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Managing Emma (NCIS Series Book 7)

Page 6

by Zoe Dawson

  He released a shaky sigh, adjusting his hold on her, drawing her deeper into his embrace. She had never come apart like this, but losing Lily, Matty’s uncertain future, the fight with her grandmother and not getting a wink of sleep the night before—all took their toll.

  “Let’s get going,” she said, breaking away from him. Leaning time was over. She needed to get to work, and getting personal with the man she was planning on working with wasn’t a smart idea.

  They drove to the border and spent the next half an hour talking to everyone they could. She saw that Agent Gunn also spoke beautiful, fluent Spanish. He was impressing her all over the place.

  Several of the border guards remembered seeing a young man meeting the abductor’s description. They said he’d headed across the walkway and could have picked up a car on the other side or had one waiting. Then Emma and Agent Gunn watched footage between the time frame until Emma spied the kidnapper and Matty, who got into a white sedan and drove away. They captured his face so they’d have reference to the suspect when they caught up to him.

  There was no way to know in what direction they had traveled after that. She worried that it would slow them down.

  Emma’s office was close so they went there, both of them exhausted. “I know several government officials and could probably pave the way for us to enter Mexico,” she said as she unlocked the door. Making her way to her office, she turned on the lights, and he settled on her sofa. “I can order in.” She threw him a menu.

  “Coffee or tea?” she asked as she booted up her computer and paused in the doorway.

  “Coffee. Black,” he said, getting up and sitting in her desk chair. It gave her a little shiver down her spine, how good he looked there. She was gone and back in the time it took for her to use her one-shot coffeemaker that also boiled just plain water—a cup of steaming coffee for him, and calming tea for her.

  She took a few sips and the hot liquid helped her to get her bearings. He leaned back in her chair, accepting the mug. “I’ve been thinking that maybe Lily hooked up with someone, maybe a fling, a one-night stand? Anything happen out of the ordinary eighteen months ago that could give us any clue as to how she came into the Ortegas’ orbit?”

  “No…” Wait. Eighteen months ago Lily had gone on a cruise. “The cruise. She went on a cruise eighteen months ago. That had to be when she conceived Matty.”

  “A cruise. Right.” Derrick pulled out his cell and pressed in the number, setting it to speaker. “Austin, those pictures on Lily’s phone.”

  “Yeah. I have them all in a file. Nothing there.”

  “How about you look for the pictures that aren’t there.”

  “Aw, gotcha—in that she may have deleted some. Hang on.”

  After a few minutes Austin said, “Well, I’ll be damned. Sending them now.”

  Derrick’s phone beeped and he accessed the email.

  Emma watched as numerous photos popped on his screen. “Oh, no,” she whispered. “That’s Gilberto and Arturo she’s posing with.” She closed her eyes and sat back. “Arturo’s the father of her child. That’s who took Matty. Oh, Lily…”

  Derrick sat with her for a few minutes. He looked at her, then pressed a number into his phone. “Kai, Emma knows some officials that could get us into the country, maybe cut through some red tape. Can you conference us in with the director? Get Emma officially appointed to assist in the investigation.”

  They discussed the mission, and Emma started working on getting in touch with the people she knew. When she looked over, Agent Gunn was stretched out on her couch fast asleep. She rose and walked over to him and gazed into his face. She’d have to work with him. That was a given, but her insides jangled. She wasn’t going to let this get personal—at least not more personal than it already was.

  The Ortegas were a game-changer. With the cartel involved, there was considerable danger. Emma knew that, but she also was capable of handling herself. It was good to know she’d have him backing her up. She reached down and shook his arm. “Agent Gunn, I have an update.”

