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Play the Game: Hannaford Prep Year Three

Page 17

by J Bree

  “I think I’m going to have to. He’s going to force my hand and he’s not someone we can neutralize long term. I have to figure Senior out first, because he’s already made it clear that he’ll kill you and Avery if anything happens to Joey but… yes. I’ll take him out.”

  Any hesitance I had in telling Ash I’m planning on murdering his brother is obviously pointless because he just nods thoughtfully.

  He strokes his long fingers over my face, brushing my hair back absently as he thinks. “The gossip site posted about our relationship and Joey messaged me to threaten you. He told Senior about you too. Mounty, I’m not going to let them get to you.”

  I swallow roughly at the emotion in his voice, something I’m not sure I ever thought would be aimed at me. “Don’t think about it. The Crow will keep Senior away until we can deal with him properly. The only reason I haven’t gone in to deal with him myself is because you and Avery are underage. Too many variables. Avery seems to think Atticus would step in for you both but-”

  “Fuck Atticus. I’d rather live in the slums with you than owe that dickhead anything.” Ash hisses. It’s fucking hard work, but I contain my eye roll. How does he go from sweet to asshole in a flash?

  I ignore his tantrum and say, “Like I said, too many variables. If we can keep him away from you, and somehow keep fucking Morningstar away, then we’ll be able to wait until you’re eighteen. Then I’ll sneak into his bedroom and slit his throat while he sleeps. Or Illi can take a meat cleaver to his throat and then dismember him.”

  Ash mutters unhappily under his breath at the mention of Illi and I nudge him playfully. Avery exits the bathroom, quirking a brow at Ash’s appearance but doesn’t make a comment as she climbs into her own bed and cuts the lights. I hear her iPod start up and smile at her attempts to give us a little privacy.

  I let my eyes drift shut, ready to sleep and forget about the sociopaths looming over us, watching our every freaking move. Ash presses his lips to mine and kisses me so sweetly I can’t believe it’s him. He usually kisses me with fire, with dominance, with that arrogance that only a Beaumont can have.

  I tremble like a freaking wilting virgin in his arms.

  When he breaks away to press his forehead against mine, he whispers, “If I lose you, then everything we’ve done has been for nothing. If he takes you away from me… I can’t let that happen. Every time I close my eyes I see you strapped to that fucking table, bleeding out while they watch, and I won’t live through that again. If there’s a chance of that, then we need to kill them both. I almost wish you weren’t so strong, that you’d dropped out freshman year, because even though I wouldn’t have you, at least you’d be safe and far away from Senior.”

  I will not cry, I won’t let myself, but fuck it’s hard not to.

  When I’m sure my voice won’t betray me, I say, “If I had dropped out, I’d be the Jackal’s personal whore by now. He would have chained me to his bed and fucked me until I was nothing but an empty, manipulatable shell. Then he would control two seats in the Twelve and be unstoppable. We’ll get through this together, like we’ll get through everything else life throws at us. As a family.”

  He nods against my neck, biting the skin softly until a shiver runs down my spine.

  I don’t know how long it takes me to fall asleep but I’m woken by the dip in the bed and smell of chlorine hits me before his voice does.

  “What the fuck has happened now?” Harley whispers, pulling me back into his arms and Ash grunts unhappily in his sleep.

  “Nothing. He just needed… me.”

  Harley nods and kisses my neck, right over the bruise Ash left behind. “We all need you, babe.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The only way to spend any time with Harley is to study down at the pool while he’s at practice. It’s stuffy from the water heaters and my notes somehow end up watermarked every time, but it’s worth the trouble when Harley walks out in his swimsuit.

  As my eyes trace the ridges and plains of his muscles, the Adonis belt I swear had to to be seen to be believed, I absently wonder if I’ll ever be able to look at him without feeling lightheaded. It’s not like he’s some idealized dream; I’ve seen so many of his highs and lows already, I know he’s human. I know he’s not some perfect man. But, sweet lord, to look at him is like looking at the fucking sun; searingly hot and dangerous to your health.

  I’m distracted from my lusty daydreaming by Ms. fucking Vivienne sitting her whorish ass next to me with a smirk.

