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Play the Game: Hannaford Prep Year Three

Page 13

by J Bree

  “Did you just taunt the Jackal about being mine?” I retort, still a little gobsmacked.

  “Fuck yes, I did. Fuck him, babe, you’ve just told them all about what he’s doing. Besides, if he doesn’t let you go we’ll just get the Butcher to throw a meat cleaver at him.”

  Illi cackles and runs a finger down said cleaver lovingly. I laugh and wriggle out of Harley’s arms to stand between them. I feel lighter, like I’ve taken the last step away from the Jackal and now I’m standing on my own two feet. It’s fucking terrifying to feel so alone without his protection, and for a second it knocks the breath out of my lungs, but then I hear Illi cracking jokes and Harley grunting out a chuckle at them and I remember the family I’m carefully building is worth the risk.

  Illi leads the way back over to the bar area where we find a fucking wasted Blaise, Avery holding a drink and staring down at her phone, and a very antsy looking Ash. When I point to Blaise with an eyebrow lift Ash rolls his eyes and points towards the other end of the bar, where there’s a growing crowd of salivating Mounty girls, watching him like they want to eat him alive. Illi laughs when he sees them and wiggles his fingers at them, easily dispersing the crowd with one action.

  I feel too hyped up to drink, but I need something to take the edge of my adrenaline off.

  Ash watches me closely, then tugs on my hand and tilts his head towards the dance floor. Harley nods at him for me and I turn to gesture to Illi to get him to watch Blaise and Avery. Avery smirks at me with a little evil grin and lifts her cocktail at me in a salute. Okay, so tipsy Avery is much more agreeable to the guys turning me into the meat in a hot guy sandwich. Good to know.

  As we move through the crowd, Harley presses me into Ash’s back. The second story is safer, but still teeming with sweaty, intoxicated, writhing Mounty’s and without the black lights touching my skin none of them know who it is walking amongst them.

  Ash leads us far enough away that Avery won’t be able to see us clearly and that’s my first clue that he’s up to no good.

  The second is the fucking panty melting grin he gives me when he turns around to dance with me. I can feel Harley’s chest rumble with laughter on my back as Ash stoops down to kiss me, clutching my hips to move us both in a grinding sway with the music. He’s not a natural at this style of dancing like Harley is but, fuck, the grind of his hips and the sweep of his tongue on mine render me incapable of doing much more than swaying. The other people dancing disappear completely as my world narrows down to the three of us and the touch of their skin on mine. Harley’s mouth traces the tendons of my neck, nipping and sucking, and I know for sure that I’m not going to leave this party with my dignity.

  It’s fucking worth it.

  Harley’s hands slide up from where he was gripping my waist to slip underneath the lace of the teddy and roll my nipples until I’m grinding back on his dick and panting into Ash’s mouth. Ash cups my soaking pussy through the lingerie and pauses for a second until I nod, breaking away from his lips to drop my head onto Harley’s shoulder and moan like an utter slut. I fucking love it.

  Harley bites down on my shoulder as his eyes glue themselves down my body to where Ash is tugging and shifting the teddy until he has room to touch me properly. The teddy has snaps along the crotch and I’m so fucking desperate I think about ripping it open, but I don’t think either of them would be happy with me being bared to the whole dance floor like that. I don’t think anyone has noticed us, there’s a couple fucking on the bar so no one gives a fuck, but I know my guys.

  It’s like my nod to Ash unleashes the restraint he’s been showing for weeks and he’s merciless now he has his hands on me. He slips a finger inside me and after a few quick pumps he adds another, raking them over my G spot sporadically like a fucking tease until I’m a babbling mess. I give him a stern look, but he’s smirking at me like a smug dick and when his thumb brushes over my clit, in the lightest freaking touch, I want to cry.

  The more he teases, the more I grind back on Harley’s dick and his chest is heaving against my back. I can feel how much Ash is getting off at drawing this out, at driving me out of my mind, and when I’m about to shove him away and demand Harley finish the damn job he grinds his thumb into my clit and I break into a thousand jagged pieces. Only Harley’s arms around me keep me upright as Ash strokes the orgasm out of me with nothing, but his demanding fingers.

