Book Read Free

On the Rocks

Page 8

by Jared Paakaula

  Everybody looks over at Chico. They’ve never seen him emotional. “On the day of his high school graduation, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time… and he got shot. He didn’t even get to graduate. He was so smart, you know, smarter than I ever was. He was my brother. I still feel bad… I shouldn’t have left him.” The entire staff is silent and let Chico tell his story.

  “Anyway, my abuela couldn’t take care of herself, so the military gave me an honorable discharge. They let me go home and take care of her, but she passed the next year.” Chico pauses to gather himself. “I didn’t have a big family, you know, but my family had a big heart. There wasn’t anything left for me in East L.A., so I sold my abuela’s house and I moved back to Hawaii. I always knew that I would end up back here. There’s just a warm feeling in Hawaii that you don’t feel anywhere else and I couldn’t wait to get back to it.”

  “It’s true. I feel that way too,” Tisha agrees, while wiping a tear out of her eye.

  Chico brightens his tone, “But, life is good now, you know? I got a nice place, I have friends like you guys and I have a hot boyfriend.”

  “Yeah you do!” Ashley encourages.

  “Ugh, he is. I wish I found him first,” Kaleo confesses and they all laugh.

  “You know what’s funny, he’s the first person I met when I came back to the islands. And you know what’s even funnier, I came all the way back to Hawaii, where everybody is mixed-raced, and I found myself a white boy. My abuela would be so proud,” Chico jokes sarcastically.

  “Sometimes, I imagine bringing Riley home to my abuela for the first time. She’d smile and be nice and then take me to the other room and say ‘Un gringo, mijo?’ I’d just laugh and tell her ‘He loves me, Abuela’ and she’d get it. But, I know she’s with me, they all are… my parents and José too. I see it in the way Riley looks at me and cares of me. It’s the same way my abuela used to look at me.”

  “Damn, man. One for the homies.” Beau ruins the mood. He pours a little bit of his beer on the floor.

  “Shut up, Beau! God!” Momi says, having had enough of Beau’s dumb comments.

  “Dude, you’re the kind of white guy that’s ruining it for all us other white guys,” Parker tries to get Beau to understand.

  “What? I’m showing my support.” Beau pours his beer on the floor again. Parker just shakes his head.

  “Don’t mind him,” Momi speaks to Chico, “he thinks he’s Eminem.” Chico doesn’t take offense and just laughs.

  “Wait. Don’t you speak Mexican, too?” Beau directs his question at Momi.

  “Seriously, shut up, Beau,” Momi spouts and then turns back to Chico, “I’m Puerto Rican. Half Puerto Rican.”

  “Duh! I was just joking. I know Mexicans and Puerto Ricans don’t speak the same language.” Beau tries to back track and seem smart, but actually making himself look dumber. The whole staff looks at him with disbelief, but they don’t correct him.

  “Ah, Hablas español?” Chico asks.

  “Un poco. Like MUY poco.” Momi quickly stops Chico from thinking that she is fluent in Spanish. “My grandma was from Puerto Rico, but my mom was born here, so I would only hear Spanish when my grandma was around, but she passed away when I was little.”

  Yuki comes back around with more clean cups. “Does that mean, you’re Puerto Rican too, Ash?” Yuki looks at Ashley waiting for a response. “You guys are cousins, right?”

  “Yeah, we’re cousins, but not on that side of the family. Our dads are brothers. So, we’re both Hawaiian from our dads, but her mom is Puerto Rican and my mom is Filipino,” Ashley clarifies.

  “Oh, gotcha,” Yuki responds, learning something new about his co-workers. “Aren’t you guys Hawaiian and Filipino too?” Yuki turns his focus over to Kaleo, but being too deep into counting money, he doesn’t respond.

  “Yo, Kaleo,” Parker gets Kaleo’s attention.

  “What?” Kaleo realizes everyone is looking at him. “Oh sorry, I didn’t realize you were talking to me.”

  “Nah, it’s all good. I was just wondering what your ethnicities were,” Yuki repeats.

  “Oh, uh, we’re Hawaiian, Filipino, Chinese, English and Spanish.” Kaleo lists them off as he’s done his entire life.

  “Damn!” Yuki responds.

  “Yeah, but that’s pretty much the norm in Hawaii. Everyone’s mixed,” Kaleo responds.

