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Play the Game: Hannaford Prep Year Three

Page 6

by J Bree

  I roll my eyes and take a step around him, holding in the wince. Just what I need, my leg to act up.

  “I just wanted to make sure you haven’t been whoring over the summer break? I know that’s the common occupation for girls like you and I need to know you didn’t have to earn the roof over your head. I’ve taken over Thomas’s position as bet keeper.”

  For. Fuck’s. Sake.

  I’m rendered speechless for a second over his disgusting arrogance. No matter, Avery has my back and speaks for me.

  “Joey’s graduated, there is no bet. Move, Darcy, before I make you disappear in a permanent sort of way.” She says, sweet and dangerous.

  Little Darcy has no survival instincts and his mouth just keeps running. “Just because Joey isn’t here anymore, doesn’t mean the bet isn’t ongoing. I’m happy to clear the cobwebs out, Mounty! Maybe the time away from cock has tightened that pussy up a bit.”

  Deep breath in. Deep breath out…

  Is what a normal person would do. Me? I break the fuckers nose with the heel of my palm and then punch him so hard in the dick I think his fucking ancestors feel it.

  The squealing sound that comes out of him is magical.

  Avery giggles and records the entire thing on her phone. I think about telling her to put it the fuck away because I’m going to gut the creepy fuck, but then I hear a bag drop to the floor and see the blur of dark hair and solid muscle fly past us to pin little Darcy against the wall.

  “Say it again, Darcy. Proposition my girlfriend again, I want to hear it for myself before I put you in a fucking coma.”

  I swear to god, my heart stops.

  The room stops too, all of the students stop moving and talking and fucking breathing now there’s an enraged Beaumont snarling in their presence. I have to remind my body that the Jackal doesn’t own me and I can be with whoever the fuck I want, but there’s still a little panic in me at Ash’s words.

  I just wanted more time to ourselves without the fucking gossips, and the threat of the Jackal hanging over all three of them. Fuck.

  “I didn’t know she was yours!” Sputters little Darcy, literally sputters because there’s blood pouring out of his nose and his mouth. Avery cringes away from them, tugging my arm, but I want to see this. I want to know how Ash is going to play this.

  “She’s mine. She’s Arbour’s, and she’s Morrison’s, and if I find out a single dickhead has propositioned her, I will take them out. Gone. No fucking more.” He speaks loud enough that the students watching all hear his words and I blush at the looks I’m now getting.

  There are quite a few girls dumb enough to glare at me and Avery starts taking note on her phone. I roll my eyes at her. I don’t have time to deal with petty teenage bullshit. Let them be jealous, fuck, I was writhing with it when I thought Annabelle had what I now do.

  Ash moves a hand to grip little Darcy’s throat, squeezing enough that his eyes get panicked. “My beloved sister is going to pass along the Mounty’s bank details and you’re going to deposit the sweep in there. It’s her fucking money. If I catch you within ten feet of her again… gone, Darcy. Gone.”

  Little Darcy’s phone pings and Avery gives him a sarcastic little wave. Ash drops his hands and takes a step back, swooping down to grab his bag and then he glares around the room until the captive audience scurries away.

  “I had it under control.” I grouse, and he snorts at me.

  “Just let me defend you for once, Mounty, for Christ’s sake. Besides, we needed to get word out somehow that you’re our girlfriend and not just a random fuck. No better way than making someone bleed.”

  Avery gives him a look. “You had better not be fucking her.”

  Ash watches me take one wobbling step and then sighs, slinging an arm around my waist to mold me into his side. Avery tucks her arm into his on the other side but the stern look stays on her face.

  “Avery, please. At some point Lips is going to want to fuck me.”


  I try to pull away from him but he laughs at me, the dick, and tightens his arm.

  “Lips, I’m firmly team Morrison on the v card debate.” Avery says, her voice too fucking loud and we walk through the halls teeming with students.

  Why? Why?! What have I done to deserve this?!

  “You’re my sister, you’re supposed to be on my side!” Ash hisses back at her, pissy at her supposed betrayal.

