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Hell's Belle

Page 16

by Eve Newton

  I ruminate on my ex-wife. She was the love of my life. I fell so hard for her the first moment that I saw her. She was here, telling me I was becoming Master Gargoyle a little over three hundred years ago. I was still very young, only two hundred at the time, and the youngest Gargoyle to ever be made Master. It was a dream come true for me and even though the ceremony was painful, torturous almost, to make me into the one that new Gargoyles are made from, I was happy to endure it as Leviathan watched me, her eyes shining as I took the pain without a sound. I was in a word…starstruck. Her beauty eclipsed all others. Her cruel side thrilled me and when she fell in love with me, I was stunned and grateful and blissfully happy with her for fifty years.

  I was also naïve.

  In the end, I discovered, she didn’t want me, she wanted my power. She was never faithful to me and I turned a blind eye to it, pretending it didn’t matter. We were Demons, it was expected. She was the original Demon. Lucifer made her to be his right hand. With him gone, I felt that she found herself at a loose end.

  Eventually, she tried to use me and my Gargoyles to organize a coup against Luc and failed miserably for her efforts.

  He imprisoned her and I felt the sting of her betrayal until I saw Annabelle through Murdoch’s eyes.

  I had hoped to never see Levi again, but now she is free; she will come here. I’m surprised she hasn’t already. I can only imagine that she is up to something far more important than coming here to torture me.

  One thing is clear, though, if she steps one foot near Annabelle, I will kill her. She will be weak after centuries in prison and now will be the time to get to her.


  I turn as I hear Annabelle’s voice.

  “Have you made a decision?”

  “Yes,” I say, jumping down to land in front of her. “I know that I can’t live without you in my life. I don’t care how you want me; I will be yours forever.”

  She smiles at me. It is slow and sexy and…smug.

  I can’t help the chuckle that escapes my lips. “Sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Sure of us,” she says, and I fall to my knees in worship of her.

  She pulls me back up and presses her exquisite body close to mine. She is tiny in my arms, but we fit perfectly.

  She tilts her head up and parts her lips and not even the wrath of Leviathan could stop me from kissing her.

  I plunge my tongue deep into her mouth, clashing my tongue against hers, bruising our lips with the force of such passion.

  It wells up in me. A huge wave of sheer desire that I have never felt before. This feels right, like it was meant to be.

  She is scrambling to undo my shirt as I’m struggling to undress her. Eventually, with a giggle, she snaps her fingers and we are both naked in each other’s arms, devouring each other for all we are worth. It has been a lifetime since I was with a woman that I felt something for other than just solace. I feel like I’m on fire as she claws at my back. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around me. With my hands on her ass. I crash back into the bedroom and over to my bed in the corner. I lower her down. It is small and spartan, a world away from what she is probably used to, but she doesn’t seem to care. She doesn’t turn her nose up or complain, she just kisses me, her hands roaming all over me.

  I loom over her as she parts her legs even more for me to fit between them, but I duck my head first, wanting, needing, to taste her. I flick her clit with my tongue, and she shudders, coming already from the potency of our desire.

  “Fuck, yes, Aleister,” she moans, writhing on the bed.

  I slip my tongue up her pussy with a soft groan. She tastes like sweet nectar. I thrust my tongue higher, holding onto her thighs as she screams and wriggles, the sensation of this clearly getting to her.

  She pants and pulls my head up with a sultry smile. “Kiss me,” she demands quietly.

  Returning her smile, I lower my mouth to hers. She licks my lips, tasting herself, making my cock twitch.

  I brace myself and cover her body with mine. I position my tip at her entrance and push gently forward. I want to give her all ten inches of my dick before I pull back and make slow love to her until neither of us can stand it anymore.

  Her pussy gives way, sheathing me in her wet heat as I slowly, slowly, inch by inch ease my way inside her until I’m balls deep.

  “Oh, yes,” she moans.

  I withdraw slightly and then thrust, repeating this movement over and over again until she is clutching my cock with such a forceful orgasm, I think she is going to snap it in half.

  I grunt, savoring the feel of her pussy tightening around me, claiming me, ensuring that I’m hers.

  “Oh, Annabelle,” I murmur. “This is perfect.”

  She giggles again and then rolls us over. “You’ve shown me what you’ve got,” she says. “Now let me show you mine.”

  She rears up. My cock is barely inside her, then she slams down taking it all in. She does it again and I feel my balls start to ache with need. Then, she rides me hard, with the speed and strength of the Devil herself.

  “Fuck!” I roar, feeling the first wave crash over me, sweeping me along in its current as she doesn’t give me any respite. I grab her hips and watch her big tits bouncing in front of me, then I surprise her and flip us over so that I’m nailing her into the bed as my cum floods her body in an orgasm that won’t quit.

  “Yes!” she screams, feeling the hot jets pour into her and she comes again, clenching around me with a level of magnitude that surpasses anything I have ever felt before or likely will again.

  I let the last of my seed drain into her before I flip us over again and settle, her lying down on me, her head on my chest.

