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From May to December 5

Page 16

by Lauren Trevino

  Laura broke the kiss, her steel blue eyes blazing down at her as she lifted her top over her head, flinging it to the side as she bent to capture Sam’s lips once again.

  Sam was almost dizzy with desire as Laura’s hands removed her tie and started unbuttoning her white top. Laura’s knuckles grazed her stomach as she got to the last few buttons, her eyes darkening as she pushed the fabric over Sam’s shoulders.

  Laura’s lips were on hers again, her hand sliding away from Sam’s shoulder and over her chest, slipping underneath her bra to cup her breast. Sam groaned into the kiss.

  As hot as this was, Sam wanted Laura upstairs, in her bed where she could remove the rest of those clothes and give her the attention that she deserved.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Laura climbed the stairs and followed Sam into her bedroom, watching her find the switch for a floor lamp in the corner of the room and another light on top of the dresser, giving the room a warm glow. Laura tousled her hair, glancing down at herself. She was still wearing her work pants and a bra, with Sam in a similar state, her hair a bit ruffled, her cheeks flushed.

  The reality of what they were about to do hit her. She wanted this more than anything. She had for years, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t scared. She discreetly wiped her palms down her thighs before Sam turned to face her, reaching for her hand.

  In one way, she wished that Sam could have been her first, but she was also grateful for the little experience she did have. She at least knew what she was doing, but that didn’t quiet her pounding heart, and she swallowed as she took a step closer to Sam.

  Laura gazed into those hazel green eyes, questioning her sanity. It was like no time had passed at all. She remembered being here before, half naked, standing in front of Sam, but that had been in her home, when she’d been afraid her husband would walk in any second.

  Laura leaned in, cupping Sam’s cheek as she parted her lips against Sam’s. Laura’s eyes fluttered shut as she gave in to the kiss, letting go as Sam’s fingers raked across her back. Sam unhooked Laura’s bra with one hand, easing the straps down her arms until it fell to the floor.

  Sam broke the kiss, her breathing ragged as she wrapped one arm around Laura’s waist, her other hand cupping her breast, bringing her lips to Laura’s other nipple, swirling her tongue around her it. Laura moaned, her knees weak, as she slid her hand into Sam’s hair, holding onto her as Sam’s tongue teased her.

  Sam looked up at her as she kissed her way back to Laura’s mouth, her hand sliding underneath the waistband of Laura’s pants to knead her ass, and Laura couldn’t remember ever being this turned on. She felt like she might explode if Sam didn’t touch her soon. Her clit was throbbing, and she knew she was dripping wet already.

  Thankfully, Sam was on the same page, her lips leaving Laura’s as she led her over to the bed and onto the white sheets. Sam’s body covered hers as Laura fumbled with Sam’s bra, finally unclasping it, and Sam wasted no time flinging it to the side. Laura’s hands covered her breasts as their lips met, their tongues colliding in a heated duel.

  Sam lowered her hips, slowly grinding against Laura’s thigh as she deepened the kiss. Sam’s leg grazed Laura’s clit through her pants with each roll of her hips, and Laura could feel her orgasm building. She had a feeling Sam could make her come just by kissing her, but with her hips rocking against her, she knew she was dangerously close to coming.

  Laura’s hands moved to Sam’s waist as she rolled them over, switching positions. Sam grinned up at her, and she seemed surprised that she was willing to take control. Laura smiled back at her, feeling sexier than she ever had as she moved down Sam’s body, unbuttoning her black pants and sliding them down her legs along with her panties.

  Laura pushed herself off the bed, her eyes never leaving Sam’s as she took off her own pants. The way Sam was looking at her right now, with almost a hypnotic stare, propped up on her elbows, gave Laura the confidence she needed right now. She was in good shape for her age, but she was still about to climb on top of a woman who was fifteen years younger than her and had what Laura could only describe as the perfect body.

  Laura stepped out of her panties and inhaled a shaky breath as she returned to the bed, and Sam sat up, meeting her halfway, her arms already around Laura, her hands like fire against her skin. Sam’s lips were on hers, and Laura kissed her back, easing Sam down onto the sheets and slipping her thigh in between Sam’s legs.