  Avery giggles and shakes her head at him like he’s simple. It’s nice to see it directed somewhere other than at me. “We’ve discussed this. It’s a Battle Royale for my affections. Lips is in the lead; massively, you should really start focusing on me more. Morrison is next. Then, you and Harley are joint losers.”

  “What the fuck has Morrison done to get ahead?”

  Avery smirks at him and I decide that death is preferable to this conversation. “You keep arguing with me over Lips, and Harley keeps shoving his tongue down her throat in my presence. Morrison at least attempts some form of discretion.”

  The news of my three-way relationship hits the dining hall before we do.

  Blaise is slouched over, held up only by the wall, and Harley is frowning down at his phone as we arrive. He glances up and does a quick once over of me before sneering at Ash, “A public claiming, really? Like she doesn’t already have enough on her fucking plate.”

  Ash’s eyes grow glacial and I groan. “I’ve just removed things from her plate. Now there isn’t a guy at this school that will touch her because I will personally beat the life out of them.”

  I shiver and pull away from him so he doesn’t give me shit for reacting like he’s given me flowers or some other shit normal girls like.

  Blaise pushes off from the wall and tucks me under his arm. “Whatever, it’s done now. Can we eat so this day can start? I already need it to fucking end.”

  We move into the dining hall without waiting for their answers, Blaise rubbing his cheek on the top of my head as he yawns like a damn cat.

  Every eye turns to watch us.

  I tense and only Blaise’s arm around me stops me from pulling away from him. Avery steps up to my side and slips her arm into mine, glaring around the room until the other students avert their gaze.

  “Just ignore them, Star.” Blaise mumbles, and that snaps me out of my awkward nervousness. I give him my best impression of Avery’s icy glare.

  “What the hell kind of nickname is that?” Avery mocks and Blaise’s eyes fucking twinkle. I think about thumbing them the fuck out.

  “It’s an inside joke, you wouldn’t get it.” He smirks and grabs a tray to fill.

  Once we’re seated and digging into our breakfasts, Harley’s eyes flick to the door and groans. I glance over my shoulder to find Ms. Vivienne sauntering in. Blaise snickers under his breath and I jab him in the ribs.

  “She offered to write up a personal recommendation letter to three different scholarship programs for me if I join her gifted students study group.” Harley says, his eyes watching her warily.

  “She offered that to you and not Lips? She beats you in every class, except Choir where she’s beating Morrison.” Ash, very helpfully, but also very dickishly, supplies.

  Harley doesn’t take the bait, he just raises a brow and says, “I’m aware of that, but the Mounty doesn’t have a dick so I don’t think she’s the slut’s type.”

  Avery holds up a palm. “I think I should warn you all. Lips has declared the word slut off limits. If you like your fingernails where they are, I’d choose a new word.”

  They all look at me and I shrug. “Pliers hurt like a bitch.”

  Harley smirks at me. “Is that how you’re going to make her bleed over my honor, Mounty?”

  I throw a napkin at his smug face. “What honor? You should take her up on it.”

  Avery cuts me a sharp look and I shrug, “We have nothing on her. Best case scenario she tries to touch him, and after he breaks her fucking hand, we own her. Worst case scenario, he has an in for scholarshi

  I’m not happy about it, but I’m also not going to be possessive and pathetic about this. Either I trust him or I don’t, and I wouldn’t have told him I was the Wolf if I didn’t trust him. Besides, she’s a desperate, attention-seeking cougar. What do we have to be worried about?

  Avery looks impressed. “Ruthless. I love it.”

  Harley’s eyes narrow. “You’re not worried about me?”

  “You gonna fuck her? No? Then I’m not worried. If she gets handsy I’m confident you’ll be able to figure it out. Just don’t accept any drinks from the bitch.”

  Blaise roars with laughter over the face Harley pulls, but Avery steers the conversation into a safer direction.

  Chapter Seven

  We agree to all meet back at our room on Friday to have an early dinner together.

