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We All Sleep Alone

Page 27

by Calle J. Brookes

  Journals he was turning over to Elliot today.

  Jake turned on her. He was scowling his best scowl. “Iz—”

  “Allen, maybe we can talk in private? I have some questions of my own,” Elliot said.

  Izzie tried not to be irked at the idea of being excluded.

  Allen nodded and stood, disturbing the sleeping puppy who had been coddled for the past seven days at the hotel.

  Houghton had even arranged to have a member of the staff take the puppy out when needed—so Izzie and Allen wouldn’t be spotted.

  Oliver yipped, then trotted over to Jake. He started attacking Jake’s leather boots with ferocity. Oliver had a thing for feet.

  Izzie was working on that with him.

  Allen scooped Oliver up.

  He handed the puppy off to Izzie without breaking stride. The look he shot at Jake told its own story. “Our suite is this way.”

  Had anyone else heard the emphasis he had put on the worked our?

  Izzie looked at him.

  Jake may be chronically cranky, but Allen didn’t need to deliberately needle him. She knew Allen well enough to know that was exactly what he was going to do. Simply because he could—and would enjoy it. “Be good.”

  Allen shot a wicked grin at her.

  “I don’t think Jake likes that you and Allen are together,” Mel said.

  “I think you’re exactly right,” Izzie said. “The question is what am I going to do about it?”

  “Tell that cranky-assed uncle of yours to take a flying leap,” Mel said. “While you cuddle up to the gorgeous doctor who has it so bad for you it gives me the shivers. That’s what I would do. Curl right up with him and enjoy. Life is short. We should all take time to enjoy that. And Allen…you two are good together. We all see that. You’re bringing him out of that shell Jillian said he’s had for a while.”

  For the first time really since she had been told that the TSP was on their way to talk to her and Allen, Izzie finally started to relax.

  This…was normal. She spent many hours at W4HAV with Mel and her sister, Jillian, just chatting like this. Hanging out and being together with women who understood her.

  Some of the unsettled confusion she felt since the abduction attempt melted away.

  Things were starting to feel right again. She suspected it was all because of him.


  Allen knew what the two men were up to. For whatever reason they were there, it was significant.

  “What’s really going on, Elliot?” Allen asked.

  Elliot shook his head. “We don’t know. I spoke with Rafe. He and Jillian are back at FCGH now; your office was broken into earlier this morning. Searched. That’s what really brought us here. Someone had a key, and they knew exactly how to get in. We think they were looking for hints to where you’d gone.”

  “That and to get my niece. She has to speak with the prosecutors regarding what Henedy did. His attorney is pushing to move quickly—for some reason,” Jake said. “Someone in the DA’s office is making that happen.”

  “We’re here to make sure that she gets there safely,” Elliot said.

  “How are we going to do that?” He wasn’t about to let her out of his sight. “Does this have anything to do with Henedy’s journals?”

  He’d told Elliot about them on one of their calls. The other man had told him to just keep reading. To see if he had found something that explained why. So far, he’d found nothing. He was ready to turn them over to Elliot.

  He wanted to finish all of this with Henedy and focus on the future with Izzie.

  “Wait a minute? What journals?” Izzie’s uncle asked.

  “I have eleven journals written by Henedy.” He had kept them in the top drawer of the bureau in their suite. He grabbed them and handed them to the other man. “I’ve been reading over them. Looking for something that explained what he was after. That notebook there has my notes on everything I’ve read so far.”

  “You didn’t bother to tell anyone?” Jake demanded.

  Allen wasn’t exactly easily intimidated.

  “Look, the only thing I care about is keeping Izzie safe. Either we can work together to do that, or I can tell you to go take a flying—” Allen found the man more abrasive than he ever had before. Allen didn’t have the patience for that—or the time. There were more important things than Jake MacNamara.

  Elliot interrupted before Allen could finish that thought. “Did you find anything at all?”

  “Just mentions of a woman whose name started with C. She is a nurse at County, I think. He tells of his affair with her, and trying to end it. He mentions a woman from years ago. He referred to her as M. He…had a string of affairs. All women just identified with initials. Or initials and a number.”

  “A nurse with the name starting with C. Who worked at County.” Elliot sent Jake a significant look. “Well, time to start digging.”

  “No kidding. Things just got a bit more interesting.”

  “What do you mean?” Allen asked.

  “A case Jake is working involving a murdered nurse from County.”

  “Could that be the case that got Izzie attacked in the first place?” Allen asked. “It’s not exactly a secret who she is, in regards to her uncle. They’ve both been on the news because of Henedy. If he’s already involved in this nurse’s disappearance, it is a pretty short jump to going after Izzie to stop her uncle. Kills two birds with one stone.”

  “Possibly. I know that if Henedy has anything to do with it, this whole thing got even more complicated,” Elliot said. “And, Jake—you’re sitting this one out from here on. Your only focus is going to be on keeping Izzie as safe as possible. Until we find that answer.”