  “That was worth waiting for,” I murmur, kissing the top of her head.

  “And sooo worth watching. You haven’t lost your touch, dear husband, have you?”

  I freeze as I hear the voice that sends a chill over me.

  Annabelle looks up in surprise and then her eyes harden, and she looks at me with such anger, my heart aches.

  “I can explain,” I say quickly, knowing that I should have come clean earlier, but we got swept away.

  “Husband?” she spits, and climbs off me.

  “Annabelle, wait.”

  Her anger turns to sadness and then there is a blinding flash of light that makes me cry out and cover my eyes.

  “Annabelle!” I shout, but there is no reply.



  I have Leviathan by the throat, pinning her up against the wall as my hands flash with magick. I dress myself in black leather pants and jacket, which is far better than confronting this bitch as naked as the day I was born.

  She gives me a vicious smirk, even though the voltage of power burning through her must hurt like fuck.

  “Jealous little bitch, aren’t you?” she manages to grate out.

  “Not of you,” I growl.

  “Your actions speak otherwise.”

  “Annabelle!” Aleister shouts, coming closer, his eyes covered from the glare of the magick streaming from my hands.

  It is a testament to Leviathan’s strength that she hasn’t curled up into a ball and died right now.

  “Kill her!” he shouts at me.

  I give him a frown and pull back on the power so that he can look at me.

  “I can’t do that,” I inform him, still hurt and pissed off that he failed to mention that he is still married, and to this cunt no less.

  “If you don’t kill her now, you will regret it!” he yells.

  “Why haven’t you killed me yet?” Leviathan asks drolly.

  I give her a scathing look. “Are you as stupid as you look?” I bark out, clenching my fists into her dress and then slamming her back up against the wall. “I need you to lead me to Lucifer so that I can destroy that depiction once and for all.”

  “He can never be destroyed!” she spits out. “And you just gave your game away, sweetheart. Now who’s th
e stupid one?”

  I roll my eyes at her.

  “You really are a dumb cunt,” I inform her. “Do you really think I would reveal my plans to you and still allow you to walk free?”

  Her face pales. She knows now that I’m not going to kill her, but throw her back in the hole she was dredged out of by Razor’s foolish magick.

  “Don’t send me back!” she cries, terror on her face suddenly, surprising me. “Kill me rather than send me back!”

  “Oh, see now you’ve just shown your hand. Why would I kill you when I can torture you for eternity knowing that you’ll wish every second of every day until the end of time, that I’d killed you.”

  “When he rises, and mark my words, little girl, he will rise again, he will free me and then I will eat your fucking face off!” Her beautiful features distort into a hideous Demonic mask of hatred.

  “He will never rise, and you will be locked away forever, bitch. Buh-bye now.” I step back and before she can attack me, I whip my hands around, bringing them together to form an orb. She is sucked into it, screaming in agony as her essence is squashed into the magickal sphere and then I throw it in the air and it vanishes, back to the hole that she was let out of. I seal it with a click of my fingers, never having loved my Devil power so much as in that moment.

  “See you around,” I state to Aleister and then flame out before I burst into tears at the humiliation that is wrapping itself around me.

  “Wait,” I hear his voice, beseeching me in desperation but I ignore him.

  There is only one place I can go to discuss this new feeling that is overwhelming me. I look up at Gregory’s office door and knock loudly, pushing it open without waiting for him to call out.

  “Annabelle?” he asks, coming to me with a look of concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “Everything!” I cry and thump my fists on his chest. He stumbles back as I hit him too hard and I throw him an apologetic smile. “Why are males such assholes?” I sigh and sit down.

  “If only I could answer that,” he says, sitting on the coffee table and putting his hands on my knees. “Want to talk about it?”

  “Ugh! Not really, but thanks. It helps to know that you asked and would listen if I started bitching.”

  “Always and not just because it’s my job. You know that, right?”

  I stare into his eyes and know he’s telling the truth. “I do. I…”

  I don’t get to finish what I’m saying as suddenly the ground beneath us starts to shake.

  We exchange a startled look and then I grab his hand.

  “What’s that?” he asks with a frown. “A Hell-quake? Is that even a thing?”

  “I’m not sure,” I lie. I have a fairly good idea what that is. I can feel it in my gut. My power is connected to all of the creatures of Hell and right now, it is going berserk. “We need to go,” I add.

  I flame us out to my bedroom to be met with the faces of three very worried males, two of whom did not have permission to be in here.

  “What the fuck?” I snap, letting go of Gregory. I fix Elijah — who is standing looking out over the sin bin, and, ugh, Killian, who is seated in my armchair without a care in the world — with a vicious stare. “This is my fucking bedroom, and how did you even get into this part of the residence to begin with?”

  “I let them in,” Drescal says, sweeping over to me and kissing me soundly on the mouth. “What’s he doing here?” He gestures absently to Gregory.

  “He isn’t safe on his own,” I inform them. “These two, however, are big enough badasses that they don’t need my little old protection.”

  Elijah snorts with amusement. “This is the new me, darlin’,” he drawls. “I’m happy to let you take this one.”