  “You and your brothers are so lucky. I wish I had that many ethnicities. I’m just black. Proud of it, but just black.” Tisha gets the group to laugh.

  “Which, by the way, where is my younger brother?” Kaleo looks around the club. “Ash, where’s Malu?”

  Ashley sighs, “He’s at the hospital.”

  “What?” Parker questions.

  “How come no one told me earlier?” Kaleo asks slightly irritated, thinking his brother got hurt somehow.

  “No, no, he’s fine. Ryan, however, is a different story,” Ashley states.

  “Wait, wait, wait. Start from the top please,” Kaleo insists.

  Just then, Robin appears from around the corner and begins to explain, “Your brother took it upon himself to avenge Lopaka and punched Ryan right in his face. I think he broke his nose.” She continues with no emotion on her face, “I sent him to take Ryan to the E.R. He caused the problem and now he has to take responsibility.”

  “Shit, I told him not to do anything stupid,” Kaleo explains.

  “You would’ve known if you were behind the bar,” Robin states matter of factly. She really does see everything. “Where were you?”

  “I went chasing after Lopaka, but he hopped in a cab and took off before I could get to him,” Kaleo defends himself.

  Robin doesn’t respond. “Alright gang, I’ll see you all tomorrow.” She notices the beer that Beau is drinking. “Finish your beers inside. If any of you take any alcohol out of this building, you didn’t get it from Violet. Got it?”

  “Got it,” the group says in unison.

  “Ashley, make sure to lock up,” Robin speaks to Ashley directly. She opens the entrance doors and heads home.

  “What does she mean ‘Ashley, make sure to lock up?’” Kaleo inquires once Robin is gone.

  “Nothing,” Ashley responds.

  “No, not ‘Nothing,’ Ash. What did Robin mean by ‘make sure to lock up?’” Kaleo persists. Ashley just looks at her phone. He’s put two and two together. “She gave you the keys to the club, didn’t she?!”

  “Well, what was I supposed to do? Not take them?” Ashley justifies herself.

  “Yes, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do. Those are my keys!” Kaleo argues.

  “Ok guys, calm down,” Parker says trying to ease the tension.

  “Sorry, Kaleo, but you fucked up. Honestly, I don’t even want these keys, I don’t want the responsibility, but I can’t just give them back to you. Robin will know.” She pauses to gather herself, “Just give it a week or two,” Ashley asserts. She then takes the lead, “Alright guys, everything’s finished, right? Yuki are you done?”

  “Yup, I’m done,” Yuki replies.

  “Ok guys, let’s go home. It’s been a long night.” Ashley tries to usher everyone out, so she can go home. “Momi, can I catch a ride with you and Parker? Malu took our car and he’s still at the hospital. Guess where he’s sleeping tonight. Hint: Not in my bed, I’ll tell you that.”

  “Actually, I’m going with Tisha,” Momi responds. She looks over to Tisha, “Can Ash jump in with us?”

  “Yeah, of course,” Tisha responds.

  “Whoa, whoa. Were you gonna discuss this with me?” Parker is offended.

  “Well, you obviously have other plans in mind for tonight that don’t involve me, so I’m gonna hang out with Tisha,” Momi says sassily.

  “And where are you guys gonna go this late at night?” Parker asks.

  “I got the hook-up at the strip club that I used to dance at. They stay open later just for the employees to hang out and drink. Don’t worry, Parker, I
got her,” Tisha persuades.

  Parker looks at his girlfriend. Momi looks back at him and finally says, “I’ll text you tomorrow.” She kisses him on the cheek before heading out the door.

  “Alright guys, I’m turning off the lights,” Ashley yells from the front door. She turns off the lights and the rest of the staff scurry outside like cockroaches.

  Outside the club, the boys hang out and chat in a semi-circle as Ashley locks the entrance. Tisha and Momi are already halfway to Tisha’s car.

  “Hello! Wait for me!” Ashley yells to the other girls. “Bye guys,” she says to the boys as she tries to catch up.

  The boys slowly depart one-by-one until Kaleo and Parker are the last two left. “You and Momi gonna be alright?” Kaleo asks.