  They were leaving in the morning. Both Allen and Izzie had confirmed that the man Callum had arrested was the one who had shot at them in Brownsville.

  Through that identification had come two more.

  The other two attackers were found at local haunts in Finley Creek. It was a matter of time until Callum and Evers got at least one of them to start talking.

  What was terrifying was that all had some sort of tie to the TSP.

  It was as close to over as it could be, but they would all be careful with Izzie’s safety for a while yet. Until they knew for certain that everything was finished.

  He didn’t feel much like celebrating, to be honest.

  Returning to Finley Creek wasn’t something he wanted to do yet.

  Allen wasn’t ready for this to end. He wanted to keep Izzie to himself, out in the world, exploring—indefinitely.

  The escape from reality had been good for him. For the first time since he’d been in college, he’d been able to relax a little. To enjoy every minute for what it was.

  To enjoy her.

  Izzie was what concerned him the most. Izzie would start getting cold feet once they made it back to Finley Creek and people started gossip about the two of them together. He was going to have one more night with her before Jake took them both back to Finley Creek. He needed that.

  He made himself a vow. No matter how busy their lives got back in Finley Creek, he was going to make sure they had time alone together to just explore. Her uncle wasn’t going to get in their way either.

  He wasn’t about to let her get away from him now.

  No woman had ever mattered to him more. He wasn’t about to let her go.

  She answered his knock on the bathroom door quietly. “I—”

  “Don’t talk. Not yet.” He swooped down and scooped her close. He needed to feel her against him. To pretend everything wasn’t changing in the morning.

  To pretend she wasn’t being taken away from him by that horse’s ass uncle of hers.

  He kissed her, probably more roughly than he should have. It didn’t matter.

  Izzie kissed him back just as fiercely. Her hands burrowed into his hair, and she held him close. He’d gotten so used to the feel of her cast on the back of his neck, it just f
elt normal. He wanted to feel her.

  When he pulled back to breathe, he looked into her eyes again.

  Izzie’s eyes always told him everything he needed to know. Her hand slipped to his shoulder. Her legs wrapped around his waist when he lifted her. She was wearing pajamas with strawberries all over them. He removed the pink cotton quickly.

  He needed her next to him. “I don’t want him here. Your uncle changes everything. Cranky bastard. I want to carry you off myself. Shout to the rafters of the damned hospital that Izzie MacNamara finally looked at me and made me the happiest man in the world.”

  “I don’t want to be the center of gossip at the hospital. Not now.”

  “I know.” He knew the real truth. She didn’t trust him. Didn’t believe that once they returned to their lives, he’d still feel as strongly for her as he did now.

  Allen wasn’t going anywhere in life without her.

  Izzie was the center of his world now. Izzie and his sister.

  If he’d told her that now, she’d run screaming into the ocean, certain he’d lost his mind. Or think it was because they’d been shoved together.

  Hell, maybe it wasn’t his feelings she doubted, but herself.

  This was a temporary roadblock between him and what he wanted most. Allen had patience, especially when it mattered this much.

  Izzie. He wanted Izzie. He would always want Izzie. He tried to show her that with his hands and his mouth.

  Allen wanted what Rafe and Caine and Turner and Houghton had. He wanted it with Izzie.

  He was going to make that happen somehow. He had to show her that she could always trust him.

  “I’m not ready to give you up, Izadora. You’d better be prepared.” He had them both naked in seconds and had her beneath him on the bed, gasping. A few cracked ribs weren’t going to stop him from having her one more time before the real world called again. “I’m not ever giving you up.”

  It might take some strategic planning—he respected her desire not to be in the midst of the hospital limelight—but Allen wasn’t giving up. He took her, probably more suddenly than she had expected.

  She gasped. Cried out his name. His.

  This woman was his.

  Heaven help him, he was one hundred percent in love with her.

  That wasn’t going to change back in Finley Creek.

  Allen was going to have to find a way to prove that.

  When they were finished, he curled his body around hers. Izzie hated to be cold, especially when she slept.

  He would keep her warm forever, if she’d let him.

  She practically curled around him like a satisfied cat. Any minute, he was half convinced she’d start purring. “I’m going to miss this every night. I’ve gotten used to not sleeping alone.”

  “Me, too.” He kissed her hair and tightened his arms around her. “Go to sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Until morning.”

  “Be forewarned: I’m not giving up on you yet. We’ll work this out.”

  He kissed her one more time, then held her tightly until she slept.

  Then Allen had some plotting to do.

  The best way to get what he wanted from her was to make her think it was her idea. She had feelings for him. He’d bet his life on that. Deep feelings. She wouldn’t be curled up with him now if she didn’t.

  He was betting his heart and his future on that very idea.

  He’d learned his lesson months ago—Allen only bet on sure things now.

  She sighed, then shifted in her sleep. He pulled her closer, mindful of the cast. She was a restless sleeper, he’d learned that weeks ago. Now, he was used to it. Even though she’d clobbered him with the plaster more times than he could count while they were sleeping. He stroked her back until she settled again.

