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The Dragon's Charm

Page 10

by Emilia Hartley

  His fingers ran along the edge of the shard of ceramics, looking like he was somewhere else. Morgan wondered if he was in the memory with his mother until she saw shadows begin to darken his face. It pained her, a physical shot to the chest to see him hurt so. It made her reach forward and pluck the shard from his fingers and pull Kenji’s attention to her. Yet, he still seemed caught in whatever memory gripped him.

  She did the only thing she could think of. Morgan grasped his face in her hands and leaned in. Her lips brushed his, the barest, feather touch of a kiss. Kenji stilled. The shadows still clung to his face, even as his eyes drifted back into the present. Her thumbs rubbed over the lines of his cheekbones. They weren’t made of marble, but smooth skin and bone. Her lips brushed over his once more before fluttering across his cheek. She laid a trail of kisses along his cheekbone, the touch chasing away the shadows until his hands rose to grip her hips.

  His fingers tightened on her, digging in like he’d never let her go. She found a voice inside of her beginning to purr with pleasure. Her body inched forward, breasts rising toward him. His hands travelled up her waist before he jerked her back.

  The shadows were gone, chased away by her lips, but there was something else on his face now. Morgan’s body burned, her core aching, but he held her at bay while he studied her face.

  “I can’t…” He swallowed. “I won’t be a moment of fun. My heart could not take it, knowing what I know.”

  Morgan jerked upright. “Knowing what you know?”

  Everything stopped. Her core calmed and her body cooled at the sound of his words. There was a feeling of something about to happen, like a shadow of a falling piano over her head, but she couldn’t see what was coming for her.

  Kenji shot up from his seat, suddenly putting space between them. The space where his hands had been felt cold. Confusion swamped Morgan. When she looked up, she found Kenji studying the shelf of unbaked forms. She ached to ask what was happening, ask why she felt the things she did when she was around them, but fear kept her lips pressed shut.

  “Want a quick lesson?” she asked, instead.

  When Kenji turned around, she gestured toward a throwing wheel and a black of clay. It would be something to keep their minds off what was happening outside the doors, keep Morgan’s mind off what was happening inside of her.

  It’d been too long since she’d gone on a date, she reminded herself. Perhaps she’d been lonelier than she’d thoughts. Once this was all done and over, she would have to invest in some toys to appease her needs. That was all she needed, some release.

  Morgan certainly didn’t need the dragon man across from her who looked like he could have been carved from marble. She didn’t need the way his gaze made her core clench in anticipation.

  She left her seat and began the ritual of preparing the throwing wheel. It was a task she’d done a number of times before and it was easy to lose herself in the process. It pulled her mind away from the confusion inside of her and helped settled her once more.

  That was, until she sat down before the wheel and Kenji settled in behind her. His body pressed against hers in ways that told her he had not calmed down from the kisses she’d given him. The reminder of their close proximity reignited things inside of her that she’d tried her best to tamper down. She wondered if it did the same to him.

  He seemed to pull away from her every time their bodies came together. Did he not want her? Or, was there something deeper at work?

  Morgan didn’t let herself think on it too much as her hands rose to cup the clay before her. She directed him to do the same, his hands on the clay beneath hers. Slowly, she directed the pressure of his hands on the clay until a shape started to take form. Behind her, he laughed with ease and his breath fluttered over her bare skin.

  Her mind was flooded with thoughts of him and his touch, everything she’d learned about ceramics fleeing. Her body trembled, flooded with an aching desire she could barely contain.

  Clay, she thought. They were working clay.

  Her movements were stilted, but she was able to direct him through the process. Every time he moved, it became a little harder. His hips rocked against hers when he leaned forward or back and it made her core warm.

  Would she give in to the feeling inside of her? Morgan tried her best to ignore it and focus on the task at hand, but there seemed to be something she couldn’t ignore and it was not his erection. There was a part of her that begged for the man behind her. It pleaded like a cat in heat to be rubbed, to be loved. Morgan wanted to push back, to rub her ass along the length of his cock and hear him moan in satisfaction.

  Their thighs rubbed, Kenji seemingly bounding his mindlessly. She didn’t know if he realized the sensation the touch set through her. Alternatively, she didn’t know if she would survive it. His presence was overwhelming.

  “Raise your hand and pull it into a fist,” she commanded, trying to get both of them to focus. She directed his hand into the center of the clay to make a well. Neither of them knew what the form would become, but there was potential growing through it.

  It seemed there was more potential elsewhere, though. Morgan’s core ached and throbbed. It demanded what they were both trying so hard to ignore. Could she let herself have what she wanted?

  It didn’t seem such an awful idea. Not right then. Not with his erection pressed against her rear and her mind clearly in his pants. Morgan didn’t worry if she’d hate herself later. She didn’t think too hard about what she was doing as she leaned back into Kenji’s hard body. He was warm and her back fit into his abdomen like it was always meant to be there.

  Her hips wriggled, moving back and forth. Kenji’s motions stopped. He paused, as if to figure out what was happening

  His hands left the clay. He was covered in it, but Morgan didn’t care as he ran them down her body. She reveled in his touch. She needed it, ached for it. All she wanted was release from the hold he hand on her. If only he touched her, she could be free of it once and for all.