  “Yeah, we’ll be fine,” Parker assures. “What about you? You ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure Lopaka just went home and Malu will probably end up sleeping on the couch, but he’ll be fi—”

  “No, I don’t care about them. Are you ok?” Parker interrupts. “I can tell you’ve been off your game recently.”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I’m just…” Kaleo pauses, “I’m good.”

  “Well, whatever’s going on, you know we can talk about it, right?” Parker assures his friend.

  “I know. I’m good, though,” Kaleo reassures his friend and smiles.

  “Cool.” Parker leaves it at that. “Surf tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, maybe. What time you thinking?” Kaleo asks.

  “Whenever I wake up,” Parker chuckles.

  “Shoots, text me when you wake up then,” Kaleo responds.

  “Rajah! Need a ride to your car?”

  “Nah, I’m right around the block.”

  “You sure?” Parker double checks.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m good,” Kaleo confirms.

  “Alright, I’ll hit you up tomorrow then,” Parker concludes. The two boys do their secret handshake and start heading in opposite directions.

  Kaleo looks back at his friend walking away and yells, “Hey!” to get Parker’s attention. “Thanks.” Kaleo thanks his friend for reassuring him that they can always talk things out. Parker flashes his eyebrows and smiles. He turns back around and heads toward his car.

  Kaleo watches his friend turn the corner and disappear into the night. He thinks about how long they’ve known each other and everything they’ve been through together. He thinks to himself, My next boyfriend better be as good as Parker, and imagines what it would be like to be in relationship with him. Man, we would be such a good couple.

  Kaleo heads toward his car and passes the after-hours bar on the way. They’re still open. He fights with himself internally, Get in your car, Kaleo, and go home. He looks in the window and sees his friend Josh working the bar. Well, maybe just one… Kaleo opens the door and heads inside for ‘just one.’

  15. AMF (Adios Mother Fucker)

  - 1 oz. (30ml) Vodka

  - 1 oz. (30ml) Rum

  - 1 oz. (30ml) Gin

  - 1 oz. (30ml) Tequila

  - 2 oz. (60ml) Sweet & Sour Mix

  - 1 oz. (30ml) Lemon Lime Soda

  - 1 oz. (30ml) Blue Curaçao

  Almost a week has gone by and Lopaka has barely left his apartment. Still dealing with the heartache of losing Ryan, who he thought was his boyfriend, Lopaka has secluded himself from everyone at Violet. His phone starts to ring; one of many times this week. It’s his brother Kaleo. He looks at his phone and declines the call. He’s been ignoring everyone all week.

  With his phone already in his hand, he decides to check his social media. He scrolls through Instagram and passes a post from the Violet page. There’s a picture of the Fish y Chicks with a black silhouette of a female’s body next to the three girls. The caption states “Will you be the next Fish y Chick? Don’t miss our drag competition tonight at 11pm.” A variation of this picture has been posted everyday since last week Friday.

  Lopaka looks over at a dress he bought the other day, laying on the bed next to a pair of heels. He’s been strutting around his apartment in them with all week. Am I really gonna do this? He thinks to himself and then looks back to his phone.

  He scrolls down a little further and the very next post he sees is from Alexus. She’s also been posting all week. However, her posts have been of Arita’s fresh-out-of-the-closet, younger brother, Matt.

  Matt is a twink. He’s fair-skinned, way tinier than Arita and looks really pretty in make-up. All week, Alexus has posted photos of Matt and his transformation into his new drag persona, “Matt Make-up;” a name, ironically, thought up by Karmen Sense.

  With being presented to the world, not only on Alexus’ Instagram, but on Arita’s and Karmen’s as well, Matt’s following has almost tripled over the past week. Creating this hype and getting people excited to see Matt Make-up perform at the drag competition was Alexus’ plan from the start. If there was going to be a new addition to the Fish y Chicks, she knew it had to be someone that wouldn’t pose a threat.

  Lopaka looks at the beautifully photo-shopped picture of Matt in full drag. Shit, she’s really pretty, he thinks to himself, I don’t stand a chance. He looks back over at his dress and changes his mind. Fuck it! He declares with conviction. I may not be the prettiest, but I’m a damn good performer. With Ryan out of his life and having always wanted to try drag, he figures, I have nothing to lose.