  When my brain comes back online, Ash slips his fingers out and stares at me, unblinking, as he pushes them into my mouth. Okay. Never tasted myself before but sweet lord fuck, that’s hot. It only gets hotter when he leans forward to chase the taste with his own tongue and Harley’s fingers slip down into the mess they’ve both made.

  I gasp into Ash’s mouth and when he breaks away I grab his biceps to steady my jelly-legs now Harley’s steel grip has eased off. There’s an odd pause where they both tense for a moment, and then Harley’s fingers start to move against me.

  He’s obviously not trying to get me off, his fingers just playing in the come that’s dripping its way down my thighs, and he presses his mouth to my ear to shout over the music.

  “I’m cleaning this up, babe, I don’t want you wasting it down your legs.”

  My brain short circuits a little because he’s right, I don’t want to go back to Avery with a soaked crotch, but there’s no bathrooms here. I should have thought about that before I let them both distract me with their hotness and their hands.

  I don’t make any attempts to resist as they move me over to a small alcove-like area near one of the enormous speakers. I wait for Harley to give me some sort of idea of how he’s going to make me presentable before we see Avery, but instead he swaps positions with Ash until he’s standing before me and the look they share spells trouble. Deadly, sexy trouble.

  I narrow my eyes at Harley but he ignores me, swooping down to kiss me, pressing me into Ash’s chest as his arms band around my hips like steel. I have just enough room to wriggle between them, grinding against their dicks, torn between pushing forward or back. For the first time I think about having sex with more than one of them and I’m not scared. Jesus, what are they doing to me? I shiver and moan all over again, breaking the kiss with Harley.

  Then he smirks at me and drops to his knees.


  Oh fuck.

  My heart starts pounding in my chest. His hands skim up my thighs until he finds the opening at the crotch of the teddy and rips the snaps open, baring my pussy to him. Thank god I really did shave everything because I can feel his breath dancing over my skin as he leans in, and my eyes roll back in my head.

  I’m trembling as I wait for his mouth to touch me. Then Ash’s arms drop from my hips and he pushes me forward slightly as he leans down to hook his arms around my knees. He lifts me up and open, spreading me wide so my pussy is on full display for Harley. My cheeks burn, but before I can protest this mortifying position Harley sinks his teeth into my thigh sharply until I look down at him, and once he has my eyes glued to his he finally drops his mouth down to lick and suck at my pussy like he’s been starving for this.

  I can’t keep my eyes open, not as his tongue swirls around my clit and toys with it until my thighs are trembling in Ash’s hands, so I squeeze my eyes shut and drop my head back against Ash’s shoulder. I want to wrap my legs around Harley’s neck and grind on his face, but those hands are immovable even as I try to squirm. Instead, I wrap one hand around Ash’s wrist to keep me stable and the other I twist into Harley’s hair, pulling him closer and I feel his groan against my sensitive skin.

  Holy fuck, if this is how I die then I accept.

  I know if I look down at Harley I’m going to come straight away and I don’t want him to stop the amazing torture. I can’t think past what his mouth is doing to me and when he drops down to push his tongue inside me I cry out into the deafening noise of the party, no one any wiser of the dirty dreams Harley is fulfilling for me.

  When I can’t stand it any longer and his tongu
e is working my clit like he’s trying to melt my brain, I open my eyes and the roaming lights of the warehouse hit Harley’s face as he stares straight into my eyes. I come so fucking hard, my back arching to grind my pussy into his mouth even harder and Ash slackens his hold just enough to let my writhe my release out on his cousin’s face.

  When my head drops back onto Ash’s shoulder again my eyes land on the balcony above us, to find the Jackal is watching us, flanked by his men. He’s gripping the railing and his back is so deadly straight I’m surprised he hasn’t pulled his gun yet.

  I stare up at him, defiance in every inch of my body, as I realize Harley and Ash have known he was there watching all along. This was as much a claiming of me for them as a fun public fuck.