  Laura groaned as her breasts met Sam’s as she covered her body with her own. Laura kissed Sam’s neck, moving over her collarbone and down to her breasts, palming one while her tongue teased her other nipple. Sam arched into her, her nails grazing over Laura’s shoulders and back as she continued to play with Sam’s nipple.

  Laura thought this would be over in a matter of minutes when she’d climbed the stairs already half undressed, but she’d managed to calm her lust. This was something special, and she didn’t want it to be over yet. She wanted to savor this moment, to draw it out as long as she possibly could.

  Sam’s hips rocked against Laura’s thigh as she moved to her other breast, wrapping her tongue around Sam’s nipple, and Laura shifted her leg just out of Sam’s reach.

  Sam arched into her, her hand sliding lower to grope Laura’s ass, sending a pulse of desire through Laura’s entire body. “This is not how I imagined this,” Sam said, licking her lips, her breathing ragged.

  “Oh? You’ve been imagining this?” Laura asked, replacing her tongue with her fingertips and lightly pinching Sam’s taught nipple.

  “Ugh,” Sam groaned. “Fantasizing would probably be a more accurate word. I never allowed myself to think that it might actually happen.”

  Sam’s eyes locked onto hers, and a pang of guilt hit her, somewhere low in her stomach, like a sucker punch. Even though Sam had been the one to leave, Laura was the reason that this hadn’t happened years earlier.

  Laura swallowed down all those thoughts. “So, how did you imagine it? In your fantasies.”

  A smile tugged at Sam’s lips, but it was gone again as Laura massaged her other breast, momentarily side-tracking Sam as she kissed her way down Sam’s abdomen. “I um... I never thought you’d be topping me. That’s for sure.”

  Laura thought about that while she moved lower. How did she end up on top? She’d wanted Sam. That’s how. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on her, to kiss her, to taste her.

  Laura ran her hand between Sam’s breasts and down her stomach as Laura got comfortable between Sam’s legs, easing her thighs apart and inhaling her musky scent. Laura hovered there, her eyes taking in the sight before her, and she subconsciously licked her lips. This was happening.

  She dipped her head, tracing her tongue along Sam’s sex, already tasting her arousal before she’d even parted Sam’s lips. A tingling sensation swept over Laura’s body as Sam’s hand threaded through her hair, guiding her, pleading with her to keep going.

  Laura added more pressure this time, running her tongue through her folds but only grazing Sam’s clit. Laura shifted and used her hand to gently part those glistening lips as her tongue lightly circled Sam’s swollen bud. Sam’s low moan almost made Laura come right then and there. Sam’s grip on her tightened, her other hand on Laura’s shoulder now as her hips lifted off the sheets, searching for more.

  Laura took her time, her strokes still light, and she gently played with Sam’s nipple with her free hand. Laura stole a glance up at Sam. She was squirming, her hand alternating between gripping Laura’s arm and holding on to the sheets, her eyes shut tight, her mouth open, her moans steadily getting louder.

  Laura pushed herself up to her knees, kissing her way back up Sam’s body, her thigh wedged between Sam’s legs.

  “Laura,” Sam pleaded, her eyes on her now. “You’re killing me. Please. I need you. I can’t take it anymore. I’ve waited too-”

  Laura found Sam’s hand, pushing it above her head, interlacing their fingers as she spread Sam’s folds with her ot
her hand, slipping two fingers inside her in a slow, deep stroke that silenced Sam. Her words trailed off, turning into moans.

  “Oh my God,” Sam panted, her head thrown back, and Laura dipped her head, placing kisses along her neck as she continued to enter her with long, rhythmic strokes.

  Laura pressed Sam’s hand into the sheets, holding up her weight as she moved her fingers a little faster now, and she could feel Sam’s walls tighten around her.

  Sam pulled her into a kiss, cupping her cheek as their lips parted and their tongues danced. Laura broke the kiss, sensing that Sam was close, and their gazes locked.

