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Play the Game: Hannaford Prep Year Three

Page 11

by J Bree

  She gently guides me over to the couch and tucks a blanket around me. I’m not cold. I don’t know why she does it, but it’s easier to keep my mouth shut and let her go. She grabs her own tub of ice cream and settles at my side with her phone out, tucking her arm in mine. I eat in silence while the guys all move aimlessly around the room.

  “I’m fine. It’s not like I haven’t done it countless times before.” I murmur, and Avery nods without looking up from her phone. It’s easier to talk without her eyes on me.

  “I know, you’re one of the strongest people I know. This is for me. I need to know that you’re okay and being here with you is comforting to me. It’s a part of being a family, Lips.” She explains gently, with none of her usual fire.

  I nod and relax back into the chair. I can do this for her. I’m not sure there’s anything I couldn’t do for her.

  By the fourth spoonful my body relaxes. By the tenth I’m Lips again.

  Hours of tense silence later, Ash and Blaise climb into my bed with me. Neither of them give me any space, Blaise’s chest pressing my back into Ash, whose face is buried into the nape of my neck. They both touch me like they need reassurance that I’m still here, whole and unflinching.

  Harley takes the couch because he knows he’s not going to sleep.

  He watches the door until dawn.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ash insists on chaperoning Avery’s dinner date with Atticus when we arrive at the hotel and I think she only agrees because she’s terrified it’s not a real date.

  It gives me some time to shower and shave, well, everything in preparation for the party. I still haven’t told everyone that the dress code is strictly lingerie and briefs.

  The Jackal is the host and he’s trying to provoke Harley into taking a swing at him. My stomach feels like it’s full of lead because he just might succeed.

  I leave the bags of the guy’s clothes in their rooms and lock myself in the bathroom at ten pm to start getting ready. Blaise offers to wash my hair for me, saying he’ll even let Harley help him soap me up, and Harley cusses him out when I blanch like a virginal idiot. I’m so fucking tempted. Wet, naked, and pressed in between them.

  Sweet merciful lord.

  I’m standing in front of the mirror wrapped in a towel and putting on my makeup when Avery knocks at the door and joins me.

  I raise an eyebrow at her and she blushes.

  “I think he wanted it to be a real date. He stared at Ash like he wanted to break his arm when he walked down with me. I’ve just sat through their sniping for the last two hours.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell Ash to leave? He would’ve.” Maybe. Okay, doubtful.

  Avery pulls off her stunning and elegant red silk dress that I’m sure Atticus took one look at and wished he’d be the one removing it. “Maybe I want to be chased. Maybe I think I deserve to have him work for me. I’ve been on a platter for him for years and he’s turned me down.”

  No maybes about it; the guy can grovel for her. But if I’ve learned anything about girl talk, it’s that you ask questions and offer to gut anyone who slights your bestie. “Did he ever say why he wasn’t interested before? The age gap might have freaked him out. I mean, maybe he’s been waiting for you to get a bit closer to eighteen so he didn’t feel like a creep.”

  Avery hums and slips into the shower, scrubbing at her skin like she always does. I wince at how rough she is. “I tried to speak to him about that during freshman year. I told him I would wait if he was interested in something in the future. He told me he refused to tie me down. It was like a knife in my heart. That’s when I started seeing Rory.”

  I pretend too gag. “Don’t say his name! I was close to forgetting he exists. I wonder how he’s doing these days?”

  Avery smirks at me as she cuts the shower off. “Ash keeps an eye on him to make sure he’s miserable and very far away from me. Apparently the spinal injury has affected more than just his ability to walk.”

  Ahh, perfect. Nothing the rapist deserves more.

  I sigh happily and then again with less joy when I open the bags holding the lingerie I’ve bought for Avery and I to wear. She wraps herself in a towel and peers into the bag.

  “You’re joking, right?” She says and when I shake my head she cackles. “Ash is going to be pissed.” She gasps out as she laughs even harder.

  I begin to wriggle my way into the stupid teddy-thing, but it’s a struggle to get it on my body. It’s made of lace and pure white, but with too many straps and a white choker. It looks like something an angel would wear if it gave bondage a whirl.

