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Exclusively Yours (Joe & Ella Book 2)

Page 7

by Nikki J Summers

  ​“No one was hurt were they?” Robyn asked.

  ​“I don’t know, I didn’t even think to ask that.”

  ​“Do you want to leave?” Chris put his arm around me.

  ​“Joe told me to get a lift with you guys and stay at home tonight, he’s gonna be sorting it all out, but I feel like I should be with him.”

  ​“Then go, you’ll only stay awake all night worrying about him.”

  ​They were right, I felt like I needed to be with him, I probably couldn’t do much but I wanted to support him if he needed me. I sent a quick text off to say I couldn’t go on with the night & I was coming to be there for him. He replied that I should ring him when I got to the club so he could come find me.

  ​When the cab pulled into the drive and along the path towards the club I could see the fire engines and smoke billowing high into the night sky. Groups of firefighters and men were standing around talking together or on mobile phones. I glanced around but I couldn’t see Joe anywhere, so I sent him a quick text to say I was here at the front of the club and then I saw him striding around the side of the building towards my cab. He looked exhausted and worn down. He paid the cab driver and I jumped out into Joe’s arms. He looked and felt like he was breaking down again. I couldn’t and wouldn’t let that happen.

  ​“How did it start?” I asked holding him close and breathing him in.

  ​“They’ve said on first impressions it looks like arson, but they won’t be able to tell me for certain until they do their full investigations. It started at the front door and spread to the main reception area and a few rooms downstairs before they could stop it. It’s out now but the smoke damage will be extensive too.” He rubbed his stubble with a down beaten look on his stunning face. “This’ll put us back months.”

  ​“I know but don’t let it get you down. It was probably kids messing about. We can deal with this, it’s a setback but we can’t let it beat us.”

  ​“I don’t think it was kids Ella.” He looked like he knew more than he was letting on.

  ​“Why do you say that?” I asked moving his face to look at me.

  ​“Nothing, just a hunch.” I wasn’t convinced but I wasn’t about to press the issue right now. Not with the mess we had facing us.

  ​“So we move things back a few weeks, it’ll be okay. We can build up the hype for the opening more during that time.”

  ​“I like your positivity.” He smiled down at me.

  ​“Only way to be.” I stood on my tip toes to plant a kiss on him and he hugged me close.

  ​“Sometimes I wonder what I’d do without you.”

  ​“Good job you’ll never have to find out.” I grinned.

  ​“Thank you for coming angel. I did need you but I didn’t want to drag you away from a night out with your friends.”

  ​“My place is beside you, especially when things like this happen. You don’t need to face anything alone Joe. Not now.”

  ​He kissed me on the top of the head but stayed silent. I knew what he was saying though. He’d never had anyone stand in his corner before like I was, and it was taking him some getting used to. He’d always been a loner and now he was part of a ‘we’.

  ​The fire was found out to be arson and the police were busy checking CCTV and other sources to try to establish a motive and any clues to the identity of the perpetrators. I knew Joe thought it would be linked to his past, but I doubted anyone would still hold a grudge all these years later. It didn’t stop Joe slipping into a depression as the weeks went on though, one that I was determined to pull him out of quickly.

  ​I decided to show him the sort of fun things I used to do as a kid to help take his mind off the club. He hadn’t had the kind of upbringing I had so I thought a day of childish fun may be the medicine he needed.

  ​I didn’t tell him where we were going, just told him to dress casually in jeans and t-shirt with comfy shoes or trainers for being on his feet all day. Then I drove his car through the English countryside to the theme park my Nanna Jean had insisted we go to every school holiday. She was a bit of an adrenaline junkie back in the day and would drag me onto every rollercoaster available. I wasn’t allowed to stand and watch, she always pushed me to the limit and insisted I had to experience life and that meant being thrown upside down, drenched to the bone in water and whirled around until my body couldn’t take anymore, then eating copious amounts of candy floss, doughnuts and ice-cream. I threw up on the way home on more than one occasion.

  ​Joe took one look at the rollercoaster tracks winding around and raised an eyebrow at me.