  I can’t see the Jackal’s face clearly, but the lights keeping hitting us at random intervals and he’s been able to see exactly what we’ve been doing.

  Ash gently lowers my legs to the ground, kissing my neck possessively, and when he looks up at the Jackal I see the arrogant taunt; the challenge he’s giving the sociopathic Jackal to come down and fight him for me. I suppose being raised by Senior has made Ash a little reckless.

  Harley tugs the crotch of my teddy back together, closing the snaps carefully to cover my pussy from view, before standing and turning away from me. I glance away from the Jackal to see the deadly glare he’s throwing at the leader of a fucking huge criminal organization like the haughty golden god he is, and on impulse I lean forward to kiss the solid muscle of his back.

  I will not submit to the Jackal’s demands any longer.

  Even if it costs me my life.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Avery is tipsy enough that she doesn’t notice the state of my teddy or the wet spots on the guy’s boxers, and I’ve never been so fucking grateful for margaritas in my life. Blaise has to be carried out and I tuck my arm into Avery’s to keep her walking straight.

  “Fuck guys, Lips. Just fuck them.” She giggles and I notice tears in her eyes even as her giggles turn into a full belly laugh.

  I am hoping to fuck three of them in particular, but I keep that little nugget of wisdom to myself. “What’s happened? Atticus being a dick again?”

  She tucks her face into my neck and I try not to breathe on her. The last thing in my mouth was Ash’s fingers coated in my come so I really don’t want her smelling it on my breath. I don’t want to think about her reaction to that!

  “I told him I was out on the town and he said I’m not the type of girl that should be out at parties. I didn’t even tell him where I was! He thinks I’m some perfect china fucking doll, maybe that’s why he won’t fuck me.”

  My brain goes blank, and when Ash’s head snaps around to look back at us he’s all fury and rage. I shake my head at him with a look. Glass houses and all that.

  “I’m confiscating your phone. We’re making him come to you remember? If he wants to try to tell you what sort of girl you are instead of seeing it for himself then he’s a dick. You’ll feel better in the morning, and if he tries to make you feel bad about it, I’ll stab him. Or we can ask Illi too, he loves that shit.”

  Avery laughs again and whispers, far too loudly so everyone hears her, “You didn’t tell me Illi was so fucking hot! Do you think his dick is tattooed too?”

  I see the tension form in Harley and Ash’s shoulders as I giggle. I deliberate for a half a second but think, fuck it.

  “Odie, his wife, told me he has her name tattooed down his dick because any girl that dares to go near it should be warned it belongs to her. I’m not sure if she was being serious, but I do know he has a piercing there. I haven’t seen it! A few Mounty girls told me about fucking him. Before Odie, I mean.”

  Avery stumbles and my leg protests so fucking painfully as I hold her upright.

  “A piercing?! Do you think he’d show it to me?”

  “Avery, shut the fuck up!” Ash snaps and I snort with laughter at them both as we get to the car. Avery frowns at him, but at least the tears are gone from her eyes.

  Harley drives us back. I sit in the back, with Blaise draped over my lap and Ash seethes about Avery’s drunken ramblings next to us. I feel like warning him that she’s just doing it to piss him off, but Avery needs to get her kicks somewhere, I guess.

  When we get back to the hotel room, the guys drop Blaise on the couch and then Ash stomps after Avery to start an argument with her.

  I wriggle my feet out of the boots, grabbing my knife to take with me to bed, and then move to follow the twins into our room. Harley catches me around the waist and drags me into his body.

  “Did you forget something, babe? You’re in my bed tonight. It’s my reward for not mouthing off to that sick fuck.”

  Oh, right.

  I turn in his arms, rubbing my face on his bare chest as I yawn, dead on my feet.

  “I’m not sure you deserve it after your little private show for him.”

  Harley hoists my into his arms and carries me to his bed. “That’s exactly why I deserve it, babe.”

  I’m woken by a text from Doc checking in to see if I still need to see him.

  I flick him a quick text saying I’ll be an hour and then I crawl out from underneath Harley and jump in the shower. I order an Uber as I throw some shorts and one of Harley’s tees on, then shove my cherry Doc’s on at the door and swipe a room key from the side-table at the door.