  “I got us both the most coverage possible while sticking to the rules.” I grumble, as I accidentally snap one of the many straps against my skin and curse viciously under my breath. It doesn’t hurt, but I’m so fucking frustrated at this stupid thing. Avery giggles at me and takes pity, deftly fixing the mess I’ve made with it. She slips hers on with far more ease and I glare at her for being so graceful. And bendy.

  “Do we have to wear the shoes? I’m not really a ‘combat boot’ sort of girl.”

  I roll my eyes at her. “Like I haven’t noticed you’d rather break a fucking ankle than wear flats. The party is at the docks, in a warehouse, with probably a couple of thousand people attending. You’d die in heels and you’ll be wearing that so you can’t make Ash carry you. Imagine the therapy he’d need.”

  Avery snorts and frowns at me like the spoiled brat she really, really is. I grin at her with a little sarcastic edge. “You should be grateful, do you know how long it took me to find boots that were completely white? A long fucking time.”

  Avery sighs again, like I’m mortally wounding her, and there’s a pissy thump at the bathroom door before Ash is growling, “This is a fucking joke, right? I’m not going to a party in fucking tightie-whities.”

  Avery’s eyes turn into saucers. We both shove bathrobes on and then I fling open the door.

  Ash is scowling at us both and he’s dressed in the ‘clothes’ I left for him. They’re definitely not tightie-whities, but they are underwear. He’s standing there in a simple pair of white boxer briefs that I cannot help but look down at because holy shit, there’s his fabled giant dick. Even without an erection it’s huge. Fuck. Fuuuuuuuuuuck.

  I gulp.

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Mounty?” Avery hisses, and then I remember that I’m literally just standing here staring at my hot ass boyfriend’s dick while his sister watches my brain melt out of my ears.

  I clear my throat and try to ignore my blush. “I told you I could go by myself. You all insisted on coming. This is what it takes to get in.”

  Ash snorts under his breath, and tugs me until I’m tucked under one of his arms. I start to sweat because I’m too close to his giant dick. He doesn’t notice. “Like we’d let you traipse around in your fucking panties by yourself. How much therapy am I going to need when I see what you’ve put my sister in?”

  Avery grabs her phone and then frowns when she realizes she doesn’t have anywhere under the bathrobe to stash it. “I’m not sure we can afford the extent you’ll require. We certainly can’t afford the amount I now need.”

  I groan at them both when Blaise comes stumbling into the room in his own pair of white boxer briefs, laughing at Harley who is frowning and tugging at the waistband of his.

  Avery mumbles under her breath and stomps over to her overnight bag, digging out one of her beautifully tailored coats. When she slips out of the bathrobe to pull it on Harley’s frown turns into a snarl. “What. The. Fuck. Mounty.”

  I sigh and hold a hand out, the other one keeping my own robe firmly closed. “Look. That is the most modest lingerie I could find her and she’s covered more than when she’s in a bikini! It has to be completely white. I did my fucking best and, once again, I said I’d go alone. At least it has a covered crotch.”

  Harley’s eyes snap over to mine and away from the white, vinyl, halter-neck teddy that is showing a whole lot of Avery�
��s cleavage and molds to her body like a second skin. There’s a little chain holding the two strips of vinyl in place over her tits and it’s looking a little strained. Every single male Mounty at the party may die tonight if that chain breaks.

  “And what the fuck are you wearing to this shit-show?” Harley snaps, and I glare at him as I wrap the robe around myself even tighter.

  “I’m not showing you until we get there. I’d rather drive there in peace and quiet.”

  Harley rolls his eyes at me and bends at the waist to shove his phone in his boot. Fuck me, that ass of his is bitable.

  As a grumbling Ash helps Avery into her coat, his eyes fixed sullenly on the floor, Blaise pointedly keeps his own eyes on me and firmly away from her. He smirks and crowds me into the wall until his chest is pinning me and I can’t breathe with him surrounding me. “Give me a peek, little Star. I won’t tell the grumpy dicks.”

  Oh, the cheeky asshole is aiming for a punch to the kidneys. I scowl at him even as I hold the robe out for him to peer down.