  His fingers slid beneath her shirt, beneath her breasts. She heard his breath hitch as he realized she was not wearing a bra. His clay covered fingers slid along the line beneath her breasts, circled them before rising to touch her tight nipples. Could he smell how badly she wanted him? Could he feel how frustrated his denial of her had made her?

  Most importantly, would he accept her now?

  The growl that slipped through his lips seemed to be answer enough. His head lowered and Morgan felt teeth nip at the skin of her neck. She groaned in response, the sensation of teeth and slight pain sending jolts to her core. She leaned forward, rubbed herself against his cock. It’s been hard the whole time. He could no longer lie and say he didn’t want her.

  There was no hiding it.

  Especially not when his hands dropped from her breasts to grip her hips. His fingers dug into her flesh, possessive and barely contained. His hips rocked against her, grinding and groaning. She wanted him inside of her, she was ready.

  They forgot about the clay before them or the clay on their hands. Morgan could only think of the man behind her as his hands roved over her. He seemed to touch everything, every inch of skin and beyond. She didn’t stop to wonder what the new sensation was, didn’t think too hard about it and what it meant.

  But she caught herself. She fought to control the rocking of her hips and the ache in her body for a moment, just long enough to speak.

  “I want to fuck you,” she whispered to him, barely able to say the word. It needed to be said. He’d pulled away from her too many times, denied her. She would not push this if he was not ready.

  He snarled and the sound hit her in the core. It should have scared her. Rationally, the sound should have terrified her. Instead, it made her tighten. Kenji wasn’t going to hurt her. He would never hurt her, a fact her brain somehow already knew.

  She waited, body shaking with the effort it took to keep her desire contained. She needed to get this out of her system. She didn’t care i
f Kenji was a dragon man, if the town might condemn her for sleeping with him. She wanted this.

  Kenji didn’t say anything, but he made the first move. His hands slipped between her pants and her skin, shoving them past her hips. Her bare skin met the air and Kenji’s head dipped, his lips touching the small of her back.

  Morgan groaned and writhed into his groin.

  “Not here,” Kenji managed to say.

  A small amount of sense returned to Morgan and she realized she was nearly face first in the clay they’d been working on. She managed to chuckle, her body still aching for the man behind her. Where else could they get this out of their system? Her eyes roved over the room, but before she could settle on anything, Kenji lifted her from the seat.

  She squealed with surprise and looked up to find the dragon man smiling. How often had he smiled? It lit up his face, true and sparkling as he looked down at her.

  “What?” he asked.

  Quickly, Morgan realized she was staring and looked away.

  This was only for release, she told herself. Kenji was a nice guy, a great guy actually, but he was still a dragon. She’d already seen how an association with dragons would affect her life and she wasn’t ready to take on that kind of hatred. This would be her little secret, she thought.

  Kenji stopped beside a narrow bench. With one foot, he pulled it away from the wall and leaned forward to place Morgan atop it. When he leaned back, he took a long moment to stare at her in return. Morgan felt her face warm, but she shimmied out of her top and revealed all of herself to him.

  Desire lit up his eyes and pulled them toward her tight nipples. He mounted the bench, one leg on either side of it, and bent to take a nipple into his mouth. His fingers dipped lower and touched the top of her folds. Morgan’s breath caught in her throat. His fingers drew small circles over her bead of pleasure while his tongue flicked her nipple inside his mouth.

  Morgan couldn’t believe this was happening. She’d wanted it. She’d asked for it. But, it was happening.

  Her back arched into him, pressing more of her small breast into his mouth. She didn’t have much, but what she did have, Kenji took with pleasure. The circles became tighter, faster and her core clenched. She could feel it building inside of her, the orgasm that would shake her.

  “You taste like…” Kenji groaned into her skin. “I can’t place it, but I know I recognize it. I want more.”

  His breath was a whisper along her skin, hot and radiant. He looked up at her and she could feel herself sinking into his eyes. There was an endless depth to them, mysteries she wanted to uncover like the endless ocean. Her hands rose to cup his face, her thumbs ever gravitating toward his marble cheekbones. In her grasp, he smiled. One side of his mouth rose and his eyes flickered with happy mischief.

  She opened her mouth to ask, when his head dipped. His tongue split her folds and she made a sound of surprise before it turned into a groan of pleasure. His tongue was as skilled as his fingers, she thought. His free hand rose and claimed her untouched breast. She wanted to give him all of her, every last inch.

  Fingers slid inside of her, finding her already wet and ready, moments away from her own release. She wanted to say something, to tell him, but greedily, she kept her mouth shut. She held on to the pleasure in that moment. She savored it and writhed in it as his tongue lapped at her.

  It rose and rose, her body clenching tighter and tighter against her will. Would she scream her pleasure? Did she dare? All she could do was reach forward and grasp Kenji by his hair. Her fingers pulled and her orgasm exploded through her body.

  The waves of pleasure made her legs clamp around him. She arched and her head fell back. She felt like she stood on the edge of the ocean, the pleasure washing over her and receding only to slam into her all over again.