  “Laura,” Sam whimpered. “I’m so... I’m coming. Fucckk.” Sam’s eyes slammed shut, and Laura moved her hand faster, her palm slapping against Sam’s clit as she groaned, her body stiffening, her hips rocking against Laura’s hand until she went limp.

  A light layer of sweat glistened off Sam’s body, and Laura didn’t think she’d ever seen anything as sexy as what she’d just witnessed. Sam’s arm was thrown across her forehead as she caught her breath, and Laura couldn’t quite believe how amazing that was, for her, and she hadn’t even been on the receiving end. She’d never wanted to please anyone as much as she just did with Sam, and thankfully, by the looks of things, she did alright.

  Sam blindly reached for her, finding her hand, and Laura let her pull her down. Laura turned her head, meeting Sam’s eyes, and neither of them said anything for a few seconds. Laura felt a smile tugging at her lips as Sam pushed herself up and climbed on top of her.

  “You can relax for a minute,” Laura said with a laugh, looking up at her, but Sam’s eyes were so intense, so focused.

  “I can’t wait any longer.” Sam’s hand was on her cheek, her fingertips gliding along her jaw as she captured Laura’s lips in a passionate kiss.

  Laura’s hands kneaded Sam’s ass as they kissed, and Laura moaned into her mouth when Sam’s hand moved between her legs, cupping her sex. Just that tiny bit of pressure had Laura’s clit pulsing and her hips rocking, needing more than what Sam was giving her.

  Sam broke the kiss, her lips just inches above her own. “You’re so wet,” she whispered, her fingers finding Laura’s arousal as they pushed through her folds and up to her aching clit.

  Laura groaned when Sam circled her clit, and Laura wondered how much wetter she could possibly get. Her hips were moving without her consent, pushing back against Sam’s touch.

  “Tell me what you need.” Sam’s breath was hot against her neck as she placed feather kisses along her skin, over her collarbone, until she’d reached Laura’s breasts. Sam sucked on each nipple, her tongue darting and teasing.

  “I need you.” Laura didn’t even recognize her own voice. “Fingers. I need you to fuck me, Sam.”

  Sam’s lips were on hers again, and Laura kissed her back, her hand reaching up to cup Sam’s breast, rolling her nipple between her fingers, but her hand fell away when Sam eased her fingers inside of her. Laura arched into Sam as her fingers moved inside of her, and then she withdrew them, entering her again, finding a rhythm, and Laura held onto Sam as she came undone.

  It was faster than Laura would have liked, but she had no control over her body. Her pulse hammered in her ears as her hips bucked and she clung to Sam, riding out her orgasm until she collapsed onto the bed. She didn’t know if it had been seconds or minutes, but Sam was beside her, tracing a pattern across Laura’s stomach with her fingertips, and Laura managed to open her eyes.

  “Hey,” Sam said, a smile at the corner of her lips.

  “Hi.” Laura leaned in, brushing her lips across Sam’s in a tender kiss, their foreheads pressed together. She closed her eyes as they caught their breath, and images of the last few minutes flashed across her eyelids, of Sam’s eyes, filled with hunger, the way they’d raked over her.

  Laura wanted to remember everything about tonight, because although things were different this time around, she wasn’t taking anything for granted. Even though they had history, this was all still so new, and Laura didn’t know what was next for them, and when Sam would be leaving again.

  Those thoughts drifted away as Sam’s lips met hers again, her hand lazily moving down Laura’s body as Sam eased her onto her back.

  Sam pushed herself up. “I want to taste you.”

  Laura swallowed the lump in her throat. The way Sam’s eyes were practically devouring her, the way her voice held so much desire, reverence almost... It made Laura dizzy. This was really happening, and whatever the future held for them, they’d always have tonight. That’s what she told herself as she threw her head back, and Sam’s tongue took her to all new heights.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The first thing Sam heard when she woke up was the birds chirping. She was still getting used to the quietness of living out here, in the middle of the woods, but she was definitely sleeping better than she had in weeks. Her legs ached as she stretched, rolling onto her back and rubbing the tiredness away from her eyes.