  “Stunning, isn’t he?” She says, coquettish in her breathy tones.

  I could rip her fucking head right off of her body.

  “I would think a teacher in her, what, thirties would know better than commenting on the physical appearance of students.” I snark, channeling Avery Beaumont at her scathing, polished best.

  Ms. Vivienne just smiles at me. “Becoming a teacher didn’t make me immune to the charms of the younger males. He’s only a few months away from turning eighteen and then we’ll be free to… explore the attraction we share.”

  I snort at her, shaking my head at the crazy that’s spewing out of her mouth. Harley glances up at me and frowns when he sees the cougar bitch. I give him a sarcastic little wave and palm my knife. He notices and smirks at me, blowing me a kiss.

  “Boys that look like him, they turn into men that won’t settle for little girls like you. He needs someone with more experience, someone who is more worldly. He’s not going to share you with his friends forever.”


  She’s just voiced my biggest fear about my guys, and yet the moment the words leave her mouth I know exactly how wrong she is. We’re damaged, we’re broken, we’re desperate, but we’re together and we’re a family.

  There was no jealousy or hesitation in Harley when he found Ash in my bed, only concern for what drove him there. Blaise only gets pissy about being left out of the group… activities, never about sharing. And Ash… Ash wants me safe and happy.

  This bitch wouldn’t know a fucking thing about what Harley needs, but I do.

  “Keep pushing him, Ms. Turner. You’ll learn that he’s nothing like the pretty little boys you’re used to playing with and I am nothing like the girls you’ve threatened away before.”

  Ms. Vivienne’s spine snaps ramrod straight and the smile on her face now has a viciously sharp edge. “I was told you’re a brilliant student, that your IQ is at genius levels, and yet you can’t identify when you’re outplayed.”

  “If I’m such a genius why am I not a part of your study group? Why isn’t Ash? He’s just as smart as Harley. You’re a sexual predator and you belong behind bars. If you had any sort of intellect you’d leave Harley alone, because the path you’re on leads to a six-foot deep hole.”

  She blinks at me, then turns on me with vicious intent only to falter as Blaise’s says, “There you are, Star. I’ve been summoned to rescue you from the cougar. Harley’s afraid you’ll catch the clap from sitting too close to her.”

  His shadow hits me as I look up at his smirking face, every inch the spoiled rock god of my dreams in his leather jacket and ripped jeans. He winks at me playfully when he catches me giving him a lusty once-over. I might be horny, sue me.

  The look on Ms. Vivienne’s face… fucking priceless.

  “How dare you speak to me like that!”

  I scoff at her. If I were a nice person I’d warn her of Morrison’s poison tongue but, y’know, fuck her.

  “You’re a desperate, panting whore who can’t accept that you’re over the hill so you fuck teenage boys to get validation.”

  She turns beet-red with outrage and I chuckle under my breath, stashing my books away. I don’t need rescuing, but it’s nice to sit back and watch Blaise destroy someone who’s not me for once.

  “Yes, I know, you’re going to call my parents and go to the principal. Problem is, my parents don’t give a fuck and Trevelen is under Beaumont’s thumb so… maybe you should chase after someone else’s co
ck and leave Arbour’s alone. Also, if I ever see you so much as side-eye Star again I’ll personally destroy you. Are you aware that my aunt is on the school board? Shriveled old hag, but she has a soft spot for me. How badly do you need this job? I think I’ll start by taking it from you and working my way up from there.”

  Blaise’s face only gets more vicious as the stunned silence drags out from the cougar and he holds a hand out to help me up. “Avery’s waiting to have dinner with us in the dining hall before her ballet class. We shouldn’t keep her waiting.”

  I tuck myself under his arm and don’t spare the whore a backwards glance.

  My phone wakes me the next morning and I don’t recognize the number. Avery frowns over at me, unhappy at the early wake up call, and I force my tone to be even and cold.

  When I hear the Coyote’s voice I straighten.

  “I’m not a fan of early mornings either, Wolf, but this is an emergency. I have some information for you and a job. I’m willing to hand over a favor if you’re reluctant.”