  The look in his eyes turns me into a fucking puddle.

  He bites his lip and leans down to kiss me fucking senseless.

  “Get the fuck off of her in my presence, Morrison! I know what she’s just shown you and if you’re now sporting a boner, I’ll cut it the fuck off!”

  We break away and Blaise smirks at me as I blush. He helps me into one of Avery’s coats while shielding my outfit from the others, and then walks me down to his car. I sit in the back between Ash and Harley and I keep my eyes on the windshield so I don’t ruin my lingerie. Well, anymore then Blaise’s kiss has already.

  I have to direct Blaise to the docks and the giant boat-shed where the Twelve park their cars. The security guard at the fence looks in and dips his head in respect when he sees me. Avery giggles about it, and Harley mutters, “I told you guys, it’s fucking weird.”

  We park between a Rolls Royce I’d guess is the Lynx’s and a Bentley that has to belong to the Crow. The guys eye them appreciatively as they all get out of the car. I give myself a minute to slow my heart rate and shake my nerves.

  Harley leans against the open car door to wait for me, debating with the others about which car is nicer. I take advantage of their distraction and slide carefully out. With a deep breath, I take the coat off and drop it on the backseat. I push Harley gently out of way with a palm on his back to shut the car door and he turns to me to get an eyeful of the lingerie. His jaw drops, stunned, and then he’s cursing viciously.

  “Not a fan?” I gripe as he turns away from me.

  “I’m walking around the fucking docks in the slums of the Bay, in nothing but boxers, and now I can’t even enjoy seeing you in whatever the hell you call that because Avery will actually fucking castrate me if she sees how much of a fan I am.”



  “Fuck.” Croaks Ash from behind us and I startle out of the daze Harley’s words have put me in. Avery is smirking evilly with her hands on her hips, coat off and her phone in her hand. Ash’s face settles into his cold mask as he takes a step backwards. “No. No, Avery, go on ahead.” He snaps and Avery groans like she’s being murdered.

  Blaise roars with laughter, completely at ease with the whole situation. “Good, isn’t it? Aves I don’t mind you seeing what the Mounty does to my dick, we can walk together.”

  “Fuck. Off.” She hisses at him, and grabs my arm. “You three can walk behind us until you learn to curb your fucking hormones. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”

  I smirk at them and turn to walk with Avery, flashing them the back of the teddy. I hear groans and give my ass a little wiggle for good measure.

  “This way Aves, remember to let me do the talking.”

  The chump at the door stares at us all.

  I don’t know him, he’s obviously new, and I do not like the way he’s staring at Avery. I knew this would happen! I fucking warned them all and if he doesn’t stop looking at her Ash is going to beat him then Harley will seal the deal and slit the fuckers throat all while Blaise watches them with glee.

  “If you’re trying to sneak into this party, you chose the wrong color. The Wolf doesn’t bring friends. Ever.”

  Avery giggles mockingly, the sound like glass shards and open arteries. I smirk and take a step forward. “You should let us pass. You’re going to regret it if you don’t.”

  He looks over my shoulder at the guys and snorts. “I’m with the fucking Jackal. You think three pretty boys are going to scare me? You all reek of money, but cash ain’t gonna get you in here.”

  He pauses again and gives Avery a slow sweep over with his eyes. He’s so busy making an assessment of her that he doesn’t notice the wall of muscle that appears behind him. Avery’s body goes rigid as she takes the newcomer in, her only sign of fear, and the chump mistakes the reaction as a response to his assessment of her.

  “Maybe I’ll let you lot in, gimme that little rich cunt to break for the night and the rest of you can go through.”

  I lock eyes with Illi and say, “No one calls Avery a cunt, Illium. No one.”

  The chump pisses himself when he turns to see the Butcher grinning at him, clad only in a pair of white boxer briefs and white combat boots. Well, he also has several knives, a gun, and his signature meat cleaver strapped to his body but personally, I know it’s the grin that means danger.

  He leans forward and reaches into the chumps pocket. Avery raises an eyebrow at me and my smile in return is smug as fuck.