  I can’t help the giggle that comes out. “Asshat,” I murmur.

  He beams at me as I stride over to the window. “Fucking hell,” I comment looking down over a riot to end all riots. Magick is flying everywhere, fists and claws, fangs and talons are all out and the Demons are going at each other Hell for leather.

  “Do I need to ask who is responsible for this?” I ask rhetorically.

  “Razor’s faction,” Drescal points out unnecessarily. “B.T.W, dear Anna. We need to have a fucking conversation about that.” He gives me a grim look.

  I have the grace to look down, abashed by his reprimand. “Uhm, yeah, seems that Elijah filled you in.”

  “He did,” he says unnecessarily.

  I look up as there is a growling in the doorway, to find that Musmortus has joined the party. Elijah goes over to her quickly and pets her, scratching her behind her ears. She enjoys his attention for a few seconds, but then gets down to business. She stands in the doorway guarding it, with her teeth bared.

  “Okay, this is getting serious,” I state, “I’d better go down there…”

  I turn to make a move, but I feel myself go lightheaded and drop to the floor.

  I blink and then I’m looking down at myself, sprawled all over the floor and gulp.

  “Aww, shit,” I complain, stamping my foot.

  I try to fire off a Hellfire orb, but nothing happens. “Dammit!”

  “Err,” Drescal stammers as he looks down at the me on the floor.

  With a puzzled look, Elijah picks up my prone body and places me lightly on the bed, arranging me comfortably to my surprise, even brushing my hair off my face.

  He sees me watching and hurries back over to the window.

  “You can’t go down there now,” Gregory says, the only one with knowledge of what has just happened.

  “No kidding,” I mutter. What the actual Hell is going on with me? “First things,” I suddenly blurt out. “What are you two doing here?”

  “We wanted to talk,” Elijah says, giving Killian a hard glare, which he ignores and looks at Musmortus instead.

  “Drescal let us in when we ran into him downstairs amidst all that,” Elijah continues, indicating the window.

  “You’ve got a good spell up here, Princess, but it’s not gonna hold forever against them,” Killian decides to inform me.

  “That’s Queen to you, asshole,” I growl, but I’m wasting my breath. He doesn’t give a flying fuck. It’s written all over his gorgeous, disinterested face. “Aleister!” I suddenly go cold.

  “Who?” Drescal asks.

  “The Gargoyle Master,” I say. “He is…uhm…well…I don’t even know right now. All I do know, is that he has to be in here with me. Us,” I hurriedly add.

  “Oh,” Drescal says in understanding. “I’ll go, but then you need to explain why there are two of you, one of you comatose and the other without power.”

  “I will,” I say and watch him leave.

  He returns shortly with a distraught looking Aleister, who lights up when he sees me.

  “You are protected, Annabelle, the Gargoyles are looking after the residence, but…” He looks between me and the other me on the bed with a confused look.

  “I have a weird power that splits me into two, but this form has none of it,” I say shortly, folding my arms over my chest and daring any of them to say anything.

  None of them do.

  Except Killian.

  He snorts with amusement. “So you are basically useless,” he states.

  “Fuck you,” I retort and then stumble back as Shax rushes into the room, ducking around the huge frame of my pet Hellhound.

  “Belle, we need to talk.” He takes in all of the men in my room, one by one with a shrewd eye.

  “Now isn’t a good time,” I grit out.

  “Clearly,” he sneers at them, but straightens his face when he looks at me. “What is going on out there?”

  “Razor’s faction has kind of spun out of control,” I say.

  “Hm.” He looks at the me on the bed. “Wait here. I’ll get Mom.”

  I don’t get a chance to say anything as he disappears. I don’t know what she is supposed to do about this. It’s my responsibility to end this attempted coup.

  “I’m going down there,” Elijah says decisively. “We need to do something to stop this.”

  “I’ll come too,” Drescal says.

  Elijah gives him a mocking look. “Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do to stop this? Get them all to fuck you?”

  The taunt seriously pisses Drescal off. He squares off with the Master of Hellhounds and I feel that the fighting going on down there is the least of my worries right now.

  “I’m a nine-hundred-year-old Demon,” Drescal spits out. “If you think that doesn’t count for anything, come over here and find the fuck out for yourself.”

  “Stop!” I implore them as Elijah was prepared to do precisely that. “Neither of you are going down there.” With a smile that I definitely know looks like a grimace, I turn to Killian. “War? Be a sweetie and go down there to make them stop.”

  He looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. “Even if I could, I wouldn’t. This is your mess, sweetie, fix it.”

  The challenge is ripe in the air, making my nostrils flare.

  “If I could, I would,” I retort having fuck all else to say. “Why can’t you though, just out of curiosity?”

  His scathing look at my interest in him almost makes my cheeks burn with humiliation. It does not get tempered down when Aleister steps closer to me. I pull away from him, hurting him and thus myself through the bond that was strong before we had sex, but now is a force to be reckoned with.

  “I didn’t create this conflict. Me going down there will only amp them up.”


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