  Kenji rose with a satisfied smile. She lost her grip on his hair, her fingers growing weak.

  He moved away from her, his eyes becoming distant. She wasted no time in pulling him back. She jerked him back over her.

  “I told you what I wanted,” she whispered.

  One hand left his shirt and reached lower. What she grasped was larger than any she’d held before. She worried she might need two hands for the job. He had not climaxed. She could feel the hard length of him and knew he should have his own release. She wanted to give it to him, an odd sensation hitting her as she realized it. She wanted to make this serious man smile.

  “You don’t have to,” he whispered, reaching to move her hand.

  Her brow furrowed. “Just because I don’t have to doesn’t mean I don’t want to.”

  Her hand worked, stroking him back and forth. She loved the supple feel of the skin, the velvet sensation of it against her hand. His eyes drifted closed and she watched his own pleasure ripple over his face. She loved watching it, loved being the reason for it.

  Sitting upright, she pushed him until he sat on the bench. She put her legs over his and grabbed one of his hands and placed it over her breast while she stroked him. He could barely contain it, his own pleasure. Beads of moisture blossomed on the tip. Using her thumb, she rubbed over the tip and spread the moisture beneath her touch. Her hand slid with ease, gliding over his cock.

  Her core still ached for him. She wanted to know what it felt like to have him inside her. Her body ached for it, her soul begged. Morgan didn’t look too closely at the need. She wanted to live in the moment and ignore any baggage her actions might carry.

  Kenji seemed to hesitate, his mind working, but the pleasure gripped him and he nodded. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. Morgan rose and slid herself onto his cock. It entered her with ease, her opening still wet from his work and his cock lubricated with his own desire.

  Slowly, Morgan moved herself back and forth over his cock. Kenji’s massive hands clutched her hips. His fingertips ground into her bones as if he would never let her go. She didn’t mind. It made her feel wanted. It made her feel not so alone in the world.

  Her breasts bounced in his face. He cracked his eyes open to watch, a predatorial smile growing across his lips. He looked as if he might eat her up.


  Morgan could feel her pleasure building once more. It was warmth that blossomed around her core and made her opening clench tight. He groaned through his closed jaw. Morgan smiled at his reaction. She wanted to make him groan louder and so she worked at opening and closing her opening.

  Kenji’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Are you doing that?”

  Morgan only laughed and squeezed in response. His hands climbed her body, like he needed to hold onto her or he might fall away into his pleasure. She gripped his hands, held them to her body.

  He was close. Morgan could tell in the way his muscles tightened, in the way his hips rocked with her, lengthening her strides like a man starved.

  She was lucky she was on birth control for personal reasons. It hadn’t really been a thing she’d needed for more than that time of the month, but it turned out to be useful. It helped her find release with the dragon man before her.

  Kenji let out a loud groan that echoed throughout the room and Morgan could feel herself tipping into an orgasm greater than the one she’d had earlier. It was a chasm that opened up around her and she spilled into it as Kenji spilled his seed inside her. Morgan cried out. The pleasure rocketed through her in waves, crashing and consuming waves.

  Together, they fell into one another, panting and sweating. The chills of the orgasm still pulsed inside her, her opening still clenching around Kenji’s erection. Every now and then, he would shudder from the sensation until he finally pulled out of her.

  She was a mess, something she knew. There was clay and sweat in just about every crevice and she could feel the product of their lovemaking cooling on her thighs. It was not a pleasant feeling and reality began to set in once more.

  Had she made the right decision? It had, for a lack of a better term, been absolutely mind-blowing sex. Morgan could have lived wi
th that for the rest of her life. Had he not been a dragon. Still, she turned her head and studied the man before her.

  Kenji was a creature unlike any she’d ever seen before. He was sweet and calming when the situation would have called for thunder and anger. He was protective and seemed willing to sacrifice himself even for people he barely knew. Like herself.

  She wished, down to the depths of her soul, Kenji had not been a dragon. She didn’t know if she could live with the lifetime of harassment, of the stares.

  Then again, Morgan told herself, he would find a mate and it wouldn’t be her. She did not have to worry about it. He had his own future, waiting for him somewhere in the world. Morgan only had… well, she glanced at the shelf of forms waiting to be baked.

  She had a dream.


  “There’s a shower?” Kenji asked with skepticism.

  Morgan nodded, going about gathering her clay covered clothing. He looked up at the door, still not following. Why would a studio like this need a shower? Morgan gave him a look, presenting the clothes in her hands and gesturing to the clay on her breasts.

  “You have a point, but I don’t think clay in those kinds of places is a regular thing here.”

  Hiss mate paused and looked around, as if seeing the room in a new light. A frown twisted her lips. “I would hope not.”

  “Don’t think about it too much,” he said and moved toward the door with the shower placard on it.

  “Oh.” Morgan hesitated behind him.

  He glanced over his shoulder to find her looking between him and the door with her clothes pressed to her chest. Only a moment ago, she’d been open and now she was covering her breasts like she was afraid. He felt a frown begin to touch his own lips.

  “What’s wrong?”


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