  He would have to go slow. Little reminders of what had happened between them. Stolen moments when he could get them.

  If it came to it, he could enlist Nikkie Jean’s help. The woman was beyond diabolical at making her schemes happen.

  He still had chocolate pudding in his cabinet at home thanks to that woman.

  She’d be a direct pipeline into the workings of Izzie—practically as it was happening.

  He laughed softly.

  Allen was looking forward to the challenge.


  It took a week and a half before she was able to get back to her regular life. She spent half of those days in front of the prosecuting attorneys going over everything that had happened at W4HAV again and again. At the last minute on the final day of the interviews a new prosecutor had been assigned.

  One of Turner’s many cousins.

  She got lucky with that, at least. He was very solicitous of how she was feeling at all times. It was like he had her interests in mind as well. The other attorney had acted like what had happened with Henedy had been Izzie’s fault.

  It had been such a difficult day she’d ended up practically bawling before it was over.

  No one in the room had been happy.

  It had been better with Mac Barratt there, though.

  Still, she was exhausted when it was done.

  Then there were the interviews with the TSP about the actual abduction attempt and what had happened in Brownsville. Whatever they’d discovered had been enough to have Jake satisfied she was safe.

  He’d said the threat was off the streets now.

  Apparently, it stemmed from what he had been investigating regarding Councilman Dennis Lee Arnold. The man had lackeys—Jake had said.

  Who had wanted revenge on him for what they believed he’d done to screw up their side income.

  Izzie would never fully understand any of it.

  Jake was like a bear with a sore paw the entire week and a half. He was angry to have yet another case taken away from him and passed off to Callum and Evers.

  He kept mumbling about a nurse from County who deserved answers.

  Izzie mostly ignored him. He got that way sometimes when work would be more difficult than usual.

  Izzie concentrated on doing what she had to, and helping Oliver settle in and not get eaten by Earl the Cat.

  They had a completely tense relationship.

  She’d only been able to see Allen twice since her return. Those had been short. He’d been busy with dealing with the break-in and his condo and the realtor showing the place and finding a house he liked.

  He still hadn’t.

  He wanted her to help him look. The mere idea of it terrified her. She wasn’t afraid of commitment. Not really. She didn’t want to end up like her mother, abandoned and alone.

  Not that Allen would ever do that. It was just…lifelong habits were pretty hard to break.

  Finally, after twelve days, she was able to get back to work. She stepped into the hospital and breathed a sigh of relief.

  This meant normal again.

  The only thing different was a set of plastic plants had been placed in the lobby for updated décor.

  It was good to be back. Time to get back to normal.

  Izzie walked into the ER with determination. She could do this.


  Wallace recognized the little nurse in the familiar green scrubs the instant she walked into the ER. He slouched further down into the waiting room chair and hoped the plastic plants obscured him from her view.

  He didn’t want to be recognized. That was almost inevitable.

  This was completely stupid. He had spent years finding little nooks and crannies to hide in with women at FCGH. He’d loved the excitement of it.

  There wasn’t a place to hide in the hospital he didn’t already know about.

  He studied Izzie for a while. She hadn’t truly looked at him. No surprise. This part of the waiting area was a bit far from the desk, and not well paid attention to.

  She was so thin, now. Because of what he’d done to her. He winced, remembering how she’d looked. Her blood had stained his hands as sure as it had stained his soul.

  She had a cast on her arm. He’d heard rumors of the car accident. Jennifer had told him about it herself, a look of hatred and anger in her eyes.

  She despised little Izzie. Unfair of her, but…she always had hated the women Wallace worked with.

  Apparently, he’d given her every reason to.

  It was his fault Jennifer was so angry. His.

  He’d long accepted that.

  All he could do was move on. Do what he could to keep all the rest of his secrets from staining Jennifer and Reggie’s futures.

  It was the last gift he could give them. He had the gun burning a hole in his pocket right now. He would see things fixed for Jennifer and Reggie—see those journals and all they contained destroyed. Forever.

  Then he’d follow them into the fire.

  He wasn’t supposed to touch a weapon while out on bail. He wasn’t supposed to be within five hundred feet of where Lizzie or Nikkie Jean worked or lived. It was part of the promises he’d made in order to secure his freedom.

  Wanda rushed around the desk and engulfed Lizzie into her arms. She always had been well liked around here.

  Wallace felt pride for her in that. Smart little thing, brave, and spunky.

  Lizzie would be all right. He didn’t have to worry about her. She’d slip back into her life and would triumph over every obstacle. She always had. No. She would be ok.

  It was Jennifer and Reggie he needed to worry about. Not Lizzie.

  It took him a long time to remember—her name was Izzie. Not Lizzie.

  Izzie wasn’t his daughter. She never would be.

  She was not Elizabeth. He didn’t know why he kept forgetting that. Maybe because his daughter would have been around her age. Probably about her size, like Jennifer. Dark hair and eyes, most likely.

  Maybe she would have taken after him and gone into medicine, too.

  She would have been friends with Izzie. They would have been close. They would have had the same spunky fire.


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