  I barely get to see Harley outside of class now he has his extra workload and practice with the swim team. I can tell he’s starting to get twitchy about it, and after the first few weeks of being forced away from me, I find myself being backed into the bathroom for a blistering kiss. He only stops because Avery throws a serving spoon at his head. I blush profusely, but no one seems to care about my mortification. The routine is soothing for Avery, and I find it great to just hang out after another hectic week in hell.

  After dinner is over and the kitchen is clean, Ash, Avery, and Harley all head off to their training sessions, and Blaise and I pull an extra study session together.

  We always study until Avery gets back and death glares him into leaving with a quick kiss, which is why I’m shocked to find him lounging on my bed as I come out of the bathroom from changing out of my uniform.

  I quirk an eyebrow at him and he grins at me, patting the bed playfully.

  “Come on, Mounty, I’ve been good.” He practically fucking purrs at me.

  My traitorous knees tremble, but I tell them to quit. I do not need a repeat of last year, playing catch up and wading through piles of assignments last minute with him, so I prop my hands on my hips and give him my best impression of Avery’s stern looks.

  I’m so fucking ready to chew him out for putting the work off, but then he leans forward to strip his blazer off, popping two buttons on his shirt and letting the color of his tattoos peek out.

  Sweet lord.

  I cave.

  I cave so fucking quickly, climbing up to lay beside him and he covers me with the hard lines of his body the second I do, like he’s as desperate as I am. He stares down at me for a second and whatever it is he’s looking for he finds, grinning and swooping down to take my lips.

  As we kiss, deep and dirty, I slide my hands into the open collar to rub at the vibrant colors of his skin and his answering groan is obscene. I fucking love kissing him. The way he uses his whole body, like he needs to move against me because it’s too fucking hard to stay still.

  He pulls my hips flush into his and my heart stutters in my chest. I’m so fucking worked up and ready for something to happen. He moves his lips to kiss down my neck and I can’t think anymore.

  I’m fucking horny.

  That’s what’s happening here.

  They’ve all been teasing me and working me into a frenzy and, goddammit, someone had better fucking do something about it, or I’m going to have to deal with the problem myself.

  When I tell Blaise this, groaning out the words while he sucks on the soft skin below my ear, he grinds his hips into me harder.

  I can hear the laughter in his voice as he says, “I can do something about it, Star. What do you want?”

  I blanch.

  Well fuck, I don’t know!

  He chuckles under his breath at me and I give him a glare. “If you’re going to be a dick about me being a clueless virgin I’m going to go have a cold shower instead.”

  I move to try to pull away, but he doesn’t let go of my hips and the movement makes me rub against his dick. I cannot think about how big or hard he is without gulping and blushing like an idiot.

  He groans at me, “Fuck, I’m not being an asshole; I’m trying to go slow. Pick something you’ve already done.”

  I blush and glare at him some more.

  I watch as it clicks in his brain. He reels back. “You’re not serious?”

  Miraculously, my face somehow gets even hotter. I snap, “Yes, I’m fucking serious! You know I’m a virgin.”

  Blaise blows out a breath and reaches for his phone, his body curving over me and pressing me into the bed in an entirely too distracting type of way. “Being a virgin doesn’t mean you’ve never fooled around before. You’ve never made out with a guy and gotten each other off?”

  My mind flashes to the fucking insanely erotic feeling of grinding down on Harley’s dick and I cough to hide my reaction. “No. I’ve barely done anything. Thanks for taking that so well, Jesus. Who are you calling? If you’re going to fucking tattle-“

  He presses a hand over my mouth and slides down onto the bed, maneuvering us around until my back is pressed against his chest. He pulls me until my head drops back onto his shoulder and my throat is bared, as if he’s going to slit me ear to ear. It definitely should not be a turn on, but I think we all know I’m not in the ballpark of normal.

  He breathes into my ear, a shiver running down my spine, “I want to make you come so fucking hard the Jackal hears you screaming my name from his little fortress. I want you so fucking wet that your come runs down my arm and I can smell you on my skin for days. You’re gonna let me touch you, aren’t you, Star? I want to watch you come.”