  She turned to say ‘Good morning’ to Laura, but the space beside her was empty. Sam pushed herself into a seated position, leaning back against her pillow and the headboard, letting the sheet fall away, revealing her naked body.

  Last night definitely happened, so where was Laura? Sam sat still for a minute, listening for any movement in the house, but it was completely quiet. The bathroom door was open, and she didn’t hear the shower running. Sam swung her legs over the edge of the bed, her bare feet hitting the plush cream carpet as she went over to the chest of drawers to pull out a navy sweater and jeans.

  Sam tied her hair back in a pony tail before she went into the bathroom to wash her face. Last night had been... She didn’t know how to describe it. Everything she’d thought it would be and so much more, but she was here on her own. She replayed everything she’d said last night, wondering if she’d said something to scare Laura off.

  She had told her how she felt, but as much as she wanted to, Sam didn’t tell Laura that she loved her, that she always had. She’d kept that to herself as hard as it had been, especially when Laura was falling asleep in her arms with Sam lightly running her fingers through her hair. It would have been so easy to tell her then, but Sam bit her lip instead, trying not to get ahead of herself.

  She thought last night would be the start of something, but as she slid her hand down the banister, hoping to find Laura sitting on the couch downstairs or making herself breakfast, Sam walked into an empty living room with a wry smile on her lips. She should have known that last night was too much. They should have taken it slow and spent the evening getting to know each other again instead of falling into bed together.

  Sam’s stomach grumbled, but she really didn’t feel like eating. She grabbed her brown leather jacket from inside the front door, putting it on as she went outside to sit on the porch. Winter was definitely coming. The last of the leaves were falling from the trees. She hadn’t realized it when Michelle had showed her the cabin, but now that the trees were almost bare, she did have a view of the lake.

  Sam straightened her back against the Adirondack chair, taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes. There was no point wondering what Laura was thinking. She’d talk to her at some point, hopefully later on today, after she’d given her some space. It was on mornings like this that it would have been easy to skip her daily meditation practice, but this was exactly why she’d made it a habit, to keep her mind calm and not let stress take over.

  She took another deep breath, relaxing her arms and then her legs. She could deal with this, whatever was going on with Laura. She could be patient this time. She just had to trust that it was all going to work out.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Laura parked in front of the deli where she stopped almost every morning for a cup of coffee or a bagel. She barely remembered the drive over, and instead of getting out of the car, she took a deep breath.

  It was eight-thirty in the morning, and for some reason, she felt the need to run out on Sam. Sh
e’d woken up with her body pressed against Sam’s, her arm draped over her stomach, and she’d had about five minutes where she reveled in that feeling, in what had happened between them the night before. But it didn’t take long for her fears and doubts to creep in, and instead of staying and talking to Sam like an adult, she’d left.

  Laura rested her head against her hands on the steering wheel. What was she doing? She’d just had the most amazing night with a woman she was crazy about. Why had her first reaction been to leave?

  Laura got out of the car. What was Sam going to think when she woke up alone? She might have already.

  Laura hated games, and as she pulled the door open, a bell jingling above her head, she realized that Sam would probably think that was exactly what Laura was doing, that she was messing her around. Sam might even see it as revenge, for when she was the one who left all those years ago, but that wasn’t it. Laura had just panicked.

  She could still salvage this. She could just pick up two coffees and some breakfast and head back like nothing happened. Sam would never have to know about her little episode.

  “Good morning.”

  Laura turned when she heard the familiar voice. She could never seem to go more than a week without running into her ex-husband. It was just a part of small town life.

  “Good morning,” Laura said, running a hand through her hair. She hadn’t really looked in the mirror before she left. She’d just picked up her clothes as she found them, scattered across Sam’s home, and got dressed in a hurry, afraid that Sam would wake up before she left. “Great win on Friday,” Laura heard herself saying. “I mean, I wasn’t there, but I saw the score in the paper.”


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