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Starting Anew (Life Unexpected Book 3)

Page 16

by Melanie D. Snitker

  He was halfway up when Lynn’s voice carried to him, her tone high with terror.

  “Someone! Help me! Please!”

  Nathan wasn’t sure how he got to the top of the stairs, but as soon as he did, he saw two people wrestling on the ground maybe fifteen cars away. He ran, the sounds of his shoes echoing off the concrete all around them.

  He got close enough to see that Jeb had Lynn by her hair and was using it to make her stand again, both of them with their backs to Nathan. “Hey, Jeb!” The moment the creep turned around, Nathan landed a punch on the man’s jaw, his own hand aching at the contact. It accomplished exactly what Nathan needed it to: Jeb let go of Lynn’s hair.

  Nathan looked to her just long enough to see the blood on the corner of her mouth and the bruise forming on her cheek. That was all it took for renewed energy to flow through his body.

  Jeb swung at him with a punch that was easy for Nathan to dodge. Even with the guy standing several inches taller than Nathan, and weighing a good thirty pounds more, Nathan could tell this wouldn’t even be a challenge.

  He just had to get control of Jeb long enough for the police to get here.

  As if she were reading his mind, Lynn pulled her phone out, dialed something, and within seconds he heard her say, “Yes, a man tried to abduct me and is attempting to hurt someone else.”

  That was all Nathan heard. It was enough that she was getting help. His job was to make sure Jeb was still here when that help arrived.

  Jeb tried to punch Nathan again. It was easily deflected, but it was just enough to take Nathan’s anger to the next level.

  “Enough!” With a calculated dive, Nathan went for both of Jeb’s legs, using the man’s own weight and momentum to flip him through the air and onto his back. Jeb struggled, grabbing Nathan’s shirt, his fists flailing.

  Now that Nathan had Jeb on the ground, years of jiu-jitsu training kicked in as naturally as breathing. It took no time for Nathan to pin him down by placing his right leg across Jeb’s face, the other leg across his chest, and then pull and twist Jeb’s arm back in an armbar that had the man howling in pain. Every time Jeb tried to move or fight back, Nathan pulled just a little harder, and his captive could only whimper.

  Nathan might have smiled at the man’s discomfort if he weren’t so angry. “You have no idea how easily I could send you to the hospital instead of jail.”

  The words were just loud enough for Jeb to hear, and the man’s eyes widened.

  Nathan turned his head. “Lynn. Are you okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. They are sending police now, and are contacting security here at the hospital. Someone should be here soon.”

  “Good.” Nathan pulled on Jeb’s arm again, and the sound of the man screaming did make Nathan feel a little bit better. “Although I could do this all night.” When Jeb twisted his neck to look at him, Nathan gave him a smile.

  Jeb howled in rage before turning his attention to Lynn. “I love you, Bethany. Why can’t you see that? I love you.”

  The sound of multiple sets of shoes on the pavement pulled Nathan’s attention to the three security guards approaching. One of them pulled a gun and leveled it at Jeb. Another officer withdrew a set of handcuffs and quickly took over control of Jeb, giving Nathan the room to stand again.

  The moment he did, he strode to where Lynn leaned against a support beam. The fear in her eyes faded to relief as she pushed away from it, her hands trembling. “Nathan…”

  He reached for her then and wrapped his arms around her. “Shhhh…it’s over.”

  “Oh, this isn’t over!” Jeb yelled from his position on the ground. Even with his hands in cuffs and three officers surrounding him, his smile spoke of confidence. “This is all a big mistake. I did nothing, and I’ll be back out again in forty-eight hours. Mark my words.”

  Nathan nodded toward the video camera near the ceiling maybe fifteen feet from their location. “Something tells me we’ll have plenty of evidence to prove otherwise.”

  It was satisfying to see Jeb look at the camera and struggle only to have an officer push him to his knees on the pavement. The sound of sirens somewhere in the parking structure signaled the arrival of backup that would ensure Jeb would be going straight to a police station downtown.

  Nathan turned his entire focus toward Lynn, his heart aching and anger burning as he took in the small cut at the corner of her mouth, the tinge of purple on her cheek, and the obvious finger-shaped bruises on her arm. He took a handkerchief out of his back pocket and gently dabbed at her cut to wipe away the blood. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner. We should take you inside and have you checked out.”

  Lynn looked into his eyes. “You saved my life.” She swallowed hard then took in a shaky breath as the reality of what just happened seemed to hit her hard. “If you hadn’t…”

  “Hey, don’t do that.” Nathan pulled her close, relishing the feel of her warmth. “Don’t give him any more control by imagining what might have happened. You’re safe now. We’re going to make sure he never bothers you again.” He gently cupped her face in both of his hands. “I love you, Lynn. I should’ve told you long before now.” She gasped, but he plowed again. “When I found out who you really were, I worried you’d get up and leave. Change your name and disappear like you did before.”

  Lynn slowly shook her head as a tear slipped from the corner of her eye. “And I thought once you knew who I was, that you’d walk away just like everyone else has. I couldn’t bear that because you and Mia mean so much to me. I love you, too, Nathan.”

  Nathan cupped her face in his hands and affectionately touched the dimple in her chin with one thumb. “Why don’t we agree that, no matter what our future holds, we always go through it together?”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  He leaned in, desperately needing to kiss her.

  He’d only had a moment to taste her lips when Lynn’s eyes flew open as she pulled away. “I wasn’t feeling well earlier. I might be getting a cold…”

  Nathan chuckled. “Honey, I couldn’t care less.”