  “Where are you sneaking off to this early in the morning?” Ash whispers, and I jump about a mile in the air. Creepy fucker. He’s standing there, already dressed and with a cup of delicious smelling coffee in his hands. I think about wrestling it off of him.

  “I’m going to see Doc. I have an appointment.” I whisper back, and try to ignore the blush that immediately starts.

  Ash eyes my cheeks and quirks an eyebrow. “I’ll drive you in. We can pick up breakfast on the way back.”

  Okay, that sounds amazing, but the chances of him waiting in the car while I’m in with Doc aren’t great. He hands me his coffee while he grabs his shoes and I drink the rest of it in a giant gulp. “I need to speak to him about birth control and my period. I didn’t think you’d want to sign up for a front row seat for that.”

  Ash smirks and grabs his keys. “I’m glad you’re thinking about birth control, Mounty, and I’m not squeamish. Who the hell do you think helped Avery when she first got hers? I don’t give a shit. Now, do you want to take the Maserati or the Mustang?”


  I guess he’s coming.

  We take the Maserati because he has the keys for that already and I don’t want this to end up a field trip to my uterus by asking Harley for the ‘Stang keys.

  It’s strange to me that Ash has access to the largest amount of money and yet we’re borrowing cars from the other two. When I mention it, he smirks at me. “I have a collection of cars and if I brought any of them to the slums of Mounts Bay, I would have to stab someone for breathing too closely to them. I leave them safely in the garage at Avery’s horse ranch.”


  Avery has a horse ranch?

  Ash laughs at my expression. “She bought it freshman year and she’s been renovating it since. She’s been careful about keeping it a secret from Joey and Senior. She hates horses because she’s a germaphobe, but the land is in a prime and secluded location. She built a garage for me and she’s been renovating rooms for us all too. She’ll start bugging you about moving into it during summer break soon.”


  Maybe I do have a house I need to have secured by the Coyote? I make a note to ask Avery about it.

  Ash is shockingly good with directions and remembers how to get to Doc’s house without much prompting. The drive is clear of cars and he parks out front, unbuckling his seatbelt and pausing when I don’t make a move. I don’t like admitting when things hurt or are concerning me, I’d rather make a sarcastic joke, so I give myself a second to get my shit together.

  Ash watches me fidget for a second, and then
gives me a look. He says, with a surprisingly neutral but stern tone, “I’m coming in. I don’t like him and if he has someone else in there I don’t want you walking in alone.”

  I nod, but I don’t move to get out.

  “Is there something else?” He says, and it’s in that soft damn tone he uses at Avery. I cave.

  “I get severe cramps. I’ve been getting the birth control injection from him for years to help lessen the pain but it’s not working out, and being at Hannaford makes it hard to get them on time anyway. I’m asking for something else.”

  Ash frowns at me and shrugs as he opens the car door. “Stop worrying then. Let’s get this over with so we can go get breakfast. I need another coffee.”

  Doc opens the door before we make it up the steps. “Hello, my girl! Brought a friend again, I see. I’m glad you’re being a bit more social.”

  I can barely hear him over the noise of the kids running around the house and Ash is scowling around the room at them all. I wait until we’re locked safely in the exam room before I quietly murmur to Doc, “This is Ash. He is the one who tried to help Maria.”

  Ash’s eyes snap to mine. “What do you mean tried to? She got out, didn’t she?”

  Fuck. I grimace and Doc smiles wryly at Ash, clapping him on the shoulder. He doesn’t act like a man deeply mourning, but I can see the strain in his face, the signs of his devastation there if you know him like I do.

  Doc answers Ash for me while I’m still fumbling for the right words. “You did get her out and I cannot thank you enough. But she was a silly, love-sick girl and went back to Matteo. She’s gone now. Those noisy little beasts out there are all I have left now.”

  The mask snaps back over Ash’s features and I curse myself for not telling him earlier. Doc gives him another little pat then directs us to sit down.

  “Here for a shot? You’re late, my girl. I hope you’re not here about babies.”


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