  Sweet merciful lord.

  Who fucking taught him to talk like that?!

  He doesn’t move his hand away from my mouth so I’m forced to nod to answer him.

  He mumbles happily into my shoulder as he licks and sucks his way along the skin there, tracing the little scars I have with his tongue until I’m squirming. I pant desperately through my nose when his free hand edges under my shirt and finds nothing but skin.

  I decide I’m never fucking wearing a bra again.

  His hand cups one of my boobs and squeezes, his groan smothered in the back of my neck sending ripples of pleasure down my spine. Thank the good lord I’ve been eating again and there’s something for him to hold onto because I think I could come just from this.

  “Fuck me.” He groans, rolling my nipples between his calloused fingertips.

  He grunts again when I grind my ass into his dick, and he moves the hand from my mouth for long enough to get the shirt off of me and flip me onto my back, then he keeps me quiet by kissing me like he’s dying.

  Fuck. Me.

  I barely notice him tear my pants off. I’m too busy trying to get his stupid shirt off without just ripping the buttons off and eventually he takes pity on me. He takes off his pants as well, leaving only his boxers, and my mouth waters at the sight of him.


  I’m struck dumb for a minute and when my brain decides to work again I’m smug that he seems just as affected. He runs his hands up my stomach and over my tits.

  “Where the fuck have you been hiding these?” He groans and I scoff at him.

  “They come and go.”

  He leans down to bite my earlobe and growls, “Well don’t fucking let them go again.”

  Bossy asshole but, fuck, that’s hot.

  I can’t think of a witty retort and he kisses me again, biting at my lips and sucking until I’m fucking gone for him. His hands work their way lower and lower until they hit my panties.

  My heart stutters, but I’m still so fucking desperate that I don’t think twice about moaning into his kiss.

  His fingers curve over the lace of my panties and he grunts when he can feel how wet I am already. He pulls away and mumbles something into the skin of my neck as he sucks on the skin there, but there is no way I can focus enough to grasp the words, not when he’s marking up the skin on my neck and sliding his fingers through the mess I’ve already made.

  He’s barely even started.r />
  I decide that I can’t wait another damn second and I rip my own panties off so he’ll hurry the hell up.

  Works like a charm.

  His fingers are sliding over my slick skin and rubbing my clit before my panties hit the floor. Jesus fucking Christ. I do not want to think about the number of girls he must have been with to find my clit that easily.

  I’m going to come so fucking quick, the weeks of foreplay priming me to just cream for him. He’s still a fucking tease, and when my legs start to tremble and thrash on the bed he moves from my pulsing clit to slip a finger in, hooking it up to rub over my G spot. I nearly jolt off the damn bed.

  “Fuck, Mounty. Do you want to come?”

  I nod and whimper like a whore. He grins at me, pumping his finger into me before adding a second, groaning at the tight fit. It doesn’t hurt, but I’m probably going to knee him in the ribs if he tries for a third.

  When I start to tremble, from sheer frustration at the orgasm that’s just out of reach, he finally moves to rub my clit again, tight, maddening circles and I fucking shatter.

  I come so hard I feel it run down his hand and my thighs, my head thrown back, his name ripped out of my chest in a gasp.

  When I finally blink the stars out of my eyes I find Blaise grinning at me like the cat that got the cream.

  Well, he certainly got mine.

  It takes me two tries to find some words. “I don’t think I can move.”

  He laughs at me and if I could move, I’d shove a pillow over his smug face. He moves like he’s going to get off the bed and I grab his arm.

  “Mounty, I’m just gonna go jerk off in your bathroom. After that it’s not going to take me long.”

  I blush like an idiot but I tug him closer. “Do it here. I wanna watch.”

  He quirks an eyebrow up at me like he wasn’t expecting that at all and, honestly, I wasn’t expecting to say it either, but I don’t want him to leave.

  He kisses me again, so I miss his hand sliding into his boxers, but when he grunts against my lips I break away to rest my forehead on his chest and look down.


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