  ​“You seriously expect me to get onto that today?”

  ​“Don’t be a pussy, you can do it.” I teased.

  ​He shook his head muttering, “This’ll shred my nerves to pieces and I’m already on the edge. Good God woman!”

  ​I pulled his arm along encouraging him to walk faster to the entrance as he was purposely dragging his feet.

  ​“Quit whining dude and man up. I did rides like that when I was 8 years old. You gonna let an 8 year old girl outdo you?”

  ​He shook his head, “If it keeps my breakfast inside me then yes.”

  ​“Whatever dude.”

  ​I’d been to this place enough to know that once the first big ride was over the adrenaline kicked in and he’d be begging to go again, running round like a kid, or so I hoped. Joe had insisted we buy the best fast track passes so we headed for the biggest ride in the park.

  ​“Go big or go home.” I joked. He looked green.

  ​I forced him to sit on the front and the young guy working the ride checked our safety belts and the metal arm covering our bodies. Joe was not happy about the young lad coming near me to check my safety and glared at him like he would rip his head off if he could get near him. He grumbled miserably, “We are putting our lives into the hands of a spotty teenager who looks like he couldn’t run a tap let alone a ride like this. Does he think I can’t check your belt myself?”

  ​“It’s the park’s policy, lighten up dude or you’ll give yourself a coronary!” I joked. “Hold on tight baby.”

  ​“You do know this is my first ever ride on a rollercoaster.”

  ​In that instance I felt sad for the boy who had missed out on a normal happy childhood.

  ​“Best ride to start on then.” I winked across at him and held his hand. He squeezed mine back and started breathing deeply as the ride crawled slowly upwards making the ascent to the top of the first drop and upside down loop. As it reached the top he squeezed my hand so tightly I thought he’d cut my circulation off then with a scream of, “Fuck!!!” we were off whirling this way and that, not knowing which way was up and being thrown about here, there and everywhere.

  ​After four or five minutes we came back into the station where we stopped with a jolt and I turned to see Joe’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and beaming over to me.

  ​“That was fricking awesome.” He laughed. “Why haven’t I been here before?”

  ​“Better late than never.” I shrugged and smiled.

  ​“Where next? Can we do that wooden one over there with the flames?” He was on a roll now, he’d caught the bug. We went on every ride and laughed like we hadn’t laughed together in ages. The stress went out of his face and he looked care free and wild as we jogged from one ride to the next, screaming, holding each other and being kids again for the day. It felt amazing to be so stress free. I knew this was exactly what he had needed.

  ​After hitting most of the park we took a break and brought ice-creams, fresh doughnuts and fizzy drinks and sat on the grass overlooking a large lake. The echo of screams and whoosh of the rides sounded all around us.

  ​“Thanks for bringing me here Elle. I can’t believe I’ve never done this before.”

  ​“I used to come here all the time as a kid. My Nanna wanted to make sure I had a normal childhood even though my Mum and Dad had taken off. My Nanna had more guts than mos
t of my friend’s parents. She was amazing.”

  ​“She sounds it. I’d love to meet her.”

  ​“You will. Be warned she’ll give you the third degree though. Spanish inquisition had nothing on my Nanna.”

  ​“I would expect nothing less. She’s loved and protected you all your life and done a damn good job at it too.”

  ​Nanna was going to love Joe almost as much as I did. I just knew it.

  ​“So do they have other theme parks like this in the UK?”

  ​“Yes we have a few. Why? Thinking of going into the theme park business?”

  ​“No, I want to go to another one next weekend.”

  ​“Hmm not sure my nerves can take another trip like this so soon. Once every few months is more my thing.”

  ​“Now who needs to man up?” He teased.

  ​I bumped his shoulder and smiled. I loved this new chilled Joe.

  ​“Ella? Ella Reid is that you?” A familiar deep male voice called out to me.