  “Y’know why your boss handed you this little torch?” Illi croons as he pulls said torch out and waves it in the guy’s face. I laugh quietly under my breath.

  Avery is going to lose her mind.

  “It-it’s to identify-“ The guy fumbles his words so hard Illi pats him on the shoulder and interrupts him.

  “Yeah. It’s to find marks that don’t show up otherwise. You used it tonight? You waved it at anyone or are you more of a big-man type? Ah, no, you like raping little girls. You like using your cheap little Jackal tramp-stamp to get you some unwilling pussy. I know all about your type.”

  Illi switches the torch on and aims it over his cheek.

  The Wolf insignia glows.

  I startle when I see it because I didn’t mention it to him when I took him on. I didn’t feel comfortable asking him to do it and now Harley’s going to pitch a fit at me. Fuck.

  The chump fumbles over his words again, pathetically, “I know y-you belong to th-the Wolf. Everyone does. B-b-but-“

  Illi flicks the torch light over to me and Avery gasps as my skin begins to glow.

  “Fuck!” The guy screeches and as he tries to scramble away Illi stabs him, right in the gut, and gives the knife a little turn for good measure. I didn’t even see his hand move towards the knife; he’s just that good.

  I lift a brow at him as the guy squeals like the stuck pig he is.

  “What? He’ll live! You said no one insults your little bestie so I’m making sure it never happens again. You’re welcome! I’d hug you but, honestly, seeing you in that thing is like seeing my sister naked. It’s fucking disturbing and let’s never do this again.”

  I laugh and grab Avery’s hand, tugging her forward and glancing over my shoulder at the guys. They’re all staring at Illi with a deep distrust, hatred, and just a little bit wary. I won’t fault them; he did just stab a guy.

  “So, this is Illi. He’s a treasure.”

  Illi cackles and wiggles his fingers at the guys like he’s an eighty year-old woman trying to coax them into trying his cookies. Harley scowls at him, no longer looking nauseous around him which I’m taking as a win. Blaise shrugs and smiles at me, trusting me implicitly. Oh, my sweet naive rock god.

  Then there’s Ash.

  He surveys Illi with a detached look and then looks at me. “This is the Butcher?”

  I nod and wait him out.

  “Anyone touches the Wolf or my sister while they’re under your protection and I don�
�t care what the fuck they call you, I’ll be the one doing the butchering.”

  Harley looks at his cousin like he’s lost his damn mind, but also like he’s fucking impressed. I’m swooning a little because only Ash would threaten a man whose latest victim is still bleeding at our feet.

  Illi smirks at him, his eyes twinkling like a proud fucking father. “I’d expect no different from the son of Joseph Beaumont.”

  The warehouse is writhing with people, the music is so loud it takes a second to learn how to breathe again, and Avery clutches at my hand as the bodies close in on us.

  Illi leads the way and it’s not until we hit the platform with the staircase that the black lights hit me, my tattoos instantly glowing, and the crowd parts like the Red Sea. Avery lifts our linked hands then stares down at my arm, turning it and marveling at the tattoos. It’s too dark to read her face properly, but I know she’s going to snark me out for this.

  The second story is invite-only and safer than the bottom level. When I had told Illi that everyone was coming he’d arranged to have some guys keep an eye on Blaise, Ash, and Avery while we’re in the meeting. I’m wary about it right up until we meet them at the bar and they dip their heads at me with that fear-drenched respect that can’t be faked. Their eyes don’t touch Avery at all and when Illi signs to them to guard her with their lives they agree willingly.

  I make a note to ask Illi what they owe him for.

  I kiss Avery’s cheek and give her hand a reassuring squeeze which she returns easily. Ash and Blaise both do eyebrow acrobatics at Harley and then give me a quick peck on the lips as we move off. Harley wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his body. I let him, offering him that little reassurance I can before we hit the elevator.

  There’s only one way in and out of the room we’re heading to, and that’s the service elevator. The thug guarding it flinches when he sees Illi and fumbles over himself to get us in it. Illi grins and waves at him as the cage-like door shuts and we start to move, excruciatingly slowly.


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