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Wanted by the Warrant Officer

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by Davenport, Fiona

  Wanted by the Warrant Officer

  Fiona Davenport

  Copyright © 2021 by Fiona Davenport

  Cover designed by Elle Christensen

  Edited by Editing4Indies

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Wanted by the Warrant Officer

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10



  About the Author

  Wanted by the Warrant Officer

  The last thing Deacon Walker expected when he drove one of his friends to the hospital for the birth of their child was to meet the woman who was meant to be his. But the Navy SEAL knew that he’d do whatever it took to claim Piper Amherst as soon as he saw her.

  The attraction between Deacon and Piper burned hot and fast, but someone else wanted the pretty nurse for themselves. With Deacon deployed on a mission overseas, can Piper stay out of their clutches long enough for her man to figure out who’s after her?



  “Are you ready to help deliver some babies today?”

  I grinned at Cindy, the charge nurse for our unit. “Always.”

  Working as a maternity nurse, I loved being a part of one of the biggest moments in a woman’s life—when she became a mother. I almost couldn’t believe it when I was hired to work in the labor and delivery unit straight out of school. I’d worked hard to achieve my dream of becoming a nurse, taking as many dual enrollment credits as possible when I was in high school, so I had a jump start toward my degree. Then when I was in college, I took a full course load every semester, including over the summers, and graduated with my bachelor’s in nursing when I was still a few months from my twenty-first birthday.

  I took the NCLEX test to get my state nursing license as soon as possible after graduation, but the forty-five-day wait felt like forever. Then even though I’d paid extra to get my preliminary results, I had to cool my heels for the next six weeks before the official score came in the mail. But once I got my license, everything went at warp speed, and only two weeks later, I was working at my first official nursing job. Cindy asked me the same question that day and every time I clocked in since then, and my answer had always been the same.

  “Good.” She arched her brow and sighed. “Because the shift before us was slow, and you know what that means.”

  I groaned and shook my head. “It’s probably all my fault since this is my last shift before eight days off. Of course, we’re going to be super busy.”

  “We’ve gotta wear you out properly before you enjoy your time off.” Cindy grinned at me. “Do you have any big plans?”

  I returned her smile as I thought about how relaxing the next week would be for me. “Nope, I’m just going to spend some time at the beach after catching up on sleep, cleaning, and errands.”

  I glanced down at the carry-out coffee mug next to the computer at the nurses’ station and wasn’t too surprised to see my name written on the side of it. I was the youngest nurse on the team, but it hadn’t taken me long to fit in with my co-workers. Bonds were quickly formed when you worked twelve-hour shifts together doing a job with emotional highs and lows. We depended on each other and brought babies into the world. “Did you see who left this here for me?”

  Cindy shook her head and shrugged. “No, but it was probably Stephanie. You know how fanatical she is about her coffee, and she had a cup from the same place with her when she got here about five minutes ago.”

  Taking a sip of the latte made exactly how I liked it, I made a mental note to thank my co-worker for her thoughtfulness. Then I focused on the computer to scan through the charts of the patients on the floor, glancing up when I heard a man yell, “We need help over here!”

  The woman in the wheelchair he was pushing was holding her rounded belly while grimacing in pain. After setting my latte down, I ran over to them and dropped to my knees in front of her. Lightly pressing my index and middle finger to her inner wrist, I assessed her radial pulse. After counting for thirty seconds and multiplying by two to confirm she was in the normal range, I asked, “When did the contractions start, how far apart are they, and how many weeks into the pregnancy are you?”

  Before she could say anything, another contraction hit, making her groan before she started to pant through the pain. Her husband stroked his hands over her shoulders while he answered, “She’s six days past her due date. Her water broke about thirty minutes ago, and that’s when the contractions started. They’re already less than five minutes apart. I called our doctor from the car, and she’s already on her way here. My wife is pre-registered, so you should have all her details in your system under Audrey Ashford.”

  I flashed him a grateful smile for the detailed rundown before returning my attention to Audrey. “Let’s get you into a room so you’ll be all set when your doctor arrives.”

  As I got to my feet, another man rushed through the doors and called out, “Everything okay, Merrick?”

  When I looked up, my years of training and months of experience flew out of my brain at the sight of the guy striding toward us. There was something compelling about him, and it wasn’t just his incredibly good looks. I felt trapped in place by the intensity of his blue eyes, but that didn’t stop me from taking in his dark hair, facial scruff, and tall, muscular body.

  Audrey rubbed her palms together and murmured, “This is going to be fun.”

  I forcibly dragged my attention away from the guy who was checking me out as closely as I’d been him, my eyes going wide when what she said hit me. “This is going to be fun? I don’t think I’ve ever had a patient describe giving birth quite like that before. Usually, they’re asking how quickly we can get them an epidural once the contractions are as close together as yours are.”