  He opened those deep blue eyes and for a moment studied her. He was completely lucid and wide awake, when only moments ago he’d been deep in slumber. His big hand lay on his chest as it rose slowly with his even breathing. The light from the lamp on the table next to the sofa made his blue eyes appear lit from within. There was something oddly disconcerting about the way he scrutinized her, as if he was peeling away layer upon layer, looking for the person within. Emma didn’t move a muscle, her heart suddenly laboring, her breath stuck in her chest. Awareness churned through her, making her heart labor even harder, and she was struck by a nearly overwhelming fascination with his hand, remembering the heat of his touch. “If we’re going to work together, Emma, maybe you should call me Derrick.” He didn’t exactly say it with the kind of lazy, sleep-filled voice she expected. There was too much intensity in this man to ever label him languid.

  He rose and she told him Mexican officials and the secretary of the Navy had come to an agreement and they were both in. They should pack what they needed, get a good night’s sleep. Then they could map out a plan and get the necessary paperwork. Derrick nodded and rose. “Let’s get you to your car and home.”

  The trip was quick, and she was bone tired. Before she got out of his car, he leaned over, finding he was too close to her. Aware of the heat of his body. Resting his hand on her shoulder, he gave her a reassuring squeeze. Then walked toward the door. “Get some sleep, Emma. We’re going to need it. We’ll have to be on our toes in Mexico. Anything goes there, especially with a cartel involved.”

  She shivered as she got out of the car and shut the door. She stood there for a minute. She’d get some sleep, then find her passport. She was going into Mexico with gorgeous Special Agent Derrick Gunn. She was finding Matty no matter what and keeping her hands, heart and head in the right place.

  Chapter Five

  Santa Ana, Mexico

  Luis Montoya rubbed his temple, his head close to bursting. Ever since he'd left the border yesterday, the kid wouldn’t shut up, no matter what he did. Yet his jefe’s request was nothing short of dire. If anything happened to the kid, he’d gut him and leave his entrails to the buzzards.

  Luis wasn’t going to take any chances with the boy. As the town of Santa Ana came up on his GPS, a small town in the state of Sonora, Luis made a quick decision. He pulled off and into town where he found a doctor, who diagnosed the infant with an ear infection and prescribed medicine for him. Luis went to the closest pharmacy and picked up what he needed. Carefully administering the dose recommended on the bottle, he decided that getting some much-needed sleep would be the best course of action. He had a long drive ahead of him and stopping for the night to rest would be prudent. Even if the Americans had figured out what had happened, they couldn’t possibly find him. But precautions were required. Once he settled in for the night at a hotel out of town, he called the network of people associated with Los Equis and set up a welcoming committee.

  Luckily, after eating, the baby went to sleep, and Luis closed his eyes.

  It had been bad luck for him instead of the woman. She had heard him and when she’d turned around, he’d had no choice but to do what he was instructed, no matter his reluctance. Killing a mother just wasn’t right. But she had some skills and she’d fought him, getting away. She’d rushed toward the stairs, screaming, and that’s where he’d caught her. They had struggled some more, and he’d pushed her. Her body had made a terrible noise going down the stairs. Worried that someone would overhear, he had to get out of there as soon as possible.

  He’d snatched the kid and, once he’d gotten to the bottom of the stairs, the mother had not moved. He thought about making sure she was dead, then heard voices. He couldn’t risk it. He’d left as quickly as he could.

  If the jefe found out the woman was still alive, it wouldn’t be good for him, but he’d gotten the baby. El jefe would have to figure it out from there. Luis was just the t
ip of the boss’s knife.

  NCIS Headquarters

  Camp Pendleton, California

  They were all standing in the TacOps room, a specialized, secure area with a big screen on the far wall and equipment and computers to the left. They were waiting for the Mexican Secretariat of the Interior and the attorney general to appear. Kai, Emma and Derrick were all waiting to get the go ahead. Derrick, who was chafing at the time it was taking to negotiate their entrance into Mexico, wanted to pace, but he held back his restless energy. The first twenty-four hours after an abduction were crucial. But he understood the need for the sovereign nation of Mexico to make sure about the agent and PI entering the country and the ability for them to carry firearms, and he was used to protocol.