  I bite my lip. “What is the information first?”

  He huffs down the phone but I wouldn’t say it’s a particularly joyful sound. “You’ve royally pissed off the Jackal and now he’s gone fucking insane. He’s hitting back at the members who took your side in the vote. He’s just popped by for a visit here but he seems to have forgotten that I live in a bunker and it could survive an atomic bomb blast.”

  I groan and rub my eyes. “I apologize that my… issues are now affecting you.”

  The Coyote laughs at me, still no joy to be found. “I don’t regret voting for you. He’ll have to try a bit fucking harder than this to push me into taking his side on anything. I’m just calling to let you know he’s on the fucking rampage and no one is safe.”

  Avery gets up to make us both coffees and I switch the phone onto speaker so she can hear the conversation. “Right. Well, I appreciate the courtesy call. What’s the job?”

  There’s a pause and then he murmurs, “You’re in love with the mobster’s kid, right? He’s worth all of this?”

  Avery hands me a cup of coffee and climbs into my bed, the side Harley crawled out of hours ago to head into swim practice. “I do. If I have to go to war for him then I will.”

  “The Jackal threatened my girl. I need you to get her to me and away from him before he gets his hands on her.”

  I shrug. “Easy. Name and location.”

  He hesitates and I cuss him out under my breath. “She knows she’s your girl, right? I’m not kidnapping some girl you’re cyberstalking, am I?”

  “We’ve met.”

  Fuuuuuuck. Seriously?!

  I sigh loudly at him, something I wouldn’t do to any other member of the Twelve. “You want me to kidnap a girl you’ve met but aren’t in a relationship with because the Jackal somehow knows you’re into her and is threatening her. Does that about cover it?”

  The Coyote laughs and says, “Yep. You in or not, kid?”

  Avery cuts me a look, cold and calculating, with her phone in her palm ready to start work if I deem this a job we’re taking. There’s no way around it though, we need as many members of the Twelve on our side as we can manage.

  “Sure, I’ll do it for a favor. Send her details through to me and I’ll have her to you by midnight tonight.”

  The Coyote chuckles at me. “Oh, I think you can have her here a little faster than that, kid. She sleeps down the hall from you.”

  Avery’s eyebrows nearly hit her hairline and I’m sure mine are close too. The Coyote is stalking a Hannaford girl? For fuck’s sake. “Who the fuck is she?”

  The chuckles turn into a full fucking belly laugh. “Well, her dad’s a senator and her mom’s a news anchor so it may make some waves when she disappears.”

  Avery drops her phone. I have no idea of who this girl is but by the look on Avery’s face I’ve just made a critical error. “Viola Ayres? You’re cyberstalking Senator Peter Ayres’ daughter?”

  “Is that the hot girl you brought to the Lingerie Party? I never caught your name, hottie.”

  Avery sneers at the phone and I cut in, “Just answer the question, is Viola the girl you’re stalking?”

  “Yes and I’m not stalking her, I’m just casually keeping an eye on her from afar. I mean, I could hack her webcams and watch her sleep at night, but I don’t because I’m not a pervert. Honestly, Wolf, it’s like you don’t trust me or something.”

  I don’t trust him, or any other hacker on the planet. Which reminds me; my eyes narrow down at the phone as if he can see me. “I thought you wiped my middle name from existence? I keep getting packages with the name listed.”

  He scoffs. “I did. There’s no way anyone has looked you up and found out your dirty little secret. Must be someone you know.”


  I can’t think of anyone other than the Jackal who knows it.


  I share a look with Avery. “I’ll have her to you by midnight. Even if I have to gag ‘er and drag ‘er, she’ll be in the bunker by midnight.”

  To say that I don’t have time for Mr. Trevelen’s bullshit is putting it fucking mildly.

  Avery gave me the rundown on Viola Ayres while I forced myself to eat breakfast, my stomach roiling with nerves over the potential issues, and I try to scrape together a plan for how the hell I’m going to make this work. I sent word to Illi to do the drop off for me, he was far too cheery about it for my liking, and then all I have left to do is… kidnap the girl.