  Merrick rounded the wheelchair and nudged me out of the way, worry shining from his dark eyes. “Do you need meds, kitten? Because I’ll make sure they give them to you now if you’re in too much pain.”

  My heart melted over how sweet this big guy with a dangerous air was treating his wife. I had no doubt that he’d do whatever it took to make the birthing process go as smoothly as possible for her. Patting his hand, Audrey smiled and muttered, “I’m sure I’ll be fine until we get to the birthing suite.”

  “Which is where I’ll take you right now.” I eyed the other guy up and down one last time before moving to the back of the wheelchair to push my patient toward the elevator since the labor and delivery suites were up one floor. Bending low, I whispered, “Who’s hottie number two?”

  I jumped a little when the man in question answered from behind me, “A friend of the family.”

  “Like I said,” Audrey whispered back. “This is going to be fun.”

  Cindy had been right about how my shift was going to go. We ended up having ten births—three of which were triplets that Stephanie was helping with, so I never had the chance to thank her for the latte that helped get me through the day—with an additional seven expectant mothers in varying stages of labor. The hours went by in a blur, but one thing that stood out to me was my completely inappropriate flirtation with Deacon. He stayed in Audrey’s birthing suite for most of the first eight or so hours until her act
ive labor progressed to the point where she was ready to push.

  He did a great job keeping Merrick distracted, bringing him drinks and a snack—and taking the blame when Audrey got pissed that her husband was eating in front of her when she wasn’t allowed to have anything. But what struck me the most happened at the end of my shift when I rounded on each of my patients before leaving. I saved Audrey’s room for last and stumbled to an abrupt stop when I walked in and found Deacon holding Audrey and Merrick’s son.

  Kohen looked so tiny, being held against Deacon’s broad chest swaddled in a blue blanket. Deacon swayed back and forth, his gaze riveted on the baby’s face as he whispered, “Look at you, little buddy. It’s a good thing you got your mommy’s looks, huh? The girls are going to go crazy over you and West when you guys get older.”

  Merrick grumbled something not fit for a baby’s ears and stalked over to take his son out of his friend’s arms, but Audrey just giggled as I walked toward her to check her vitals. As I noted everything in her electronic chart, she jerked her chin toward where the men stood. “Deacon looks good with a baby in his arms, right?”

  I nodded as I glanced at her friend, my cheeks filling with heat when I realized he was staring straight back at me. Merrick strode back over to his wife, dropping down onto the seat next to the bed and glaring over his shoulder at Deacon. “You can head out if you need to grab a bite to eat or something.”

  Deacon winked at me before grinning at his friend. “Aw, don’t be jealous just because your wife thinks I’m hot.”

  If looks could kill, Deacon would’ve dropped on the spot with the laser beams shooting from Merrick’s eyes. Deciding to step in before things got heated, I murmured, “Don’t get all worked up, guys. You’re both handsome.”

  Deacon leveled a glare at me while Merrick chuckled and settled back into the chair. “Ha! Payback’s a bitch.”

  I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but it didn’t really matter since it was time for me to head home. Walking over to the whiteboard near the door, I erased my name and wrote my replacement’s down. Then I turned back toward Audrey. “It’s the end of my shift, so Wendy will be taking over your care from here. But don’t worry, she’s an awesome nurse.”

  “Don’t worry about us. I’m sure Wendy will be great.” Audrey grinned at me. “Will we see you again before they spring Kohen and me?”

  “Nope, sorry.” I shook my head. “My next shift isn’t until later next week.”

  Audrey’s eyes twinkled as her gaze slid toward Deacon before returning to me. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time off.”



  My eyes remained glued to the beautiful nurse—Piper, according to her name tag—as she smiled at Audrey and wished her luck.

  Her light blue scrubs were almost the same shade as her eyes, and though they were loose, they did nothing to hide her curves. She was of average height, but I was still at least half a foot taller than her. And despite her small frame, she had generous, round tits, a sweet swell at her hips, and her ass—I’d never been an ass man, but the second I saw Piper, I became one.

  Full lips, a pert nose, and high cheekbones were framed by wisps of black hair that had been twisted up into a bun at the back of her head. By the thickness of the twist, I surmised that her hair was long, and I kept picturing it spread out over my pillow.

  It had only taken a moment for me to know that Piper was mine. The fact that she clearly lived in LA didn’t give me a moment’s pause. We’d work it all out, but first, I had to convince her that I was her future.

  With a last lingering glance in my direction, she strode out of the hospital room. “Congrats, guys,” I said distractedly as I started toward the door. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  Audrey giggled. “We won’t wait up.”

  A wolfish grin spread across my face. “Good call.” Then I was in the hallway, looking both directions until I spotted a perfect ass and the sexy sway of Piper’s hips as she went around a corner. I jogged after her and found her behind the nurses’ station writing on a clipboard before handing it to another woman in pink scrubs.

  “I know you want to relax on your week off,” she said to Piper, “but try to have a little fun too.”