  ​I turned round to see who it was and shot up when I recognised Nick, an old friend from my university days. He’d been in one of my business lectures back in the day and I used to love sitting by him, he always made me laugh, like hysterical laughter that had my sides hurting and tears rolling down my cheeks. I bounced over to him and flung my arms round him in a big hug, something which came naturally, he was a good friend or rather he had been a few years ago. I hadn’t seen him in ages. As a pulled away I could feel the anger radiating off Joe as he took his place beside me in a predatory manner. Ever the alpha male ready to show his dominance and stake his claim over what was his.

  ​“Who’s this?” He spat out in disgust. Nick didn’t care though, he kept grinning and shaking his head.

  ​“Joe, this is Nick we went to Uni together. We shared a business lecture, twice a week was it Nick? Nick, this is Joe my… boyfriend?” I said it like a question which made Joe grow red with fury. I hadn’t meant it as a question of his commitment to me, only that he seemed too old to have the title of boyfriend. He was all man never a boy, but I could hardly introduce him as my lover, man friend, soul mate maybe, bed mate? Urgh, whatever I said now I was fucked, I’d set myself up for a bad reaction here. I was tempted to run for cover now to shelter from the fireworks that would no doubt ensue. Nick just kept grinning like an idiot down at me, totally blanking Joe’s looming presence.

  ​“When we could be bothered to show up, hey Ella bell. Remember the Red lion? We spent a hell of a lot of our lecture time in there playing drinking games and being a drain on society. Or so my parents liked to think. Happy days hey”

  ​I laughed but this encounter was getting more uncomfortable as time went on. I began to feel nervous as Nick looked me up and down, making no secret of the wanton look in his eyes. Adam always said Nick fancied me, but Adam said that about all the men I came into contact with. Had he been right in this instance though?

  ​“Damn Ella, you’re looking good these days. You always were a pocket rocket though weren’t you babes?” He winked and licked his lips now. Oh good Lord, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Joe was panting in fury next to me, ready to pounce like a lion.

  “What are you up to? Maybe we can… you know, exchange numbers and meet up for coffee or something? It’s been a long time, and I would love to hook back up with you.” He made no secret of the fact that his idea of hooking up meant more than just a daytime coffee and a chat though, he was so obvious. This was not going to end well.

  ​“Excuse me?” Joe spat out furiously, staring right into his face. “Did I hear you right? Have you just asked my girlfriend for her number to take her out? Are you asking for a fucking beating mate?” Joe was forcing me behind him now and getting right into Nick’s face. Joe’s muscles were tense and he looked deadly. I stroked his arm and said, “I’m sure Nick didn’t mean it like that Joe.” To try and diffuse the situation.

  ​“He meant it, and he’s got exactly three seconds to piss right off before he feels my fist in his face.” I knew Joe meant it too.

  ​Nick was no threat to Joe, Joe towered over him, but Nick didn’t back down now and I inwardly cursed the ridiculous male egos that were on display in front of me.

  ​“Sorry to upset you Grandad, I wouldn’t want to give you a heart attack or anything. Must watch your blood pressure at your age.” No! Nick had hit Joe right where it hurt. Even though he didn’t look old and he was fitter than any man I’d ever met, Joe was very sensitive about our age gap. I knew Nick was goading him and to be honest at that moment he deserved a beating for being so bloody cocky.

  ​I jumped in front of Joe in an effort to stop him doing what I knew would result in a night in the cells, with all these families and couples around us watching and witnessing the whole sorry encounter. I grabbed his face and looked into his angry grey eyes.

  ​“Forget it, it’s not worth ruining our day. Please Joe.” I stood on my tip toes and kissed him.

  ​“You should just go Nick, I think you’ve said enough don’t you?” I snapped without breaking eye contact with Joe.

  ​“I’m sorry Ella, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’ll see you very soon I hope. Look me up babes.”

  ​“No she won’t see you again ever.” Joe looked over my shoulder now, glaring at the man he saw as a threat. “Fuck off.” He sneered as he pulled me into him and kissed me hard now in a show of masculine authority, his lips on me but his eyes on Nick behind us. It was like some Attenborough documentary where the male lion fought off the other male for the lioness and control of the pride. Men. They hadn’t evolved much since the Stone Age had they? They were all one step away from beating their chest and dragging us women back to their caves to dominate us. Good job we were the stronger sex!

