to serve a young vampire couple that had just walked in. The young brunette waitress returned with the water and peroxide. Angela carefully measured two bottle caps of peroxide and poured it into the water.

  “Sit up and drink this. It will help with your nausea,” said Angela as she helped him to sit up.

  She poured a glass of the mixture and gave it to him.

  A whirling alarm, which sounded distant at first, shrieked outside the restaurant.

  Within minutes Victor was surrounded by members of Vampirol, the vampire police force that patrolled the vampire world.

  Angela stood up in front of Victor.

  “Victor Saul?” said a bearded Vampirol officer decked in a red uniform with blue stripes draped along his jacket and pants.

  “I am Victor Saul. What is this about,” said Victor in a weak voice.

  He put down the glass of peroxide mixture on the table.

  “Sir, I am Inspector Vladimir Anon,” with Vampirol. “You are hereby placed under arrest.”

  “For what,” said Victor suddenly not feeling so sickly.

  “I was getting to that if you will allow me,” said Inspector Anon. “Seize him,” said Inspector Annan.

  Eight officers surrounded him. One of them tasered him so that he couldn’t fly.

  He immediately screamed in pain as the taser surged through his body.

  He fell with a soft blow onto the couch.

  “What is this for? Can’t you see he is sick?” said Angela as she tried to push the officers away from him.

  “Ma'am. Get out of the way or we’ll arrest you for assaulting a member of the force and obstructing officers carrying
out their duties,” said Inspector Anon.

  Victor tossed in pain.

  “Pick him up,” said the inspector. They pushed Angela out of the way.

  “Mr. Saul. You are under arrest for threatening treason against the kingdom of darkness,” said the inspector.

  “Cuff him,” he said. The officers cuffed him and dragged his weak body out of Villagio's with Angela screaming.

  The patrons resumed their bloody meals.

  3(3)(b). The Realm - Chapter 9 - Vampirol Lockup.

  Chapter 9 – Vampirol Lockup.

  Inspector Anon and the officers flew into the air with Victor dangling by his shoulders.

  Within moments they flew him to an exceeding high mountain cave with a large entrance.

  They took him deep within the cave to an area with a cell lockup.

  They threw him in and slammed the specially made bars shut. No vampire known to their world could break it.

  Normally a vampires spit had special enzymes that melted metal but this cell was impervious to its effects. Victor slid flat on the floor.

  Who said something? That was a private conversation between me and Angela thought Victor. It had to be a customer at Villagio’s. I saw a few on their phones, continued Victor in thought.

  The taser’s effect was wearing off. A voice came from inside the cell.

  “Hey brother. Sit up. Don’t let them see you defeated. That is what they want,” said a young black vampire with cool brown skin and long braided here.

  Victor sat up on the floor with his back to the wall. He still felt a little dizzy.

  “I'm okay,” said Victor. They were silent for a moment. Victor broke the silence.

  “What's going to happen to me?”

  “Well, first of all you need a lawyer. I suggest Valentino Miller. But he's as expensive as they get. He looks like 20,000 years old but he’s in good with most judges. You'll probably get bail using him,” said the black vampire. “I'm Cyril by the way.”

  “I am Victor,” he said. Victor glanced to the corner of the wall and saw an old white vampire curled up on the floor.

  “Who’s he,” said Victor.

  “Oh that's Johnson. He's been in here for over a year, so I heard. I came last month and found him here. I think all of his vampire family is gone; Stakes through their hearts or something like that. I think it was a vampire mob hit. He must have killed a couple of mobsters,” said Cyril. ‘I think.”

  A loud clanging noise interrupted them.

  A Vampirol prison guard pushed a large metal tray cart on wheels. It was the kind that airline hostess’ served from.


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