  With that, he closed the gap again and relished the way she fit so perfectly in his arms. Everything about her, from the scent of her hair to how her lips danced with his, only proved she was made for him. He had no intention of ever letting her go.


  Nine Months Later

  Lynn poured sparkling grape juice into the sixth wine glass. She, Brooke, and Anna each grabbed two and hurried through the back door and onto the large wooden deck. Stars shone overhead in the clear sky.

  She smiled as Nathan snagged one of the glasses, then wrapped a warm arm around her waist. With his other hand, he lifted hers and pressed a kiss to the wedding band on her finger. The chilly weather seemed eager to welcome a new year. It was a good thing Mia had fallen asleep hours ago and was resting inside where it was nice and warm. “How much longer?”

  Chess answered from his spot on the deck where he was holding Brooke close. “Three more minutes until midnight.”

  Joel accepted a glass from Anna and gave her a kiss before addressing their little group. “Can I just say this may be the best new year yet. God has blessed us all in more ways than we could count. We celebrated two weddings last year,” he nodded first toward Chess and Brooke and then at Nathan and Lynn, “there’s a precious, healthy little girl asleep inside, and we have new life joining our family this spring.” He placed his palm against Anna’s growing belly.

  Chess nodded. “If there’s one thing we’ve all learned, it’s that we can’t control the curveballs life throws at us. And goodness knows there have been a bunch of them.”

  Nathan couldn’t agree more. “But we can choose what team we play for.” He held his glass in the air.

  The arrival of midnight was announced by the sounds of fireworks and whoops from the neighbors.

  Lynn and the others joined Nathan in raising their glasses.

  “To being surrounded by family!” Chess said

  “Uncountable blessings,” Joel added.

  Nathan put an arm around Lynn and drew her close. “And the chance to start anew.”

  “Amen,” Lynn whispered as tears gathered in her eyes.

  “Happy New Year!” They all yelled in unison.

  Nathan clinked glasses with Lynn, and they both took a sip. He set their glasses on a nearby table before pulling her close and placing a small kiss on her chin. “I am so in love with you, Lynn Kirkpatrick.”

  Lynn clasped her hands together behind his back as she leaned into his warmth. “I love you, too.”

  He kissed her thoroughly then, and Lynn no longer noticed the cold air. The only fireworks that registered were the ones between her and the man she looked forward to spending the rest of her life with—a life that held more promise than she ever dreamed possible.

  A Note from the Author

  When I first began the Life Unexpected series, I had no idea it would contain some of the most challenging—and most rewarding—books I’ve ever written. Now that the third, and final book, is finished, I find myself having trouble saying goodbye to these characters. It is my hope that they’ve grown to become as real to you as they have to me.

  I think all of us can relate to at least some of the struggles that Joel and Anna, Chess and Brooke, and Nathan and Lynn experienced in their lives. It’s true that biological family is important. For better or worse, we wouldn’t be who we are without them. But sometimes the other people that God places in our lives leave just as much of an impact.

  Isn’t it comforting to know that we have a Father in heaven who sees us and loves us, even when it feels like no one else does? May we all be thankful for the people He chooses to bless us with, and may we hope and pray that He will use us to be that source of encouragement and hope in the lives of others.

  Thank you!

  I appreciate you for taking the time to read Starting Anew. I hope you enjoyed it and that you’ll consider leaving a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. I enjoy hearing what you think, and it’ll help other readers discover new books as well.


  First and foremost, I want to praise You, God, not only for the opportunity to write Starting Anew, but for the many blessings the process has brought me. It took much longer to write Nathan and Lynn’s story than I’d ever planned on. Looking back, however, I wouldn’t change a thing. Thank you for being faithful. Even though the seasons in my life are always shifting, You never fail to be the constant that keeps me grounded. Thank you for using this book, and the last two years, to remind me of that.

  Doug, you know that this series has been anything but easy for me to write, and I couldn’t have finished it if it weren’t for your patience and encouragement. I’m so thankful God orchestrated a number of things that made it possible for us to meet, fall in love, and be a part of an amazing family together.

  To my readers, thank you for taking time out of your day to make Nathan and Lynn a part of your book family. I appreciate each and every one of you.

  Steph, you and your family are such a blessing. God brought our families together. Your insight on my books is priceless, but your friendship even more so.

  Krista, thank you so much for fitting my book baby into your editing schedule. You’ve been patient, encouraging, and your editing skills just rock. I appreciate you!

  About the Author

  Melanie D. Snitker has enjoyed writing fiction for as long as she can remember. She started out writing episodes of cartoon shows that she wanted to see as a child and her love of writing grew from there. She and her husband live in Texas with their two children who keep their lives full of adventure, and two dogs who add a dash of mischief to the family dynamics. In her spare time, Melanie enjoys photography, reading, crochet, baking, archery, target shooting, and hanging out with family and friends.

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  Books by Melanie D. Snitker

  Calming the Storm

  (A Marriage of Convenience)

  Life Unexpected Complete Series

  Safe In His Arms

  Someone to Trust

  Starting Anew

  Love’s Compass Complete Series

  Finding Peace

  Finding Hope

  Finding Courage

  Finding Faith

  Finding Joy

  Finding Grace

  Brides of Clearwater

  Marrying Mandy

  Marrying Raven

  Marrying Chrissy

  I Still Do

  Welcome to Romance

  Fall Into Romance

  A Merry Miracle in Romance




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