  ​“What the hell was that Joe? Some kind of pissing contest? He was an old friend nothing would ever happen with him. You can trust me to resist other men you know.”

  ​“He wanted to get into your knickers. He’s lucky I didn’t knock him out.”

  ​“Jeez, this is supposed to be a relaxing day out, to make you feel better, not to rile you up even more. Joe I have male friends, are you going to threaten them all?”

  ​“Yes if I have to.”

  ​I knew I was testing his patience now, and Nick had been a complete ass hole but I needed to try to regain some control here. This man of mine could be infuriating sometimes. He was the one with the tacky, slutty history, but anyone would think I was the one who couldn’t be trusted.

  ​“Men can be friends with women you know.”

  ​“Not with you.”

  ​I wasn’t about to start arguing, I had been enjoying our day.

  ​“Let’s just forget this happened. Okay?” I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the path leading to more rides. Reluctantly he let me lead him but his stoney face told me the fun was over for now.

  ​Eventually my feet began to ache and I couldn’t do another ride if my life depended on it. We made our way to the exit and I prayed we wouldn’t bump into Nick the sleaze again.

  ​“They have a hotel here if you want to stop, save driving home in our tired state.”

  ​“So you admit you’re tired then big man?” I teased him.

  ​“No, but I can see you’re struggling on your feet. Want me to carry you?”

  ​I laughed, “I’ll be fine, let’s just head home. I want to sleep in our own bed tonight.”

  ​He pulled me close to him, “Our bed, I like that.”


  ​The clock told me it was 4.34am, I rolled over but no Joe. His side of the bed was cold and empty, it didn’t feel right. He hadn’t been in bed for some time I could tell. I sat up and listened intently, I could hear him typing in his study and I knew he was back to stressing about the club and the delays the fire had created. My cheeky adventurous side had an idea though, and five minutes later I was knocking lightly on his study door.

  ​“You should be asl
eep princess… Come in you don’t need to knock.”

  ​I opened the door and walked confidently into his study, dressed in a short black skirt and white blouse. I had a few buttons of the blouse open to show off the black lace of my bra and the highest black Louboutin stilettos I owned on my feet. My hair was tied up with a large clip and I had put my old reading glasses on all ready to play my role. The slutty secretary. His eyes grew wide as he took me in and acknowledged what was going on.

  ​“Sir, I made a big, big mistake today, I’ve been a bad, bad girl.” I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to look every inch the dirty seductress and glared at him over my glasses.

  He rolled his chair back a little from his desk and settled back into it, his hands relaxed in his lap.

  ​“What have you done? Do I need to spank you?”

  ​I nodded “I forgot to take notes at the meeting, I was too distracted…. By you.”

  ​“So what were you doing instead of taking notes?”

  ​I walked around the desk to face him and hopped up onto his desk, “I played with myself thinking of you.”

  ​He leaned forward and ran a finger up my thigh. “You have been a bad girl haven’t you! Did you make yourself come?”

  ​“Yes. More than once.”

  He took both of his hands and pushed my skirt up my thigh and exposed my nakedness underneath.

  ​“No panties, you are so naughty.”

  ​“I had to throw them away they were too wet.”

  ​He sucked air through his teeth and I lifted my ass up as he rolled my skirt up to my waist.

  ​“What am I going to do with my naughty dirty secretary?”

  ​I unclipped my hair and shook my curls around my shoulders as I took off my glasses. Then I put one stilettoed heel on the back of his chair so I was totally exposed to him. “You need to punish me. Hard and rough I think.”

  ​He rolled the chair so that it was against the desk now, and a look of pure lust crossed his face as his eyes twinkled with an evil sparkle.

  ​“You’ll get it hard and rough don’t you worry.”

  ​He grabbed my ankles and pushed both of my legs up my side, so I was wide open for him and leaning back on his desk, before he ran his fingers up and down my clit and folds, stroking, rubbing and pushing his fingers in and out.


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