  Finally, the screen evened out and two men appeared, seated at a conference table. The director was shown on a split-screen from his office in Washington, DC.

  “Gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to hear our special request. Two American citizens were murdered, and an infant boy has been taken from the United States and transported into Mexico.”

  “Yes,” one man said. We have seen the footage and read the report. We understand PI Emma St. John is involved in this case.”

  The NCIS director nodded. “Yes, she is currently working with us in an official capacity.”

  “That is very fortuitous. We have worked with her in the past and have found her to be very competent. We have discussed this between us and wish to offer the courtesy of both Ms. St. John and Special Agent Derrick Gunn to carry concealed weapons in Mexico. We will produce the necessary paperwork and the permits that they should have with them once they cross the border to be presented to police or officials once in Mexico. We have also assigned two liaisons for them, Inspector Jorge Reyes and Agent Santiago Velasco, who is our drug enforcement liaison. He knows the cartels and the illegal activity in the area, including details regarding Gilberto Ortega and the Los Equis. Inspector Reyes is a veteran policia and will have an office and equipment available for Agent Gunn and Ms. St. John in Caliche, Michoacán. Since the Los Equis were based out of this central state in Mexico, and as their leader, it would follow that Gilberto Ortega ruled the area. Caliche would be the most likely place to base their search for Matthew St. John. If there is any way we can assist you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Also, please give our regards to Ms. St. John.”

  Derrick looked over at Emma. She was thanking Kai for allowing her into the ops center and participating in the effort to get her nephew back.

  Her hair was in a ponytail today, revealing the delicate bones of her face, the bangs making her look younger than she was. His eyes roamed over her; he was unable to curb his interest in the trim form, the generous breasts and her slim waist. He dragged his eyes away before someone noticed. What the hell was the matter with him? He couldn’t initiate a thing with her. It wouldn’t be professional or smart. But Derrick also knew that things happened when two people were thrown together, and he made sure he had protection. He didn't want a repeat of what happened in Afghanistan with Afsana.

  He tried to change gears. She obviously had some chops with the Mexican government, and he was damned impressed. He shouldn’t be surprised. She had wooed not only Kai over to her side, but the director, as well. Derrick was outgunned and outvoted. He still felt it was better to exclude her from the trip into Mexico to locate and retrieve her nephew. It had nothing to do with her professionally and everything to do with her personally. He’d seen it enough what happened to people who got emotionally involved. Hell, he’d gotten involved with Afsana after working so closely with her, and they had given into their desires. And dammit, Emma was very distracting.

  She walked over and said, “Are you ready to go? The permits will be here in an hour.”

  “I’ve got my bags packed and my passport.”

  She nodded and looked at her watch. “I guess we could get some lunch before we have to go, map out a plan.”

  “We can go to the Marine Corps mess. It’s not far.”

  “That sounds fine. I’m not sure how much I will eat.”

  There was a strained hesitation, then, his voice brusque, he said, “Anxious?”

  “No, I just don’t eat much on car trips.”

  “Well, you might need to make an exception—this will be a long one. You’ll need to keep your strength up.”

  “You handling me already, Agent Gunn?”

  She stared at him, her expression unsmiling. “I thought I told you to call me Derrick.” He forced a smile. “It wasn’t an order, Emma. It was a suggestion.”

  Emma avoided his gaze, her voice not quite even when she said softly, “Right, you did. I forgot.”

  Sensing her abrupt withdrawal, as if walls had suddenly slammed shut between them, Derrick felt like he could breathe again. He watched her for a moment, wondering why she was avoiding looking at him. His expression fixed, he pulled open the passenger side of his vehicle and she slipped inside. After he got into the driver’s side, he glanced at her. She sat there with her arms folded in front of her, exhaustion etched on her face. He tried to ease his own expression. She had heavy-duty stress and sorrow on her. Her sister in the hospital, her nephew gone. It’s no wonder she looked so beat. He really did wonder how much she’d slept last night. “So you weren’t kidding. You do have some pull with the government.”