  I’m busy trying to look calm around the guys so they don’t get involved and complicate things when Trevelen pulls me out of math class. It’s our first class for the day, and the second he calls out my name my stomach drops and I share a look with Avery.

  Nothing good ever comes from being pulled out of classes.

  I pack my bag, my face the picture of calm and stable, while Harley glares at Trevelen like he’s seconds away from shanking him. I squeeze his arm gently, discreetly, then follow the principal down to his office.

  A shiver runs down my spine as he directs me to sit. The last time I was in this room I was facing suspension and the Jackal got me out of it. I watch Trevelen attempt to pull himself into a power pose but he lacks the spine required to pull it off. I raise an eyebrow at him like a spoiled rich kid and he clears his throat.

  “Miss Anderson, I’m going to get straight to the point. There have been… further accusations of unbecoming behavior against you put forward by an anonymous party. This time video evidence has been provided and the school board has made the decision to-”

  The door slams open and an enraged Avery Beaumont stalks through, graceful even at her most furious. Not that you’d be able to tell from looking at her that she’s pissed, it’s more the air around her that gives it away; even the dust particles are running away from her.

  My hands have a fine tremble in them, but I clench my fists and my jaw to ward them away.

  “Mr. Trevelen-“

  “Miss Beaumont,” He interrupts and I tense. “There is no reason for you to be here. This issue is about Miss Anderson and her status as a scholarship student. It is none of your concern, no matter how much you wish it were so.”

  Fuck. Avery is going to destroy him.

  Her eyes narrow and she leans forward in her chair, menacing and calm. I speak for her, just to make sure she has all the facts she needs to dig me out of this.

  “Who was the anonymous source? I think I have the right to know who is trying to have me kicked out and defend myself.”

  Trevelen’s eyes flash to mine and the regret that flashes there has nothing to do with me and everything to do with his own ass that is now firmly on the line.

  He clears his throat again before saying, “She- the source has been granted anonymity by the school board to ensure there are no unjust repercussions. Your roommate has a… reputation for such things.”

  Avery smirks at him and I settle back in the chair, conten
t to watch her work. I bleed people out for her and she does this stupid political crap for me.

  It works.

  “I have far more important and pressing issues to deal with than some desperate slut because we both know this reeks of jealous little whores. I’ll have your job for this, Richard, we both know I own you. If you’re lucky, we won’t take your head with it.”

  “You can’t just go around threatening people’s lives, Miss Beaumont.” He says but his forehead is covered with a thin sheen of sweat that belies the truth in his words.

  Avery laughs at him, and I shiver at the sound.

  Fuck, I love her.

  “Oh, you’re mistaking me! It’s not a threat, it’s a fact. If you fuck with my family, you bleed. Have you not met my father, Richard? The apple doesn't fall far from that tree, I assure you.”

  Trevelen is now moping his sweat up with a handkerchief, his fingers shaking. “Miss Beaumont, there is nothing I can do about it! The video has now been watched by the entire school board and the ethics committee will have my ass if I don’t act upon in. Maybe Miss Anderson should have acted with-”

  “Was Miss Anderson the only student in the video? Was she acting indecent by herself? No. This is all an attempt by Ms. Turner to separate Harley and Lips because she’s a sexual predator. Are you aware she’s fucking a fifteen year old student, Richard? How does your ethics board feel about that? Oh, I’m sure they’re fine with it because she’s fucking them too. I don’t care what it takes, you will make this disappear. If you don’t, I’ll send my own anonymous letter out to the police and tell them exactly where you buried your first wife. Does Lucinda know the back porch she so dearly loves to sit on and enjoy is built on the unmarked grave you dug?”



  I did not see that coming.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Viola Ayres is nothing like I was expecting the daughter of a Senator to be.

  She’s a senior and has a private room so when we knock at her door, she frowns and ushers us in. She’s taller than me, but that’s not hard. Her hair is streaked with purple highlights and there’s a stud in her nose so tiny you can barely see it flashing in the light. The teachers here would struggle to spot the dress code violation and I instantly like her more than any other girl I’ve come across. Well, other than Avery obviously.


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