  16. Mai Tai

  - 1 1/2 oz Gold/Amber Rum

  - 1 oz Dark Rum

  - 1/2 oz Triple Sec

  - 1 oz Pineapple Juice

  - 1 oz Orange Juice

  - 1/4 oz Lime Juice

  - 1 dash Grenadine

  It’s another Friday night at Violet and about an hour before the drag competition begins. The music is bumping and the crowds of guests are starting to trickle in.

  Having shown up on-time today, Kaleo thought that he would be reassigned back at the front bar like usual. However, Robin delegated the same positions as last week, leaving Kaleo at the back bar. Not knowing if he will ever go back to the front, Kaleo tries not to think about it and focuses on pouring drinks.

  At the front bar, a girl and her gay guy friend walk up to Beau’s side of the bar. “Hi handsome!” The girl says to start conversation.

  “Hey!” Beau responds looking her up and down. She’s a tall brunette with big tits. Beau is instantly interested. “What can I get you?”

  “Well, you can get me your phone number first of all and then…” She looks over and asks her guy friend, “What do you want?”

  She’s pretty straight forward for a chick, Beau thinks to himself. I like it!

  “Uh, can I get a Mai Tai, please?” The gay guy asks meekly.

  “Yup and for you?” Beau flashes his eyebrows and smiles at the girl.

  “Just a Heineken for me,” she answers.

  Beau is slightly surprised at her drink of choice, but then thinks to himself, Well, she can hang with the boys. I like that too. He pours the Mai Tai, cracks the beer and hands both drinks to her. “That’ll be twelve dollars.”

  She gives him a twenty dollar bill and says, “Keep it.”

  Damn! And she’s a good tipper! Beau thinks it’s too good to be true. “Thank you!” He says and expects her to walk away.

  “You never gave me my first order,” she states.

  Beau tries to rack his memory, Shit, what was it?

  “Your phone number…” She flirtatiously reminds him.

  Man, this is my lucky day, Beau thinks. “Yeah, sure. Give me your phone.” She hands Beau her phone and he quickly enters in his phone number and saves it.

  Just then, Yuki comes by to pick up some dirty cups off the bar top and sees the phone number exchange between Beau and the brunette.

  “Hit me up,” Beau says before she waves and walks off with her friend.

  “Wow, Beau, I’m proud of you,” Yuki confesses.

  “Proud? What do you mean?” Beau is confused by Yuki’s last statement.

“You know that’s a T girl, right?” Yuki asks Beau.

  “What’s a T girl? Beau counters.

  “T girl, you know, Transgender. She’s trans,” Yuki informs

  “Shut up, Yuki!” Beau says in disbelief. “No she’s not!”

  “Beau, I’m a trans guy. I think I would know,” Yuki persuades. “She’s pretty passable though.”

  “Fuck, Yuki, are you being serious?!” Beau asks desperately.

  “Dude, look at her,” Yuki testifies. “Look at her hands. Those are some big hands.”

  “SHIT!” Beau panics. “I just gave my number to a dude!”

  “She’s not a dude, jackass, she’s a chick!” Yuki condemns.

  Beau looks at Yuki with half fear, half anger in his eyes, “I’m not gay.”

  “And neither is she,” Yuki responds. “You know, you say some pretty ignorant things sometimes, but I’ll give you a pass because you’re my friend,” Yuki reprimands. “You’re a guy, she’s a girl. What’s the problem? Have you ever even been with a trans girl before?”

  “No,” Beau replies.

  “Then, don’t knock us ’til you’ve tried us,” Yuki speaks on behalf of all trans men and women. “You ‘straight’ guys are so small-minded sometimes.” He grabs a couple more cups off the bar and takes them back to his dish station to wash.

  Beau can tell that he’s offended Yuki. He looks back at the girl that he just gave his number to and begins to imagine what it would be like to sleep with her, but then quickly starts serving another customer to divert his thoughts.

  At the back bar, a group of six, three girls and three guys, walk up to Momi. One of the girls takes the lead, “Hi! Can I get six shots please.”

  “Sure, what do you want?” Momi asks politely.

  “I’ll have one lemon drop shot, two STPs, one Vegas bomb, a blueberry vodka straight and a chilled tequila shot with salt and lime.” She recites her order like she’s reading a grocery list.

  Momi looks at her, trying to hide her irritation, and thinks, Really, bitch? Knowing it’s not illegal to order a bunch of different drinks, she turns around and looks at Kaleo and whispers, “Ho her Gawd.”


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