  She managed a small smile, and he stared at her a moment, then started the car.

  He turned to look at her, the soft yellow fabric of her blouse clinging to her, making him think of a long, slender flower. “I have taken several high-profile cases, especially the release of Arthur Maddox, the CEO of TechCom, when he was kidnapped by extortionists in Mexico City. His family was terrified and felt the FBI wasn’t doing all they could. They hired me, and I worked with the bureau. I have contacts there, too, if you ever need them.”

  Her smug tone made him chuckle. “Touché.”

  She met his gaze, her eyes steady. “We started off on the wrong foot. I went off the grid and investigated on my own when I should have contacted you.” Her voice got softer. “I was worried and scared. I apologize for that.”

  It wasn’t the danger he was worried about or the backup. He just didn’t want to be in close proximity to this woman for weeks. He worried that her personal connection to the case would be what compromised her and…him.

  “Apology accepted. I apologize for arresting you, but I was trying to prove a point.”

  “In a jerk move.”

  “Yeah, I’ll admit. It was a jerk move,” he said. He’d been pissed she had gone behind his back, seemingly hell-bent on her own agenda.

  She heaved a sigh. “I know you don’t want me on this trip, but I’m extremely competent in what I do. I hope that you don’t feel I can’t handle any situation that crops up.”

  He pulled out of the parking spot and drove out, turning right, heading toward Camp Pendleton North. “As I said, I feel you’re too close to the situation. When the time comes, it may take a cool head and nerves of steel to get your nephew back.”

  “His name is Matthew.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “But you haven’t used his name. Is that your way of staying detached?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe. When it comes to children and babies, I, like most law enforcement, find it a very difficult case.”

  She nodded and said in a subdued voice, “I could tell you horror stories about the homicides that involve children, especially in the LA area. Gruesome stuff.”

  “I’ll pass.” They were silent as he pulled up to the Marine Corps mess. He put the car in Park and glanced at her. “Is that why you left LAPD?”

  “Yes. I was burned out, and I couldn’t sleep at night anymore. The job was all-consuming. Also, Lily was here in San Diego, and she wasn’t doing well. Her love life was a complete mess. I wanted to be closer to her. So I opened a branch office here.”

  “It’s pretty clear you don’t get along with your grandmo
ther. That must be pretty tough.”

  “It was. I’m sorry you had to witness that. It was embarrassing, but she pushes my buttons. Normally I can handle her, but with Lily hurt and in a coma, and Matty gone, I just lost my temper.”

  “It must be difficult for you to leave Lily and go on this trip.”

  “Yes, immensely. I’ve been battling my guilt, but it’s necessary to get Matty back.” She turned a hard gaze toward him. “We’ve got to get him back.”

  “We will.” He exited the car and opened her door for her. She gave him a wan smile and stepped out.

  Inside the mess, it was very busy, many uniforms milling about. It was a cafeteria-style venue and they each grabbed trays.

  Derrick chose the spaghetti and meatballs and Emma opted for the veggie primavera with cream of broccoli soup. They settled down at a table.

  “What is your best guess for the direction he headed?” Derrick asked.

  “There are several routes, but since we are almost certain it was either Arturo or Gilberto who took Matty, I would say we can rule out Routes One, Three and Five. They lead to a touristy peninsula. My guess is he will take Route Two to Route Fifteen. It runs into Route Fifteen-D, which is a toll road and goes all the way to Mexico City. It’s better than the secondary roads that are filled with people, livestock crossings and topes, which are these horrible speed bumps that don’t have signs and can ruin the undercarriage of your car. I would guess that Matty put up quite a ruckus with his ear infection, so that murdering thug would have had to stop.” She looked at the map, then pointed, tapping a place south. “Santa Ana. It’s a good-size town and would have doctors along with the cartel’s network. He’d feel safe there. It is also a junction for Route Fifteen and is about a seven-to eight-hour trip.”


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