  My smile widened. I would make sure she had plenty of fun. I wanted to get to know her, but “fun” would definitely include multiple orgasms.

  “Piper.” My voice came out low and raspy because my muscles had clenched at the thought of her screaming my name in the throes of passion.

  Her head whipped in my direction, and I smirked at the tiny shiver that wracked her body. “Is something wrong with Audrey?” she asked, her blue eyes filling with concern.

  I shook my head and placed my elbows on the counter so I could lean forward, wanting to be closer to her, even if it was only a few more inches. “She’s great. I want to talk to you about something else.”

  “Oh?” Piper looked startled but pleased.

  “I’ll finish up your paperwork,” the nurse in pink scrubs offered with a wink at Piper before pushing her out from behind the desk.

  “We weren’t formally introduced, but I’m Deacon.” I held out my hand, palm up, and waited.

  Piper glanced at it, and twin spots of pink bloomed on her cheeks. After a second, she placed her hand in mine, and when my fingers closed around it, a shock of electricity coursed through me, burning a path of desire straight to my cock. From the slight widening of her eyes and quick inhale, I was confident she’d felt the same spark.

  I was about to ask her to dinner when I realized it was seven o’clock in the morning. “Can I take you to breakfast?”

  Her full, pouty lips curved up. “Sure. I’m starving.”

  “Me, too,” I murmured, but I kept my eyes locked with hers and gave her hand a gentle squeeze, making it clear I was craving more than food.

  The pretty blush stole across her cheeks again. “I, um, just need to grab my purse—” she cut off when a red bag was suddenly shoved into her arms. “I guess I’m ready to go,” she sputtered with a laugh.

  I kept her hand firmly in mine as I led her toward the hospital entrance but stopped short when I realized I didn’t have a car. I’d driven Audrey and Merrick to the hospital in their vehicle, and my truck was back at their place. “Shit,” I grumbled.

  “What’s wrong?” Piper’s expression had fallen, and I smiled ruefully to let her know she wasn’t the problem.

  “I don’t have a car with me, which kind of throws a wrench in my plan to whisk you away.”

  Piper laughed, and for a moment, I was mesmerized by the melodic sound. “I guess I’ll be the one doing the whisking,” she teased with a wink that sent the rest of the blood in my brain south. “Princess Charming to the rescue.”

  It was my turn to laugh, and Piper grinned in delight. I didn’t release her hand, but I let her lead, and a few minutes later, we approached a rust bucket that looked like it wouldn’t make it out of the parking garage.

  “This is your car?” I asked incredulously.

  She shrugged as she put the key into the lock on the passenger side door. “I keep meaning to get a new one, but I’ve been too busy. Plus, this one is paid off.”

  The key wouldn’t turn, and she jiggled it a few times before the mechanism finally clicked. She opened the door, and while the interior was just as old and decrepit as the outside, it was clean and orderly.

  I shook my head and held my hand out, silently demanding the keys. No way in hell was I letting my woman behind the wheel of this death trap ever again. I’d drive it to Merrick's place and pick up my truck, then figure out her car situation later.

  She raised an eyebrow and stared at my empty palm. “You have a problem with a woman driving?” she asked in a slightly snippy tone.

  My lips curved up. “No, baby. I assure you; I have a healthy respect for women in power positions. If I didn’t, my rear admiral would have had my ass in the brig a long time ago.”

er’s other eyebrow rose. “Rear admiral?”

  I nodded as I held open the door for her. “Chief Warrant Officer Deacon Walker, ma’am. US Navy SEAL.”

  “Wow,” Piper murmured as she slipped into the car without further argument. “That’s kinda hot.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” I responded with a grin and shut the door. Then I looped around to the other side and settled myself into the driver’s seat. “I just need to stop by Merrick and Audrey’s place before we eat.”

  Piper cringed and glanced down at herself. “I’d like to shower and change before we go out.”

  “You look gorgeous, baby,” I admonished, assuming she was feeling self-conscious about her appearance. “Trust me, those scrubs are sexy as hell.”

  She laughed. “While I appreciate the compliment, it’s not vanity that has me wanting to clean up. I just spent the past twelve hours delivering babies. We wash up, but you know…”

  “Okay,” I agreed. “You might have a point there. Why don’t I drop you off at home and—if you don’t mind lending me your...whatever this is—I’ll run to my place and meet you back at yours?”

  Piper folded her arms over her ample chest and pouted adorably. “Stop making fun of Betsy. She’s been my trusty companion since high school.”

  I smiled because she was so damn cute. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d smiled or laughed this much. “You got it, baby.” After backing out of the parking spot, I steered the car toward the exit.

  She gave me directions, and less than fifteen minutes later, we pulled up to a small bungalow that appeared to have been converted into a duplex since it had two front doors, side by side. Holy shit, her apartment must have been the size of a Cracker Jack box.


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